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Forgot to add dksh to this portfolio
Should have kicked out oriental and put it in
2019-01-14 11:21
Icon8888 bro, if ngam ngam got study krono,
Pls do share ... i wish to see what is your view in krono.
I bought for long no matter how volatile the economic .
2019-01-14 11:24
I find krono on a very resilient biz model, still expanding its Asia biz.
Utmost its a steadily growth player, lead player in the region.
2019-01-14 11:26
I more thing is, my thought is krono will turn into a highly asset light biz once its organic expansion start bearing optimum fruit.
For this , need icon8888 bro's cross checking.
2019-01-14 11:31
ks55_ Trap in Jaks and BIMB-W?
04/01/2019 3:21 AM
How fortune just changed in 4 months - BIMB-WA is his biggest gainer- No more trapped but almost triple the next highest gainer :)
2019-05-01 09:15
I have reserve a seat for you.
Please submit your pick for year 2021. Thank you!
2020-12-31 23:43
Happi new year Icon8888 sifu,
30% weighing in this mid cap Mbmr ?
Hmmm !
Hope to see more of your sharing in mbmr.
2019-01-01 10:01