
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2021-11-22 16:12 | Report Abuse

Calvin tan loser lost big money for 8 yrs. I made $12++ mil for the past 8 yrs.

Sharks come to play. Read their gameplan n swim along with them. Thats how you do it.


2021-11-18 15:41 | Report Abuse

So how? Backside kena dy?
Biasa lar. Naik3, beli, turun..

No kidding arr. Chart points to a break below 1.56 to hit 0.96 in coming days. Stay away fr this money game.


2021-11-18 11:40 | Report Abuse

Grossly overbot. Waiting 4 the right time to crash to 1.10. Stay away.


2021-11-18 10:52 | Report Abuse

Oil n gas play started. And oil n gas play over. Trapped n stuck? Normal lar. The longer u wait, the more u lose. Normal lar.


2021-11-18 10:20 | Report Abuse

Normal lar sentiment pumped up bubbly on fresh news for a day or 3, then slumped mvg sideways at 0.14 for months. It has happened b4 n it will happen again. Private placees at 0.17 will suffer paper loss for ages. Dump it / cut loss!!


2021-11-18 10:14 | Report Abuse

Cansino is for org asli n mountain people. Sell !


2021-11-18 09:27 | Report Abuse

Shooting star top reversal in place. Will reverse to 0.195 in 3 days. Sell.


2021-11-17 15:19 | Report Abuse

Aku dah kata 1.40 - 1.60 bukan level dia. Level dia 0.60 - 0.80 only. You ingat anak mahathiak tongong sangat ka nak jual kalu bole buat bnyk untong fr 5g? Sell


2021-11-17 09:57 | Report Abuse

Pathetic 3,500 lots traded after an hour bcause OTB is a pathetic ahole. I told u market top at 0.90.

Descending triangle breakdown 0.69 - 0.61 vertical base. Next stop = 0.61 - (0.69 - 0.61) = 0.53.


2021-11-16 12:26 | Report Abuse

I told u AY Ass = OTB Ass.

Steel price chart has clearly collapsed off double top 5900 yuan/ton straight free fall down to 4300 yuan/ton.

It will stay down rangebound.

AY Ass will go back to 0.40.


2021-11-11 10:15 | Report Abuse

A Y ass = OTB ass
Shallow technical rebound. Stay away.

I told u 0.90 was market top.
I told u its going back to 0.40.
I told u OTB is an ass.

Stay away from this ass if you do not want to lose big money. As it is you hv already lost 0.25 or over 20%.

A drop over 20% fr top is a bearish move. As i said its on its way back to square 1 at 0.40.


2021-11-09 15:32 | Report Abuse

I told u 0.90 was market top.
I told u steel play in bursa always shortlived bcause steel profit profile is erratic.
I told u OTB = ass.
Remember, I told u it will go back to 0.40.
Sell n stay away. More importantly stay away from that OTB ass, if you dont want to lose big money.


2021-11-08 23:51 | Report Abuse

Beyond pariah. Tp below 0.10.


2021-11-01 15:28 | Report Abuse

I told u at 0.90 that steel play was over for steel across the board. Now on its way back to square 1 at 0.40. You follow stuppeeed OTB sure he will bring you to longkang one like he did with supermx, dayang etc.



2021-10-31 22:39 | Report Abuse

Habis lar. As per eskimo proverb: after a fall, hit by the ladder. Cut all queues at opening bell n dump it to first available buyers.


2021-10-27 14:56 | Report Abuse

Trained eyes will tell you that TODAY MARKS THE END OF STEEL PLAY. Volume and price action on hiapteck, lionind and ays confirm this.

Dump it n dont look back. Once again OTB will bring many people to longkang like he did previously with supermax, dayang, hengyuan etc. 0.40 coming.

Sell !!! and stay away.


2021-10-27 10:16 | Report Abuse

Habis lar bojed. A very bad news coming. Open limit down. This can be seen in scib today.

I told u masterchef cooked all the 3 books.


2021-10-25 15:38 | Report Abuse

Sold 1.45. Profit $120k.

Difficult to move any higher. Major shareholders cannot tahan wanting to sell.


2021-10-22 23:46 | Report Abuse

When Supermax at 24.00, otb said it was going to 40.00. A year later its 4.00. If you still hv Supermax shares, you should shove them up otb stupeeed ass.


2021-10-22 17:48 | Report Abuse

I told u toppish @ 0.90. Double top to be exact. N i told u steel play in bursa never last one. Now u can take yr shares n shove them up otb ass. Bcause im 100x better than otb.

Sell. It will go back to 0.40.


2021-10-15 16:06 | Report Abuse

Buy lar n keep. Let this new ceo does her magic. She has very good track record. Billions to be tapped from 5g national project. Invest in the tremendous prospect. The share price will take care of itself.


2021-10-15 11:09 | Report Abuse

Bought 5,000 lots @ 1.2156. Lock it up there. Lucrative Ericsson job coming.


2021-10-14 23:55 | Report Abuse

It was not a dump. It was a technical move. A golden ratio retracement.


2021-10-14 23:52 | Report Abuse

Calvin/Interfund. Normal lar. You berani, it drops. You scared end of the world, it moves up. Bcause it is not as easy n straightforward as you think. Then you wud make an ass out of yrselves.


2021-10-14 23:39 | Report Abuse

Calvin/Interfund. Normal lar. You berani, it drops. You scared end of the world, it moves up. Bcause it is not as easy n straightforward as you think.


2021-10-14 14:52 | Report Abuse

This is what the expert eyes called TOPPISH. It wants to go up but it cannot. No more higher ground on mountain top. The only way to go is DOWN.

The same thing happens at lionind. The same thing happens at hiaptek.

This is a 30 yrs trained eyes talking. Buyers at mountain top will lose a lot of money. Be warned !!


2021-10-14 11:34 | Report Abuse

Now only you see arr. I am 100 steps ahead of you n 200 steps ahead of OTB.

It will go back to 0.395. Mark my words.


2021-10-14 11:26 | Report Abuse

You can fool people some of the times but you cant fool people all of the times.

This thing is worth south of 0.80, half price where it is now.

No big money from jendela bcause players ignore it n import from overseas. Ex pm son would not be stiuppeeed enough to sell it only earlier this yr if big money coming.

Dump it n stay away!


2021-10-14 11:06 | Report Abuse

I will drop a big bom on 1.50 within next 15 mins. Escape while you still can.


2021-10-14 10:55 | Report Abuse

Long term buyers ays @ 0.90, lionind @ 0.765 & hiaptek @ 0.64 all will lose big money. Bcause they are the peaks of steel fantasy. Sell/stay away.


2021-10-14 10:03 | Report Abuse

Dump it. No need to bargain lar 1 - 2 cents. 1.28 by monday close.


2021-10-14 10:00 | Report Abuse

0.90. Market top across steel fantasy. Sell. Tp 0.395.


2021-10-14 09:43 | Report Abuse

Day 1 of a downtrend. Sell.


2021-10-14 09:05 | Report Abuse

Trendline broken. Sell.


2021-10-12 21:38 | Report Abuse

Aiya never learn ka. OTB brought many people to holland.

Supermx 12.00 to 2.30
Dayang 2.90 to 1.00
Hengyuan 18.00 to 4.00
Lionind 1.00 to 0.23
Jaks 1.60 to 0.40

The lists are endless. Ever wonder why all these never sustained and ended up in longkang? Ans: bcause its a longkang otb, its in his dna.

Its perfectly normal to lose money in stocks. Most people do. Otb also lost money but he keeps quiet about it. Ask him how much he lost in icon offshore. At 0.11 long ago i told him it was going to die there. His ego did him a lot of damage.

The thing is always cut yr losses short. If you bought at 0.87 dump it at 0.83 for a 4 cent loss. Dont follow otb again to holland by holding it until 0.40 for 0.47 loss.


2021-10-12 16:48 | Report Abuse

Intraday DOUBLE TOP. Tp = 0.81 - (0.87 - 0.81) = 0.75.
Btw you will never see 0.88 again in yr life time.


2021-10-12 16:03 | Report Abuse

I dont like to brag. Bought cekd thurs 0.58 sold yesterday 0.98. 40 cents gain in a few days. I move like a bee from flower to flower.

Btw you dont manipulate this ays in a bad market. Its an act of desperation. Dump it !


2021-10-12 15:42 | Report Abuse

Border opening play plus oil play only lasted for 1.5 day. Everything is coming down led by airasia. Dump it while the price still holding above 0.80. When the not so smart ones realize this, it will be too late. Dump it!


2021-10-12 15:30 | Report Abuse

Its dumping across the board. Airasia dumping, myeg dumping, serbadk dumping. Dump it!


2021-10-12 15:10 | Report Abuse



2021-10-12 14:58 | Report Abuse

Blind ka?? Market is coming down across the board bcause lower market the next few days. Dump it at marginal loss !!


2021-10-12 14:51 | Report Abuse

You know how it is. Early birds lose 2 to 3 cents. Late birds lose 14 to 18 cents. Dump it ! A false breakout !


2021-10-12 13:28 | Report Abuse

HOT STOCKS are good while they are still hot. When they turn cold, volume disappear, price drift lower n lower, die-hard promoters disappear and dis-own their earlier die-hard positive views on the stocks. Some with THICK FACE will start promoting other new hot stocks. The cycle repeats again n again. Those who are naive enough will lose big money.


2021-10-12 12:46 | Report Abuse

Otb. You have not donated $10k each for your lost bet on supermx that 1. Vaccine out n approved by fda b4 before end of year 2020, and 2. Supermx share price wud drop below 6.00 (3.00 ex bonus split).

This is proof of yr 1. Lousiness, 2. No honour


2021-10-12 12:41 | Report Abuse

For 30 yrs steel plays never last more than my fuk. The lousiest of players invest into steel bcause by default its a lousy sector. Earnings spikes hv been very temporary in nature. Its only for speculative plays. If you stay long enough you will lose more than half yr money proven again n again for the past 30 yrs.

The smart ones only go in to kick it around while its still hot. The lousiest of the lousies advocates to go in for long term.


2021-10-12 12:10 | Report Abuse

Later lar will come down 0.405. If you go for long term following otb backside you will lose more than half yr money proven again n again in dayang supermx hengyuan etc.

For short term now its toppish after a 0.815 breakout. It will stage a reversal in afternoon for a failed breakout n heads towards 0.68 for 0.14 - 0.16 loss a piece.

Sell! Bcause i am a lot smarter than lousy otb.


2021-10-12 09:31 | Report Abuse

It will stage a bearish engulfing close today n head lower. Border opening hu-ha is over. It will continue to burn borrowed money for a long long time. Sell !


2021-10-08 21:55 | Report Abuse

Hello. Last year this stock 4 to 6 cents only. FOUR TO SIX.

1. Covid vaccines are administered by government clinics and hospitals for FREE. That is why other companies like Bintai who tried to do it earlier failed, crashed n burnt.

2. Except for this bigger than life state, covid testing is not required at borders, workplaces or shops/restaurants. What is required is to show a test certificate.

3. Covid19 is TEMPORARY, just like ebola. It will go away.

4. Therefore covid vaccine and testing are also TEMPORARY, a flavour, sentiment of the moment.

5. Rm400 mil profit in a year is a one bad la la land fantasy imagination because of 1, 2, 3 & 4 above. This is the very reason you should avoid or dump this stock.

6. You buy now at 3.20, initially you will lose 85% of yr money bcause it will drop to 0.50.

7. Over time it will settle at 0.20 and strip you down to yr underwear, high and dry, with teary eyes.

Master is talking here. Considered you hv been sufficiently warned.


2021-10-08 15:13 | Report Abuse

Taik bintang = shooting star = mati berdiri = die standing


2021-10-08 12:34 | Report Abuse

Yes anjing tersepit wants to get out. 1.44 desparately jerked it up to 1.60 so that he can get out above 1.44. Sell.