ChongHH portfolio

Owner: ChongHH
Access Type: SHARED
I am starting a portfolio transaction to track my results.

I practice a concentrated portfolio comprised of mainly high quality businesses, a culmination of only the best ideas within my circle of competence. I put extra weight on the long term prospects, economic moat and total addressable market of the business.
Total Value
Today's Change
+642.00 (2.48%)


Stock's Value 21,507.00
Current Holding 1 Stocks
All Time Holding 1 Stocks
% of Total Value 83.21%

Available Cash Balance 4,339.86
Current Cash Balance 4,339.86
Unpaid Dividend 0.00
% of Total Value 16.79%

Average Cost 20,000.00
Unrealized Gain +5,846.86
% over Average Cost 29.23%

Total Capital 20,000.00
Total Return +5,846.86
% over Total Capital 29.23%
Last Updated:

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Turn off this switch if you wish to stop the auto refresh feature before the 1 hour limit is up.

[1] Click the icon on table to view the stock's What If Analysis Page.
[2] Click the Shares hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.

Stock Last Price Change Shares Market Value % Average Cost Per Share Unrealized Gain % Day Gain %
$CASH 4,339.86 16.79%
Total 25,846.86 100.00% +642.00 2.48%
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The following is my outstanding transaction for Crystal International (2232 HK) as at 20 Mar 2021

29 Dec 2020 HKD2.40 717 units (BUY)
30 Dec 2020 HKD2.40 9,435 units (BUY)
31 Dec 2020 HKD2.40 2,206 units (BUY)
27 Jan 2021 HKD2.40 3,600 units (BUY)
9 Feb 2021 HKD2.40 2,954 units (BUY)
17 Mar 2021 HKD3.45 11,500 units (BUY)
18 Mar 2021 HKD3.40 6,500 units (BUY)
19 Mar 2021 HKD3.60 10,267 units (BUY)

2021-03-20 20:38


The following is my outstanding transaction for Crystal International (2232 HK) as at 26 August 2021

29 Dec 2020 HKD2.40 717 units (BUY)
30 Dec 2020 HKD2.40 9,435 units (BUY)
31 Dec 2020 HKD2.40 2,206 units (BUY)
27 Jan 2021 HKD2.40 3,600 units (BUY)
9 Feb 2021 HKD2.40 2,954 units (BUY)
17 Mar 2021 HKD3.45 11,500 units (BUY)
18 Mar 2021 HKD3.40 6,500 units (BUY)
19 Mar 2021 HKD3.60 10,267 units (BUY)
10 May 2021 HKD3.70 7,500 units (BUY)
15 July 2021 HKD3.86 8,000 units (BUY)
24 Aug 2021 HKD3.20 5,600 units (BUY)

2021-08-26 10:09

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