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Stock | Last Price | Change | Shares | Market Value | % | Average Cost | Per Share | Unrealized Gain | % | Day Gain | % |
Why set such a rule that co's whose shares are below RM0.10 are excluded when their shares are actively traded
If the purpose is to avoid outliers, limitation should be based on the average daily traded value instead of share price
2020-01-02 04:50
Tan KW
As per the rule
- Each participant have to choose for a minimal of 5 and max of 10 stocks or Company Warrant which is not expire before 31-Dec-2020 (no Call Warrant, Put warrant or any other Derivative) where the stock price have to more than RM0.10 on 31-Dec-2019 5:00pm
I have key in 3 stock where the stock price have to more than RM0.10 on 31-Dec-2019 5:00pm
You have to spend the remaning 40k on other stock based on today price.
2020-01-01 01:02