tbooi1168 | Joined since 2011-05-02

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile Low

Attended numerous technical charting courses in town. Currently, still work as a Remisier (> 23 Years experience) in Malaysia. Competed in 2015 stock pick competition, made 129% gain in 12 months. I was the champion of 2015 stock pick competition in I3investor.com.





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User Comments

2024-03-15 11:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by UlarSawa > 42 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Sifu OTB. Can referee ask you a question. When you sold at 4.20. Did you inform the forum you sold your saham. Haiyoh. Boleh?
When I recommended YTLPower at 1.10, I already said that my target price is 4.20.
I sold some at 4.20, I still keep most of the shares.
Please check my posting.
I never tell any reader in I3 to sell shares, it is my code of ethic I practice in I3 since day 1 I join I3.


2024-03-15 11:08 | Report Abuse

I bought YTLPower at 1.10.
I sold some when the target price at 4.20 was met.

When the share price of YTLPower retraces down to 3.91, I buy back.
3.81, I buy.
3.71, I buy.
3.61, I buy.
3.52 - I queue.

I am not the person who cheats here.
To sell off the stock, tell readers here to buy.
I guarantee all readers here, this phenomenon will not happen.
I believe in karma, karma will hit me if I tell lies here.


2024-03-15 10:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by jackson1688888 > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

No need to fighting here la
For long term investor - (hold till end of 2024 ) Buy in batches with 3.0, 3.2 , 3,5 , 3.7 and don’t buy above 4.0 as the risk / reward is not worth . The share price already up 400% , as a smart investor , we will nvm eat the fish tail
I said to buy on weakness only.
You still want to attack me.
Please read my article again and again.


2024-03-15 10:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by jackson1688888 > 19 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Mr OTB said he have more than 100 reader thanks to him for recommend supermax, so far nvm see those reader come support him in this forum , may be all of them get scam , lose money and already quit bursa
Don't worry, show me your results in 2024.
Tell me how many million you make before you attack me.
I do not need anyone here to help, I just ignore the attack.
I do not attack anyone in I3, you still want to attack me to get attention.
You can show off in another way, show us you make a lot of money.
This low class action will not make you very famous or make a lot of money.
Focus on your stock is better than wasting your time to attack me.


2024-03-15 09:43 | Report Abuse

I recommended Supermx at 3.60, the share price of Supermx went up to a new high at 24.50.
Many naysayers shouted sell at 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00, 15.00, 20.00 and etc.
Many naysayers also said I cheated them to buy at a higher price.

I just ignore them, I stick to my strategy.
I sold most of the shares > 20.00 to 24.00.
I am laughing all the way to the bank.

There are > 100 readers in I3 sent messages to thanks me for recommending Supermx in 2020.
They said I made them millionaires, they never make so much money in KLSE.
They use my name to donate money to many charity organisations.
They wanted a good karma for me.
They will do anything in I3 to help me.

The share price of YTLPower already hit 4.24, can the share price of YTLPower hit 6.30 in 2024 ?
Let time to tell us the right answer.
Do not write off YTLPower, we are not day trader here.
Hold your answer until the end of 2024.
I recommend YTLPower because of good fundamental.
Thank you.


2024-03-14 23:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL ... > 44 seconds ago | Report Abuse
sifu otb,
u r so so rich now as u said.
pls give back to society u reside on, like on i3 here.
do impact investing lives, millions will need u.
I came from a very ... very ... poor family.
Many time there is no food on the table.
I know very well what is the suffering of the poor.
I did a lot of charity to help the poor.
I use to donate to old folks home.
My sister is helping in an old folks home, I always sponsor a lot of facilities and foods there.
Hence I believe god really bless me a lot.
Thank you for your reminder.


2024-03-14 23:41 | Report Abuse

I just ignore all the attacks, I will laugh at them.
I will stop here, no more posting from me.


2024-03-14 23:36 | Report Abuse

I do not need to defend myself here.
I have been in I3 for 12 years, still staying strong and make a lot of money.
Many naysayers attacked me before, they did not survive, some of them lost in KLSE until no face to face me.
I know a few of them lost in KLSE until bankrupt.
I do not attack anyone here.
I do not badmouth any stock here.
I just share my information here with good deeds.
Please leave me alone.
It is not important who is better or who is smarter.
The final result is who make the most money that matter most.
I study hard and I do not want to leave behind.
Thank you.


2024-03-14 23:19 | Report Abuse

Please leave me alone.
I just wish to help edwin387 only.
I avoid to post any article in this forum now.
It is no more sharing of information like before.
Thank you.


2024-03-14 23:15 | Report Abuse

Dear HuatRex1314,
I agreed with you.
It is always very difficult to trade on short term especially trade on contra.
Thank you.


2024-03-14 22:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by edwin387 > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Thank you sifu for your kind advice but I really don't know I can hold until 3.20.
Do you buy YTLPower on contra ?
If buy on contra, it is very difficult to advise you.

If you have money, just pick up the stock and keep, I believe you should able to make money if you can hold for a year.
Thank you.


2024-03-14 22:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by edwin387 > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse
I withdrawn my housing loan money bought at YTLP 4.00. My wife will kill me if I lost money.
Sifu how? Should I cut lost now or wait for a while?
You should use extra money to invest in the stock market as a second source of income.
There is no sure win in the stock market.
Since you are in, stay invested and set a cut loss to get out.
I suggest you set a cut loss at 3.20.
If the share price drops below 3.20, you need to sell to minimize your loss.
Decide yourself.
Thank you.


2024-03-14 14:48 | Report Abuse

According to the report from foreign broker, the answer is no if the loan is a limited recourse loan
The oil company will be responsible for the loan.
Please read my previous postings.
Thank you.


2024-03-13 23:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2024-03-13 23:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by BursaVulture > 53 minutes ago | Report Abuse
yinson wont fly until they see all 3 fpso get paid... not first oil but cold hard cash paid by the oil co... till then.... need to wait until hair becomes white.
I believe the aforesaid information given by you is not correct.
Yinson does not need to wait to get paid on all 3 FPSO vessels.
The loan responsibility of Yinson will end when the FPSO stuck oil after delivery of vessel.

The loan that secured for the FPSO Maria Quiteria, Atlanta and Agogo respectively is "a limited recourse loan'.

What is a limited recourse loan ?
Ans : A limited recourse loan, i.e. the creditor seeks to wholly or primarily rely on the cash flows and assets of the project for repayment and security, rather than on Yinson.

Once the FPSO vessel is delivered to the site and find oil, the oil company will pay the service rate according to the agreement.
"The creditor seeks to wholly or primarily rely on the cash flows and assets of the project for repayment and security, rather than on Yinson".

The loan is taken out from financial statement from Yinson, the loan is repaid by the oil company based on charter rate agreed in the agreement.

Hope it explains.
Thank you.


2024-03-13 15:06 | Report Abuse

Dear Permutation,
Fundamental of Yinson is very ... very good, no question about it.
TA is very weak.
Hence I did not talk about TA.

I recommend only good fundamental stocks, but this stock failed me because the share price just cannot perform.
I just hope that there is no manipulation on this stock, good fundamental will prevail finally.
Decide yourself.
Thank you.


2024-03-13 13:24 | Report Abuse

Yinson is the best FPSO operator in the world.
Time delivery, no quality issue and never fail in its commitment to all her clients.
Yinson is doing Malaysia proud in the international scene on FPSO projects.
Petrobra does not want Yinson to have too many of her FPSO projects, tender and retenders and try to award FPSO projects to other vendors.
At the end, Yinson is still awarded the FPSO project because Yinson is the best bidder in this special field.
Yinson is the company excels in her performance, but the share price of Yinson is the worst among all its peers.
Very sad to hear this news.
Thank you.


2024-03-13 13:06 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2024-03-12 17:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by cktay > 16 hours ago | Report Abuse

IPP YTLP’s Potential Value On DC Investments Yet To Be Fully Priced In, CGS Reiterates Add
CGA reiterates Add on YTLP with an unchanged SOP-based TP of RM4.50


2024-03-12 16:13 | Report Abuse

The analyst from Maybank said PAT= 916 million in FY 2024 and PAT > 1 billion in FY 2025.
I believe PAT > 1.0 billion in FY 2024.
The FY 2024 result will be released in this month.
Good luck.


2024-03-11 10:14 | Report Abuse

UBS sold 57.8 million shares on 29/2/2024, the volume was very high.
However, the candle on 29/2/2024 is still green.
It means other funds are buying while UBS was selling.
Thank you.


2024-03-11 09:43 | Report Abuse

Dear dragon328,
CGS projected PAT for FY 2024 to be 3.150 billion.
This PAT is not included the earning from Nvidia if any.
Hence your projection of EPS=0.42 is very close.
Thank you.


2024-03-09 15:00 | Report Abuse

Dear Riaz1954 and Michael_chan2022,
Thank you for your thoughts.
I really appreciate it.
Best regards always.


2024-03-08 21:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by Riaz1954 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
We know that approval for Taurx is matter of time
Dear Riaz1954 and Michael_chan2022,
I believe both of you are experts in this Genting forum, I have 3 questions to ask, please help to reply.
1.) GenM and Genting Bhd, which stock is better ?
2.) Will Taurx be approved in 2024 ?
3.) Will RWLV be listed in NYSE in 2024 ?
Please advise.
Thank you.


2024-03-08 20:38 | Report Abuse

Dear Mikecyc,
YTLPower helped many investors in this forum to become millionaires.
They just keep quiet and focus on the stock.
Time will tell who makes the most money in this stock.
No point to argue, money in the bank will not be empty if naysayers shout very loud here.
See who are people laughing all the way to the bank in 2024.
Thank you.

News & Blogs

2024-03-08 17:12 | Report Abuse

Thank you for your kind words.
I also believe in karma.
Good deeds means good karma.

I share information here with good deeds.
According to my religion, I will be very bless.
I believe so because I make a fortune from YTLPower in 2023/4.
I sailang YTLPower at 1.10.
God bless me always.
Thank you.


2024-03-08 16:14 | Report Abuse

A person has a good character will not change during a crisis.
He will know how to manage a crisis to overcome it.
I know what is honesty.


2024-03-08 16:07 | Report Abuse

The chart pattern of YTLPower is a "Cup And Handle" chart pattern.
It is also not a lie, it is a known fact if you know to read technical chart correctly.
Want to blame me, go ahead.
I stop here, no more reply.


2024-03-08 16:07 | Report Abuse

I share information here with good deeds.
According to my religion, I will be very bless.
I believe so because I make a fortune from YTLPower in 2023/4.
God bless me.


2024-03-08 16:01 | Report Abuse

The projected EPS of YTLPower for FY 2024 is 0.42.
The earning can be higher, not lower.
Fundamental has not changed.
Nvidia investment will help to improve the earning of YTLPower in FY 2025.
These are all actual facts known to the public.
If PER = 10, the target price is 4.20.
If PER = 15, the target price is 6.30.
If you believe these facts, you should take all necessary action.
No one force you to buy.
I also did not force anyone here to buy when I recommended to buy YTLPower at 1.10.
I share information here with good deeds.
Thank you.


2024-03-08 15:56 | Report Abuse

The share price of Nvidia was at USD 482 on 2/1/2024.
Closing price is USD 927 today.


2024-03-08 15:47 | Report Abuse

No one tell you to buy.
Final decision to buy is always yours.


2024-03-08 15:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by Eagle77 > 7 minutes ago | Report Abuse
I recommended YTLPower at 1.10.
You will not do well in your investment.
Said what you like.


2024-03-08 11:53 | Report Abuse

Cannot afford to lose, do not look at this stock.
No one promote this stock day and night.
Even I recommend to buy YTLPower at 1.10, I also did not promote day and night.

In 2020, I recommended Supermx at 3.60, many naysayers told readers here to sell at 7.00, 9.00, 12.00, 15.00 and etc.
The share price of Supermx went to the high at 24.50.

No one force anyone here to buy.
Do your homework before you take action.
I provide all fundamental facts and factual information available to public, final decision to buy is always yours.
Thank you.

News & Blogs

2024-03-08 10:42 | Report Abuse

The target price is derived from the EPS. I use a PER=15.
If the EPS for FY 2024 is higher than 0.42, I will revise up the target price using a PER=15.
Likewise, I will revise down the target price if the EPS is < 0.42.
I will monitor the earning of YTLPower very closely and update it accordingly.
I write this article with all good fundamental facts and also known facts available to public.
I write this article for easy reference.
Thank you.


2024-03-08 08:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by NatsukoMishima > 39 minutes ago | Report Abuse
If Nvidia invests RM 20 billion in the "AI data storage centers" project in FY 2026 (July 2025), the EPS for FY 2026 will be at least 0.62.
Based on PER=15, the target price = 9.30 in 2025 after July 2025 until June 2026.
If PER=18, the target price of YTLPower should be 11.16 after July 2025 until June 2026.

What OTB predicts is almost same thought with my TP RM 12 , OTB is a real value investor , when i said ytlpwr tp rm 12 , ranhill rm 5 , iwcity rm 4 ,people think i was swanking , now somebody agree with me also !
Please note that my article is based on all known fundamental facts available to the public.
If any actual fact appears not tallied with my projection, the target price will be revised accordingly.
I believe the fair target price of YTLPower should be based on a PER=15.
Along the way, I will change and amend the target price accordingly if the EPS is lower or higher.
I will stick to a PER=15 because the average PER for all FBMKLCI component stocks is around that level.
Thank you.


2024-03-07 22:45 | Report Abuse

The share price of Nvidia is at USD 908.72 now (KL time 10.45pm).
Good luck to Nvidia's partner in Malaysia i.e YTLPower.
Thank you.


2024-03-07 21:27 | Report Abuse

Dear dragon328,

Please note that some of the important points, I take them from your articles.
Please be informed.
Thank you.