
olangbolo | Joined since 2021-06-08

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2021-08-05 19:28 | Report Abuse

typo:- when u get trap it gonna smack u down..


2021-08-05 19:26 | Report Abuse

My LAST AdVISe Here readers.. Their Last Orchestra will be either

1) Consol- Graveyard- Bullet train
2) Bullet train - Consol - Graveyard...


this co is nothg to do abt Fundamental, its more abt " calculated Gamble" not " calculated risk"

my sincere apologise if it offended s1, im here just to give wider angle to readers especially newbies who really earn hard money out there to think think think before u invest.. cos when i get trapped it gonna smack u down



2021-08-05 19:14 | Report Abuse

Dpharma bawa Sinopharm from China yg dah OFFicial Announce pun Xnaik,
Kanger yg xdapat lg NPRA, xtau lagi how genuine dgn UAE ko rasa boleh naik...

My bengappp...Next time jgn memandai2, bodoh xpe.. tapi jgn Bodo Sombong Tolol


2021-08-05 19:11 | Report Abuse

sb tu aku cakap ko TOLOL sb kau memandai2... Faham la the word from previous conversation..

Its SImPLE if u feel it can flyyy.. then keep for yself... jgn la nak memandai2..

Dpharma is bet on Sputnik, n otak tu jgn Tolol sgt.....

IF Dpharma yg Besar dr CONger kau, yg dah get Official approval pun xnaik... what make u thk this HUGEeeee Potential going to Flyyyy... Tololll tololll

Senang tu la menunjukkan yr level of GENIUS 0065


2021-08-05 18:12 | Report Abuse

R u feel offended cos im said im not tolol.. Gentleman la... from the concersatiom im saw u at telegram, i can say u novice..

How do i know.. cos in yr telegram group got 1 fellow ask u abt Consolidated & u ans it involve mother only... So funny...

It will involve Both Mother & Warrant..

So no need be childish by said im is another ID.. Be mature..

ANs me:- why sign 2 MOU on same Vacc..


2021-08-05 17:46 | Report Abuse

ask yaelf .. why do 2 MOU on same vaccine.. China & UAE..

this is corporate, by rite the should be BOLD when do business


2021-08-05 17:44 | Report Abuse

this counter nothg abt fundamental, its abt "gamble" which 80-90% punter will cried..


2021-08-05 17:43 | Report Abuse

im not so tolol cos manage to exit when its push till 0.115 after news mou with sabah .. told many frenz to get out cos this is trap movement but sadly hear plomoter abt Fundamental thg..

Too sad saw many of them suffer now..


2021-08-05 17:03 | Report Abuse

mzm TOLOL.. what to ANALysis!
This CONger is nothg abt Fundamental, its all abt swallow public fund!

Show Us where is the busines here!
Bamboo:- China
Construction:- wtf co enter this sector during C19 pandemic...
Kanger:- im ardy stated.. u ask that since u promoting this co abt vacc

yr TOLOLest is enought f yself , dont misleading saying this co Got HUGE plosspek... Bolooo punya Tolol


2021-08-05 16:02 | Report Abuse

tolol too max.. wanna compare TGlove, Senergy vs this CONger..

Soo TOLOLest...
006 speak louder that yr so call ANAL ysis


2021-08-05 15:58 | Report Abuse

MZMTolol@ awat hang punya tolol makin menjadi2 .. hangg makan pangsai boss hang banyak sgt ke!

Newbie.. beware of consolidated share..even their vacc partner KSTAR @ new name Sinaran advance also already Consol..

Dont let this TOLOL gangs trap u..


2021-08-05 13:24 | Report Abuse

this is construction sector, CONger is just manage only.. How to manage if building late to complete..


2021-08-05 12:03 | Report Abuse

nanti esok lusa ada la plomoter say pancut 3x..."hugeeee potentialll naik 0.005-0.01 sembangg mcm terbang tingggii...


2021-08-05 10:49 | Report Abuse

TeeJian Haahaha still here ya olangbolo. You're really a good man, trying to save all the newbies not to invest in this stock. R u having a grudge on this stock? I think you're the most active Id in this forum even though you don't like it.
05/08/2021 10:28 AM

Thx for yr ANAL ysis ID.. wheras i dont care abt u..

U better comeout with contructive information or analysis rather than childish info said this CONger have hugeeeee potential..

1) when will get approval NPRA
2) why do mou with sinopharm china & uae
3) when vacc arrival which claiming august, if they really serious why still dont arrive

Save a bit yr TOLOL..

Bolooo too maxx


2021-08-05 10:12 | Report Abuse

cerita ugama mengalahkan ustad, buat analisa mengalahkan steve cohen.. Bangga sgt dengan KETOLOLAN semulajadi..

006 speak louder than yr ANAL ysis


2021-08-05 09:16 | Report Abuse

MZM2511 @BetterTommorrow. Be more specific please!!!

Some of the MOU/Agreements have been completed or in the process of completion.

Please refer this:

04/08/2021 11:22 PM

Even IF it was completed .. So what? yr ANAL ysis still value at 0.06.. Pls keep the TOTOL BrAin for yself..

Readers can get easily the info also...

Berlagak like Smart Genius but REALITy is TOLOL..@ 006 speak louder that yr ANALysis..

Boloo too Maxx


2021-08-04 20:10 | Report Abuse

lu olang punya Tolol pls simpan sikit for tmrw.. Kstar pun sula tuka nama jd Sinaran Advance la bollllooo.. itu Mou pun xupdate new co name

Kalau itu vacc sula confirm take from china then what for mou again with UAE..( Remark that newbies.. tell tales of CONgers)

haiyaaa ciakkappp manyakkkk tapi 0065...

Tololl & gangs .. Good nite pls take vacc which offered by KKM cos lu punyaa otakk tooo maxxx tolol..
" Hold On Tight.. Will flyyyy Soon" niaa maaa



2021-08-04 16:55 | Report Abuse

liamm la lu lembu tolol.. cakappp manyakk2 still 006.. tololl tala malu punya opelator..

bolooo too maximum

" hold on tight will fly soon" yr tolol worda hahhahaha


2021-08-03 14:50 | Report Abuse

1962.. readerr not sooo boloo like u laaa...


2021-08-03 13:39 | Report Abuse

my name Bu.. Lembu Bolooo 006.. hahahhahhaa.. syiokkk oooo


2021-08-03 13:36 | Report Abuse

ciakappp manyakkk like expert RI kah kah kah

Boloooo nobody believe u & instead laugh at yr ANALysis.. " Hold On Tight" " will fly soon"

Bolooo punya khinzir gila 006 ( bond 007)kakakkakakka


2021-08-03 13:24 | Report Abuse

see lembu gila without vaccine.. gila max kakakakah " Hold on Tight will Fly"

yr ass lanciooo.. bolloo punya fly to 0.06..

manyakkk ciakap mcm POLIpansai


2021-08-03 13:00 | Report Abuse

u thk readers here care what u bought 1962.. Pooodahhh.. Just DEAL with reality this CONgers NO PROspect rather that manipulated retailers money.!

Just Deal with 0.06.. Dont be like PoliTAIk.. Talk soooomuch...


2021-08-03 10:14 | Report Abuse

Yaaa yr idea value at 0.06 that the facts.. it show yr level of TOlol..

Accept it its now 0.06, when its Limit up or make significant price movement, then u can bash be a firing squad..

But as at now u & gangs r really TOLoL


2021-08-03 09:56 | Report Abuse

1 more thg if wanna make comparison NOSH pls compare Apple to Apple or Khinzir to Khinzir..

u give Sapura Enery ,myeg vs CONgers..?

my goshh y so tolol..
1) that co shareholder is Tier 1 holder & this Congers
2) Their Business is Genuine vs Congers dis u see it? Bamboo is china, Vaccine which NPRA level still dont get approval.


2021-08-03 09:50 | Report Abuse

we just want create awareness to newbie or atleast they can be feed with " Good or Bad" info..

it can be vuce versa also.. so many peoples talk about this company have HUGE PROSPECt but in reality for past MONTHS it just NOTHING abt MOUs, PPlacement, RI, Talk abt billions/ hundred million businesa but THE PRICE SPEAK FOR EVERTHGs..

So are mad also because u make TONs OF MONEYs..?

So let the " neutral reader" decide with the source they get here.. Got it?

Haishhh bolooo i


2021-08-03 09:18 | Report Abuse

Lembu gila lu sula take vaccine ka? waa tgk lu punya bolloo too max.. 1sen pun nak bising but promote co doin business billions!

Talk like playing Blocks.. but def mentalitty is not like u.. bolooo punya plomoter


2021-07-29 19:50 | Report Abuse

MadCow75 bolo kahkahkah!!!
29/07/2021 7:47 PM

yr tolol words " hold on tight.. will fly soon"

tolol too max.. wakkakaka boloo


2021-07-29 19:35 | Report Abuse

what to take vac, CONger still blur whether can get NPRA approval.. y soo tolol..


2021-07-29 19:34 | Report Abuse

shavemyfurm Four leg creatures that bark all time. Down the bark louder, up they also bark. No bark No KPI.
Look at their comment, you know they are same person



29/07/2021 4:43 PM

Your lovely counter UP 0.005 still talk cock like.. U should give facts& new strong point rather that asshole anal ysis

Boloo betul


2021-07-29 12:53 | Report Abuse

plomoter ni mmg kimak khinzir..
love yr family/money folks


2021-07-29 11:50 | Report Abuse

kimak tu nak
pedajaiii je duit org kita... opelator kuota bumi..

balik2 pusing info recycle pastu support by 2-3konco2..

Love yr family/money guys.. time2 susah ni ramai CONman nak rembat duit..


2021-07-29 11:43 | Report Abuse

MZM2511 Paras antibodi vaksin Pfizer, AstraZeneca menurun selepas 2-3 bulan - kajian


29/07/2021 11:23 AM

Xpayah la ko kencing style lain plak, ko fokus bila CONger yg belum even lepas NPRA..

boloo punya opelator..

All Vacc MANUFACTURERS budak standaard 1 also tau make money, but yr CONgers is still UNCLEAR get NPRA approval bolooo


2021-07-29 11:38 | Report Abuse

agreed.. just ignore this CONger.. Let the TOLOL only play this counter


2021-07-29 11:33 | Report Abuse

just address the issue.. lu celita sabah/swak then counter back the news that im forward..
Boloo punya opelator


2021-07-29 11:24 | Report Abuse

LBH so who r talk shit? u r talk shit..
Bolooo punya plomoterr...
just zip if the price still hang 0.07


2021-07-29 11:15 | Report Abuse

lets the TOLOL jump with their CONgers folks..


2021-07-29 09:33 | Report Abuse

later lembu gila will said " Hold on tight CONgers" its time to fly.... wakakkakkaka

bolooo punya plomoter...

better jual biskut la like Hwa tai


2021-07-28 20:30 | Report Abuse

Xpayah la broker plomoter bumi nak COn kaum... let swallow ANALysis by yself

bolooo too max...

cut short:- Sooo what.. still 6cent.

Love yr Family/Money Folk.. Dont get fool& trap by this ASShole ANALyst


2021-07-28 17:43 | Report Abuse

huatttt Limit Up 6usd... bolooo punya anal ysis from Bamboo to RI

Bolooo punya plomoterrr


2021-07-28 14:40 | Report Abuse

no need tulis& anal ysis manyakk manyakk.. still 0.065 mau lang sii..

bolooo too max


2021-07-28 14:38 | Report Abuse

this ANAL ysis:- talk abt contruction here why i say CONgers r Bull Shit


2) talk abt Vacc:-

Duipharma ardy Confirm & Approved by NPRA price also xnaik, u guys this this CONgers can skyyyyyyy lokett maaaa...! hahhaha

mmg bolooo punya plomoter & lancioo pendek


2021-07-28 14:11 | Report Abuse

lu lembu gila manyakkk tala malu sama diri sendiri.. previously said hold tight mau goreng... hahahaha lanciooo

0.065 told everythg from bamboo till RI

bolooo punya plomoter


2021-07-28 10:32 | Report Abuse

excellent WB99..Do agreed..

this CONger will make a LAST MOVE same like PDZ...

Love& Save yr Family/Money Folks

Let the TOLOLs jump with their CONgers


2021-07-27 20:42 | Report Abuse

No need cerita & anal ysis Panjang2... Bottom line its still 7cents.. & No potential to Uptrend other than swallow people money..

7 cent reveals ethg Louder than yr word pussy..

Mmg la WB loss but Make more than lost bolooo.. & 1 thg for sure WB only INVESt in Fundamental Companies not like CONgers.. Haiyaaa... Why laa bolooo too max


2021-07-27 20:17 | Report Abuse

kalau ko nak
kencing pun, kencing la kaum lain... mmg machaii la ko ni