
theguyz | Joined since 2014-06-26

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2018-06-11 21:43 | Report Abuse opinion on tomorrow's price show.

The stock will likely open unchanged with possibility of some gain. Otherwise, then it is likely to be open unchanged with possibility of some losses. Nevertheless, do not discount the possibility of opening with lower price. If the above scenarios did not take place, then the next likely possibility will be opening with higher price.

My further opinion is that the sharks may likely continue to have the stock open for trading continuing the previous days of opening session pattern. On the other hand, the sharks may opt to change the opening trading pattern.

Anyhow, I am of the strong opinion that the stocks is likely ended up higher at the end of the trading day if it did not ended up lower. If the stocks ended up neither higher nor lower, then the stocks is likely to end up unchanged.

In any event, the above remains my opinion. I seldom sees my opinion wrong. Remember, the first rule of investing is to play it safe. The first rule of making opinions known to the public is to play it smart by play it safe.

If you asking for my investment strategy, I do buy-in and short-it. I like to play safe.

My apology if my above opinion sounds like a plygarism. I did not in anyway copy your own works nor words, Pmaster.


2018-06-11 19:35 | Report Abuse

PMaster with his usual buying both player-banker baccarat analaysis.
Any auntie also know how to do such analysis.

"Now next hand maybe will be player and if it's not player then it's banker. After so many rounds banker, it should shift to player. However, it maybe a trap and continue to be banker again.
Will monitor closely later when the house deal the cards. ".

PMaster usual analysis to hook the ignorants to sound like a saint.


2018-06-09 11:20 | Report Abuse

PMaster and KAQ4688 are jokers of the century.
One always cracking the head trying to sound wise w his market prediction.
One always cracking his head try to sound he is cool with stock market losses (potentially suffered by others and he himself) (f*ck, he could even burnt his ass big time and no longer in stocks action)

Losers like to live in their owm world doing nonsensical stuff.
And deep down inside, they know they are losers. In life. Big time.

Cheers, losers.


2018-05-25 16:13 | Report Abuse

ProRoy...looking at all your past recent seems you are a hardcore BN govt supporter that positioned and exposed yourself that bit too much before the election....

You termasuk banyak BN-related counters, ke?

If you can't embrace risk and loses, perhaps stocks market is not your place to chill out.
Go play marbles.


2018-05-25 16:09 | Report Abuse

ProRoy...Jack Ma is meeting w Tun M soon. Read the news. Robert Kuok is roped in because of Chinese relationship. Read his book. Msian 1 trillion debt, that's the full direct and indirect debt obligation of the new government. Read the news,man.

Can see already IGNORANCE at your side.

Din you comment anything when the market was up the 1st day after the GE result? Everyone expects the market to be down with havoc.

Din you know that the market is being supported now by our local funds and institutions? The foreign funds reviewing their position.

The government is doing alot of pre-emptive moves that perhaps, shallow ppl and those dun bother to read and digest news, unable to follow closely and simple want the market to go up and up.

You are lucky you are not an American. Or else, Trumps gonna keep your hands full with sh*t.
I mean, more sh*t than you having now.


2018-03-12 23:57 | Report Abuse

If you put emotion and fear aside, you guys know deep down inside that SAP is a good bet. The reason it is going down faster than other O&G counters is because EPF is dumping it with no valid reason and at any prices. While Shahril can make statements on the share, he did not as if he did make statements unsolicited and without being enquired by Bursa, it indirectly means he is rattled by the share movement as well.

For short term return, this counter indeed is very unpredictable. For medium and long term return, this counter is promising with huge upside.

SAP is the leading O&G conglomerate in Msia. Its business cycle is in tandem with the current industry cycle and nothing peculiar with its operation or business outlook.

Plus, GE and the next quarterly and full financial result is out soon.
It is perfectly normal to feel anxious.

Let's wait for the GE, the conclusion of the 2018 FY report and EPF stop dumping.
The trio of these are the real horizon this counter is looking for.


2018-02-13 12:49 | Report Abuse

Wah...which of u guys frustrated and go burn EPF building? Sending a warning to them...? U burn our money in Sapura...we burn ur building. Sama-sama get burnt.


2018-02-06 08:56 | Report Abuse

This counter is depressed not because of market sentiments but because EPF was dumping non stop.
EPF needs cash in order to make the target dividend payment as it is election year.

The above news generally means pitting the market sentiment vs EPF dumping.


2018-01-30 00:19 | Report Abuse

Local institutions are the nett sellers, while foreign funds the nett buyers. Looks like we need to hang in there for few more months...


2018-01-26 08:54 | Report Abuse

Wow....and Vincent Tan is so free to log in and text most of the time. Even you guys can't log in most of the time and leave your opinions from time to time.
Rich investors...ya,could be. But you dun become a rich investors by making your known your cards.

Listing on the other may indicate value and the proper time to monetize the assets. Vincent Tan likes to list and delist. Look at 7-11 before this.
Listing when facing severe cashflow is the last thing you want to do as you have to go through the due diligence. If you can read their accounts well, I am sure those analyst can read well too.

PMaster maybe leaving after January. But he may come back as Spinninglotus after January. This is the sweet time to transition from PMaster to Spinninglotus.

SpinningGasing after that?


2018-01-24 15:30 | Report Abuse

The whole market is waiting for Bank Negara's statement for lead in sentiment. All O&G stocks are moving sideways...It's not just Sapura. If you look at the volume now, even the top volume Sumatec jz barely made it to 1M++. Usually by noon break,few stocks already more than 1M volume. It's just the market sentiment, nothing to push up for.
And of coz with EPF playing around here, it's jz sliding down....


2018-01-24 14:35 | Report Abuse

Bank Negara meeting. This is the lead the market is waiting for. Tomorrow, 3pm.
But I guess Pmaster being the Saint of StockMarket would have got a memo or lead about it by now...


2018-01-24 04:20 | Report Abuse

There's a Bank Negara meeting on Thursday and likely the market is moving sideway because they are waiting for the indication from the meeting.


2018-01-23 01:19 | Report Abuse

@yellavia...good link and thanks for it.


2018-01-19 18:05 | Report Abuse

From StarBiz Premium:

PETALING JAYA: Following the recovery in crude oil prices, Sapura Energy Bhd is said to be mulling the listing of its exploration and production (E&P) arm, sources say.

According to the sources, the idea is on the table and if it does happen, would be an avenue for the company to monetise part of its assets.

Sapura Energy is an integrated oil and gas company with exposure to engineering & construction (E&C) and drilling divisions, besides E&P.

Of these divisions, the E&P is the better performing segment of its business that has been hard hit by the downturn in the oil and gas industry that started from mid-2014 until the third quarter of last year.

The E&P unit is the only segment that made an operating profit for the third quarter ended Oct 31 (Q3’FY18).

For that quarter, Sapura Energy reported a net loss of RM274.4mil - a steep decline from the net profit of RM158.1mil made for the same quarter last year and the RM29.4mil in the preceding quarter.

Revenue in the third quarter fell 42% year-on-year to RM1.28bil following declines in revenue from E&C and drilling divisions.

It also saw lower contribution from its share of profit from joint ventures.

According to TA Research the company’s E&P production was higher at 900,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) versus 800,000 in the second quarter.

Sapura Energy capitalised on higher crude lifting price of US$58 per barrel (bbl) as opposed to the US$45/bbl level oil prices had trended in the corresponding period last year.

Brent crude oil price recently breached the key psychological mark of US$60/bbl and at the time of writing was trading at US$68/bbl.

Analysts’ oil price forecast for 2018 stood at US$60-65/bbl.

According to TA Research, based on its conference call with management, development for SK310 B15 field off east Malaysia was completed in October last year and production would be progressively ramped up until it reaches optimum level this January.

While Sapura Energy is expected to be loss making in FY18 ending January 31, some analysts believe that earnings prospect from FY19 should improve on the potential of better-than-expected job flows given the improved oil prices.

At the time of writing, shares of Sapura Energy traded at 77 sen - still lower by more than half the value of what it traded at the start of 2017.


2018-01-19 17:49 | Report Abuse

The week opened at 0.92 and now closed at 0.84. It is still down by 0.08 cent on weekly basis which is 8.6% lower while the Main Board index was up by 3 points. It is could just be a window dressing for the week, as the sudden surge in both SAP and Main Board happened in the last 15mins.


2018-01-11 22:42 | Report Abuse

Good info, Geo123


2017-12-26 08:37 | Report Abuse

Target price : RM1.50
Basis : 40 years of unproven 6th sense

Cheers to a good trading day


2015-02-09 17:02 | Report Abuse

25% of shares movement in AsiaBio in a day!. Brace for possible corporate announcement soon or a suspension for an announcement...


2015-02-09 16:58 | Report Abuse

Something is brewing.RM30+million poured in AsiaBio counter in a day, with near 60% buying rate. Major parties are working out something here. Expect some announcement, today after trading or tomorrow.


2014-12-10 10:59 | Report Abuse

roguetrader...nice idea. the frustration right. When the world drops, KLCI drops. When the world up, KLCI no response.


2014-11-27 21:55 | Report Abuse

Weird that people chose to believe blindly in a guy who himself is lost in the big blue sea.


2014-11-27 21:53 | Report Abuse that u have 600plus of fans...cant you dictate something on when Sanichii moves? Or u jz syiok sendiri with your own fans?


2014-11-06 14:00 | Report Abuse

The news is that F&N and the Thai tycoon is looking to sell off their stakes and The Edge reported last month that they are talking w buyers..esp Philippines buyer (not named). It is likely to be private placement but I am sure they need to announce to Bursa if they really start talking. Lets hope that there is confirmation soon and the buyer is international company.


2014-10-17 19:00 | Report Abuse

Nicely said,maelxpdc!


2014-10-03 10:59 | Report Abuse

peacemaker...I am in,friend.


2014-09-18 12:02 | Report Abuse

CPO fluctuating and market waiting for Bank Negara decision.....feels so glum.


2014-09-11 16:36 | Report Abuse

low and low


2014-09-08 10:17 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the news, BBB79.


2014-07-24 15:27 | Report Abuse

no news. is it just some technical thing or there is any corporate news? but it seems something is ongoing..the volume..the trade pattern


2014-07-24 09:49 | Report Abuse

anyone have any info?


2014-07-08 12:24 | Report Abuse

The headlines that is going around now is about the MAS unions. They are tackling the union asking them to be soft and they are gauging their response. So far the union yet to reply anything but as we all know the Union is mostly of UMNO/BN people and it can be easily done now that government (read : Nazir) is all out to curb their influence. Once MAS union issue a positive response of willing to take a step back, this will akin to positive development and the price will rise. Reason: 1 step closer to privatisation etc. There are alot of hurdles..which equals to rally. But the hurdles are all within the control of the govt. And with the support hover ard .21...a big gun is supporting the fundamental. Or else, a company losing RM5 million daily...not a chance to have any such rally.


2014-07-07 09:29 | Report Abuse

if insider knows that khazanah is taking over..and the insider means someone knowing about the deal..then the insider will also purchase the shares cheap..push up the price,have khazanah privatised at higher price + premium(since khazanah is agong's $$$,who cares), then the insider as someone who can control khazanah...will do damage control by pushing mas after privatisation. here..u gain money and fame!


2014-07-04 18:00 | Report Abuse

Something is cooking. MAS Q2 report coming out end of August. Nazir to step in few days thereafter. Someone wants to start a new legacy in MAS.


2014-07-04 17:16 | Report Abuse

It's support at 0.225.


2014-07-04 10:33 | Report Abuse

Agreed.Always check what the big fishes are doing.


2014-07-04 08:56 | Report Abuse

Khazanah did not make any statement. MAS made a statement that it is not aware of such privatization but to leave the ultimate decisions to the major shareholders of MAS. Khazanah is making a corporate restructuring effective September 1st and it involves none other than the brother of Najib,Nazir. So guys,alot is in store and MAS is 1 of the plan. Watch out for GLC-linked stocks. The new gold finger in own is soon-to-be Chairman of CIMB and also soon-to-be Chairman of Khazanah, Nazir Razak.


2014-06-27 17:15 | Report Abuse

In countries like Japan where they take responsibilities in their failure, they will wind down the airlines. But in Msia, no such thing ever ever happened. No resignation, nothing. So it means winding down is out of the box. What the government usually will do is to portray that it has found a way to rescue it and also a "hero" willing to take the risk and responsibility to rescue it. Plus, the union is too strong (as in to their political background). Government at its most fragile moment will not want to go against its people. Just my 2 cents worth, based on the government history as well as the volume and the price fluctuation in the past few weeks.


2014-06-27 17:08 | Report Abuse

If Syed can ask and given a RM2billion tax waiver for its Bernas over 5 years, then be assured that he can pull the same with MAS. After all, if Syed is doing well then it means the government (in the other way) is doing good too. Syed advisors are sharks looking to make a good deal on government-backed companies and if you are the advisors, will you overlook MAS? It's like monopoly...u controlled the land transport (DRB HICOM), the water transport (ports) and you will want the air too (MAS). The value.


2014-06-27 17:04 | Report Abuse

As indicated in news,there are several interested parties which are linked to the government (read:syed mokhtar).Plus, with Khazanah in the picture it is easy for them to implement what they want. Assuming that Syed wants a piece of MAS (very likely since he has history of favouring government-linked assets like Bernas, Pos Msia, DRB Hicom etc), knowing the price is low he is slowly scooping up the shares. Release some information like with Emirates etc and he has the capital to scoop even further shares from the rise and fall of shares. Esp in near future, many investors will ditch Mas share in anticipation of bad Q2 result.
Time for Syed to buy more when near Q2 and after Q2. The saviour to MAS is government and government is with Syed. Then, government will announce the plan and action to save MAS, supported by Khazanah, EPF and perhaps CIMB too. The sentiment will be better and Syed reveals his share and to support government's plan(as an excuse). MAS and Syed gets all the preferential treatment.
What lost before are lost but from hereon, Syed and its people has alot to gain.
And during these few months of half a year, if MH370 is found then it will be good news to MAS and push up its goodwill. By then, it seems nothing can go wrong for MAS and all the people will forget about these moment.
Looking at how the price hovers, it is very obvious that there are big institutions or a group of it are playing with the numbers.
Watch out for all the actions nearing Q2 announcement. Until then, look at how all these people get their capitals from small investors.
Plus, it also take some time for Syed and his people to liaise with the right people and agree to the game play.