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[转帖] "豐裕”米店的秤

Tan KW
Publish date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013, 09:50 AM
Tan KW
0 483,800

從前,縣城南街開著兩家米店,一家叫"永昌”,另一家叫"豐裕”。 "豐裕”米店的老掌櫃眼看著兵荒馬亂生意不好做,就想出個可多賺錢的主意。 這一天,他把調秤師傅請到家裡,避開眾人,對調秤師傅說:「麻煩師傅調一杆十五兩半一斤的秤,我給你多加一串的工錢。」 調秤師傅為了多得一串錢,滿口答應下來。老掌櫃吩咐完畢,留下調秤師傅在院裏調秤,自己就踱進米店料理生意去了。

  米店老掌櫃有四個兒子,都幫他料理米店。最小的兒子兩個月前娶一塾師的女兒為妻。新媳婦正在屋裏做針線,公公吩咐調秤師傅的話被她聽見了。 老掌櫃離開之後,新媳婦沉思了一會兒,走出新房對調秤師傅說:「俺公公年紀大了,有些犯糊塗,剛才一定是把話講錯了。請師傅調一杆十六兩半一斤的秤,我再送您兩串錢。不過,千萬不能讓俺公公知道。」

  調秤師傅為了再多得兩串錢,就答應了。一杆十六兩半一斤的秤很快製成,調秤師傅果真沒把秤的變化告訴老掌櫃。老掌櫃曾多次請他調秤,對他的手藝信得過,當天就把新秤拿到米店使用了。 一段時間後,"豐裕”米店的生意興旺起來,"永昌”米店的老主顧也趕熱鬧,紛紛轉到"豐裕”買米。 又一段時間後,縣城東街、西街的人也捨近求遠,穿街走巷來"豐裕”買米,而斜對門的"永昌”米店簡直門可羅雀。 到了年底,"豐裕”米店發了財,"永昌”米店沒法開張了,把米店讓給了"豐裕”。

  年三十晚上,一家人圍在一起吃餃子。 老掌櫃心裏高興,出了個題目讓大家猜,看誰猜得出自家發財的奧秘。 大家七嘴八舌,有說老天爺保佑的,有說老掌櫃管理有方的,有說米店位置好的,也有說是全家人齊心合力的…… 老掌櫃嘿嘿一笑,說:「你們說的都不對。咱靠啥發的財?是靠咱的秤! 咱的秤十五兩半一斤,每賣一斤米,就少付半兩,每天賣幾百幾千斤,就多賺幾百幾千個錢,日積月累,咱就發財了。”接著,他把年初多掏一串錢調十五兩半一斤秤的經過講說了一遍。」

  兒孫們一聽,都驚訝得忘了吃餃子。驚訝過後,大家都說他不露山不顯水的,連自家人都沒察覺,就把錢賺了,老人家實在高明。老掌櫃高興極了,把鬍子捋了一遍又一遍。 這時,新媳婦從座位上慢慢站起來,對老掌櫃說:「我有一件事要告訴爹,在沒告訴爹以前,希望您老人家答應原諒我的過失。 待老掌櫃點頭後,新媳婦不慌不忙,把今年初多掏兩串錢調十六兩半一斤秤的經過講給大家聽。 她說:"爹說得對,咱是靠秤發的財。咱的秤每斤多半兩,顧客就知道咱做買賣實在,就願買咱的米,咱的生意就興旺。 儘管每一斤米少獲了一點利,可賣的多了獲利就大了。咱是靠誠實發的財呀。” 大家更是一陣驚訝,一個個張大了嘴巴。老掌櫃不相信這是真的,拿來每日賣米的秤一校對,果然每斤是十六兩半。老掌櫃呆住了,一句話也說不出,慢慢地走進自己的臥室。

   第二天吃過年初一早飯,老掌櫃把全家人召集到一塊,從腰裏解下帳房鑰匙說:"我老了,不中用了。我昨晚琢磨了一夜,決定從今天起,把掌櫃讓給老四媳婦,往後,咱都聽她的!” 眾人為秤,半兩之差,心明如鏡。做生意,講究"誠”,做人豈不如此?


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人與人之間相處,都喜歡和不計較的人在一起,不計較的人剛開始時,看似是失去,但長久下來卻是獲得. 这里我们不说佔他人便宜. The educated new generation like to practice “A-A” or “Dutch”. Especially when come to expenses on social meal in a group.
It looks very fair and reasonable, but the real gainer is still the 不計較的. The 不計較的 are much more welcomed and preferred.

This is one of my latest finding on social behavior. Do you agree?

2013-12-19 21:56


In share investment, it is a reverse case. After finding a good stock to buy, the more you haggle over every ounce of the purchase price, the better you are. It is not a rush game in share investment instead it is a game of slow. There are too many good stocks around for you, if not 林青霞, 林凤娇,王祖贤, you still got 刘亦菲,林志玲, 范冰冰

2013-12-19 22:30


I think investment is the same thing as in real life.

There is this stock which was selling at an adjusted price of about RM1.20 about 8 months ago for quite a while. I was trying to buy more but was hoping to get it a couple of sen less. However I failed to get that price and its share price then shot up. I did not buy any more as I thought it was already "expensive". Instead I sold off some of my holding in it at about RM1.50, hoping to buy back cheaper later. Eventually I bought some more when a much higher price at RM2.50. It is now selling at about RM2.90. This type of thing used to happen to me all the time; buying higher instead of lower, and selling lower instead of higher. I admire those people who always able to getting in and out of the market; buy low and sell high, and buy back low, and sell high again, and repeat. Just wondering how come they are so 'special".

So my conclusion is since I can't do like what they can do, I will still stick to my principle of "value, value and value". One must have a good feel of the value, and if the price is still way below the value, a few sen difference is not an issue. Lost of opportunity is a bigger issue to me. Of course your estimation of the value must be right.

Strangely enough, Bursa still provide that kind of opportunity to earn extra-ordinary return from investing in the market, in stark contrary to the efficient market hypothesis.

2013-12-20 05:20


When I wrote the comment, my mind was in 2008-2011. 80-90% of my current portfolio was built at that period. Browsing back the transactions, I can actually buy at lower price of each transaction if only I were slower. Anyway if putting them into the longer term perspective, the return is still too high as compare to that few cents higher entry prices. Thus, you are right, VALUE is the gist. But I still “want” to practice SLOW. “Want” because it is hard to practice it in real life.

2013-12-20 07:44


He ! He! “SLOW” comes with a price too. I were convinced by the value of Presta on 30 Nov 13 when it was traded at around 2.63. But I “bei shiok” the 2.63 but want it at 2.50 and below. I ended seeing it inches up to 2.90. Have to wait for the next boat lol. To me the real value will not diminish in a short time, chance is still there if I am patient enough. I can foresee 1-2 years later, I will have Presta in my portfolio.

Anyway, I recommended the “value” to many. Some bought it at 2.63 and enjoy the 10% return in weeks, some are like me, slow and stingy Ah Pek, missed the boat.

Thank you as it was first recommended by you.

2013-12-20 10:27

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