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[转帖] 污桶对华商隐议程,杀鹅取卵又一章! SPSETIA

Tan KW
Publish date: Sat, 11 May 2013, 11:18 PM
Tan KW
0 484,895


馬來西亞無可救藥!殺了郭鹤年又向SP SETIA 劉啟盛開刀!


对于实达SP Setia来说,成也国企,败也国企












實達集團(SP Setia)是國內近年最耀眼的公司;管理卓越,業務成長迅速。


















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Melvin G

kns this kind of government. Is this true ar mr tan?

2013-05-11 23:23


liew rich oledi... pnb and epf help him so much

2013-05-12 18:08


sell asb to chinese than buy back chinese company and control the market

2013-05-12 18:49


Liew deserved what he got, some years ago after Pakatan victory, he commented that he was an UMNO crony and profited from them. So why complained?

2013-05-12 22:30


Copy from my friend's thought of sharing.
This is so call capitalist game. :)

SP Setia 被收购已经是两年前的新闻,并不是新的,没想到现在什么都会被拿出来讲。

第一,刘启盛不是 SP Setia 的创办人,他从是从创办人手上接手的,我忘记了创办人的名字,排泄,但,无可否认,他是把 SP Setia 发扬光大的功臣。

第二,在这个资本社会,收购公司乃是很平常的时,在商业打滚了几十年的刘启盛居然不了解这个游戏规则,一直以 8% 那么低的持股权来控制 SP Setia,被人收购了,他也不能说完全没有责任。观看 IOI 的李深静,他为了不让他人收购 IOI,把旗下几间上市公司合并,变成几百亿的公司,自己持有大部分股权,别人要动他都动不到,这些才是资本游戏的玩家。
第三,在和 PNB 商量收购的事宜后,本来刘启盛是和小股东一起抗争 PNB 的,那里知道 PNB 开一个条件给他,就是他的股权能保留,然后给一张 3 年成为 SP Setia CEO 的合同,刘启盛妥协了,不但不维护小股东,还和 PNB 一起联手私有化 SP Setia,但,有一部分小股东坚持不卖,所以目前 SP Setia 还未除牌。

两年后的现在,刘启盛开始卖股,也辞去了 CEO 的职位,他连同他的儿子,在 Iskandar 区不断买地,打算在那里发展。


2013-05-12 23:04


King Rats of the NEP – William Leong
AUG 17 - Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin, chairman of SP Setia Bhd, provided statistics to show that Malaysian Chinese businessmen have prospered and fared well under the pro-bumiputra New Economic Policy.

He said Chinese individuals controlled 73% of the wealth owned by the top 40 richest Malaysians and make up eight of the top 10 richest Malaysians. The people know who these persons are. Some of them are not only among the richest in Malaysia but in the world.

The people also know how they made their fortunes in the past 40 years. The complaint is not that there is no Malaysian Chinese, Indian, Sikh, Kadazan, Dusun, Iban or other non-bumiputra who has found fame and fortune under the NEP. There will always be those who will thrive even in the most brutal and oppressive regimes.

The complaint is that due to the abuses of the NEP, Malaysians have been deprived of their inalienable right to seek a livelihood with dignity.

Malaysians irrespective of race or religion is entitled to the inherent dignity and inalienable equal right to a livelihood and a standard of living adequate for the well being of himself and his family.

Malaysians are entitled to seek a livelihood with dignity. They need not in the struggle for survival have to be like the King Rat in James Clavell’s novel who engaged in bribery, corruption and black market activities to survive in a Japanese POW camp.

The King Rat, an enlisted man without distinction in civilian life becomes a major power in the prison camp by being the most successful trader through bribery and corruption and black marketeer.

The Japanese gave the prisoners nothing other than filthy huts to live in and the bare minimum of food. Officers were reduced to wearing rags and were closed to losing their humanity. Even the senior officers had to come to the King Rat for help in selling their valuables to buy food.

The King Rat thrived in the brutal environment of deprivation of a prison camp. The abuses of the NEP or its bastardization as described by Datuk Seri Nazir Razak, have created an environment that has spawned King Rats.

The implementation of the NEP required the government to grant wide discretionary powers to officers in approving licenses, permits and other instruments to intervene in economic activities.

By wielding such powers, it allowed such officers opportunities to seek payments from business tycoons to street vendors to obtain licences or approvals. Hawkers and street vendors have to make under counter payments before they are granted licences to eke out their meager earnings.

Business tycoons have to pay much more for their projects to move. This has given rise to both petty corruption and grand corruption. How else can yyou make a living in a country ranked 56 in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index?

Malaysians should not be subjected to such indignities.

Tan Sri Liew called on the Chinese businessmen to work with their Malay counterparts. This has been done from the outset of the NEP. The disingenuous did not wait for Tan Sri Liew’s call. Many contracts given to the Malays were subcontracted to Chinese contractors.

Class F contracts are only given to bumiputra contractors selected according to the personal discretion of government officers or local council mayors and not by open tenders. The Ali Baba system has put paid to the noble objective of granting contracts, licenses and permits to Malay businessmen to uplift their economic status.

After 40 years and billions of ringgit in contracts 82 per cent of the rural poor and 67 per cent of the urban poor are still Malays. So long as the majority of Malays remain in poverty, Perkasa and the extremists will claim that the NEP must be continued. The NEP will then stand for the Never Ending Policy.

One cannot blame the Chinese and non-bumiputra contractors taking on the jobs as second, third or even fourth hand sub-contractors. They also have to survive. They also have needs. Many of these sub-sub contractors end up not being paid for the work they have done.

In many instances, the contractors at the top have taken payments upfront leaving nothing for the sub-contractors.

I know of many Chinese and non-bumiputra subcontractors who end up being bankrupts in this way. Why should these sub-subcontractors be forced to earn a living in this way? If Class F contracts are awarded based on needs and not race, much grief and suffering would be avoided for all involved.

Tan Sri Liew pointed out examples of the spectacular gains made by Chinese businessmen under the NEP. It must however be noted that due to the restrictions imposed by the NEP especially under the Industrial Co-ordination Act and key economic areas, Chinese businesses are not a force in manufacturing and they are no longer owners of the number of banks and finance companies they had before the 1970’s.

2013-05-12 23:27


malaysia boleh ! banglasia boleh !

2013-05-13 14:22

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