
hanwenyeh | Joined since 2017-03-16

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2017-05-15 22:21 | Report Abuse

dinosona : Frankly, I would be careless and irresponsible if i just say 'Yes' or 'No' to your question, at this stage of IWCITY price movement.

To put it simply, the 3 phases it (and we/us) will go thru for each stock purchases:

1. Buying stage -- refer earlier post 12/05/2017 09:39 : around 1.62 price gap close 9th n 11th open. We know ALMOST cocksure this closing of gap 1.62--1.60 is NORMAL technical/chart behaviour, that's why multiple postings in this HSI forum (IWCITY=irrelevant topic)...

2. Waiting stage -- we were waiting for the day (happened to be today) price break resistance 1.68-1.80 (refer chart), when we shall pile on more since shoot out trend confirmed (around 15.25-16.00pm ranging 1.80,1.82.............1.85.......1.90....) Why? despite negative news+expert analysis all over the place, and no insider-tips, we were ALMOST cocksure the IWCITY price will recover NEARER to its recent 3.00 with 1 or 2 limit ups.........

3. Selling stage -- We r now WAITING to SELLLLLLL next 2-3 days from today's (1st L/UP) close of 2.13.We know our risk profile,not yours. Our average cost =1.70. We can easily cut or take lessor profits instantly if the stock price turn against our expectations. Not you. We have the cushion,you dont.

Even if what we have expected tomorrow & after ACTUALLY comes thru , do you think it look nice for us to tell you 'yes',thus egging you (and all others who also read this n follow sooner or later) to chase after the price, helping to push it higher , while we at the other end,waiting,and may be selling to you,the panic buyers...?

I dwell at length on this matter because i believe every person's saving is PRECIOUS. And i struggle each time i am asked your question at this same (late selling) juncture.

I stated before and i shall do as i say :

".......I would not cash out now 1.90+, below 2.00, i would wait 2 more days for 2.20 2.60 2.80.......3.00??????
15/05/2017 15:53 ..........."


2017-05-15 16:55 | Report Abuse

IWCITY limit up 2.13 ......Try to sell as high as possible, next 2 days...for you may not come this way again...most probably


2017-05-15 15:53 | Report Abuse

2. IWCITY : 1.62 = g price gap 9th close n 11th open.

TV news DPM statement on IWCITY project is inconsistent with bullish run based on chart outlook...
12/05/2017 09:39

In spite of the widespread negative news against this counter, the charts technicals work!!!

I would not cash out now 1.90+, below 2.00, i would wait 2 more days for 2.20 2.60 2.80.......3.00??????


2017-05-15 13:26 | Report Abuse

1. Repeated Reminder to my self ..........doesnt matter how cheap it maybe, even 0.12,,,,, :

hanwen : Personally i would stay away from all HSI-Hs for the next 5-10-15 days.... becos we Maybe now experiencing the.......

11/05/2017 13:00


2017-05-10 12:34 | Report Abuse

trustme !!! U R GOOD!!! I hope u boarded on the HS Train yesterday on the breakout!! It take wisdom ,experience n mountain of courage!! Let me know...i am concern Bon n many others here MAY not be on board n MAY miss the GRAND ride, cos of the escalating prices and volalitity to come !!.......


2017-05-10 04:06 | Report Abuse

"......the 3rd height 24624 of 15.40 27apr should be the day of breakout, giving you n me the upside target of 24884 (unlucky number, i propose they do 24888!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaah!
28/04/2017 17:02"


HSI GIANT RALLY 2017 - DAY 01 = Day of Breakout PEAK=24883 CLOSE=24861

Those who miss this rally shall regret for life!!





2017-05-09 21:38 | Report Abuse

Bon & all here : it's is coming to pass .............................

"........... in fact ,despite my earlier humble stop-profit(!?) target of 24400, the market-makers/cartel may hit higher, 24500--24600--24700--24800--24900--25000, (not possible? we wait and see)....

24/04/2017 22:51


2017-05-09 15:13 | Report Abuse

Monitor n see how/whether it hold


2017-05-09 15:11 | Report Abuse

24745---Clearly HSI is breaking out now !!


2017-05-09 11:59 | Report Abuse

Rileks bro, we have holiday tomorrow ... cheers

Be careful what you wish for...


2017-05-09 11:13 | Report Abuse

"....Tomorrow Tueday Open IF Up only 10-15-20 point around 24560-24570-24575......"

We just done 24571 now .......now we have see whether it can breakout into new (short term ) high......


2017-05-08 17:04 | Report Abuse

".....HSI should inch upward to close 5pm from 24390+63=24454 or nearby. .......

08/05/2017 16:39...."

24454 was done exactly around 16.25 ..... so I shud be confident whatever expectd follow-up tonite n tomorrow morning shud also be in line....


2017-05-08 16:39 | Report Abuse

Hanwen Yeh HSI : I cleared out last week's rebound (04/05/17) 24590+ flat top failing to break new high that i expected. That was after the 1st drop of 24695-24440= -250points.
(From the chart) then it did a (24595-24216=)380 points sharp drop. This , i recalled is the 300-400points YOU ALSO ANTICIPATED.... So with the occurrence of this sharp near 400drop, i no longer hopeful of HSI breaking new high ( beyond May04's 24595 flattop ) in the SHORT/Trading TERM ......

I must continue to post my 3 cents worth here because i see some possible 14days volatility (or drop) starting tue/wed especially S&P. Dow , GOLD, HSI and of course SSEC's continuation... hopefully it may be useful reference for fp & newamy.....
08/05/2017 16:12

HSI should inch upward to close 5pm from 24390+63=24454 or nearby. Night US HSI should close another 100 higher near 24554. Tomorrow Tueday Open IF Up only 10-15-20 point around 24560-24570-24575,and refuse to break new/higher ground like this morning--- I WOULD CLEAR ALL (9.15-9.30) then if i have positions myself .... cos, i fear a steady decline of 500points, rebound, another down 600points, sideway, another 600points down....until your 24380-24360 is hit about 13 days later.....


2017-05-08 16:12 | Report Abuse

HSI : I cleared out last week's rebound (04/05/17) 24590+ flat top failing to break new high that i expected. That was after the 1st drop of 24695-24440= -250points.
(From the chart) then it did a (24595-24216=)380 points sharp drop. This , i recalled is the 300-400points YOU ALSO ANTICIPATED.... So with the occurrence of this sharp near 400drop, i no longer hopeful of HSI breaking new high ( beyond May04's 24595 flattop ) in the SHORT/Trading TERM ......

I must continue to post my 3 cents worth here because i see some possible 14days volatility (or drop) starting tue/wed especially S&P. Dow , GOLD, HSI and of course SSEC's continuation... hopefully it may be useful reference for fp & newamy.....


2017-05-08 16:00 | Report Abuse

Bon & Frens,, sorry for being away, i was hospitalised for a night and a day for some scary experience . but i am sort of resting at home now.

HSI : I cleared out last week's rebound (04/05/17) 24590+ flat top failing to break new high that i expected. That was after the 1st drop of 24695-24440= -250points.
(From the chart) then it did a (24595-24216=)380 points sharp drop. This , i recalled is the 300-400points YOU ALSO ANTICIPATED.... So with the occurrence of this sharp near 400drop, i no longer hopeful of HSI breaking new high ( beyond May04's 24595 flattop ) in the SHORT/Trading TERM ......

to continue...


2017-04-28 17:59 | Report Abuse

4. Also "Today's bottom at 11.45am of 22480 is..." is also 200+5 from the recent peak of 24680+5 done on 21.30 of 21-03-2017.........

SO IMAGINE YOU (YES! YOU!) are the Chief Cook of HSIF (sitting in Kowloon or NYC office now)..........


2017-04-28 17:02 | Report Abuse

3. HSLF will be scaling up symmetrical heights backwards in time......current 24562 equal the same at 10.10am, next height in time will be 24580......the 3rd height 24624 of 15.40 27apr should be the day of breakout, giving you n me the upside target of 24884 (unlucky number, i propose they do 24888!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaah!


2017-04-28 16:53 | Report Abuse

Bon Bb Hanwen, the bb is getting slimmer, next tues got bigshow d.
28/04/2017 16:32

1. Yes, i see the same. Next trading day will be very very volatile.....
the upper targets still intact....

2. Today's bottom at 11,45 of 22480 is the bottom of symmetrical bowl 3/4 formed.... Can u visualise? M5 or M15 charts..


2017-04-28 16:47 | Report Abuse

BON BON BON......u in or out?


2017-04-28 16:44 | Report Abuse

OK, I am free now.... who is still around?


2017-04-28 16:11 | Report Abuse

I am betting for 300 points next 2 trading days (over the public holiday)
so dont follow me if the investing perceptive is diferent...


2017-04-28 16:09 | Report Abuse

wake up!!!! last minute show,

those who dont want overnite like me get out now!!!


2017-04-28 11:58 | Report Abuse

Morning peak 24590 (artificial & manipulated) till last bottom 24480 is a 100+10 shake out.....

May behave like yesterday afternoon....


2017-04-28 11:54 | Report Abuse

Bottom completed (very callous to claim!!) Reversal should start now, initially gradual.....


2017-04-28 11:32 | Report Abuse

My last 1/3 buy is around 24481 around 11.15am.


2017-04-28 10:51 | Report Abuse

last 1/3 we standby for it to break(?) 24495... if so our final bottom buy is around 24493/24478/24462......

Reversal around 24500+/- is a double bottom.....


2017-04-28 10:33 | Report Abuse

570/575 buy somemore, another 1/3 or 30%


2017-04-28 10:15 | Report Abuse

Start Buying


2017-04-28 09:37 | Report Abuse

24530--- Where are all the BRAVEHEARTS? Standby....


2017-04-27 15:56 | Report Abuse

Now we pray for HSIF to come down.....after the 10th 15M candles.....


2017-04-27 15:45 | Report Abuse



2017-04-27 15:37 | Report Abuse




2017-04-27 15:06 | Report Abuse

3 lost(ed?en?) posts{

#2 : that in case it overshot opening high of 24538, it may try for the DAY(vs night)'s intraday high of 24600-605, then pull back for us bravehearts to buy again for tomorrow veri high high....

those who r lucky to sell 24600-5 (next 2-3 15Mcandles) must louder


2017-04-27 14:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by Hanwen Yeh > Apr 27, 2017 11:55 AM | Report Abuse X

testing...why my last 3 posts disappeared/lost(ed)?


I have 3 lost(ed?en?) posts earlier talking abt :

1. at 2.30pm all the BRAVEHEARTS who have BOT in .52-3 in the morning and SOLD at .58 & more---to gather here and SHOUT JOINTLY "KOKOKOKOKOKOKOKO"!

those who didnt, who applaud we the BRAVEHEARTS can also shout kokokokoko! then go get weaponised at AWOO's school and join us for the next round!!!!!


2017-04-27 13:49 | Report Abuse

(.58?) shud equal to the overpush beyond my 24520.....

If it exceed 24540, most likely it proceed upwards and afternoon reversal MAY be avoided....


2017-04-27 13:38 | Report Abuse

Now for the Makuali C84-----the HSIF should range-trade/sideway for 1-2hrs until KL market open......24520-24490.......

Like i posted earlier...............".....Hanwen Yeh from now onwards ......shud see C84 .....0,54,...545.....55.....555.....56....57....575......(.58?)
27/04/2017 10:56,,,,,,"


2017-04-27 13:32 | Report Abuse

Hahahahahahaahahahahaha at 13,20 sharp just sold my futures at 24520 for a 150-160 points gains (bot 24360+-) Celebration.......KOKOKOKOKOKOKOPKOK


2017-04-27 11:55 | Report Abuse

testing...why my last 3 posts disappeared/lost(ed)?


2017-04-27 11:03 | Report Abuse

BON BON BON, SELL whenit hit 575....may(MAY!!!!) come back to square one again ...in the after noon....3-4pm


2017-04-27 10:56 | Report Abuse

from now onwards ......shud see C84 .....0,54,...545.....55.....555.....56....57....575......(.58?)


2017-04-27 10:53 | Report Abuse

10.51am ,they started...


2017-04-27 10:52 | Report Abuse

when 23418 crossed, lai liao....


2017-04-27 10:44 | Report Abuse

3 joss-sticks at lower BB-- no hard & fast rule---BUT IDEALLY the 3rd candle (current 10.30am-ending 10.44 i.e.in 3 minutes should be RED @24380.....


2017-04-27 10:36 | Report Abuse

Soli i was busy with visitors in the morning... but now is the right time we been waiting since yesterday......BON BON BON... answer me,,,,,,,


2017-04-27 10:34 | Report Abuse

fp ; tell me whether u read chart?

15min candles ---3 josssticks (red-green-red with extended legs) at bottom BB 24376 now ....after completion,,,will do 100 points back.. 24480-24500-5

Bon----where is Bon? this is classic intraday-trade


2017-04-27 10:22 | Report Abuse

".......1. do a (DOWN) minor pullback roughly 24439-24425-24380 next 1 to 2 days....."

24380.....now ......done lower 24360.........

i just started buying HSIF...

For C84 525 n 530.....

fp : u r sharp n brave..... if u r intraday ...sell when rebound next 1-2 hr 57-58.....


2017-04-26 17:29 | Report Abuse

Bon Bb han, i also got ur 350-400 points drop.. but i also see a potential to hit 612 and 820.

Bon : let me try/help tidy up the up & down thinking/delima of yours :

HSIF shud be ...from today's peak of 24539,
1. do a (DOWN) minor pullback roughly 24439-24425-24380 next 1 to 2 days ,
2. then do a (UP) final surge to a new peak of 24612 -24700-24800 (I personally quite happy if they can hit 24620-24720
3 then a sharp (DOWN) of 400-500 points ,say 24720-500 = 24220.....500 points good enough for us to do the Hs then...

Hope it's clear/helpful to u.


2017-04-26 17:10 | Report Abuse

the HSI to hook around the MA20 24670 + & - 20points for the next few hours tonite.....

Soli, typo again 24470 not 24670.... which is the closing now


2017-04-26 16:27 | Report Abuse

just hope the swing down dont happen after 4:30!!
26/04/2017 15:24

I think they want the HSI to hook around the MA20 24670 + & - 20points for the next few hours tonite, then swing another step down, hopefully around our morning tomorrow, Bon u can wait,the situation (ala US/trump) shud be clearer for your decision purpose...


2017-04-26 16:21 | Report Abuse

Abee, u shud also join Bom at the "get together" class/party at Awoo's place. Learn to trade without or less fear/uncertainty like AWoo...