
Owner: Steven Lee
Access Type: SHARED
Total Value
Today's Change
+0.00 (0.00%)


Stock's Value 80,028.00
Current Holding 1 Stocks
All Time Holding 3 Stocks
% of Total Value 99.97%

Available Cash Balance 23.13
Current Cash Balance 23.13
Unpaid Dividend 0.00
% of Total Value 0.03%

Average Cost 82,373.68
Unrealized Gain -2,322.55
% over Average Cost -2.82%

Total Capital 91,126.00
Total Return -11,074.87
% over Total Capital -12.15%
Last Updated:

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[1] Click the icon on table to view the stock's What If Analysis Page.
[2] Click the Shares hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.

Stock Last Price Change Shares Market Value % Average Cost Per Share Unrealized Gain % Day Gain %
$CASH 23.13 0.03%
Total 80,051.13 100.00% +0.00 0.00%
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Steven Lee

sold my JYC & JCY-CH, waiting for another wave

2012-08-17 14:34


wa steven, you use osk brokerage? 0.5% commission.. i use jupiter, above RM50,000 transaction only cost 0.05% commission

2012-08-17 18:10

Steven Lee

from where you know i use osk ?

2012-08-17 23:20


really? you using osk?

i taking a guess, because normally chinese dude will use osk.

and by the look of it, the commission rate is 0.55% , you call remiser to buy/sell ?

because remiser normally charge 0.6% , osk remiser discount you 0.05%?

2012-08-18 03:44


why u have so much confidence in jcy?

2012-08-19 00:16

Steven Lee

lazycat: nope, I'm not using OSK, the commission is include the clearing & stamping

gkheng: it's based on study

2012-08-19 22:44

Steven Lee


2012-09-07 13:13

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