
kevinhenry1969 | Joined since 2014-03-31

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2019-07-12 10:51 | Report Abuse

Nice time to swing trade. buy on weakness


2019-07-09 10:59 | Report Abuse

Don't be lazy do some homework on your own. Don't be like those expecting subsidy all the time

nicky 684780829..... if yr r smart u wont be here..
09/07/2019 10:51 AM


2019-07-09 10:46 | Report Abuse

Check head for brain

nicky Looked very nice this morning... why suddenly turns red ????
09/07/2019 10:43 AM


2019-07-09 09:45 | Report Abuse

65k in profit and counting. Where is that sohai last time who wrote to SC? I told yah that SC took that letter and wiped their arse with it. Good times are flowing again :)


2019-07-08 10:00 | Report Abuse

You really are born stupid. If KYY follow your technique he would end up ZERO. Idiot

InvestsucessTrader sell now buy lower, newbies who attended the talk all bought today, kyy selling slowly.
08/07/2019 9:34 AM


2019-07-08 09:25 | Report Abuse

Offloaded 200k @ 30.5 for a cool 8k and buy back at 29.5 sen


2019-07-06 23:07 | Report Abuse

I am already holding PCCS, Dayang and TEOSENG


2019-07-05 17:47 | Report Abuse

When I see my BMW bought cash with money form Dayang, Naim, Carimin etc thanks to OTB all I can say to you is blame yourself because you were late !!! Know when 2 exit and take profit

mukhriz02023 his reputation down skit sejak dayang and jaks
05/07/2019 5:04 PM


2019-07-04 17:00 | Report Abuse

wow what a close. Momentum already building for another rocket towards 1.80 and beyond


2019-07-04 16:49 | Report Abuse

rr88 is a real chicken. Check out all his posts everywhere. ONE similarity - NEGATIVE


2019-07-04 15:58 | Report Abuse

rr88 is Chicken Little and the sky is falling. Not even one piece of valuable advice. A loser at best or lack of money perhaps


2019-07-03 15:00 | Report Abuse

Can you please show me when did it reach USD68? You must be on drugs.

Will76 Oil price has PLUNGED 8% from USD67/barrel to USD62/barrel the last few days despite a truce on further new tariffs between Trump & Xi at G20 last Sunday & OPEC extending its production cut for another 9 months last Monday.

Lets see if oil price will fall below USD60/barrel this month or maybe will it drop to USD55/barrel...
03/07/2019 2:59 PM


2019-07-03 14:35 | Report Abuse

The same BS they were saying about Carimin when it was 70 sen, 80 sen and 90 sen LOL

InvestsucessTrader When you see the directors are selling their own shares,then you must quickly exit because the directors are profiting , and will buy back at much cheaper price. they know its over valued,
03/07/2019 2:15 PM


2019-07-03 14:10 | Report Abuse

Never trust people who come to other forum and promote shares to buy other than the one we are discussing. My take on it after listening to BFM today, manufacturing activities have already moved out from China to Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia etc for semicon, apparel, electronics. Just imagine the potential. Check the company's finances.

williamtkb Switching to Pantech. Good luck guys.
03/07/2019 1:22 PM

smartinvestorbuffet Forget PCCS. Game over already!! Switch to this stock now!
03/07/2019 12:13 PM


2019-07-03 10:16 | Report Abuse

Really bullish despite whatever sour grapes tell us


2019-07-03 09:07 | Report Abuse

time to buy from uncles and aunties who are scared to lose underwear :)


2019-07-02 17:26 | Report Abuse

You still don't get it don't you. I am enjoying my BMW and looking forward to the next upside.

Posted by rr88 > Jul 2, 2019 4:55 PM | Report Abuse

50% rebound completed. 50% x (1.71 - 0.885) + 0.885 = 1.2975.

It will slowly drift towards 0.885 and fall belly up below that.


2019-07-02 11:42 | Report Abuse

When drop under RM 1 so many dogs come out to bark. Now will disappear


2019-07-02 11:33 | Report Abuse

Thank you thank you thank you for dropping under RM 1. Time for me to wait to collect ang pow


2019-07-01 13:55 | Report Abuse

All I can say is that someone's stock pick is really good from TA and FA perspective. Sell high buy low when others fear


2019-06-27 21:56 | Report Abuse

Kaching!!!!!! Nice profit wish I could have waited and bought the new X4 LOL


2019-06-27 11:56 | Report Abuse

rr88 the loser!! Wakakaka


2019-06-26 21:41 | Report Abuse

If you look at Master and PCCS almost identical sales and profit. PCCS is in a better position. look at master now compared to 3 months ago!!! PCCS will shoot up soon


2019-06-26 11:10 | Report Abuse

I really am hoping so

HawkEyes PCCS will be another Master soon
26/06/2019 11:01 AM


2019-06-26 10:52 | Report Abuse

Master has really run up. Not bad buying a share at 60++ sen and holding. I am waiting for min 1.50 and PCCS being the laggard now it is a matter of time to have handsome returns. Am all loaded up on WA


2019-06-25 15:25 | Report Abuse

If you don't know don't spread rumors. Karex makes money 1Q loses money 2Q's not good way.

InvestsucessTrader OTB said karex
25/06/2019 10:14 AM


2019-06-25 09:14 | Report Abuse

By PCCS-WA for returns :)


2019-06-20 10:33 | Report Abuse

If you buy shares because of KYY, I believe you need to check your head. People who follow the herd mentality without looking at the TA and FA, deserve to lose money.

Cjseven I think kyy is slowly collecting, he will announce again once he is finish collection haha
20/06/2019 10:26 AM


2019-06-20 10:15 | Report Abuse

Well I bought when there were lots of chickens. Even sell now easy 30k. I will keep cos there will lots of sour grapes and people chasing up now. LOL


2019-06-10 21:54 | Report Abuse

Board cautious but profit Q-Q growing


2019-06-07 10:44 | Report Abuse

Dear idiot and your other idiot friends like you. You are a cheapskate trying to make money at other peoples expense. You know to make money you need to know when is enough. Have you heard of target price? Guess not cos you are an idiot.Blame yourself for losing money not others. When you make money do you give it to others? You make your own decisions la idiot. OTB just ignore these idiots.

BustaOtB OTB, can continue buy 1.00?
You are riches guy in Penang, Dayang can go how far?
For shoot up 1.10
3000*1000= 3000000. U should goreng with 3million, share with KYY, each police 1.5million
,,,,should be ok
07/06/2019 10:26 AM


2019-05-30 16:06 | Report Abuse

pussycat and idiots friends all bang bola. Easy money holding; sold contra and keeping still


2019-05-28 10:46 | Report Abuse

My advice is from what I have been burnt before; never follow IB recommendation never happens and never good. Know what you want to buy and once you hit your target sell and lock in profit. Never listen to those rumor mongers and sour grapes. We know who are sincere and who is not. Who is bad hearted and who is not!!!! No regrets especially when I drive my new car bought CASH thanks to OTB. You do good good things will happen to good people.

pat_lsa sell out, buy in or continue to hold it is our own choice... speculation stock need courage and knowledge... ignore local low class paper/media is the best way to make money... media are all feed by dog food... therefore, they write paper with motive that are design by their pay master... i traded for more than 20 years, paper like kenanga, nan yang, SC, RHB trading guide and etc are all rubbish... dont spend too much time to speculate on stock that are always focusing by this dog press that trained to bite....


2019-05-21 08:29 | Report Abuse

I am waiting for the timing to enter


2019-05-19 12:40 | Report Abuse

The lesson to be learned here:

1. What goes up, must come down and then go up again

2. Don't fall in love with shares, fall in love with profit

3. He who laughs last doesn't get the joke first, then blames others for his predicament

4. A bird in hand is worth 2 in the bushes. That is why when you make a profit don't be greedy. You deserve it when you try to chew more than you can and lose your underwear.

5. Be happy for others and good things will come to you.

6. Spread the joy a bit to those who need it. I definitely don't mean the sour grapes.

7. Lastly, what goes around comes around. Don't spread lies and hate people who are making money. Be happy for them

Be Happy. Make Peace

Posted by 684780829 > May 19, 2019 11:37 AM | Report Abuse X

qqq3 , pussycats and other idiots, why you miss the boat huh? Proof some people who subscribe to OTB made money far earlier than you buying at cheap prices and not too greedy to lock in profits. Some even bought car cash and it is sitting in their driveway. Some pay additional fee for 2 years in advance. You bark and bark and bark like a dog on heat. Poor thing. It looks like sore losers when people pick the right stocks. My simple rule, people are providing a service and it is not free. I am not complaining but you idiots who missed out the boat are just plain sore. Poor thing. Pegang telor ke? Atau tak ada telor.


2019-05-19 12:35 | Report Abuse

Nak tanya in the first place, ada ke telor? LOL

Posted by ProsperousRealm > May 19, 2019 11:52 AM | Report Abuse

Dia punya telor sudah rosak x boleh pakai la


2019-05-19 11:37 | Report Abuse

qqq3 , pussycats and other idiots, why you miss the boat huh? Proof some people who subscribe to OTB made money far earlier than you buying at cheap prices and not too greedy to lock in profits. Some even bought car cash and it is sitting in their driveway. Some pay additional fee for 2 years in advance. You bark and bark and bark like a dog on heat. Poor thing. It looks like sore losers when people pick the right stocks. My simple rule, people are providing a service and it is not free. I am not complaining but you idiots who missed out the boat are just plain sore. Poor thing. Pegang telor ke? Atau tak ada telor.


2019-05-13 17:22 | Report Abuse

So here again comes the IDIOTS who talk like Dayang is the only counter affected.


2019-05-08 13:38 | Report Abuse

My same comment to sour grapes: SHUDDUP you are nothing. No bola just bark and bark only. Look at how stable Dayang has been all this while with all FAKE news.


2019-04-25 09:26 | Report Abuse

Ha3 Where all those so hai? Limit down gone case? Buying at 67 sen? LOL sudah tak ada telor kaH?


2019-04-25 08:43 | Report Abuse

If you buy shares following what is said in a public forum, then i welcome you to be a loser. No free lunch do your own homework.

rr88 is an idiot who so called shorted shares when SS was suspended for both IWC and Ekovest. LOL

Posted by newinvestor17 > Apr 25, 2019 8:41 AM | Report Abuse

What happened to the limit up that all were speculating would happen when the market opens ? The TOP is only 1.20 today.

What I cant understand about some Sifu's here who are pro IWCITY is that if you are confident about IWCITY, why do you still have to keep persuading others non stop to buy, that IWCITY is good etc.

If u see the potential, then just buy and remain silent, no point in twisting stories like Jaya from the AA forum.


2019-04-24 16:54 | Report Abuse

Where all those so hai who said limit down lint Down? Run away cos don’t have balls


2019-04-23 10:22 | Report Abuse

Just hope it shoots up soon


2019-04-23 09:23 | Report Abuse

I really doubt cos you are an idiot

rr88 Hu hu made $30k in 3 mins..


2019-04-23 09:19 | Report Abuse

many all those idiots today?


2019-04-23 09:16 | Report Abuse

better than buying magnum


2019-04-23 09:09 | Report Abuse

pity the idiots who sold


2019-04-23 09:07 | Report Abuse

so hai so hai so hai


2019-04-23 09:04 | Report Abuse

the way the movement confirm it is a ruse to buy cheap