Stock Pick 2022 - maytehpg

Owner: Tan KW
Access Type: SHARED | Tag: SP2022
Stock Pick 2022 - maytehpg(


hi Mr Tan thanks for taking the trouble to organise. my stock picks are as follows

msc 10pct
prg 10pct
hevea 10 pct
tdex 10 pct
dnex 10 pct
skbhut 10pct
media 10pct
inix 10pct
cekd 10pct
ktb 10pct

Posted by maytehpg at Dec 31, 2021 4:50 PM
Total Value
Today's Change
+775.50 (1.01%)


Stock's Value 76,775.00
Current Holding 10 Stocks
All Time Holding 10 Stocks
% of Total Value 100.00%

Available Cash Balance 0.72
Current Cash Balance 0.72
Unpaid Dividend 0.00
% of Total Value 0.00%

Average Cost 100,000.00
Unrealized Gain -23,224.28
% over Average Cost -23.22%

Total Capital 100,000.00
Total Return -23,224.28
% over Total Capital -23.22%
Last Updated:

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[1] Click the icon on table to view the stock's What If Analysis Page.
[2] Click the Shares hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.

Stock Last Price Change Shares Market Value % Average Cost Per Share Unrealized Gain % Day Gain %
$CASH 0.72 0.00%
Total 76,775.72 100.00% +775.50 1.01%
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Mr Tan my apologies. I am not very IT savvy. Need your kind assistance. I believe today the number of skbshut shares in the above portfolio should be 4900 shares x 3 ie 14,700 shares. Tqvm

2022-01-05 20:47

Tan KW

@maytehpg dividend, stock split, bonus issue, etc.... will be recorded and it will be part of your profit, i will share you the edit access for your portfolio(see the following screenshot), and you can add in the transaction accordingly.

you can refer the screen in

maytehpg Mr Tan my apologies. I am not very IT savvy. Need your kind assistance. I believe today the number of skbshut shares in the above portfolio should be 4900 shares x 3 ie 14,700 shares. Tqvm
05/01/2022 8:47 PM

2022-01-05 23:00


Thanks. Done.

2022-01-05 23:52

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