Posted by Speedy Boy > 2018-10-03 23:47 | Report Abuse

So basically the planned UMNO PPBM merger is not in cold storage! It seems the moment Mahathir declare having majority MPs, DAP and PKR will call kick PPBM out from Pakatan! This was not anticipated by Mahathir before been a short sighted leader he is! Unfortunately for UMNO, it is losing more and more MPs as days go by! In fact come GE15, it will not even be able to fight Amanah! The free flow money politics has come to standstill! Without money, UMNO is dead! With Zahid at the heed, it's just a walking dead party! In short, remaining warlords in UMNO still delusional about their predicament! They are so used to luxury that they desperate to gain power through backdoor, through windows even to extend dig a hole! So what can save UMNO then! Like a sinking ship, the only thing leave is to save yourselves! Perhaps, maybe, Khairy is the right leader to turn around UMNO! Or perhaps, Khairy should consider starting a completely new alliance! What remaining UMNO BN should do is a new platform based on multiracial but with strong malay leadership like PKR! Majority of voters nowadays are the youth and aging adults! The old generation of over 55 years old may still be voting UMNO BN but the newer malaysians no longer associate themselves with corrupt UMNO especially what happen to Najib! Even component parties like MIC and MCA are now well into history book! The faster Khairy and remaining influencial UMNO BN leaders group themselves, the better chances for them to gain some respect from voters!

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