BFM Podcast

Not So Happy New Year For Jobs?

Tan KW
Publish date: Thu, 04 Jan 2018, 01:35 PM

The Morning Run Crew

04-Jan-18 12:13

The Morning Run crew gives you their take on today's business headlines:


0:10 - Malaysian Employers Federation executive director Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan says over 50,000 Malaysians are expected to lose their jobs this year. The main sectors affected are the manufacturing, construction and services sectors (i.e. insurance, banking and retail).


7:57 - Real estate experts believe an office market crash is unlikely but the glut is to persist. The office space occupancy rate stands at 70%, with 120 million sq.ft. of space available and about 5 million sq.ft. per year to come online over the next 4 years.


Listen in.


Presented by: Brian Fernandes, Sharaad Kuttan, Tan Chung Han

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No such thing as unemployment. Just look at the environment : full of rubbish and river heavily polluted. Anybody can sweep floor will have a job.I have a 2 sq ft garden and it produce all the vegetables I need plus extra for all the neighbour. A lot of educated are just sitting at home, they can always offer to teach like computer for the senior citizens etc.
Tons and tons of jobs if you look around.

2018-01-04 13:46


no job? goreng share market lor

2018-01-04 14:34

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