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took it feel like it's not easy... hahaha..
U expert level jor..everyone proud of u
2017-01-04 19:00
sound like complicated.
show my 2016 result and write a proposal to get scholarship for a week?
2017-01-04 19:50 your result and write a proposal to get scholarship for a week, then u will meet some people there and know someone and he will introduce you to a high paying job in wallstreet. the possiblity are limitless if you make the first step.
2017-01-04 20:20
never imagine can applyscholarship for a week,how much is.that?
previously i intended to apply kyy scholarship,however not reach the.threshold which is minimum 6A in SPM and i obtained only 5A(3A+ and 2A-)in SPM.
2017-01-04 21:04
稻田·* 粒粒芳香
cannot every year also win one... so scary.... left no meat for us to eat.. so pity
2017-01-04 18:51