
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2021-07-06 17:10 | Report Abuse

#Serbadk, jetson, euro, dataprep, sedania & edaran => unwinding of risky trade is in progress.

#Kpower & scib do not share serbadk advance. This tells a million stories. Serbadk move is not sustainable.

#Genetec. A monster superbull is charging in a superbull chart. 34.00$ - 80.00$. Durian runtoh fr electric car industry.


2021-07-06 16:58 | Report Abuse

Now i am 20 steps ahead than you.
0.43 it is.


2021-07-06 16:57 | Report Abuse

You dont hv sharp eyes arr. This shark took a heavy beating right after lunch some 800,000 lots 0.50 - 0.485 until 2.50 pm. He is jerking this up past that beating cost to unload back to matket. You hv until 9.30, 9.45 am tops to escape while he is unloading those 800,000 lots.


2021-07-06 16:09 | Report Abuse

Let me try again for the last time. 0.495 is not cheap. 0.49, 0.485 & 0.48 are not cheap. Bcause it has been a confirmed U of the U-turn. Considered that u hv been warned enough.


2021-07-06 15:55 | Report Abuse

Who was there so bold to say that he wud buy some more at 0.43. U doing all the wrong things. In this business u dont avg down. You avg up.


2021-07-06 15:48 | Report Abuse

Let me try again to save u fr pain. When u see a shooting star, you get out. However skeptical u r when it takes place, to yr amazement, it will go down. Similar when u see a hammer, u buy. However skeptical u r when a hammer taking shape, to yr amazement, it will go up. Amazing isnt it?


2021-07-06 15:38 | Report Abuse

Now 0.50 selling u continue to talk kok. I told u to sell 0.535/0.54. And im telling u now it will come down to 0.43. 0.43 was its previous breakout point.


2021-07-06 15:36 | Report Abuse

GENETEC 15.00$. Mana mau pigi? 50.00$ ka??


2021-07-06 15:31 | Report Abuse

Kalau sudah jadi ini macam arr, it will be dumping towards 0.485/0.48 from 4.15 to 4.45pm gua cakap lu. Gua tau lar. Gua org lama.


2021-07-06 15:25 | Report Abuse

Aku ada sejuta$ buy limit. Relaks goyang kaki. Tak buat apa.


2021-07-06 15:22 | Report Abuse

Untung ka. Rugi ka. Jual dulu brader. Relaks dulu brader. Ini saham semua dah naik banyak.


2021-07-06 15:17 | Report Abuse

Shooting star candle in place 1000%. Google lar shooting star if naive dont want to dump it. It tells you gear change to GOSTAN.


2021-07-06 15:15 | Report Abuse

Kawe kato doh. Demo kerah palo, tok denga. Jatuh keng tu.

Dump lar 0.50. You dont bargain half a cent in this business. You try to save half cent, you end up losing 8 cents the next few days. Dump without hesitation! This is a uturn of the big move 0.32 - 0.54.


2021-07-06 12:37 | Report Abuse

Bilisutara. Hope could kill u in this business. Just dump it n pay.


2021-07-06 12:36 | Report Abuse

Kennyso2. Bcause it has made a uturn of 0.32 - 0.54 move. After this initial U, there will be down moves in coming days. Sell. Lari kuat2 (and im not trying to trick u into selling for me to buy).


2021-07-06 12:33 | Report Abuse

I told u it could not move past 0.54. I told u it would come down to close around 0.485 for a uturn signal. As it is now, the shooting star candle is already taking shape & in place. More n more people will escape in afternoon of the coming 20% drop.


2021-07-06 12:28 | Report Abuse

Jual lah. Jual skrg luka sikit, kote tak patah.


2021-07-06 12:24 | Report Abuse

And i told u at 0.525/0.53 that it will close around 0.485 today for a shooting star candle reversal.


2021-07-06 12:21 | Report Abuse

Kadilong. What first day. I told u it cannot move past 0.54. Technical barrier babe. Next 0.42/0.43.


2021-07-06 12:19 | Report Abuse

Jatoh daao. Jatoh bok bak bok bak. Kawe kato doh, demo tok denga. Peteng koho begrhat.

Nanti rugi begrhat2 sekor2. Habih keno nanti.
Dataprep, sedania, serba, euro, edaran, jetson semua akan jatoh tergolek dog.


2021-07-06 12:13 | Report Abuse

Dropping dy. Early birds who escape now will suffer less pain.


2021-07-06 12:06 | Report Abuse

Toppish n expensive. Market tops:

Serba 0.32 => 0.54
Euro 0.64 => 1.20
Sedania 0.50 => 1.12
Jetson 0.29 => 0.56
Edaran 0.64 => 1.10

Everything will come down from their respective top. Sell/get out/stay away.


2021-07-06 11:42 | Report Abuse

0.52. If u dont get out now. You will lose 10 cents a piece.


2021-07-06 11:30 | Report Abuse

Normal lar. Morning in attack mode. Afternoon kena attack. Sentiments reverse. All these serba, euro, sedania, jetson, dataprep all hv rebounded 80 - 130% from their respective bottom. You are dreaming if u think they can keep going. There are times to be in the market. There are times to be out of it n move to sidelines. When they are toppish like now, stay away.


2021-07-06 11:11 | Report Abuse

It opened at 0.485 n went to 0.545. It will close the day at around 0.485 for a shooting star reversal candle n it will reverse course downwards from there for the rest of the week. I know lar. Im a master. I am 10 steps ahead than you.


2021-07-06 10:59 | Report Abuse

Market bottom you buy. Market top you sell. Not the other way around. This is market top by all definitions. Get out/stay away.


2021-07-06 10:58 | Report Abuse

Share buy backs by no 1 & no 2 my ass. They dont hv cash to even top up margin. Thats why kena force selling.


2021-07-06 10:54 | Report Abuse

Dont believe me arr. I know lar it cannot move past 0.54. Technicals rule everything. What you thought of, what you hv not thought of, all are being built into technicals.

It will now come down to 0.54 - ((0.54 - 0.32)/2)= 0.43 and move sideways from there.


2021-07-06 09:54 | Report Abuse

Market diagnostic 9.50 am.

Various stocks hv reached or nearing their technical rebound tops. These include serbadk, sedania, dataprep, jetson. All these will turn red in afternoon trades. All these hv moved on speculation, serbadk included. As in any speculation, some people will get hurt.

For serbadk it is looking very expensive in relation to its 0.305 bottom. 0.54 was the previous low that was broken. This is IMPOSSIBLE to be taken out until EY gives their opinion one way or the other.

Sell/get out/stay away.


2021-07-05 17:02 | Report Abuse

Before you make a fool out of yourself let me give you fatherly advice. You dont speculate in something that can lose 2/3 of value in a month n double in value in a week.

You will lose money big time over time. Its gambling.


2021-07-05 15:57 | Report Abuse

Andai kutahu
Kapan tiba ajalku
Izinkan aku
Mengucap kata taubat pada-Mu

Aku takut
Akan semua dosa-dosaku
Aku takut
Dosa yang terus membayangiku


2021-07-05 15:53 | Report Abuse

Welcome to Casino Royal where we make your dream comes true


2021-07-05 15:51 | Report Abuse

Dataprep hit limit up. Sedania wants to follow.


2021-07-05 15:19 | Report Abuse

0.305 to 0.515. That is mucho mucho rebound. No more meat left on the bone. It will now (for the rest of the week) correct to stabilise around 0.40 n moving sideways until EY complete their job.

Dont move yr eyes from the ball, index.
Dont play2 arr.
It will go to ONE FOUR FIVE FOUR in 2 - 3 weeks.

Its helpless in lockdown with covid cases not coming down.


2021-07-05 15:03 | Report Abuse

Artificial pump n dump. Pump completed. Controlled dumping in progress. If no trouble dont look for trouble. If stuck, get out. If profit, take it.


2021-07-05 14:47 | Report Abuse

Sold! There is a major flaw with this move: kpower & scib do not follow.


2021-07-02 23:08 | Report Abuse

Stock market is one big giant casino. Everyday people place bets. From 400$ to 4,000$ to 40,000$ to 400,000$ to $4,000,000 bets. The 100,000 lots dumping a couple of times today at 0.365/0.37 when market saw weakness mid afternoon were the release of a couple of 4,000,000$ bets. Up 1 - 3 cents they make money on the bet. Down 1 - 3 cents they lost money. If u r a good muslim u better think twice what u r doing.

Investment = If u invest in yr sisters business you provide her money to see her successful in a couple of years or more. You dont give her money in the morning and take it back in the evening. Or give today n take it back 3 days or a week or a month later. Ada paham ka??


2021-07-02 12:37 | Report Abuse

The day b4 yesterday index had dropped out of its channel n its 400 day mvg avg at 1544. People brushed it off. Arr index only for blue chips, it wont affect us goreng speculative stocks.

Then today 1530 also people brush it off.

Later i tell ya once it descends to go down below 1510, 1500, 1490, 1470, nobody will brush it off no more. Everything will go down.

Its the lockdown n billions govt hv to spend to support people, stupeeed.


2021-07-02 12:25 | Report Abuse

Support level?

While you syok2 looking at this stock, you should be looking at the index now as well. It has dropped out of a channel the day b4 yesterday. It is now well on its way to 1454. Thats 80 pts below current level. It will affect all stocks.

So i let you imagine what would be the price when index hits 1454.

Lari kuat2.


2021-07-02 12:18 | Report Abuse

While you syok2 looking at this stocks, you should be looking at the index now as well. It has dropped out of a channel the day b4 yesterday. It is now well on its way to 1454. Thats 80 pts below current level. It will affect all stocks.


2021-07-02 11:35 | Report Abuse

Dont be naive. Prices move in certain distinct patterns for hundreds of years. Everything that you think of or you do think of, its past, its future all built into these patterns.

I would say its hot news days are dying. This silterra silhoutte will take many2 years to come to fruition or fail. Interest will dissipate n it will move sideways at much2 lower level for years.

Lari kuat2 or get stuck here for years.


2021-07-02 11:31 | Report Abuse

Previously it dropped to this level n quickly rebounded. This time it drops to this level n does not quickly rebound. Its a tell tale sign that it will go lower. You need to arm yrself with many common rules of thumb to trade stocks. Lari kuat2.


2021-07-02 10:57 | Report Abuse

Dnex chart formation is NOT GOOD. It is one of triangle top consolidation below 50 day mvg avg. It will drop down of this formation n head towards 0.45. Lari kuat2.


2021-07-01 16:28 | Report Abuse

1. Bankers tangkap karim & awang margin shares.

2. Bankers play goreng push n distribute karim & awang shares.

3. Epf n kwap happy2 tumpang sekaki bankers game to unload remaining shares.

4. After bankers', epf's & kwap's shares unloaded to market, price will fall gradually to final resting place at more than half the price at distribution level.

5. Retailers all koyak masuk trap.


2021-07-01 14:49 | Report Abuse

Serbadk 0.17
Kpower 0.43
Scib 0.36

After this short term jerk they all will go another leg lower than previous low.


2021-06-30 16:57 | Report Abuse

Operator dreaming. Up lar a few cents tomolo. This is a 2-day dead cat bounce only. Will sleep at 0.45 later for a year.


2021-06-30 16:52 | Report Abuse

Backside got pain dy? I told u dy.
Now the index has dropped below its 400 day mvg avg (1544). It will follow the index lower from here.


2021-06-30 11:42 | Report Abuse

It tried to copy sedania but sedania is already changed to reverse gear. It will go down to 0.50 n sleep there for a year with no volume. After that it will go back to sh.. hole it came from at 0.17 bcause it has zero fundamentals.


2021-06-28 10:58 | Report Abuse

Bullish. Breaking out of an intraday triangle pattern @ 0.35. Tp = 0.35 + (0.37 - 0.32) = 0.40

Its gone case. You can sell 0.50 - 0.54 later.


2021-06-28 10:32 | Report Abuse

Charles. Sedania. Its not a rebound play. Its a major u-turn.