Desa perspective

Nation building

Publish date: Fri, 23 Jul 2021, 12:17 AM

The Singapore government is very competent.

The Communist Party of China is very competent.

Yet, Western media coverage of the CPC is all negative. And totally wrong.

Does truth matter anymore, does objectivity still exist in Western media?

The agenda is always the same...........white, Christian, democratic good.

Any thing different bad.

For Western media, anyone who are different they look down on, they think they are superior, 

If others do good, they twist it until it looks bad.

If others do bad, add salt and vinegar and make it even worse.

Its always negative , never positive.



What they cannot admit is, the CPC has delivered the biggest miracle any country has delivered in 70 years without invading and without occupying another country.

From a dirt poor country to a moderately prosperous country of 1.4 billion people, a peaceful country with bright prospects, a stable happy country, racial harmony of 56 tribes, life expectancy and health care , education quality and accessibility, rapid improvements in the environment,  matching anyone in the world, and in next few decades reaching first rank status in all aspects. And all this is possible only because the CPC is the most competent governing party in the world. The degree of satisfaction is above 90%, far above any Western country. 

By now, there is little incentive for Chinese to migrate overseas, except for personal reasons , maybe as  as fugitives and or as wanted criminals. I mean, for ordinary Chinese, there is no reason to migrate. 


In terms of competence as a governing party , the CPC has left other nations behind. by a wide margin.

Of interest and worth studying is how the CPC became such a competent organization and delivered so much success to China/ Chinese people..


Nation building  - Malaysia


Malaysia also no shortage of competent people. Below is a good discussion...........



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If only we have Nazir Razak as PM instead of Najib Razak.

2021-07-23 10:37



2021-07-23 10:41


the DAP also has to realise, the extreme American style capitalism is not suitable for harmony.

The Chinese can be very generous if properly communicated. That helping the B40 Malays to be educated is not charity, it is a joint responsibility for all. Getting people educated is not called clutches.

UMNO has to ditch their feudal warlords and leaders buying jewels for wives while rakyat starve is feudalism.

This country is still a developing country and still very fragile and not enough resilience ...........

Malaysia is a trading nation. That is our strength . The Chinese trade with China, the Malays with islamic countries the Indians with India and everyone can trade internationally. As long as we can trade, we will generate wealth, lots of wealth.
We must have a vision of shared prosperity for all. No need for a small group to hog every thing.

2021-07-23 18:14


Post removed.Why?

2021-07-23 18:32


the CPC succeeded because in all the 100 years, it is close to the people , and can change and adapt to serve the people better.

2021-07-23 18:35

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