Stock Pick 2017 - SuperMan 99

Owner: Tan KW
Access Type: SHARED | Tag: SP2017
Stock Pick 2017 - SuperMan 99 (


Ekovest-WB - 30% (30,000)
Pesona-WC - 5% (5,000)
SSteel - 30% (30,000)
Mycron - 5% (5,000)
Masteel - 5% (5,000)
Pohuat - 5% (5,000)
Pohuat-WB - 5% (5,000)
MSC - 10% (10,000)
SARAWAK OIL PALMS BHD - 4.5% or balance
Total Value
Today's Change
+1,197.50 (2.21%)


Stock's Value 54,141.00
Current Holding 9 Stocks
All Time Holding 9 Stocks
% of Total Value 99.89%

Available Cash Balance 59.52
Current Cash Balance 59.52
Unpaid Dividend 0.00
% of Total Value 0.11%

Average Cost 100,000.00
Unrealized Gain -45,799.48
% over Average Cost -45.80%

Total Capital 100,000.00
Total Return -45,799.48
% over Total Capital -45.80%
Last Updated:

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[1] Click the icon on table to view the stock's What If Analysis Page.
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Stock Last Price Change Shares Market Value % Average Cost Per Share Unrealized Gain % Day Gain %
$CASH 59.52 0.11%
Total 54,200.52 100.00% +1,197.50 2.21%
1 person likes this. Showing 13 of 13 comments

SuperMan 99

Happy new year & thank you for your hardworks, Mr Tan.

2017-01-02 02:26


30% on Ekovest-WB & 30% on SSteel, 60% for 2 stocks, and total 40% funds goes to warrant, very confident & aggresive

2017-01-02 13:29

SuperMan 99

My wish on my selection:
1. All green at end of year
2. Target return = 30%

2017-01-06 22:53

SuperMan 99

Ekovest Warrant split from 2 to 5 (original 25,600 unit, gain 38,400 shares, now 64,000)

2017-02-23 10:50

SuperMan 99

AWC might be dark horse this year if they can get more project

2017-02-27 15:12


Top 5 now, good!

2017-02-28 18:06

SuperMan 99

Thank you, moneySIFU, you have done great in Ekovest.

2017-03-01 22:28


Should follow u in ekovest

2017-03-02 00:14

SuperMan 99

Hi paperplane, I have been following you & hope to learn from you

2017-03-02 11:24


Walao ,,, Ekovest the most Geng Counter in Year of Rooster .

2017-03-08 15:43

SuperMan 99

Thank you, moneysifu, day is still young, we will see by end of the year & hope I still above my target 30%. :)

2017-03-10 14:25


ekovest WB helps a lot I see

2017-03-31 13:16


Pesona wc will help in April

2017-04-01 13:34

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