
tuachoon | Joined since 2018-10-09

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2020-12-30 17:30 | Report Abuse

If good why daughter left? Now only Hai Hua managing the company. 2 persons show.


2020-12-15 10:55 | Report Abuse

The daughter also left and set up her own company from land reclamation to become food seller.


2020-12-15 10:52 | Report Abuse

Benalec is not a con man. Benalec lacks of talented staff. All good staff kicked out due to office politics by eunuch of no qualification and experience and lidi man. Despite both already resigned, but good staff no longer with them.


2020-12-02 11:27 | Report Abuse

Last time Benalec has a very good and strong management team but this LSH allowed and listened to eunuch and those with no qualification and experience to manage the company. All good staff being accused to take commission without proof. Listening rumours and force people to resign. Now only left incapable management team to manage this company. If Seng Hai can get back all those good staff, maybe there is still a hope. However, unlikely those resigned will join back.


2020-07-08 13:55 | Report Abuse

Last time talented people in this company. All left due to office politic.


2020-07-02 09:28 | Report Abuse

I bought 23k shares too.... test test water


2020-07-01 17:25 | Report Abuse

I am back. Who wake me up here again. Read annual report page 36. Directors get RM9.9 million. Have Not include household expenses yet. You think no claim even groceries ??????


2019-12-02 09:58 | Report Abuse

He lost in court case and need to pay lots money to us the Real Leaw Brothers.


2019-11-11 16:11 | Report Abuse

Well done Sam Leaw


2019-11-11 16:11 | Report Abuse

Projek penambakan laut bagi tujuan Taman Perindustrian Maritim Tg Piai “Tg Piai Maritime
Industrial Park, (TPMIP) yang diusahakan oleh Spektrum Kukuh Sdn Bhd (SKSB) iaitu anak
syarikat Benalec Sdn Bhd (Benalec) merangkumi kawasan seluas 3,485 ekar yang
dibahagikan kepada tiga (3) fasa sebagaimana berikut:
a) Penambakan TPMIP Fasa 1 berjumlah 1,080 ekar;
b) Penambakan TPMIP Fasa 2 berjumlah 1,008 ekar;
c) Penambakan TPMIP Fasa 3 berjumlah 1,411 ekar.
TPMIP akan ditambak secara berperingkat dan jangka masa penyiapan bagi setiap fasa
untuk keseluruhan projek berkeluasan 3,485 ekar ini adalah tertakluk kepada permintaan
komersial. Kerja-kerja penambakan laut telah pun dimulakan pada awal bulan Disember
2015 yang lalu dan setakat ini hampir dua ratus (200) ekar daripada kawasan dalam Fasa 1
iaitu Plot 1 telah ditambak. Kerja-kerja penambakan tambahan juga telah dilaksanakan bagi
sebahagian kawasan yang telah ditambak iaitu di atas kawasan seluas 100 ekar dan kini
sedang dalam tempoh menunggu bagi kawasan yang ditambak untuk mencapai tahap
pengukuhan tanah (“soil consolidation”) yang telah ditetapkan sebelum kerja-kerja
membawa keluar surcaj dan kerja-kerja pembinaan struktur pencegah hakisan dapat
diteruskan. Dengan kemajuan kerja yang telah ditunjukkan ini, sambutan yang diperolehi
adalah lebih serius dan menggalakkan daripada pasaran dan pelabur dalam sektor


2019-11-11 16:10 | Report Abuse

Selain itu, pemaju projek juga sedang giat berbincang dengan beberapa pihak pelabur yang
berminat dari beberapa buah negara termasuk dari Singapura, China, Eropah dan juga UAE
bagi plot-plot tanah lain di TPMIP. Dengan sambutan yang diperolehi, pemaju projek melalui
Perbadanan Setiausaha Kerajaan Johor (SSI) telah mengemukakan permohonan untuk
mewujudkan Zon Perdagangan Bebas (FCZ) dan Zon Perindustrian Bebas (FIZ) untuk
TPMIP kepada pihak Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia (MOF) dengan harapan pewartaan
TPMIP sebagai kawasan FCZ dan FIZ akan menarik minat lebih ramai pelabur dari seluruh
dunia agar melabur di TPMIP.


2019-11-11 16:10 | Report Abuse

Menjelang akhir tahun ini, sekiranya semua pihak mencapai persefahaman, satu syarikat
usaha sama akan ditubuhkan di antara Benalec dan syarikat konglomerat kewangan dan
syarikat usaha sama ini akan menjadi penyewa/pembeli kepada Plot 1 iaitu 100 ekar
pertama tanah di TPMIP daripada SKSB. Syarikat usaha sama tersebut akan membina
terminal penyimpanan cecair pukal di atas Plot 1 di TPMIP ini, bagi kegunaan syarikat
minyak utama tersebut.


2019-11-11 16:09 | Report Abuse

baru-baru ini, Benalec telah
menandatangani satu Memorandum Persefahaman yang melibatkan tiga pihak iaitu
Benalec, sebuah syarikat konglomerat kewangan antarabangsa yang mendapat sokongan
negeri, dan juga sebuah syarikat minyak utama terbesar dunia. Ketiga-tiga pihak ini sedang
menjalankan kajian kemungkinan (“feasibility study”) serta terikat dalam perbincangan
secara eksklusif bagi tujuan membina kemudahan penyimpanan tangki pertama yang akan
dibangunkan di Plot 1 iaitu 100 ekar pertama di TPMIP ini, dikenali sebagai Tanjung Piai Oil
Terminal, (TPOT).
Syarikat konglomerat kewangan yang namanya tidak dapat didedahkan kerana tertakluk
kepada syarat dalam Memorandum Persefahaman yang telah ditandatangani, akan menjadi
pemegang saham majoriti projek TPOT, selain pengendalian serta penjenamaan juga
adalah di bawah tanda dagangan syarikat ini. Syarikat minyak utama tersebut pula
bercadang untuk menyimpan sehingga 1 juta meter padu (m3) minyak di TPOT yang akan
dibina di atas Plot 1 TPMIP.


2019-11-06 17:53 | Report Abuse

Seng dont want to come back. Jean always play. Lin as woman wanna take over company and once married, let husband not Leaw surname to take over Leaw family business. Shame to founder.


2019-11-06 17:50 | Report Abuse

Already 8 years egg also did not come out. Still believe in Tanjung Piai and Pengerang? Vincent Leaw already 58 old. You think he can create miracle? Another 5 years no more energy.


2019-10-31 11:00 | Report Abuse

When i wrote something, Ah Hai will push share price up.


2019-10-30 13:42 | Report Abuse

Last time sohai got 1 relative working for him. He is good guardian and capable, unfortunately, sohai kicked his own relative out. After that, this company starts to head southern exactly to southern part


2019-10-30 13:40 | Report Abuse

I have my own company and already get cash paid by sohai and my sohai brother has the shares and rubbish company


2019-10-22 17:18 | Report Abuse

Only Guan Yin Ma can save Benalec. Big Boss always pray Guan Gong also cant help him much.


2019-10-22 17:15 | Report Abuse

I am back again. Now this company is worse than Kuih Talam. Each piece of Kuih Talam is RM1.00.

141 pieces Kuih Talam, you can buy 1000 shares. Seems daughter also useless cant do much so called graduated from Top Universities. Only make the university shameless for incapable.

A bunch of potato. Last time a group of smart people inside but due to office politics, all good staff forced to resign by key management aka COO with no qualification and experience kicked out GM and invite those sohai Mak Koh.


2019-05-13 14:56 | Report Abuse

Lamborghini Aventador, Lamborghini Huracan, Ferrari 458 Italia, BMW, Rolls Royce

Money buy car


2019-05-13 14:53 | Report Abuse

I have sent seven spies

Shirly Chow Wannyen
Umar Bin Abd Aziz
Zuhairah Binti Zainal
Zarina Binti Mansor
Tan Pei Ting
Tee Tan Ching
Peter Gan


2019-04-19 10:29 | Report Abuse

Penang going to reclaim 3 islands copying Benalec concept. Faster run........... no one is buying land belongs to Benalec.


2019-03-08 16:20 | Report Abuse

How is everything?


2019-01-02 11:23 | Report Abuse

Chinese New Year 2019 is coming. We brothers happily eating dinner and visiting and praying ancestors. You Ah Hai lonely looking for people to celebrate CNY 2019. Family in ruined because you do not know boundaries by having mistress. Your mistress only love your old guy money. Business is hectic and not performing and lack of capable people.

You deserve it


2019-01-02 11:16 | Report Abuse

Yes. Seng Hai is a fake brother.


2018-12-31 10:57 | Report Abuse

RM7 million and since IPO year 2010. Assuming RM3 million per year, he already took RM24 million. As investor who subscribed the shares, do you think you all get adequate return?


2018-12-31 10:54 | Report Abuse

Nothing wrong with the company. The key issue is this company is managed by a bunch of potato chip and useless MD who have lots mistresses and excessive salary and claimed the company on his personal usage. Remember it is me who managed Malacca.

Ah Hai secured Johor projects which now is a white elephant.


2018-12-27 14:16 | Report Abuse

My youngest brother will pay himself bulk of salary and claiming company on all his personal expenses, family expenses, mistress expenses and company car.


2018-12-19 16:11 | Report Abuse

No more dividends forever. It is time to escape before too late.


2018-12-12 13:45 | Report Abuse

It is sad to know youngest son went for holiday again


2018-12-10 11:09 | Report Abuse

You wanted your kids to become MD and take over the company and you use dirty tactic to kick out all siblings


2018-12-06 17:12 | Report Abuse

Sohai..... did you claim company on your personal expenses such as clothing, perfume and also your children and mistress and family expenses. Let me warn you seriously......It is criminal breach of trust.


2018-12-06 12:13 | Report Abuse

Those staff who resigned, after few months later, he will persuade you to join. Telling how desperate he needs you. He will give you extraordinary benefits such as company car, salary increase nearly 40% and buying new company hand phone.

After few months, he will terminate your employment and happily to see your torturing life. He likes to revenge by bringing you very high and later push you to hell.

Victim no. 1 is Kenneth Chin (Executive Director) - resigned
Victim no. 2 is Bernard Boey (COO) - resigned


2018-12-06 12:09 | Report Abuse

Where he hanging flower?


2018-12-03 17:50 | Report Abuse

Those loyal to me now doing well now. Those who loyal to Sohai but got sacked by Sohai. Remaining now all potato in the company.


2018-12-03 17:41 | Report Abuse

IPO RM1.00
During my tenure RM1.50
After I quit RM0.19
Dropped 87%


2018-12-03 13:35 | Report Abuse

will drop until RM0.10


2018-11-23 15:09 | Report Abuse

Luckily brothers can exit at good price through option. Thank you to my youngest brother stupidity in giving option.


2018-11-21 18:37 | Report Abuse

dropped from a billion to RM168 million market capitalization. A bravo brother for achieving success disgracing our family.


2018-11-16 17:46 | Report Abuse

It is bridge to Singapore and not bridge to Heaven. It won't bring Benalec to heaven. Sooner they are heading to hell waiting China to take over this company and destroyed honourable LAC hardwork


2018-11-13 14:52 | Report Abuse

I do not have such brother.


2018-11-01 10:52 | Report Abuse

Biggest mistake you ever make is listen to crooked management and kicked away those good staff who want to bring Benalec to a greater heights but you accused them as trouble makers.


2018-11-01 10:49 | Report Abuse

From a billion ringgit company become RM173 million market capitalization. How you run the company Ah Hai? You are not invisible and capable as you always thought yourself. You are surrounded by Management team with dog and cat abilities.


2018-10-29 12:20 | Report Abuse

Poor brother....... under your realm, the company from excellent to worst.


2018-10-19 16:34 | Report Abuse

Pengerang and Tanjung Piai are failure projects ever created by Seng Hai


2018-10-09 14:49 | Report Abuse

Good staff helped him to find those crocked people in the company but was accused as trouble maker.


2018-10-09 14:48 | Report Abuse

He got the money but his life is so lonely. Alone celebrating any event. His good staff all left him. Last time he got a team of capable people working for him. But he entrusted crocked management team. He deserved it.


2018-10-09 14:45 | Report Abuse

my younger brother use company money to buy own underwear, household items and clothes. Dare you to report to Bursa and ask for special audit.