Miz Raya Bloom

5894 | Joined since 2012-05-30

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile Moderate

I made up my mind about Hibiscus, my target price RM3.00. Ingat ya, buying and selling is your choice. And I only promo my friend's blog; https://tessalala.wordpress.com https://tjrevs.blogspot.com/





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2015-12-17 14:53 | Report Abuse

dapat duit poket sikit, ty apft


2015-12-16 09:26 | Report Abuse

Wah, VS tega nih


2015-12-15 23:31 | Report Abuse

terima kasih daun keladi, mark hehehe

ninja pun dok tanya aku pasal ini, nasib baik awak kasi

KUTNAIK & KUTPAI (aku pun ngantuk dah, baru balik dari penang lawat sedara sakit)


2015-12-14 10:07 | Report Abuse

aaaaar dulu tessa maam of the house, citytrader man of the house, freethink bro of the house, hehehehe lepas tu mereka bukak whaapps group, skrg tessa bukak blog kat google dan wordpress hehehehe


2015-12-13 20:36 | Report Abuse

rikki ngan tessa ini rajin membaca, aku baru nampak tessa update blogspot, petang tadi aku nampak tessa update superawesomedeals kat wordpress, article lain lain, news lain lain, hehehehe

KUTNAIK semua, aku Zzzzz dulu

KUTPAI kawan2


2015-12-12 22:06 | Report Abuse

Sa, awak masih dapat TA dari citytrader ke?


2015-12-12 18:00 | Report Abuse

aku jalan jalan online, ini kisah UMNO Smartphone

So everyone’s talking about the Umno smartphone; here’s the story of its maker

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 12 — If your universe exists on Twitter, Facebook and Whatsapp, you may already be familiar with the Umno smartphone that made its debut this week at the Malay political party’s annual general assembly.

Priced at an auspicious RM888 per unit and available in two colours: black or white, the phone’s specs boasted a 5.5-inch high-definition IPS screen, a 2GB RAM processor, 16GB of internal memory, a 2,500mAh battery that also has dual-SIM card input, a 13MP rear camera and a 5MP front-facing camera and runs on Android 5.0 Lollipop.

It’s called the Umno smartphone because it has been customised to show the Umno logo on its boot screen, lock screen and home screen. It also has a back cover with the party logo imprinted.

But you would have known all that by now. What you may not know is that was made by a Malaysian company, Chili Mobile, touted to be the country’s first customisable phone producer.

Malay Mail Online met up with the little-known local cellphone maker’s founder Abdul Rahim Mohamad last night and found out that only 2,000 units of the Umno branded smartphone was produced exclusively for the general assembly. To date, 600 units have been sold.

And here’s the surprise. Abdul Rahim said the phone is not exclusive to Umno. His company simply took advantage of their customisable platform to create a special phone for the country’s largest political party at its annual assembly in an enterprising effort to boost its sales.

“It is Umno’s convention, so I do (sic) it for Umno. If tomorrow is PAS’ convention, I will do it for PAS also.

“I’m not a politician. I am a businessman, so I take the opportunity when I can,” he said when met at his booth located on level three of the Putra World Trade Centre, where the Umno assembly is taking place.

Abdul Rahim said the Umno smartphone has been well-received by delegates there. Some have even asked him if they could customise their phones with their party division and even branch names.

“Our approach is that we can customise your phone for any organisation, clubs, co-operative. Anyone.

“You can request what brand and specifications you require and we will do it for you. You can choose the processor, memory, camera capacity, battery capacity and so on and we will make the phone for you,” he said, adding that customers can even ask for “Pekida, PAS and other logos” if they wished.



2015-12-12 17:52 | Report Abuse

duit, mark dengan tessa duet


2015-12-12 17:24 | Report Abuse

Duit aku tak celebrate christmas tapi terima kasih, aku harap tahun depan kita semua buat duit banyak2.

Huat arrrr! hehehehe

Aku ucapkan selamat hari christmas dan new year 2016 pada duit dan semua gang sini dan semua seisi forum connie. Duit, awak celebrate christmas ke?


2015-12-12 15:46 | Report Abuse

aku harap esceram naik senayan (Isnin) ni hehehehe



2015-12-09 10:44 | Report Abuse

pada pendengki hibiscus dan suka putar belit apa aku cakap dan kaki fitnah GET A LIFE, sendiri jahat mau kata orang jahat, sendiri kaki judi mau kata orang kaki judi, malam2 siang2 subuh2 pun ada, hari2 tadah tangan doakan hibiscus jatuh, konon ingat nak popular, tapi jadi unpopular, pada valdez aku tak kenal engkau, aku pun tak tau engkau siapa, yang aku tau engkau antara tukang sibuk sini, kalau tak ada hibicus sila keluar dari forum ini



2015-12-08 22:19 | Report Abuse



2015-12-08 22:10 | Report Abuse

awak beli kaunter mana sekarang, dulu aku dengar awak tak habis habis dengan kaunter yang dot dot dot


2015-12-08 22:08 | Report Abuse

apa pasal awak takut nak pergi AGM? awak tak minat MWSG? itu tande nya awak tu contra player, saja buat mulut kat sini kacau share holder


2015-12-08 21:49 | Report Abuse

mak ai, ade lagi awak, eduspec tu awak punya fav, aku part part eductaion aku kureng sikit hehehehe


2015-12-08 21:42 | Report Abuse

tessa, takde technical analyzer baru ke?


2015-12-08 21:39 | Report Abuse

aku rasa confident gak hehehe


2015-12-08 21:35 | Report Abuse

tapi arini ada jatuh, aku rasa simpan boleh kut, cuma tak tau berapa lama kena simpan je


2015-12-08 16:48 | Report Abuse

Minoriti shareholder yang nak beri kuasa pada Minority Shareholder Watchdog Group (MSWG) untuk atttend AGM bagi pihak mereka boleh berhubung terus dengan MSWG
Address: Changkat Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone:+60 3-2070 9090

tak payah la dengar bebel orang yang sengaja create banyak id hentam hibiscus sebab dengki


2015-12-08 16:26 | Report Abuse

inikaliok, yang awak sibuk2 kat hibiscus pasal apa, kalau tak ada shares usah lah nak menyibuk kat sini


2015-12-08 08:59 | Report Abuse

wah awak lak macam benny hehehehe


2015-12-08 08:59 | Report Abuse

gang PHD pagi2 dah doa jatuh, dengki punya pasal, nak murah pi la duduk kat glotec, sumatec hehehehe


2015-12-08 00:11 | Report Abuse

gang Perasaan hasad-dengki 2 Hibiscus


2015-12-07 22:29 | Report Abuse

boleh ke ni, ada nampak dalam list trading ideas jupiter


2015-12-07 22:28 | Report Abuse

Fitnah itu lebih besar dosanya daripada dosa membunuh!


2015-12-05 15:21 | Report Abuse

ok aku guna sebagai guideline


2015-12-05 14:27 | Report Abuse

tessa, awak rasa apft boleh pergi 0.34? aku nampak kat website awak.


2015-12-05 14:25 | Report Abuse

aduh aku ingat GPACKET lak ramai minat beli, rupanyer OSK Ventures jual


2015-12-05 14:22 | Report Abuse

kat website tessa pun ada apft, aku rasa boleh pergi tinggi gak, tengok Isnin macam mana, good luck! hehehe


2015-12-04 17:35 | Report Abuse

khabarnya dia ada kat nexgram, asdion dan entah mana2 lagi
Good luck!


2015-12-04 17:28 | Report Abuse

aku baru baca kat wall tessa https://superawesomedeals.wordpress.com/2015/12/04/largest-shareholder-sells-82m-wintoni-shares/

nampaknya kalau nak jual saham bila dah kena suspend kena ler cari Dato Larry hehehe


2015-12-04 09:17 | Report Abuse

bebel2 lagi bende yang tak baik, buat fitnah lagi, apa awak dapat - hanya dosa. Berkilo kilo awak dapat hari2. Orang lain tak buat duit awak kena sumpah seranah lagi. Awak suka ke wahai mushashi, awak tak popular bukan hibiscus atau instanco atau lain2 kaunter yang awak cemari. GET A LIFE!


2015-12-04 09:13 | Report Abuse

MUH? nanti aku tengok, buat masa ini aku tak cukup duit, nanti dah lapang dan price masih ok, aku beli, terima kasih joekit hehehehe


2015-12-03 09:52 | Report Abuse

Polo Resources Buys 8.4% Stake in Hibiscus Petroleum for $5 Million
December 02, 2015, 04:35:00 AM EDT By Dow Jones Business News

By Alex MacDonald

LONDON--Polo Resources Ltd. (POL.LN), a natural resources investment company, said Wednesday it has acquired an 8.4% stake in Malaysia-listed Hibiscus Petroleum Bhd (5199.KU) for $5 million.

The U.K.-listed company, which has interests in oil and gas, gold, coal, iron ore, copper and phosphate, acquired 90 million new Hibiscus shares for MYR0.235 a share, representing a 4.08% discount to Hibiscus' closing share price on Dec 1.

Hibiscus, which has a market capitalization of about $56 million, is focused on oil and gas exploration and production activities in politically stable areas, Polo said.

Hibiscus currently has 8 million barrels of oil resources, however this should increase to 47 million barrels once its completes its purchase of a North Sea joint venture equally owned by Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSB.LN) and ExxonMobil (XOM) and all of Hydra Energy Holdings Pty Ltd., which operates in North West Australia.

Hibiscus partnered with Ping Petroleum Ltd. in August to purchase the North Sea joint venture, which is currently producing 7,000 barrels of oil a day from the Anasuria Cluster of fields in the North Sea. The joint venture also has 40.4 million barrels of proven and probable oil reserves and 27.9 billion standard cubic feet of gas. Hibiscus is spending $52.5 million to purchase its share of the joint venture and expects the deal to close in the first quarter of next year.

Hibiscus is using its own shares to purchase Hydra Energy Holdings, which has equity interests in seven offshore North West Australia titles, four of which have discoveries totaling 15 to 17 million barrels of oil net to Hydra.

"Although the oil and gas industry is languishing in an environment of oversupply and low prices, Hibiscus is on track to generate positive cash flow and grow its high quality asset base," said Datuk Michael Tang, executive chairman at Polo Resources.

Write to Alex MacDonald at alex.macdonald@wsj.com


2015-12-03 09:39 | Report Abuse

Polo Resources to take up 8.4% stake in Hibiscus Petroleum
KUALA LUMPUR: Polo Resources Ltd is taking a block of 90 million new shares in Hibiscus Petroleum Bhd at 23.5 sen each.

Hibiscus Petroleum, which is an oil and gas exploration special purpose acquisition company, told Bursa Malaysia on Wednesday that the block of shares to be placed out to Polo Resources would be 8.4% of its paid-up.

Polo Resources is a natural resources and mine development investment company listed on the AIM of the London Stock Exchange.

The acquisition of the shares would be through Polo Resources’ subsidiary Polo Investments Ltd.

According to Hibiscus Petroleum, Polo Resources selects, acquires and manages substantial investments in companies and projects with strong value enhancement potential and attractive growth prospects, and utilise this ability to deliver value-adding returns.

Polo Resources executive chairman Datuk Michael Tang said, “Although the oil and gas industry is languishing in an environment of oversupply and low prices, Hibiscus Petroleum is on track to generate positive cash flow and grow its high quality asset base. We are very excited about the prospects of our investment in Hibiscus Petroleum.”

Hibiscus Petroleum’s managing director Dr Kenneth Pereira said the company was excited by the opportunity to have Polo Resources as a strategic investor in the company.

“We look forward to working with Polo Resources as we build out our business plan into 2016 and beyond,” he said.

At midday, its share price was down 0.5 sen to 24 sen.


2015-12-02 21:32 | Report Abuse

wah aku dan mark masuk apft, lama dah tak sama hehehe

aku nak tido KUTNAIK DAN KUTPAI hehehehe


2015-12-02 21:30 | Report Abuse

alahai kalau suspend cuma takleh jual saham kat bursa exchange lagi, ce jual saham tu kat tauke besar eco world kut depa nak beli saham awak


2015-12-02 21:26 | Report Abuse

betui tu, aku ada nampak kat cat show, mak ai besau nyer hehehehe


2015-12-02 16:47 | Report Abuse

oo tak pernah dengar breed tu, aku biasa dengar persian, maine coon hehehe


2015-12-02 16:39 | Report Abuse

sa, comel kucing tu, kucing parsi ke?


2015-12-02 16:38 | Report Abuse

boleh jatuh sampai 0.20 sen ke?


2015-12-02 16:25 | Report Abuse

takpe wee boleh beli semula - aku beli tadi pasal tertiba nampak laju semacam hehehehe


2015-12-02 16:22 | Report Abuse

betul ke nak kena suspend, dulu kata cable sampai eco world


2015-12-02 16:20 | Report Abuse

cuba awak baca balik apa aku tulis, aku kata awak yang TIPU! kalau tak ada saham ini usah le nak buat amal jariah konon konon nak tolong orang kat sini


2015-12-02 16:03 | Report Abuse

aku masuk apft, cepat sikit


2015-12-02 16:00 | Report Abuse

TIPU!!! company kat bursa tu berlambak, macam2 cerite ade, hibiscus ini tak menarik sangat kalau awak tak beli hehehe