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johnykkc | Joined since 2013-11-23

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2016-02-04 11:20 | Report Abuse

oh yeah, another thing tht is driving up our mkt tis morng is an 8% spike in crude oil price overnight.


2016-02-04 11:13 | Report Abuse

as far as I know, Karex never consider using its USD forex gains to finance its growth agenda. bcoz forex gain or loss is merely temporary. sometimes u hv more, and other times u hv less of forex. as long as d profit from REAL biz activities r intact, i'm fine with it.


2016-02-04 11:07 | Report Abuse

everyone knows tht Karex is a good stock with clear growth agenda in d pipeline. I wonder why ppl cud not see tht? well, everyone cud in fact see it clearly. but, its just tht d mkt 'big fishes' are out to create some price havoc to gain some CNY angpow money. Dun worry, they will come around to support tis counter again once they r done getting wat they wanted.


2016-02-04 10:49 | Report Abuse

someone is collecting on weakness at d moment. once done, hopefully things will brighten up again.


2016-02-04 10:42 | Report Abuse

usd has weakened from yesterday's around 4.25 to 4.15 now. u see, when USD strengthened yesterday, Karex did not move up as much as Kossan & TopGlov. somehow when USD dropped today, Karex just went down without much justified correlation with USD's movement yesterday when it supposed to go up. this is d kind of mkt volatility we r facing everyday these days.


2016-02-04 10:36 | Report Abuse

oh my bet, its weakening of USD


2016-02-04 10:30 | Report Abuse

it's just temporary. just hang in there.


2016-02-04 10:29 | Report Abuse

...strengthening of USD is d main reason.


2016-01-28 06:06 | Report Abuse

The Zika virus outbreak will lead to increased demand for condoms in the near future. Karex and other condom manufacturers will benefit from this outbreak. Why? Bcoz the Latin American and Caribbean countries hv asked their female population to delay getting pregnant for at least 2 years due to the outbreak.


2016-01-25 22:48 | Report Abuse

@robert168, yea, there r too many short-term goreng kakis around here. I hope they will meet their match someday and get themselves exterminated for good.


2016-01-25 22:32 | Report Abuse

@thinkkman, do u even own 1 single share in OWG at d moment? If u dun, u hv no right to be here writing shit. But if u do, u wud not hv written any of those shit earlier. Why even bother to own d share when u r so critical of d company? Either way to me, u belong to those whom I hv described earlier as market speculators/manipulators who r out to prey on those who genuinely wanting to invest ethically. I pray tht u and others alike will sleep well every nite doin wat u r doin all this while. FYI, we hv enuf mkt volatility at d moment and we do not need anymore from u. If u hv nothing better to add here, then I suggest u to shut yr gap up and/or to obliterate yrself gracefully from here permanently.


2016-01-25 15:34 | Report Abuse

Better still, say it wud go into receivership (PN-17) lor... I am out of tis freaking place until more sane ppl arrives.


2016-01-25 14:39 | Report Abuse

If u ppl want to make tis a 'healthy' place to discuss/share regarding OWG matters, then pls write smtg constructive for the benefit of others and not spilling shit all over d place here. I read until I wanna vomit... Shame on u ppl who are market speculators/manipulators and trying to make money by deceiving others. I bet you will not enjoy and be happy w all monies made tht way.


2016-01-25 10:23 | Report Abuse

From d very beginning of time, everyone knows tht d private placement WILL dilute d current share price. So wat? As long as we know d intention/purpose of raising additional funds thru private placement, all shareholders shud b fine with it. We dun need ppl like u to blow the matter out of proportion and create mayhem for others.


2016-01-25 10:15 | Report Abuse

@8wpwtmt8: On 18 Jan 2016, u posted here with this: Private placement is a very bad news. If it is indeed such a bad exercise, why then did OWG shareholders approved such resolution in d EGM in d first place? It is bcoz shareholders understands tht OWG management require additional funds to pursue its growth agenda tht shareholders approved it. Why then now is everyone harping on it tht it is bad and diluting d share price? I believe this is merely all bullshit rumor mongering by speculators trying to make some quick bucks for themselves.


2016-01-24 21:30 | Report Abuse

@8wpwtmt8, r u saying u got a reply from OWG today on a weekend? If yes, I'm truly impressed w yr achievement.


2016-01-22 14:24 | Report Abuse

It cud hv been beaten down by warrant issuer which is due to expire end of tis month.


2016-01-22 12:09 | Report Abuse

Why is this counter got beaten down so badly? Anyone can share pls?


2016-01-18 09:30 | Report Abuse

Supported w some additions.


2016-01-17 23:17 | Report Abuse

Sleep early, get well rested and be ready for action tmrw. Gd nite guys.


2016-01-17 23:06 | Report Abuse

Hopefully, OWG will be d Darling of 2016 and will rise to unchartered territories. All d best!!!


2016-01-17 22:55 | Report Abuse

I strongly believe OWG will buck against d trend well supported by a one United Invincible Force.


2016-01-17 07:57 | Report Abuse

Well summarized. Fyi, OWG has now closed at an all-time high and I predict a breakout soon. May d best be with all here who truly believe in OWG's potentials and adopt value investing strategy. Since going public, OWG's ROI is more than 200% now. Isn't tis stock fantastic???


2016-01-16 20:03 | Report Abuse

For me is very simple. Just ride on d mkt volatility and hang tight as it is just temporary. If u truly understand OWG's biz model and its growth agenda, then there is really nothing much to worry abt. I take a medium term view of my OWG investment.


2016-01-16 11:42 | Report Abuse

I guess it is so too.


2016-01-15 12:33 | Report Abuse

Good article, rikki. Thanks.


2016-01-15 11:52 | Report Abuse

Jump in and BUY NOW lahhhhh..... Wat r u waiting for? Wait for d train to pass u by further until u only smell it's fumes??? Tis is almost a sure thing la... How good some more can u get nowadays?


2016-01-14 17:46 | Report Abuse

I dun foresee a massive selling tmrw coz d bonus issue is just 1/5 extra only. If u see closer, d share price did not move up much towards d entitlement date. So, there's really nothing to worry abt.


2016-01-04 12:26 | Report Abuse

haiya... johnny cash, I'm sure u can easily afford a more canggih phone tht w give u greater reliability lah. New year, new phone mah...


2015-12-31 14:58 | Report Abuse

hello Kana Miko, it's not me. it's <johnny cash> tht we need to ask from.


2015-12-31 14:09 | Report Abuse

The GITP expansion in Genting w bring 'explosive' growth potential to OWG. I hv been told recently tht traffic back to KL on d Karak H'way is jammed from d Genting Sempah tunnel ALL THE WAY back to d Gombak Toll on major holiday breaks. Where do u think such traffic is coming from? Pretty sure not from d east coast. This is despite d 20th Century Fox Theme Park is still not ready at d moment. I cannot imagine wat happens once completed. The rest is for u to imagine. With lower Ringgit value, most ppl prefer local holiday destinations with quality attractions. As I wrote here before, ppl (local and esp. foreign tourists alike) tend not to 'sayang' their wallets when they r on holidays enjoying themselves. They play, eat, play, eat and eat and eat and, be happy when done w enjoying themselves.


2015-12-31 08:55 | Report Abuse

muscle, I follow my gut feeling and want to get to know d company's biz model and its management's biz ethics better when making my investment decisions. While all d PE, EPS, etc. indicators are important, I tend to value those former attributes more. Some will try to sway others by harping on those indicators to paint a bad picture of a particular stock for their own benefit/gain. Good luck to them as it won't work on me. Haha...


2015-12-29 10:57 | Report Abuse

tht johnny cash 'fong fei kei' on us already.


2015-12-28 21:34 | Report Abuse

muscle, he is referring to 2.85 post-bonus 1 for 5 la...


2015-12-03 00:39 | Report Abuse

Nice one there, Kah Fai. Thanks for the sharing.


2015-11-14 03:25 | Report Abuse

@kcfan, thanks for yr prompt reply. @muscle, thanks for yr sharing of info. earlier. Just tht I cud not figure out wat was 'at RM2.69'.


2015-11-13 21:02 | Report Abuse

@muscle, wat r u writing here? Very confusing with all the mixed up numbers. Wat is yr source of the CIMB TP revision?


2015-11-12 20:33 | Report Abuse

Actually, I read it in d qtrly accounts b4 it got posted on Bursa's website.


2015-11-12 18:18 | Report Abuse

Haha... OWG via Public Investment Bank is proposing a bonus of 1 for 5 existing shares held. Woohoo...!!! Huat ahh...!!!


2015-11-10 17:10 | Report Abuse

I'm pretty sure it will for any other stocks. But I truly believe Karex is different from others. If you look back at Karex's uptrend last year and if u bet it will happen again, then u will oso be different from others who dun. All d best of luck.


2015-11-04 10:22 | Report Abuse

Yes, ufis :-)


2015-11-04 01:04 | Report Abuse

Says who?


2015-11-03 17:57 | Report Abuse

Just imagine how much spent and time taken for Topglov to attain world's largest glove manufacturers? For a price tag of RM2.5 bil to get d world's largest condom manufacturer in s glimpse is way too cheap and too easy.


2015-11-03 17:33 | Report Abuse

cruger, based on latest analyst report fr RHB, Karex is worth much more than RM2.5 bil. R u implying tht they overvalued Karex oso? The intrinsic value of a good brand is highly subjective. U need to be involved intricately in d industry to see its value. Looking at Karex's accounts and numbers can only tell u part of d story. Ppl with a clear vision of Karex's future potentials and prospects knows best.


2015-10-28 06:54 | Report Abuse

Dun worry unnecessarily, the GTIP has full backing of those in power. And, they will make sure PAS will not get in d way. If anyone of u always get panicky at d slightest event, then it's better to put yr money under yr pillow.


2015-10-27 21:42 | Report Abuse

cimb, who care whether u r a CIMB shareholder or not. And, nobody is asking u if u follow CIMB buying OWG. If u hv nothing value adding information to write abt OWG here, just shut up!!!! Dun try to act as if u r so smart to know every move d OWG major shareholders make.


2015-08-20 23:38 | Report Abuse

Oh yeah, good luck to u too, ufis...


2015-08-20 23:30 | Report Abuse

hi ufis, I'm sure many ppl here were caught by surprise by the recent sell down to 3.10. I'm not too bothered by it as I'm in it for the medium term horizon. Congrats to you tht u were able to take some money off the table tis afternoon. Happy trading!!!