
adrianyptan | Joined since 2019-04-29

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18 hours ago | Report Abuse

We need all minority shareholders to push Supermax management to up its game in projecting the company adequately, perhaps learn from Kossan, Hartalega or Topglove. Its shares should not be trading at half its book value when these 3 in the same industry are more than 1 & half time.


1 day ago | Report Abuse

Sorry, instill confidence, not install confidence & we desperately need that.


2 days ago | Report Abuse

The 2 continuing articles in The Edge suggested that telling good stories about themselves, pushed Nvidia & Tesla’s valuations up a lot higher than their underlying earnings. Why isn’t Supermax IR doing something, anything a little like this? First place of reference for anyone is naturally their website but its current state is just terrible and doesn’t install much confidence. Can the CEO of supermax please revamp it quickly!


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Mini2021, I will be very happy if supermax can even reach RM2! I am upset that it’s not moving as fast as the other 3 big glove companies & shareholders, especially institutional should pressure the management to do something about it. For a start they should revamp their website to project itself as a progressive company not one that reflects badly on its management. Now tell me, is it not shameful?


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Supermax is trading at about half book value, way lower compared to Kossan, Hartalega & Top glove. Share price is a measure of profitability and it therefore seems to indicate supermax management can’t work on its assets to generate as much profits as the other 3 companies. Or perhaps the other 3 companies have good Investor Relations managers who can tell convincing stories about themselves. What happened to Supermax’s? Its management can’t even put up a decent website! Shameful for a billion RM company!


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Supermax will most likely record profits in the next quarter. They’re in the 2nd month of the quarter when management did their share buy back. If it’s going to lose more money, they might as well wait. Doubt this buy back is only to frighten or punish short sellers.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Supermax threw in the kitchen sink to get a completely clean start in the next financial year? Management’s decision to continue share buy back to capitalize on what’s to come when results starts to turn really rosy in the new year is comforting.


2024-06-30 09:31 | Report Abuse

When is Supermax going to get rid of their Investor Relation officer, if they have one or get a good effective one if they have none at the moment. There’s no one telling the Supermax story as its CEO seems to be MIA or not visionary enough. Can’t even put up a decent website!


2024-05-16 21:37 | Report Abuse

Joykill! Anyway please don’t get fooled by fear mongers into selling down to enrich them as these short sellers are merely scaring the price down hoping to buy cheap to cover their sale. Hopefully prices go up or at least maintained to make them lose on transaction costs.


2024-05-15 22:27 | Report Abuse

Can we hope for better outlook coming out of management despite their cautious statements in their past quarter review. Perhaps some rosy update on the US’ facility to strike when the iron’s hot. Their website is just too hopeless to get any decent update. Should consider getting replacement for their IR people who just can’t create excitement for institutional investors.


2024-02-26 12:06 | Report Abuse

Supermax’s CEO must also be made to be responsible on how its shares are performing on the exchange. He needs a good PR officer to help him sell to investors the company’s prospects. But first he needs to sack the person who, through the bad design & maintenance of its website makes it look like a 3rd class company with no hope. How I wish some big time investors can apply pressure on him to change things for the better!


2023-04-21 15:20 | Report Abuse

Minority shareholders must press MSWG to champion us all at the next AGM to grille the BOD on their efforts towards corporate governance and what they are doing to raise the company’s return on equity. Granted that ASP is market driven, what are they doing in diversification to move away from over dependency on gloves. Whether they have ever considered switching to other products using their existing production plants or available fund. A sustained 10% ROE is not too much to ask.


2021-10-01 14:00 | Report Abuse

Analysts are supposed to be 1) ethical 2) facts based 3) independent 4) unbiased. I think their flip flop views over such a short period of time indicate 1 or 2 of these attributes may be missing. I think none wishes to be viewed as a contrarian, no matter what and get confidence with numbers. If most think a counter should be at a certain TP range , then they feel more assured if their own preferred TP is within that range and justified it towards that TP with their own stories.


2021-09-29 10:52 | Report Abuse

I am really confused or just dumb. Why are there people posting damned negative news here on glove counters. If these counters are not worth investing in, just go find something else to focus on. I don’t believe they are here for their sincerity to help others. To prove they are more knowledgeable than others? Or is this to influence others for their own interests? Why would others entertain their rantings to make it self fulfilling ?