
stockmanmy | Joined since 2016-01-10

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2017-04-30 19:09 | Report Abuse

good stocks ( strong Balance Sheet) at low prices (low PE, high NTA)......I hope they don't get anymore Red Chips in Bursa.

good stocks ( strong Balance Sheet) at low prices (low PE, high NTA) the majority of cases, they are trading at low PEs, high NTA for a reason......sunset industries, too small and no track record, untrustworthy, not tested, Red chips in Bursa

what about turnarounds? banks? technology stocks? themes? blue chips? growth stocks? ....all these will fall out of OTB radar......

what about the basic requirement of a diversified portfolio with negatively co related characteristics?

what about business, people then only prices?

how about reading the whole Annual Report instead of just the audited accounts?

you really want that kind of radar? really really want that kind of radar?


2017-04-30 18:44 | Report Abuse

good stocks ( strong Balance Sheet) at low prices (low PE)......I hope they don't get anymore Red Chips in Bursa.


2017-04-30 17:13 | Report Abuse


Banks normally borrow short and lend long and take the spread. When crisis hits, the weaker banks cannot get refinancing and go bust.

But this AEONCR borrows longer and lend long....its maturity spread is very very safe...think about it.


2017-04-30 17:03 | Report Abuse

you cannot use tools invented for manufacturing companies and use for banks and finance companies.

Jon Choivo > Apr 30, 2017 03:46 PM | Report Abuse

Ok, so if we net off the "Net cash used in operating activities" with the "Net cash generated from financing activities". Since loans is in more than one a kind of trade payable for this company.

We basically break even.

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 15:38 | Report Abuse


There is a difference between you and me....

I really don't bother much with monopoly money games and model portfolios where I cannot trade.

You seem to spend a lot of time referring to your monopoly money portfolios.....I am more interested in real money.


2017-04-30 15:36 | Report Abuse

I really don't know what happened but charts shows that this share peaked in 2013 at $ 19 and then keep dropping to a low of $ 11 early 2016 and then started recovering...all this while the fundamentals and profits keep improving in these years and PE ratios keep dropping until its recovery....if its PE recovers to old high, this will be a $ 30 stock.


2017-04-30 15:22 | Report Abuse

Being in the retail end of financing is actually safer than commercial banks who often gets over exposures to single customers or single industry.


2017-04-30 15:15 | Report Abuse

The health of a finance company / bank is measured by its liquidity ratios , capital ratios, maturity analysis, provisions and what nowadays are called stress test.

I think a proper stress test will reveal to you that AEON CR is far ahead of most commercial banks in Malaysia has huge amounts of very long term liabilities , $ 500 million is hedging assets from which it lost $ 34 million in 2015, proofing it is a very conservative place, 90% of debts overdue more than 3 months have specific provisions.

Full details in Notes to the accounts.


2017-04-30 14:43 | Report Abuse

How to get good profits in the future?

It has good ROCE ..............that is how it will continue to get good profits in the future.

Chua Yoke Lian > Apr 30, 2017 01:42 PM | Report Abuse

Very very good questions,more and more capitals are needed,how to get good profits in the future?


2017-04-30 14:36 | Report Abuse

jon....operating cash flow is profits add back depreciation and some minor adjustments can it be negative cash operating cash flows?

You are not referring to negative operating cash flows but to changes in cash balances including working capital and capital expenditures..........a growing finance company with ever increasing working capital...just the way it is supposed to be.

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 12:45 | Report Abuse

It is also too simplistic to look at total returns ...sophisticated investors measure performance on the basis of returns per unit of risk ( variations).

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 12:42 | Report Abuse

But OTB will not tell me what happened to the bet between his Gamuda Warrant and my Econpile........hahaha.

anyway...the more rules, the more restrictive the rules and accounting formulas/ ratios.....the higher the likelihood a portfolio full of shares with the same characteristics.....breaking a fundamental rule of portfolio theory.

There are a lot of valid reasons for portfolio theory too besides the tycoon approach to investing.

But, at least sailang, you know what you are doing, where you going.

OTB...why don't you update those portfolios above to latest current probably do not want to bring it up

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 11:12 | Report Abuse

not every thing that can be counted counts.

so how do we know what counts and doesn't?

too complex, therefore not knowing, how to find the guts?

no guts, the professors have some thing suitable for you, it is called diversification.

I think tycoons and mavericks have found a way they can sailang. Make a difference.

They have a talent a gift to simplify things in their minds. I call it the secret of success.

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 10:57 | Report Abuse


How do you do learning ?

learning is always best done by contrast.

black vs white
top vs bottom
empty vs full

Value investing? I have never heard people saying they are doing valueless investing.

20 formulas and 50 ratios....that is not value investing. That is physics envy. That is hanging pig head sell dog meat.

Giving the impression of certainty where none exists.

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 08:36 | Report Abuse

warnings and disaster stories sell.

Don't believe me? Ask the journalists and why newspapers full of bad news and disaster stories.

But want to make money , has to have guts and success stories to model.

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 02:57 | Report Abuse

cut loss is a night mare, not a dream

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 02:35 | Report Abuse

KYY golden rules not bad one actually....the best catalyst he has found is increasing eps ....this year eps must be more than last year eps.....

simple and elegant like E = MC squared.

just as powerful.

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 02:24 | Report Abuse

I tell you what, kc

To make money needs guts, self esteem and being right, of course.

No guts no point one.

Should stick to diversification rules aka CFA rules.

As I state in Vitrox forum,

stockmanmy there is no such thing as a guarantee stock or home run stock

but stock market will reward people for risks well taken with X factors and later proven correct.

must read whole AR, not just the audited accounts.

20 formulas and 50 ratios, what I call CPA rules, will not help you to make money if no guts and only read audited accounts.


2017-04-30 00:35 | Report Abuse

Kyy is a tycoon, a maverick investor. They dare to sailang.

KC, if you do not dare to sailang, you should be more comfortable with CFA rules aka as diversification rules.

If you cannot see KYY as maverick investor, you cannot see me as maverick investor. But both of us are The Mavericks.


News & Blogs

2017-04-29 22:58 | Report Abuse

ang...How did you lose money in this bull market?

You must be a genius losing money.


2017-04-29 22:56 | Report Abuse

If you cannot see KYY is a maverick. You will not see me as a Maverick/

But we are The Mevericks.

by Rowie > Apr 29, 2017 06:15 PM | Report Abuse

Stockman, I have no interest wherever Stockmanmy is or says, I don't benefit anything from his opinion.

News & Blogs

2017-04-29 19:04 | Report Abuse

forget it

a fool is born everyday

News & Blogs

2017-04-29 19:02 | Report Abuse

This is a web site for fans, not for chickens and angs.

News & Blogs

2017-04-29 18:21 | Report Abuse

every thing you do is also speculation....including which girl to marry.

News & Blogs

2017-04-29 17:53 | Report Abuse


we can't change the rules, we can still play to win.

News & Blogs

2017-04-29 17:51 | Report Abuse


more accurate to say, no Bursa, Malaysia will be poorer like Laos.

No Bursa, life not so exciting.

News & Blogs

2017-04-29 17:42 | Report Abuse


don't bad mouth Bursa, it is key to Malaysia success.


2017-04-29 17:15 | Report Abuse

KC wants to make his living selling you accounting rules

For more than one year, I have tried to convince him to make a living selling you diversification rules or CFA rules instead of CPA rules.


2017-04-29 17:10 | Report Abuse

I have no opinion to post at this stage. Up or down does not concern me ...I find technology shares more interesting

stockman1 > Apr 29, 2017 05:03 PM | Report Abuse

Rowie I see stockmanmy posts everywhere in i3 except here. Can you answer why? He already cut loss here?

News & Blogs

2017-04-29 16:55 | Report Abuse

we can still
don't believe?

where did KYY money come from?

Apollo Ang > Apr 29, 2017 04:50 PM | Report Abuse

it is difficult because retails being blacklisted by stockists, what u do they know. insiders win only. also software control when u buy a lot, at 4.50 pm closing time they will make it down, if u sell a lot they will push it up


2017-04-29 16:48 | Report Abuse

Market Cap: 11,196 Million

join me in AAX with $ 1.6 billion market


2017-04-29 15:04 | Report Abuse

They say I of not good character.....hahahaha

what they want? a lamp post?


2017-04-28 19:32 | Report Abuse

there is no such thing as a guarantee stock or home run stock

but stock market will reward people for risks well taken with X factors and later proven correct.

must read whole AR, not just the audited accounts.


2017-04-28 13:20 | Report Abuse

They never issue UMA on shares of such low volume......shareholders refuse to sell because its such a great company


2017-04-28 13:15 | Report Abuse

analysts aim to make 10% a year....

I am to make 100% a year.

suregain > Apr 28, 2017 01:10 PM | Report Abuse

Hlin only gave 4.75. U think hlib analyst all pig? U just god of saham? Eat shit la


2017-04-28 12:43 | Report Abuse

no other SME can produce this kind of AR.

They do Malaysia proud.....this proves some Penang guys really world class.


2017-04-28 12:36 | Report Abuse long before this share is $ 10?

I say...3 months.


2017-04-28 12:24 | Report Abuse

I am not KYY but if I buy enough , one day I will be.

Apollo Ang > Apr 28, 2017 12:16 PM | Report Abuse

u got how many, less than 10,000 units I presume


2017-04-28 12:16 | Report Abuse

most people are here to make money

but not you.

stockmanthekoonman > Apr 28, 2017 12:14 PM | Report Abuse

And the records remains a record.


2017-04-28 12:14 | Report Abuse

there are stupid people...and then there are winners like Vitrox and I


2017-04-28 12:12 | Report Abuse

never seen a more impressive AR from an SME..................


2017-04-28 12:08 | Report Abuse

In FY2016, ViTrox invested RM31.4
million, representing 13.4% of our revenue, for research and
development activities across all business units in ViTrox


no play play


2017-04-28 11:55 | Report Abuse

The strong revenue in FY2016 was mainly attributed to the
successful execution of the market penetration strategies in
growth areas namely China, US, Taiwan, Mexico and Brazil.
The new and improved series of inspection system and
equipment, serving the growing semiconductor back-end and
the electronics manufacturing industries also contributed to
the record high revenue this year.

question....How did 3 local graduates become so good that they beat the Japanese, the Koreans, Taiwanese and Germans?


2017-04-28 11:46 | Report Abuse

all these need IR experts to better sell your stocks


2017-04-28 11:40 | Report Abuse

Malaysia Investor Relations (IR) Awards 2016
ViTrox won the Malaysia IR Awards 2016 in the category
of Best Company for IR and Best IR Professional.  These
awards are aimed to recognize the achievements of top IR
from the Malaysian listed entities through a comprehensive,
independent IR Survey and poll of over 1,500 relevant buyside
and sell-side firms investing in or covering Malaysian
The awards were presented on 21 July 2016 at Sime Darby
Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

love it


2017-04-28 10:44 | Report Abuse


I read the whole AR, not just the audited accounts.

as long as technology is in play, this one is $ 10 stock.


2017-04-28 10:27 | Report Abuse

you are stupid....this is the most innovative, best technology company in the whole of Malaysia

suregain should UMA tis counter

News & Blogs

2017-04-28 02:18 | Report Abuse

so hard working

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