
tracylim | Joined since 2015-02-27 01:21:48

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2021-03-15 14:27 | Report Abuse

Haha.. right. if it drops back I will certainly add..


2021-03-15 13:24 | Report Abuse

Larry.. That's what we are looking forward to in the years to come..


2021-03-11 20:58 | Report Abuse

今天真的很牛哦! 哈哈! 不管股价如何,坚持持有,希望可以见证1年内 4.00 的目标!


2021-02-25 19:09 | Report Abuse

坦白说,看着股价一直跌心里还是蛮不好受的,但庆幸自己的坚持 - "除非基本面改变,不然紧抱着母股 + bonus + warrants,说什么也不卖!" 朋友们,为我们的信念及坚持干杯!


2021-02-17 09:51 | Report Abuse

对我个人来说比较喜欢长期持有,暂时还是紧握着母股,bonus shares和warrants,因为喜欢加入公司做股东这个概念,也喜欢看着公司成长,3个一起上升的感觉。。只要接下来的日子Karim可以继续表现就没问题啦! 公司盈利不断增长股价自然会一步一步上。。短暂起起落落不需要理它啦! 毕竟有些人是玩短线的,他们是需要做出take profit/cut loss的一些操作,但这些对我来说没什么影响。。


2021-02-16 08:57 | Report Abuse

Btw, I am glad I hold, and happy see the warrants in my account.. finally.. I don't think anyone can get 0.45 or 0.60 today.. patience guys..


2021-02-16 08:50 | Report Abuse

cytew, looks like you said it correctly.. Would you mind to enlighten us the reason behind? first time see limit up X5.. Tqvm


2021-02-10 10:25 | Report Abuse

And if, I said IF ya everyone just decided to sell SCIB below 2.00, although no change in fundamental, it's called crazy big sale! I guess you all know what to do la haha


2021-02-10 10:21 | Report Abuse

For instance, SCIB nearer support should be around 2.30, so when the price went down lower than 2.30, and the company got bright future and plenty of projects, then it's called discount and definitely a chance to buy a portion (remember not all in ya). Then, if it can go down to another supporting point at 2.10-2.13, it's even a bigger discount and should enter another portion. Just my two cents.


2021-02-10 10:15 | Report Abuse

For me, corrections are the most healthy thing in an uptrend stock, and it's basically a chance to buy in.


2021-02-10 08:57 | Report Abuse

It's difficult to get a good stock, once you manage to find one, make sure you are greedy enough and not to let go too easily


2021-02-10 08:31 | Report Abuse

Well @tradeup, we must admit it's a tricky topic in Malaysia..

"The article defines a “Malay” as a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, and conforms to Malay custom."

but that's not my point... let's come back to SCIB discussion


2021-02-10 06:46 | Report Abuse

Haha.. Relax guys.. SCIB good news are not going to stop here.. There are more to come in 2021 and along the years.. Ala, why just satisfied with 50% gain? Go for bigger prize: 500%, 1000% 2000%.. Aim big, hold tight, not to be easily influenced by noises and stop thinking like the big herd.. Believe me, if you just obsessed by short term fluctuations, you can't go far and your reward will be limited.. Try think from Boss Karim's perspectives as a business owner.. This guys is a genius Muslim entrepreneur with Chinese business mind and he's one of the most capable and ambitious Malays in the country.. and Karim's definitely not a goreng kaki ya.. Adjust your mindset from now, trust me, you will gain big eventually.. and seriously, SCIB might change your live..


2021-02-09 17:46 | Report Abuse

Why sell and get 50% (for example) if you can get 500%??


2021-02-09 17:45 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is always like that: Sell on news. But no worries, there are so many news coming in the future! For long term the price will continue to go up. No need to sell, just keep for a few years (at least 3 la) you will witness Karim's power of multiplication.


2021-02-09 12:09 | Report Abuse

Honestly, this forum sounds different from last year...


2021-02-08 23:21 | Report Abuse

耐心等待的必有回报! 朋友们,为自己的坚持鼓掌吧!

"对SCIB的看法一二 - 写给年轻的朋友们" by Tracy Lim 31/1/2021

对我来说,Datuk Karim 有着华人的生意头脑,回教徒的优势; 而由他领导的SCIB则是本土的品牌,却有着征服世界的野心。



其实多年以来,它与KPOWER都不被市场看好,而是在大马优质上市公司Serbadk老板 Datuk Karim与其团队接手后,经历了惊天动地的反转。







原因很简单: 要选到/买到好股不易,若是我在它回调时卖了,我没有信心可以在它冲上去时买回。



若是真的要卖,我会问我自己:"当初为什么买?" "公司基本面变了吗?" 若是没变,我绝对不会轻易放掉手中的票。

我喜欢听陈剑老师的分享,最近他有讨论到'当前景好的公司在上升趋势中股价做出回调时,投资者应该怎么做? '

再优质的股,都不可能是一条直线向上冲的,上涨趋势中一定会做出回调,套陈剑老师所建议的(当时老师是拿其它公司做例子): "把资金分成几个部分,每当回调10%买入一部分"。

以SCIB目前的市值在马来西亚上市公司来说实在不大,而多数票还是紧握在Datuk Karim和几位大股东手中。

其实在市场上持有SCIB的机构与个人真的不多,就像另一位我本身也蛮崇拜的趋势价值投资老师 Harry Teo 最近在他的Facebook live 所说,"我们今天这里有1800位听众,可能有1700位是没有买SCIB 的。。"以当时观众的反应看来,看得出多数人是没持有甚至不曾关注这家公司的。。



让我们一起期待二月尾的业绩吧,听说。。嘻嘻。。(当然,不单是二月啦。。 因为SCIB接下来每个季度的业绩都非常值得期待的哦), 还有新的一年希望有更丰厚的股息,并祝愿老板在世界各地拿到更多的大project,以达到 5 Billion Market Cap 的中期目标。



2021-02-08 23:09 | Report Abuse

I think the best thing I have done in 2020 was to buy, hold tight and not to sell a single share of SCIB.


2021-02-02 11:47 | Report Abuse

It's actually too early to judge now.. I think after a few weeks then we can justify better.. I look at it from the point of an investor la..


2021-02-02 10:30 | Report Abuse

Go to company announcements


2021-02-02 10:07 | Report Abuse

ZhiPui, theoretically yes, but remember it's a free market.


2021-02-02 10:06 | Report Abuse

@parzival97 When a warrant is given, there will be two adjustments

1) mother share, which adjusted at the X-date 2/2 (2.67 to 2.37) and,

2) warrants, theoretically it will be adjusted according to the price of the mother share one day before entitlement date (15/2).

For example, if the mother ends at 2.45 on 15/2, theoretically warrants will be listed at 2.45-1.77=0.68 on 16/2, but all depends on the buyer-seller market. Like for kpower case, a lot of buyers but no seller, so warrants price will go up.

Pls correct me if I am wrong. Tqvm


2021-02-02 09:57 | Report Abuse

@newdestination today adjust mother price, on 16/2 we will have a theoretical adjusted warrant price according to the mother price one day before, of coz it can ends up limit up like kpower, determined by the market then.


2021-02-02 09:22 | Report Abuse



2021-02-01 23:37 | Report Abuse

以下分享的。。只是我个人的浅见罢了,因为就算是卖了SCIB,坦白说我短期内也实在看不到另一支好股,可以抱着过几年的。。因为那些好股多数价钱也已经很高了,与其换来换去,倒不如相信自己的眼光。若回调也不怕,相信华人新年后SCIB的warrants会补上回调的价位。只要撑过这一轮,到时接二连三的利好,母股和warrants将会发挥红股与凭单的杠杠效应。Datuk Karim做了这么多难道不是为了这些吗?


2021-02-01 22:09 | Report Abuse

Really appreciate those who has helped to do this simple survey. I repost here so that more can see. Hope can hear from more SCIB forum members, Thank you.


A simple survey - Which type are you? Share with us! You may give simply reasons to support your choice. You may also add more choice of your own...

For me, I'm no.2 as I have faith in the company and I know Datuk Karim is also no. 2.. Haha..

You know what, the best part of share market is no one knows which is the best choice at the present... So no need to take it personally or feel offensive, after a few weeks/months/years.. time will tell.

1) Sold 100% and took profit. No shares on hands, not getting any warrants. (Might leave SCIB for good, might also happy to see SCIB further drops significantly so that I can buy back the shares)

2) Hold 100%. Hard-core value/long-term investors. Hold every share, will be entitled for warrants. (Believe that price will come back after adjustment, hope for more stimulus i.e. QR so that I can enjoy double increase in mother + warrant)

3) Sold some %, hold some %. Still have shares on hands, will be entitled for some warrants. (Leverage the risk, take some profit at the same time still want to see mother + warrant going up after adjustment, might wait for opportunity to buy back/more at lower points)

4) Did not enter. No shares on hands, will not entitle for warrants. (See the value of SCIB. Might buy in mother/warrants when there's opportunity)

5) Others. Elaborate please.

Thank you.


2021-01-31 21:04 | Report Abuse

A simple survey - Which type are you? Share with us! You may give simply reasons to support your choice. You may also add more choice of your own...

For me, I'm no.2 as I have faith in the company and I know Datuk Karim is also no. 2.. Haha..

You know what, the best part of share market is no one knows which is the best choice at the present... So no need to take it personally or feel offensive, after a few weeks/months/years.. time will tell.

1) Sold 100% and took profit. No shares on hands, not getting any warrants. (Might leave SCIB for good, might also happy to see SCIB further drops significantly so that I can buy back the shares)

2) Hold 100%. Hard-core value/long-term investors. Hold every share, will be entitled for warrants. (Believe that price will come back after adjustment, hope for more stimulus i.e. QR so that I can enjoy double increase in mother + warrant)

3) Sold some %, hold some %. Still have shares on hands, will be entitled for some warrants. (Leverage the risk, take some profit at the same time still want to see mother + warrant going up after adjustment, might wait for opportunity to buy back/more at lower points)

4) Did not enter. No shares on hands, will not entitle for warrants. (See the value of SCIB. Might buy in mother/warrants when there's opportunity)

5) Others. Elaborate please.

Thank you.


2021-01-31 08:39 | Report Abuse

"对SCIB的看法一二 - 写给年轻的朋友们" by Tracy Lim 31/1/2021

对我来说,Datuk Karim 有着华人的生意头脑,回教徒的优势; 而由他领导的SCIB则是本土的品牌,却有着征服世界的野心。



其实多年以来,它与KPOWER都不被市场看好,而是在大马优质上市公司Serbadk老板 Datuk Karim与其团队接手后,经历了惊天动地的反转。







原因很简单: 要选到/买到好股不易,若是我在它回调时卖了,我没有信心可以在它冲上去时买回。



若是真的要卖,我会问我自己:"当初为什么买?" "公司基本面变了吗?" 若是没变,我绝对不会轻易放掉手中的票。

我喜欢听陈剑老师的分享,最近他有讨论到'当前景好的公司在上升趋势中股价做出回调时,投资者应该怎么做? '

再优质的股,都不可能是一条直线向上冲的,上涨趋势中一定会做出回调,套陈剑老师所建议的(当时老师是拿其它公司做例子): "把资金分成几个部分,每当回调10%买入一部分"。

以SCIB目前的市值在马来西亚上市公司来说实在不大,而多数票还是紧握在Datuk Karim和几位大股东手中。

其实在市场上持有SCIB的机构与个人真的不多,就像另一位我本身也蛮崇拜的趋势价值投资老师 Harry Teo 最近在他的Facebook live 所说,"我们今天这里有1800位听众,可能有1700位是没有买SCIB 的。。"以当时观众的反应看来,看得出多数人是没持有甚至不曾关注这家公司的。。



让我们一起期待二月尾的业绩吧,听说。。嘻嘻。。(当然,不单是二月啦。。 因为SCIB接下来每个季度的业绩都非常值得期待的哦), 还有新的一年希望有更丰厚的股息,并祝愿老板在世界各地拿到更多的大project,以达到 5 Billion Market Cap 的中期目标。



2021-01-29 19:01 | Report Abuse

I have been holding SCIB since last year and have no intention to sell it at all.. just ignore the ups and downs as no counter shoots up the sky in a straight line.. Congratulations if you are still holding SCIB.. as warrants are on the way, followed by quarterly result, and perhaps some project announcements.. If you believe in Karim, then give him a chance to prove his 5Billion market cap target.. The night is still young and the journey has just begun.. Give some patience and I believe those who endure shall be rewarded..


2021-01-29 10:20 | Report Abuse

Actually I really pity those who being washed out this morning.. hai.. Yesterday I just told you the history how this counter dropped 3 times since last year but eventually rebounded.. and went much higher.. why still so many kena cuci keluar?


2021-01-29 09:37 | Report Abuse

There was an opportunity to buy just now, those who got it got it lo...


2021-01-28 19:17 | Report Abuse

@keane Yes! I have to admit it wasn't easy but glad we pressed through..


2021-01-28 18:40 | Report Abuse

Haha.. looks like we have two groups of scib shareholders here.. different views between traders vs value investors.

Ya.. I am one of the value investors, honestly I really don't care how the price goes on Friday (last day to get free warrants) or on 16/2 (free warrants listing day)..

When SCIB dropped from 4.00 to 3.20 (-20%), I hold
When SCIB dropped from 6.24 to 4.75 (-25%), I hold
When SCIB dropped from 1.56 to 1.17 (-25%), I hold

Why? Because I know all the drops are temporary, SCIB will eventually go beyond all these and fly. If I let go when it drops, I don't have confident I can buy back when it shoots up, that's why I just hold tight.

I am glad I hold, else I won't be able to enjoy 12.00 now, or maybe 15.00/20.00/25.00 or more in the future..

You need to know who Datuk Karim is, you need to know how capable this guy can do, and what's in his mind.. Guys, 5 billion market cap target in a few years time, let say he just achieve 75%-80% of his calculate yourself..


2021-01-28 01:46 | Report Abuse

Atomic Habits, thanks for your details elaboration on the reference price.. it's very helpful


2021-01-28 01:43 | Report Abuse

So I expect the same will go to SCIB.. am I right guys? Enlighten me pls, thank you.


2021-01-28 01:40 | Report Abuse

But I noted that bursa did not reduce kpower mother share price at all. Its mother share price was adjusted by buyers and sellers instead.


2021-01-28 01:38 | Report Abuse

2nd day 0.60. Also it's the price agreed by both buyers and sellers at the same time compliant to bursa 30% limit up rules. Same thing goes to 3rd day, 0.90.


2021-01-28 01:35 | Report Abuse

If I am not mistaken, all free warrants start-up price is 0.005, but market will decide how much its listed on the first day, like kpower ~0.305 (correct me if I am wrong) because that's the price buyers and sellers agreed at 9:00am on the first day, also the limit in bursa regulations (not over 30% for a limit up of a penny stock in a day)


2021-01-28 01:28 | Report Abuse

There are a few terms that we will usually encounter when investing in warrant:

- Exercise price:  the price warrant holder pay to buy the company share
- Conversion ratio:  the number of warrant(s) needed to buy one company share
- Expiry date:  the date the warrant will expire
- Gearing:  indicate the level of leverage
- Premium:  indicate the difference between mother share price & warrant price if warrant is exercised.

Let's take SPSETIA as example again:

On 22 July, mother share SPSETIA RM4.07, SPSETIA-WB RM1.04.

- Exercise price:  RM2.99 (fixed)
- Conversion ratio:  1 warrant for 1 share
- Expiry date:  21 Jan 2013
- Gearing:  3.91 (4.07/1.04) The higher the gearing, the higher the leverage (higher potential gain/lost)
- Premium:  -0.98% [(2.99+1.04-4.07)/4.07] x 100. The lower the premium, the "cheaper" is the warrant

If I have 1000 SPSETIA-WB bought earlier at RM0.90, and I exercise my right to convert all of them into SPSETIA shares on 22 July, I need to pay the exercise price of RM2.99 for each converted shares. Thus the total cost of conversion is RM2.99 x 1000 = RM2990 (excluding other trading cost).

For this case, the total cost for this 1000 SPSETIA shares is (RM0.90 + RM2.99) x 1000 = RM3890. If I immediately sell all of them on 22 July at RM4.07, I'll gain RM107 (RM4070-RM3890). By right I can't sell the converted mother shares on the same day as the conversion date because conversion usually takes few weeks time to complete. This is just example.

However, if I do not wish to exercise the warrant right, I can sell the warrant directly in the stock market like most warrant holders will do. If I manage to sell all 1000 SPSETIA-WB on 22 July at price RM1.04, I'll gain (RM1.04-RM0.90) x 1000 = RM140.


2021-01-27 17:21 | Report Abuse

Haha, Ally.. can't agree more.. I bought slightly higher than you.. But can't complaint more.. Looking forward for another 10x surge in the future..


2021-01-27 11:54 | Report Abuse

This is what we call healthy uptrend... You can't find a counter that shoots to the sky in a straight line...


2021-01-27 11:38 | Report Abuse

Just ignore the ups and downs.. Keep for some time SCIB will reward you..


2021-01-27 10:02 | Report Abuse

Oh ya my mistakes. thank you for pointing it out


2021-01-27 09:59 | Report Abuse

Although it's at a higher price, but no choice. And by looking at KPOWER warrants trend, next week SCIB free warrants will also limit up only God knows for how many days.