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johnykkc | Joined since 2013-11-23

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2014-02-24 10:57 | Report Abuse

hi member41 & aahtan, we ought to look at d screen once in awhile one. At least, tis w motivate us to get thru d day easier. Furthermore, we do not want to be caught w d pants down and let d balloon dangling halfway. Of course, dun look at d screen every minute or two lahhhh..... Haha...


2014-02-24 09:54 | Report Abuse

aahtan, I'm only a very small fish in d enormously vast ocean. And, I'm not a good swimmer. I'm very sure if yr concern is addressed by Mr Goh, it w b good enuf for me. BTW, why is d market not reacting favorably to d bonus approval by Bursa for Karex? Has it been discounted by d market already?


2014-02-24 08:58 | Report Abuse

Sure aahtan, no problem. Thanks for yr input.


2014-02-23 10:47 | Report Abuse

hi aahtan, may i ask wat r u expecting out of d AGM?


2014-02-23 07:42 | Report Abuse

hi Dean1213, it can be very tricky to decide wat and when is d best price and time respectively to buy an asset. Ideally, we always want to get d best buy every time. But if u r faced w a hot and much sought-after asset like Karex, tht best buy is always very difficult to achieve. If u procrastinate yr buying further, u cud well be buying at an even higher price and u still wud be contented w it. My advise is: if u hv decided in wanting Karex, make d plunge sooner than later. Unless u r a contra player, any price is a good price to buy and d market w always give u an opportunity to reduce yr holding cost later. ALWAYS remember, Karex is a HOT asset from d very beginning and it w be much sought-after from now onwards. Happy investing and all d best.


2014-02-23 07:09 | Report Abuse

hi chinesetea, I concur w yr comparing Karex w Kossan & Dsonic. However, if u look at their historical price trend, Karex's is much more encouraging vis-a-vis Dsonic especially. Karex took off from d starting block like a rocket whereas Dsonic started to come alive only in Jun 2013 after hving gone public in Sep 2012. I believe Karex cud even surpass Dsonic's sterling track record given time. All the best.


2014-02-23 06:37 | Report Abuse

hi member41, I totally agree w u in holding Karex long term. I hv rode it's wave fr d very beginning. Thanks for sharing and all d best.


2014-02-22 22:26 | Report Abuse

member41: since the entitlement ex-date is yet to be announced by the company, wud it be fair to say tht there is still some opportunity for the price to go beyond 4.50 to say, maybe 5.00?


2014-02-22 04:16 | Report Abuse

Congrats to all those who believed and kept faith in Karex. You deserved the bonus. Maintaining a long term perspective in the Company is the way to go as it will reap you many more bountiful rewards in return. Happy investing with no stress in Karex to all.


2014-02-22 04:04 | Report Abuse

Good job, Mr Goh. You are the man!!! I believe the Company will achieve many more biz successes under your strong leadership moving forward. This is indeed a piece of wonderful news for shareholders given the fact that it is pretty soon since the Nov 2013 IPO. Huat ah...!!! TQ.


2014-02-19 18:43 | Report Abuse

lotusf1 & gaomin, the share split twds end of last yr has created greater volume tis year. Before tht exercise, there was lesser shares and liquidity leading to price appreciation w no large volume traded.


2014-02-19 11:00 | Report Abuse

Send DSONIC limits up as we haven't seen it for a very long time now.


2014-02-17 23:54 | Report Abuse

In this link <> published on 10 Feb 2014, it mentioned that "The company generated revenue of 65.4 million ringgit in the first quarter (July-September) of its 2014 fiscal year, up 18.7% from the same period last year. Its net profit skyrocketed by 84.1% from a year earlier to 10.1 million ringgit thanks to production efficiency".

I am looking forward to a strong second quarter results soon and am confident this company will grow leaps and bounds in the near future. Mr. Goh, we are backing you all the way to achieve the 6 billion magic number!!!


2014-02-17 22:20 | Report Abuse

hi asamlaksa, well said and I agree w u 1000%


2014-02-11 15:24 | Report Abuse

I'm just saying d bonus issue entitlement date might be announced together w d release of d 2nd QR


2014-02-11 15:22 | Report Abuse

@Fitri, apa yg I temberang ni???


2014-02-11 15:21 | Report Abuse

@Fitri, I'm referring to d proposed 1 for 2 bonus issue announced on 14 Nov 2013 where everyone is still awaiting its entitlement date.


2014-02-11 13:04 | Report Abuse

@stevenloomk, wats yr source?


2014-02-11 12:57 | Report Abuse

Highly possible d bonus issue will be announced together w d release of 2nd QR.


2014-02-05 17:04 | Report Abuse

Valentine's Day will be EXACTY 90 days after the proposed bonus issue exercise was first announced. The proposed bonus issue exercise is expected to be completed within 90 days.


2014-01-27 18:17 | Report Abuse

does anyone have the slightest clue wat's the brief price spike is all about towards later part of today's trading? was it due to key-in error? I noticed there was one (1) lot done @ 4.15 & 4.12.


2014-01-24 06:58 | Report Abuse

I know, everyone is excited abt when the bonus issue will be given. Pls don't blame the Goh family for the delay as the ball is still in Bursa's court right now. I believe our wait for it is coming to an end pretty soon. Hang on tight there. Also, I believe there will be some action today running up to the impending announcement. So, enjoy the ride up if it does happen.


2014-01-12 16:24 | Report Abuse

optimusprime, even though u could be more knowledgeable than others here, that does not give you the right to demonstrate your vulgarity indiscriminately in this forum and to run others down at will. If you are unwilling to share your knowledge with others, it is better to say nothing than to say something that will hurt others' feelings. This is just my thoughts on your earlier comments.


2014-01-11 16:48 | Report Abuse

CIMB's is 4.54 and mine is 4.90


2014-01-09 18:43 | Report Abuse

I believe d next few trading sessions shud see some action. Enjoy d ride up.


2013-12-28 19:26 | Report Abuse

as at 28 dec 13, its oredi 45 days. another 45 days to go.....


2013-12-27 09:01 | Report Abuse

Most ppl think only of short-term gains. Contra play with a touch n go attitude is not the correct way of investing. We shud take a medium-to-long term view when investing in stocks. Getting in and out too frequently will increase transaction costs which will adversely impact the ROI. For a merely 4 short months, what kind of investment will yield an ROI of 419%? Nothing at all, except through investing in quality stocks of companies like this. We must keep ourselves abreast regularly with the company's biz development plans and long-term strategic direction to grow the company. This is just my two cents worth of thought.


2013-12-25 07:26 | Report Abuse

Merry X'mas & A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year 2014 to all Karex shareholders. To those who believed in Karex since its birth on 6 Nov 13, I hope Karex has brought much joy to all thus far. Moving forward, Karex would deliver more if it receives continued support post-bonus issue period and beyond. With Karex, new heights can be reached and experienced with its share performance and products respectively.


2013-12-19 23:11 | Report Abuse

nothing much to shout about at the moment as more is expected to unfold soon. maybe, a limits-up in one of the trading session?


2013-12-15 07:24 | Report Abuse

The initial announcement has mentioned the proposed bonus issue will be completed within 90 days of announcement date i.e. 14 Nov 13. I'm a long-term investor. I share the same view on Karex's latest TP of RM4.54 by CIMB. In fact, I'm slightly more bullish at RM4.90.


2013-12-14 03:38 | Report Abuse

I believe RM4.00 is imminent in the next trading day.


2013-12-04 23:20 | Report Abuse

very soon, it will go limits up and then, announcement of entitlement date......

News & Blogs

2013-11-23 09:49 | Report Abuse

I hv high confidence Karex will deliver a fair to good ROI in the medium term due to its clear biz strategy moving forward post-IPO. I read that its Audit Committee comprised of credible leaders who are well-verse in Karex's industry. I am in for the medium to long term horizon. All the best.