
Stevenhong | Joined since 2015-06-28 13:25:08

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2015-08-06 21:14 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2015-08-06 20:26 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2015-08-06 20:21 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2015-08-05 23:31 | Report Abuse

Vincent Tan alone donated rm1 billion to PR especially DAP for 2008 and 2013 elections. BN knew that DAP has 10 billion donation received from businessmen in Malaysia not including foreign interest. Do you think PM won't do anything about it on next election? PM will revenge those who vote against him especially on chinese tsunami. Since chinese will never vote for BN, PM will make sure they will never be able to vote. That's what inside intell from PM office.

News & Blogs

2015-08-03 18:39 | Report Abuse

Najib willing to reveal funders but why Dap the first to brush aside such transparency?

News & Blogs

2015-08-03 13:51 | Report Abuse

Why you are naïve enough to pay RM 100 to hear what you already know? Do you know Penang is 2nd richest state after Selangor? Do you know 2 international bridge build for Penang and 3rd underwater tunnel soon? So do you think Dap is a poor party?

Posted by pisanggoreng > Aug 3, 2015 10:44 AM | Report Abuse


is real, and so many countless unscrupulous money is real

if what you said is real, then why I still need to pay RM 100 just to attend their talk, not they pay me like what BN is doing

News & Blogs

2015-08-02 21:39 | Report Abuse

The truth is, politic is about serving the 1% using 99%. Surely there is plenty of suitable leader in Dap to take Lim Kit Siang position as chairman. Don't you think after 50 years, Lim Kit Siang should retire? Or the usd20 bilion donations hold by Dap is too much to let go?

News & Blogs

2015-08-02 21:08 | Report Abuse

"A final word of advice to Anwar's staunch supporters: Anwar's cause will be best served if he facilitates the urgently needed leadership transition in PKR and Pakatan."
How would staunch supporters of Anwar react if they know Anwar offer himself to Najib to form Unity Government? Secret meetings in Indonesia and London almost lead to Unity Government with Umno leaving Dap behind as sole opposition. It didn't go through as Pas rejected the idea of Unity Government. In fact Dap offer itself for Unity Government under "Save Malaysia".

News & Blogs

2015-08-02 21:04 | Report Abuse

How can you expect Mat Sabu to lead GHB when he was totally defeated in last election? He has no supporter and depended on Pas popularity.
I remember your glowing support for Wan Azizah for MB Selangor post. And have you forgotten Azmin Ali got the MB post after Pas president Hadi recommendation to Sultan of Selangor? Have you forgotten Dap chairman Lim Kit Siang was totally against Azmin Ali? Have you forgotten Anwar Ibrahim only want his wife to get the post?
As for Muhyddin, why will he abandon Umno? Don't you know that Umno worth rm200 billion, and he wanted to be PM and planned to overthrown Najib 2 years back? Do you realise that Muhyddin lied about the usd700 million bank in Najib trust account? Muhyddin himself was given usd200 million bank into his own trust account for election use. In fact almost all Umno division chiefs are given usd50 million during last general election.
Why only now mention Zaid? He was Umno most corrupted politician just like Muhyddin and left Umno due to infighting with other division chief.
How about Dap? Why can't Dap reveal their funders? Do the public know George Soros donated usd100 million? Do the public know CIA through New Global Hope ngo movement donated usd200 million to Dap?
While most think election is about bringing justice and fighting for the rights of general public, the truth is it's all about capturing power, wealth the the agenda of each party and helping certain country to rule by proxy.

News & Blogs

2015-07-27 11:45 | Report Abuse

Is pakatan for Malaysians? But why you have 3 different party playing on racial line? If pakatan indeed a multiracial party, then why not stand under PKR which is the only multiracial party?

News & Blogs

2015-07-27 11:40 | Report Abuse

Is pakatan contining racial politic? Why blame BeeEnd for playing racial but now setting racial Islamic party GHB? If pakatan against racial party then why want to work with another Islamic party GHB.

News & Blogs

2015-07-27 11:35 | Report Abuse

We already have multiracial PKR, why the need for another Islamic party GHB? Can you gurantee GHB won't implement Hudud?

News & Blogs

2015-07-09 19:05 | Report Abuse

Is it true that Mr Koon sued by MRCB over defamation article?

News & Blogs

2015-06-28 13:48 | Report Abuse

Got it from hypocrite
Posted by Probability > Jun 27, 2015 05:38 PM | Report Abuse

the only problem after that is...
the apes may again try to separate again with
shiite and sunni belief..
and may be fragmented further..

News & Blogs

2015-06-28 13:26 | Report Abuse

the only problem after that is...
the apes or malays may again try to separate again with
shiite and sunni belief..
and may be fragmented further..