
willywonka | Joined since 2023-05-13

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2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

It doesnt really matter now how many Billions (3.3) shares there is..It still just a company value that matters. As long as they don't dilute it anymore so the shareholders loose more value.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

It is a pretty stagnated Q2 with no loss on cash or valuation. The only positive is the 13% increase in sales for Silterra. They can't control the Oil price but Positive will only come in 2025 with the double output. So hopefully Silterra will continue the positive order intake, They will get the government subsideries, Win the Arbitation and then get the JV with Foxconn finalized and started.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Ken...DNEX is a Holding company that has invested in IT, OIL and Semiconducter manufacoring so not sure what you mean with what industry. its in 3 areas as you mention yourself.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Does anybody know the status of the arbitration that started 21 Months ago? , The Foxconn plans/status of the JV? and when the Q2 result will be out?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

WE can only hope the Goverment dont make the same mistake as before and let a local company try to develop it since 2019 with 2 different companies and none of them could do it and the termination cost for the government has already been around 400 Mill in termination penalty and still an ongoing claim for anther 500 Million RM. Perhaps DNEX is 400 Mill more expensive than Theta with a proven system but why would a small company like Theta be able to develop it from scratch when the other could not or will it be a third contract awarded where it will cost the government anoth few hundred million cause the awarded contract lacks behind or they cant do it.But lets see if the joke continues with Theta or they come to their sences and award it to DNEX that they know can deliver.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Jazmaster, there is actually 5 catalyst the way I see it
1. If they get NIISEII awarded and if it's a good price and good terms
2. If the arbitration goes DNEX way
New FAb factory with Foxconn and the Saudi company
4. Silterra starting to earn money and getting the order books full
5.start 2025 when PING starts to make money on the new cluster and double the earning


2024-06-14 11:02 | Report Abuse

Its normal with a low share price to have high volume when going up due to the day traders and computers that buy and sell on algorithms to make 1 to 2% per deal. In DNEX case 0.5 sen is almost 1% gain so if the target is 1-2% gain per order they will keep buying and selling to take the profit. So I assume we need to trade 800- 1Billion shares to move up 0.5 to 1 sen before it becomes stable. When it hits 1 RM it will be a very different stock to trade. There is also small investors that keep taking profit of 5-8% so that will pressure the share price aswell. but eventually, the price will slowly go up once the benchmark has been moved without any news.


2024-05-23 17:27 | Report Abuse

Almost 400 mill shares traded above 0.445..wonder how many more before we break the resistance. anybody know when NIISE will be awarded?


2024-05-10 16:41 | Report Abuse

Younglean..Why post an article from 2017 ???


2024-05-07 06:19 | Report Abuse

So probably a very REd day ahead today for DNEX :-(


2024-05-07 06:18 | Report Abuse

The placement price is set at 0.36 so to get the 133 Mill rm there will be issued additional 370,000,000 Shares..Now just need to see who will buy the full lot and how long they need to hold them before they can sell

On behalf of the Board, UOBKH wishes to announce that the Board had on 6 May 2024 resolved to fix the issue price for the Private Placement at RM0.36 per Placement Share.

The issue price of RM0.36 per Placement Share represents a discount of 10.00% to the 5-day volume weighted average market price of DNeX Shares up to and including 3 May 2024, being the last traded day of DNeX Shares immediately preceding the price-fixing date, of RM0.400 per DNeX Share.

This announcement is dated 6 May 2024.


2024-04-29 15:29 | Report Abuse

guess another 3-400 Million shares more to sell before moving up based on the current selling


2024-04-29 12:36 | Report Abuse

450 Million shares traded at 0.40 or over the last 3 weeks..Wonder how many more before the the bottom is done and we can move upwards.


2024-04-17 12:02 | Report Abuse

stuck at 0.4 to 0.405 again...wonder for how long or perhaps 2-300 million shares traded before it moves upwards.


2024-03-01 07:50 | Report Abuse

AQlso Inin q5 and Q6 there was only a difference of 12.7 Mill Rm differece in sale where Q6 was 12.7 Mill Less howener in Q5 the loss was "only" 15 Mill for silterra but Q6 it was 31 Mill rm in Loss...It does not make sence that 12.7 Mill less sales can add 16 Mill more Loss ??...Anybody can explain that to me ?


2024-03-01 07:48 | Report Abuse

Can anybody explain to me why last year Q4 2023 they made a profit of 47.5 Mill RM when Silterra was only 128 Mill turnover and the other divisions was almost similar ASs per the article below..

In 4Q FY2023, the Group reported a net profit of RM47.5 million against RM275 million in revenue. In terms of revenue breakdown, the Technology division contributed 47 per cent to total revenue, while the Energy and Information Technology (“IT”) divisions contributed 33 per cent and 20 per cent respectively to revenue.

The global semiconductor industry market affected the Group’s Technology division where it recorded RM128.1 million in revenue compared to RM254.1 million in 4Q FY2022. Revenue from the Energy division stood at RM91.7 million as compared to RM135.7 million in the same quarter last year, affected by lower average oil prices of USD74.7 per barrel, from USD115 per barrel earlier. Revenue from the Information Technology (“IT”) division stood at RM55.3 million from RM60.8 million in the same quarter last year due to conclusion of several IT projects in the previous year.


2024-02-29 19:38 | Report Abuse

Can anybody point to 1 good thing is this extremely bad result ?


2024-02-29 18:29 | Report Abuse

how the F....can they loose 56 Mill Rm...bye bye


2024-02-29 18:11 | Report Abuse

Becuase what you saw was alredy relesed for Q 2 or Q3....look at the date next time


2024-01-03 18:12 | Report Abuse

Big buyer end of the session...maybe good news later today or Tmr.


2023-11-30 17:47 | Report Abuse

Who has the power to offload 65 MILL Shares in 1 shot after the closing? can only be one of the 3 largest shareholders how have those amounts of shares..So what going on? is it bad news coming tmr ?


2023-11-08 09:39 | Report Abuse

Does anybody know when the Next earnings call is for DNEX ? Is it the end of November?


2023-11-07 11:10 | Report Abuse

Great news that the government will put more incentives on EV cars in Malaysia with the road tax benefits. This plays well into DNEX and FOXCON plans to build the EV chip Manufacturing plant in Malaysia


2023-10-31 13:44 | Report Abuse

another small business but will bring in a contribution of 111,000 RM per month...Hopefully more to come


2023-10-31 13:42 | Report Abuse

The Board of Directors of Dagang NeXchange Berhad wishes to announce that Innovation Associates Consulting Sdn. Bhd., a sub-subsidiary of the Company had accepted the Letter of Acceptance (“the Letter”) from the Securities Commission Malaysia ("SC") in relation to the implementation a registration, licensing and authorization platform known as, Aras 2.0 Application onboarding and data migration (“the Project”).

The tenure of the Project is for a period of 27 months, starting from 24 October 2023 to 31 January 2026 with an option to renew for a further period as agreed by the parties. The total value of the Project amounts to RM3,094,034.00.

The Board of Directors is of the view that the acceptance of the Letter the Project is in the best interest of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “the Group”) and is expected to contribute positively to the earnings and net assets per share of the Group for the financial period ending 31 December 2023 onwards.

The Board of Directors do not foresee any exceptional risks other than the normal operational risks associated with the Project.

None of the directors and/or major shareholders and persons connected with a director or major shareholder has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Project.

This announcement is dated 31 October 2023.


2023-10-30 13:42 | Report Abuse

Lets see if any fireworks on this news in the afternoon trading.


2023-10-30 13:41 | Report Abuse

DAGANG NEXCHANGE BERHAD's Media News / Announcement:

Bursa M'sia - OTHERS
Dagang NeXchange Berhad ("the Company" or "DNeX") - Contract between Petroliam Nasional Berhad and Ping Petroleum Sdn. Bhd. in relation to the Production of Petroleum and Abandonment of Petroleum Facilities of Abu Cluster


2023-09-14 10:36 | Report Abuse

The company will still go down with 133 Million in value and that will reflect on the share price regardless if there is a private placement investor or own funding. The positive on the private placement is that they can bring in a partner with great knowledge of the oil and gas that doesn't trade the share as many small investors do. It can create more stability to have large investors own the company. DNEX does not have many so it's a very volatile share. Looking short term it sucks but hopefully, the value will go up once it starts operation and the income begins to come in.


2023-09-13 19:15 | Report Abuse

Looks like it's for the expansion of new oil fields they are exploring


2023-09-13 19:03 | Report Abuse

Haven't they gone through that process last year ???


2023-09-13 19:03 | Report Abuse



2023-09-06 09:48 | Report Abuse

Why so much resistance at 0.45-0.46..I thought the fair value would be around 0.47 ?


2023-09-04 11:42 | Report Abuse

Ninja..Not sure what you where looking at but I am on the live trading platform and that was 15 Mill units the first 5 Minuts..Compared to normal trading for DNEX it is alot...:-)


2023-09-04 09:07 | Report Abuse

WOW 15 Mill shares traded on the first 5 Min trading..GO GO GO


2023-08-29 06:34 | Report Abuse

Are we heading up today or southbound again ?


2023-08-28 20:42 | Report Abuse

Not very impressive..but at least it stayed in the black


2023-08-28 19:52 | Report Abuse

Result out PBT 14.39 and NP 36 Mill..


2023-08-18 10:20 | Report Abuse

BUY BUY BUY...Great price to average further down.


2023-08-03 17:50 | Report Abuse

I am still buying...cheap...Wait until the arbritation has been decided in Dnex favor. then the foxcon deal for the new factory will also come. but until then nothing much will happen.


2023-05-29 20:48 | Report Abuse

Dnex and BIH (Foxconn) has also extended the MOU in regard to the structure of the JV for the plant building and operation in Malaysia...MOU is has been extended until 16 May 2024. Atleast that a bit positive...But talk is cheap and action is required :-)


2023-05-29 20:11 | Report Abuse

But the future cash cow (Semi Conductor) seems to be a very tired cow at the moment dragging the company down this is the loss making part and its a big loss on that segment of DNEX.


2023-05-29 20:05 | Report Abuse

This doesn't have any impact on cash flow as far as I know so the loss for the Q3 is 3.4 Mill...Not very impressive and a lot of room for improvement.


2023-05-29 20:02 | Report Abuse

In addition, the enactment of the Energy Profit Levy by UK Government led to a deferred tax liability recognised
as at 31 March 2023 of RM252.40 million is non-cash in nature and it will be fully reversed to the profit or loss by
31 March 2028. This reversal will have positive impact as it reduces our tax expense during the window for which
the EPL regime applies


2023-05-22 17:46 | Report Abuse

Anybody knows when they announce the q3 tmr?. Do they normally do it morning or after closing ?


2023-05-16 09:40 | Report Abuse

Serious volume traded these first 40 Minutes...The only reason I see could be some news on the Arbitration case...However no announcement from Dnex so who knows


2023-05-14 20:03 | Report Abuse

Thank you, Uncle Bob...I am so happy to have met you in this forum and your help. not sure everybody would agree but to be honest I have never met a person before that can communicate with fish..Astonishing talent. I am truly looking forward to all the fantastic input you will come up with in the future...So Pls. don't "laugh die me" too soon. So I hope we can move on with the forum in regards to DNEX and not your hidden talents. That's the reason we are here I presume.


2023-05-14 19:30 | Report Abuse

Bob. Its so great to have people like you around in the world. Your exceptional ability to communicate and attract attention must say a bit of your personlity. But I am happy for you and your gold fish. but let me try to explain it to you again. I am only intrested in communication with adult mature people that can contribute in a constuctive dialog and that dont talk to goldfish and laugh die me with them. If you cant understand that try to ask your goldfish to explain it to you.


2023-05-14 16:56 | Report Abuse

does anybody know when the decission of the arbitration will be concluded and announced ?.
Incase CPG wins will DNEX be able to challange the agreement in another court based on MITI already stated that they had to approve the agreement ?


2023-05-14 13:48 | Report Abuse

Bob..I dont really need your comment. I am sure that people are adults and can read what is written. I am trying to have an adult dialog with mature people here. I am very sure they can read and intrepitate what is written. Perhaps you should focus on adding something to the group and
creating construtive dialog if you can.


2023-05-14 12:05 | Report Abuse

BOBAxelrod..You can just google it (DNEX and CPG settle out of court Feb 23, 2023) and you can read it there in the details. Secondly, the investment and the cost of a factory have a lot of factors incl. size and equipment so that is an answer I don't know or have. However, it's a long-term investment, and currently, MIDA has already 148 Billion invested in various projects so a billion or 2 would not rock the boat for them I would presume. You can also google if you want more info on this.

Rowie> I agree that I think there is good odds that DNEX will win. I do not see any reason for CPG to make a problem afterward since they would lose everything and as they say, money doesn't smell...The most important is the DNEX will win the rest can be sorted out over time also for future investments that is probably also why FoXcon has been quiet cause this has to be resolved first