
jingianjua84 | Joined since 2013-10-07

Investing Experience Beginner
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2013-12-08 12:33 | Report Abuse

Now raining season, everyday raining day and night. But today sunny Sunday here.


2013-12-08 12:23 | Report Abuse

Ok, should be like this :

FCF = 104312000 - 72077000 (purchase of PPE) or we just use net cash from investing activities?

So, Notion FCF should be around 32m, right?


2013-12-08 11:42 | Report Abuse

True also, long distance love suits you two. Maintain the freshness while giving each other more freedom to do their own likes..bla bla...eg, watching short pants/mini skirts...lolz.

CT, hows Kuching now? I will be there for one night, stay over my friend house. :)


2013-12-08 11:37 | Report Abuse

kcchongz, u're humble to urself. Ok, let me start one. It's just simple for most of ppls here but i want to confirm.

1st case: Notion VTEC - Based on 2012 Annual Report

Cash flow from operation = 104312000(cash from ops) - 34780000(depreciation of PPE)

Is there anything that need to be added in?


2013-12-08 11:08 | Report Abuse

#CT & Tessa - u both should date outside lolz. By the way, the air ticket very cheap nowadays. From Kch to KL, i think you can easily get below RM100 (off season la). I already booked ticket back to hometown for CNY. Another annual holiday...bla bla...


2013-12-08 10:47 | Report Abuse

#kchongz - Can i have your email? Want to ask your advices and guidance for FCF calculations and others. Mine is ericwong84@hotmail.com.



2013-12-08 10:15 | Report Abuse

#connie - probably because we still young and have to fight for it. On the other hand, responsibilty - when we targeted a date, then we have to be responsible to make it done; if not, at least 80% of it. I dunno, i just worked for 5 years and have some bad impression with those oldies which always tend to "taichi" and always come out with excuses "young ppls should do more in order to learn" while they just say and do nothing or with very less output.

Back to shopping topic. "real" shopping? Lolz, at least have to get year end bonus and "bonuses" 1st. Haha.

#inwest88 - Good morning. I was once Newcastle and Inter Milan football fan but now hardly watch the match and follow up the news. Your Arsenal going great this season, hopefully can ride the momentum and clear off Everton's hurdle today. Hehe..


2013-12-08 09:57 | Report Abuse

#connie, i have work today. Just come back home rest a while, later have to go out again. If i go window shopping, can u accompany me? haha..


2013-12-08 09:41 | Report Abuse

Yaya, actually good to walk walk, exercise your body and also your eyes. :) Earn some from share market and spend there lol or better go on vacations.


2013-12-08 09:34 | Report Abuse

Almost one year no window shopping lol...haha...


2013-12-08 09:31 | Report Abuse

Cool, window shopping, that's has been a year ago for me :) Another 16 days to X'mas. Hopefully can get a rest that time. :)


2013-12-08 09:19 | Report Abuse

Morning connie, bad night for MU fans. Sure they won't sleep well yesterday night. Happy Sunday and treasure your time with your family.


2013-12-07 22:04 | Report Abuse

Directors disposed while company buy back...hmmm...


2013-12-07 22:03 | Report Abuse

why director keep on disposing WB?


2013-12-07 22:00 | Report Abuse

#Tessa- yes, Notion VTEC saw that too...wondering why?


2013-12-07 21:49 | Report Abuse

thanks. enjoy ur EPL week then. :)


2013-12-07 21:44 | Report Abuse

#inwest88 - me now monitor this ctr, won't jump in now as it still not consolidate. Anyhow, thanks for reply. Will try to get more info about it. :)

Not going anywhere tonite? Watching MU?


2013-12-07 21:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by CityTrader > Dec 7, 2013 09:28 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by Eric Wong > Dec 7, 2013 07:20 PM | Report Abuse

I thought u attached to one of them...haha, where is him? Leaving u alone here. By the way, any of u know Notion ctr?

Anak Sibu!!
U have news on this Notion ctr??
It is a serious downtrending ctr & better dont touch unless u have news & wanna hold for long term as its NTA is 1.19.

#CT, i don't have news for this. I just know they have factory burnt last year and their production dropped. That's why the earning not as good as previous year. However, they're not losing money and don't understand why dropped a lot. Oversold? That's why asking here if anyone knew about it.


2013-12-07 21:37 | Report Abuse

inwest88# any thoughts of Notion ctr? Dropping so low, company not earning as much as previous year due to factory burnt. Currently in recovery state and probably will be back next year.


2013-12-07 19:21 | Report Abuse

Its all same...all Malaysian here :) doesnt matter which state u're in.


2013-12-07 19:20 | Report Abuse

I thought u attached to one of them...haha, where is him? Leaving u alone here. By the way, any of u know Notion ctr?


2013-12-07 19:12 | Report Abuse

Gambir world? Just few days not here suddenly change to Gambir world pulak. Hahaha...when go back Sarawak go and check where to buy 1st, bla...Howsya everyone here? Earning last week? Last week seemed ok, gradually rising.


2013-12-07 19:00 | Report Abuse

What to do, big company expect you to work like Superman. Actually all company like that de la. Especially now year end, have to rush to complete all the works and handover. :)


2013-12-07 18:56 | Report Abuse

Happy Saturday night...back from work already. But, tomorrow still have to work. My bad...


2013-12-05 13:45 | Report Abuse

Afternoon, CT, yes, currently working in Penang. I'm originated from Sibu. So pure foochow. :)

Kokokok AyamTua also from Sarawak? Serian...nearby Kuching..nice to meet you lolz...


2013-12-04 22:16 | Report Abuse

yes, foochow lolz...tot told u before:) u forgot already...haha..


2013-12-04 22:10 | Report Abuse

Hi guys and girls...my bad, these few days all red except for L&G-LA...


2013-12-03 21:10 | Report Abuse

Lolz, gambir good for health...sarawak most geng UBAT!!!! May need it after 20 years :)


2013-11-24 14:43 | Report Abuse

Har?? Lolz...going to do so and will enjoy my time when i back to my hometown during CNY.


2013-11-24 14:31 | Report Abuse

Haha, long time no follow up the cinema movies already. No wonder i have some memory about the Hunger Games but that's the 1st one.


2013-11-24 14:23 | Report Abuse

Ok, thanks. By the way, the Hunger Games that you mentioned is no. 2, right?

News & Blogs

2013-11-24 14:11 | Report Abuse

Lots of time, these common senses beat the TA and FA specialist :). Anyhow, lunch time. Again, thanks for sharing and your advice.

News & Blogs

2013-11-24 13:50 | Report Abuse

Same here, nice to know this forum and all the sifus around. By the way, do you involved in TA or just pure FA. Sorry, lazy to suft the history back there. :)

News & Blogs

2013-11-24 13:40 | Report Abuse

by the way, if i dislike comments, then i won't start to post here, rather sitting there silently and watching all comments. :)

News & Blogs

2013-11-24 13:38 | Report Abuse

No worry, i know what you mean. That's why i said i have to "learn" be discipline . Nothing to sorry about since i open my portfolio here and i expect comments.

News & Blogs

2013-11-24 12:57 | Report Abuse

#bsngpg - noted and thanks for the advice. :) Have to be more dicipline and wait patiently. if i can learn about the investment few years back. Haha, when i just started my work. :)


2013-11-24 12:50 | Report Abuse

I thought i saw Hunger Games trailer long ago, probably my memory got problem. It seemed very interesting movie from its trailer. :)

By the way, i saw quite a lot of traders using OSK, how about Maybank? What's the difference?

News & Blogs

2013-11-24 12:30 | Report Abuse

hi connie, homeriz also under my monitoring list after i saw the analysis done by kcchongz. Get to know Kfima and CBIP from coldeye's articles. Currently still accumulate more capital and wait for "good chance" to go in.

News & Blogs

2013-11-24 12:13 | Report Abuse

#Ipomember - recently i just locked in Kfima, CBIP, KNM-WA and L&G-LA. Before i joined here, i have some on G-PACKET, YTLPWR-WB. Also, i'm gamudian and of coz most of my capital in GAMUDA ESOS.


2013-11-24 09:19 | Report Abuse

Morning and happy Sunday everyone. :)

News & Blogs

2013-11-24 09:15 | Report Abuse

Like yours one. I can't comment much as i'm too new. Currently with 6 counters and aim for long term invest.
1st have to discipline myself while searching for good ctrs.

Anywhere, morning bsngpg...good sunny Sunday :)

News & Blogs

2013-11-23 23:32 | Report Abuse

PPls learnt from mistake. By the way, bsngpg ur past experiences will help us from getting the same path :)


2013-11-23 22:04 | Report Abuse

#Christine Goh, have a good nite. I thought it's Saturday night and happy hr. Anyhow, just dropped by and read some articles :)

Cheers everyone, its Saturday then Sunday. Enjoy ur weekend.


2013-11-23 21:29 | Report Abuse

Hi guys and gals, Saturday night all go bed so early? :)

News & Blogs

2013-11-23 21:26 | Report Abuse

ya, you're right, bsngpg. I just started investment this year and it's quite lucky that i have few senior friends shared their experiences with me while breakfast time or tea time and they're all valuable. It's kinda hard for as many don't spend their time to study and they rather listen to the gossip and follow the "goreng style" for easy and fast money.
Anyhow, i'm still try to learn the analysis from our sifu here after i found this website and its so useful. Of coz some tips from Coldeye which he recommended.

After all, let's all earn money :)


2013-11-23 19:01 | Report Abuse

kcchongz, u missed out this --RGB

"Posted by w2sin > Nov 21, 2013 08:46 AM | Report Abuse

Hi kcchongnz, need your advice on RGB, thanks in advance."

Great to learn a lof from FCF explained by you two. At least more understand about the statement.

By the way, why many ppls attack you? Don't really understand when you always advise, teach and guide ppls here but still they attacked.

Anyhow, hows ya? Still in NZ and enjoying life there? i think i'm gonna change my job :)

Announcements & Events

2013-11-21 22:19 | Report Abuse

Lolz, only 2 of u here. Hurray for the dividend and lets hope to up more :)


2013-11-06 18:28 | Report Abuse

hi guys and girls, so today we have Barakah and Karex owning!! :) Happy trading and by the way, 2nd not banana here. :)


2013-11-03 22:58 | Report Abuse

Yeoh, just finished watching Piala Malaysia Final and....Pahang emerged as winner after 20 years.

Monday is coming, mountains of paper works and site problems waiting for me :( ; and hopefully can lock in good price for few counters.

inwest88, i was exposed to share investment by my "old" colleagues and i'm always benefit from their advices. By the way, have a nice sleep in this cold night. :)

News & Blogs

2013-11-03 22:13 | Report Abuse

wow, this is great. Thanks for the info.