
LewisLee | Joined since 2012-11-09

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2020-06-01 12:20 | Report Abuse

Be patient !
RM1.00 is reachable by this week !!!


2020-06-01 12:19 | Report Abuse

The engine just started !! BROOM BROOM BROOM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


2020-06-01 12:05 | Report Abuse

200 mis shares issued, 45% held by 2 big bosses, around 110 mils liquid shares in the market, as at now , trading volume already reached 65 mil liao !!


2020-06-01 12:02 | Report Abuse

Shadowz , noted with thanks for info !
DOn't be greedy right ? Up 30 cents per sessions , can laughing all the way to bank already lah !


2020-06-01 11:58 | Report Abuse

sit tight and relax comrades , let's enjot the ice cream goreng ride !!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


2020-05-31 16:25 | Report Abuse


Es ceramics annual dinner ! LOL !
come and meet their staffs !!


2020-05-31 15:53 | Report Abuse

My weekend research on Luxchem, LKL, ...
1. Luxchem :- chemicals processing company, but only 35% of turnover exposed to latex processing for glove industry, the rest exposed to construction, automobile and electrical industries.
35 % of business is good but 65% of business might be bad ... plus plus minus minus = break even in performance, according to analyst. FA quite good with years of stable profit
2. LKL :- suppliers of mainly medical beds and health care accessories, their products can be produced all over the world, losses reporting for past 2 years, last 4 Q total loss = -0.37 (horrible, almost wipe out their NTA !)

Comparing to ice cream, almost 99% expose to Glove industry... plain and simply to understand business and BS , with low future PE !


2020-05-30 11:44 | Report Abuse

Apart from Calvin, many other persons such as KYY, OTB, Cold Eyes, Icon8888, Philip etc.... even our Mickey Mouse, come here to give stock calls ! You can't held them liable for their call, they just recommend !
Chun or not Chun, depends on investors themselves to analyse and make final decisions.


2020-05-30 11:40 | Report Abuse

Actually Chun Chun Call Calvin ( "Cal"l & "Win") Tan has been making stock call as a hobby all these years, as he has never asked for fee or profit sharing etc . He never force you to follow his chun chun call also.
If he is a conman, he would have conned money and disappeared long time ago !
Everyday he is still as active as before come here to do "chun chun call" !! LOL
End of the day, up to the investors or traders to do your own homeworks and make your own decison !!


2020-05-29 18:33 | Report Abuse

Everybody miss Mickey Mouse so much ! LOL


2020-05-29 12:21 | Report Abuse

I hope Mickey mouse is busying "sapu"-ing Ice Cream from the market right now !!


2020-05-29 12:13 | Report Abuse

Big Bosses & CEO busy in hand former manufacturing plants to complete tonnes of orders from glove makers, no time to promote, we as minority shareholders , do our part and help to promote lah !!


2020-05-29 12:09 | Report Abuse

Wow ! As i just wrote, big rock at .46 & .465 sapu habis liao !!!


2020-05-29 12:06 | Report Abuse

They have net cash around 20 mils , have been profit for almost 10 years ...
The only listed company in bursa producing hand maker supplying to glove makers
current PE only 12-15, i think (after deducting their cash of 10ct per share)
The one and only very under value glove related counter left in Bursa !
Mari mari ! lelong lelong last cheap price before they explode ! LOL


2020-05-29 12:03 | Report Abuse

Sean, glove related counter, they provide hand former to glove makers.
All glove maker counters running crazy already but this baby ice cream still moving at snail pace !


2020-05-29 11:38 | Report Abuse

As I analysed before, They stop to proceed further with property diversification vide 30-4-20 announcement ! They also changed the terms of JV agreement for the 2.3 mil already invested with a guaranteed returns of 19% interest in 2 years (Kamal Tan's other listed company in SGX guaranteed for the payment !)
There is safeguard in Bursa rules, if they are to proceed for the JV investment with any further 20mil plus fund, they need EGM to approve (Kamal Tan -25% shareholding, can't vote)


2020-05-29 10:45 | Report Abuse

Mikecyc, take it easy lah !
During this pandemic crisis, who didn't lose money from share market ?
Even KYY admitted he lost almost 90% at that time & Warren Buffet lost Billions in airlines etc

Now there is glove theme run, our purpose is to make money and recover from the all losses !
Mistakes made treated as lessons well learnt !
We log in here everyday to learn and share with each others the valid infos and knowledge !
No point spamming and F here F there , that won't make you rich !
Be humble and learn ! Thank you !


2020-05-29 10:33 | Report Abuse

First, Glove Big brother 4 running up to crazy valuation !
Second, and now, Glove small brother 4 running up to crazy valuation !
Next .... Glove hand former baby brother's turn >>>>> to crazy valuation ??
Enjoy the ride and thrill ! LOL

News & Blogs

2020-05-29 10:28 | Report Abuse

Philip , Thanks for valuable value-trap write-ups !
Really learn a lot from that, pls keep it up and share with us your knowledge and experience !


2020-05-28 16:44 | Report Abuse

Small 4 Glove counters almost go LIMIT UP !!
Baby Ice cream will be LIMIT UP next !!


2020-05-28 15:19 | Report Abuse

Ice cream share cap very small only = 200 millions, 2 big bosses controlled 45%, so public only hold 110 miliions, once put on burner for frying, one day can SHOOT UP to 0.60 already !!


2020-05-28 15:14 | Report Abuse

All Ice cream lovers, sit tight !
After finished frying Big 4, now frying Little 4, ..... Baby Ice cream will be NEXT !! For sure !!


2020-05-28 15:05 | Report Abuse

I just read from the star news, the gearing of the following glove counters =

Harta = net cash 31 mil
Top Glove = net debt (2.2 billion)
Kossan = net debt (245 mil)
supermax = net debt (254 mil)
comfort = net debt (49 mil)


2020-05-28 14:51 | Report Abuse

just for computation, if they can repeat EPS of 3.6 per year going forward,
valuation with PE of 20 (the most conservative) , share price will be 72ct + 10ct cash = 82 cts
PE of 30, share price = 1.08 + 0.10 cash = 1.18
PE of 40 (crazy value as per glove but stil half of glove ! ), share price = 1.44 + 0.10 cash = 1.54


2020-05-28 14:40 | Report Abuse

Ice Cream best profit year is 2016, around 7.3 millions, EPS = 3.6,
if they can repeat that (very likely or even better due to glove's boom time), and with net cash of almost 10ct per share, based on KC Chong's fair valuation of their PE shall be :-
current share price = 40ct, minus cash per share of 10ct, net price for PE calculation shall be 30ct only !
forward PE :- 3.6 / 30 = 12 ! ( I myself shock to compute that !!)

comapring to present Top Glove / Harta PE= 85, supermax = 74, comfort = 53 !
I just read all glove companies (except Harta) have high gearing


2020-05-28 14:17 | Report Abuse

The more and more glove makers to expand or new players venture into glove making business, the only end beneficial will be none other than ICE CREAM !!

the next QR out around end July might not reflect that yet, but if the CEO 's outlook comment is good there, the price will SHOOT UP, the QR out at end Oct, 20, end Jan, 21 will be huge !!


2020-05-28 14:13 | Report Abuse

I guess Mikecyc is a day trader and had bought at highest price of 0.595 recently and suffered contra loss , get so frustrated and came here to spam to vent frustration !
Very common in i3 and many share investment forums, losers will normally came and vent anger and frustration when they suffered loss !!
Jaks forum recently got so many F words here and there because many people suffered loss and frustrated !!

As I always say, if you are value investors and hold long term, the prospect is very good for ice cream :-
Not only big 4, small 4 and tiny 10 etc rush to expand and replace their over-worked / spoilt hand formers, many players want to enter this juicy business nowadays .... glove makers are going to fight against each other for market share soon, BUT .... still minimal competition amonst this second liners hand former business... simply because it has been largely ignored by investors !!

Before common investors notice this, it is time to collect at cheap and wait to SELL HIGH to those realize later to panic buy !!


2020-05-27 08:26 | Report Abuse

Do more homework and equip yourselves with knowledge and education , so newbies won’t get “game over” too soon ! Friendly advice !!


2020-05-27 08:24 | Report Abuse

Too many newbies and ignorant people in share market nowadays !
Can’t help , many Tom dick & Harry ,either uneducated or under educated in investment all jumped in to F around in Bursa !
To those newbies out there, if you could not understand the terms of agreement or the plain language of latest announcement , pls buy some basic books on accounting or companies law etc before you comments lah !
If still lost and not able to understand , read my analysis or go around ask intelligent Si Fu etc !


2020-05-26 17:19 | Report Abuse

Lasseters International (Kamal Tan as director & sub shareholder) is a casino operator in central Australia !

Seems like Ice Cream Big Boss Kamal Tan (25% share) is a big shot in international business !


2020-05-26 17:12 | Report Abuse

The more I research, the more i am very sure that the stated profit 19% out of 2.3 mil investment of RM439,990 is almost SURE PROFIT for ice cream for the next 2 years !!


2020-05-26 17:10 | Report Abuse

I think the board are quite fair with the deals and shareholders' interests is protected.
Besides nowadays listing rules are quite strict also, not easy for insiders to be hanky panky !
Big shareholder Kamal Tan is (extracted from annual report) :-

"Dato’ Kamal, who is also a Substantial Shareholder of the Company, graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and was actively involved in his family’s banking, insurance brokerage, trading and printing businesses in the early years of his career.
Dato’ Kamal is currently the Executive Director of Envictus International Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange where he oversees the general management of the business operations."

(extract from Envictus 's website ) :-
"Dato’ Kamal Y P Tan is the Group Chief Executive Officer of the Company and was appointed to the Board on 23 December 2003. He was appointed as the Executive Director of the Company upon its listing on 23 December 2004 and has been redesignated to the current position since 20 January 2009.
Dato’ Kamal is an Economics graduate from the London School of Economics and has held board positions with companies listed on the stock exchanges in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, United Kingdom and India.
Currently, Dato’ Kamal is also the Non-Executive Director of another company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, namely Lasseters International Holdings Limited. He is a Director of Cypress Lakes Group Limited, a public company in Australia and is a Board member of Park Hyatt Saigon, a 259-room 5-star hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Dato’ Kamal was re-elected as Director at the AGM held in January 2015. Dato’ Kamal is the brother of Dato’ Jaya J B Tan. "

What I learn is Envictus is a F&B company and surprise surprise ! Lasseters International also listed in Singapore !! (who is to guarantee the 2.3 mil lend by Ice cream to the JV prop company, you can feel even more secured learning about that !! )

More so, this big shareholder's profile is so great with many directorship in at least 4 listed companies ! (1 in ice cream, 2 in Singapore, 1 in Australia)

Just need to do homework to understand better.

News & Blogs

2020-05-26 15:37 | Report Abuse

For few years , we used to see KYY vs KC Chong 's blogs critizing each other , or OTB vs many other (or the same person) unknown person cursing with crude languages, now the current i3 hot fight will be bewteen Calvin vs Pillip !!
LoL !

News & Blogs

2020-05-26 15:03 | Report Abuse

After reading numerous stock gods, stock kings, stock gurus, stock bloggers in i3 , let me sum up their views on EITHER (i) Glove theme or (ii) Oil & gas theme play going forwards :-

Glove-play supporters :-
1. KYY :- cut loss at O&G Dayang, recommend investing in Glove counters, Sai lang in comfort & supermax
2. Ooi Teik Bee :- cut loss at O&G, (apart from Jaks & Mtag) also recommend comfort & supermax
3. Clavin Tan :- chun chun calls on all glove counters, big or small, profit or loss , even recommend sanitizer-play !

O&G supporters :-
1. Cold eyes :- never mentioned about glove at all ! continue to promote O&G for long term, recommend Armada, Serba, Yinson, have substantial holding in Aramda.
2. Phillip :- Chun Chun buy what you understand approach, sold off all Top Gloves and switch heavily into Serba, Yinson, Petrochem.

KC Chong & Icon8888 :- been low profile & quiet ??

LOL ! I just state the facts and let the investing community to decide !

Glove ? O&G ? Glove ? O&G ? ? ? ? ?


2020-05-26 14:33 | Report Abuse

I just dug deep and checked the previous public comments in Ice cream forum and that's what I found :-
1. according to members attending previous AGM, CEO Wong Fook Lin is a very humble and approachable persons, most minority's queries he will answer with honesty. Even queries vide email can reach him direct for answer.
2. He didn't talk big and lured people to invest, he just stated the facts and didn't over-hype this company.
3. As for the diversified investment in hotel or property developemnt, the JV agreement is for subscription for preference shares, meaning Ice cream will get paid of dividends (if any) first before other common shareholders in Lasseters (the biggest shareholder of Ice Cream, Kamal Tan is also a substantial shareholder in the property company) and ice cream will get priority in getting back their money first if there is any liquidation of the property company ! (read the JV agreement please )
4. 2.3 mil investment in the prop company do not need shareholder's approval,(as they have already subscribed) but for further fund of investment (around 90%) they need to call for EGM for shareholders' approval, (Kamal Tan (20+% share) can't vote, minority still have the chance to block and query) and as per 30-4-20 announcement, they decided not to proceed with the subscription of shares in the prop company.
5. how about the 2.3 mil invested ? according to latest announcement, the prop company must redeem (pay back) by 2-3-2022 with the rate of 1.1913. Meaning the 2.3 mil is like loan (bond) to the prop company with flat interest rate of 19.13 % for 2 years ! If the prop co can't pay, Kamal Tan's other company Lasseters International, guarantee to pay !!
6. Of course there is risk to shareholders, if Lasseters go bankrupt or Kamal Tan's company Lasseters international also fo bankrupt, 2.3 mil burnt ! But good news is 2.3 mil is just minor exposure with minimal risk.
But I think it is highly unlikely, Kamal Tan's own shareholding in Ice cream (around 20%) easily worth (40mil x 0.40) = 16 mil at present market price, can he default at 2.3 mil ??
7. On the other side of coin, (which is more likely) if Lasseters redeem the shares, 2.3 mil investment will give shareholder returns of 19.13% on 2.3 mil = 439,990 (about 0.2 cent per share on other income, much better than let the idle cash earning chicken feed of 2% p.a from bank FD !)

I just analysed on facts, hope fellow shareholders won't get over worried on this issue !

News & Blogs

2020-05-25 08:42 | Report Abuse

Recent i3 stock gurus' fight show :-

Top-Glove-Philip vs Chun Chun Call Clavin Tan .......
Round One ! Ding Ding Ding !

LoL !


2020-05-25 08:42 | Report Abuse

Recent i3 stock gurus' fight show :-

Top-Glove-Philip vs Chun Chun Call Clavin Tan .......
Round One ! Ding Ding Ding !

News & Blogs

2020-05-24 23:03 | Report Abuse

Our "Chun Chun Call" Calvin Tan has been chun chun call over bursa 's 1,000 counters since the beginning of i3 and is the most profitable chun chun call investor .... by his own standard (of course) ! LOL


2020-05-24 14:13 | Report Abuse


"According to Wong, ES Ceramics’ current capacity is about 100,000 to 150,000 formers a month, which is equivalent to a full month’s glove former orders by big glove players such as Top Glove Corp Bhd and Hartalega Holdings Bhd. "

Read this passage, Big 2 's one month orders already can fulfill their whole month capacity in 2015 ! Now ? I guess the CEO is busy expanding their output capacity until no time to talk to press !!


2020-05-24 14:03 | Report Abuse

Their best ever annual profit is RM6.3mil in FY17, around EPS = 3.1 ,
for conservative PER = 20, fair price = 0.62
high side PER = 30, price = 0.93
if follow crazy Top Glove's PER = 80, price = 2.48 !


2020-05-24 13:38 | Report Abuse

I just found out sth by reading their latest QR :-
share capital :- 22.9 mil ; retained profit :- 21.9 mil
Good enough to declared around 1:1 bonus if they want !!

Their BS & PL is so solid and good for value investors !
Just that they are low profile and haven't been talking to the press !


2020-05-24 12:07 | Report Abuse

Just analyse in such a way :-

1. For glove making industry, we have Big 4 (in fact is Big 5, Riverstone, operation in Malaysia but listed in singapore !) Little 4, and many many tiny more ... operating day and night in order to fulfill crazy pandemic-driven demand all over the world at the moment. Everybody wants to expand output capacity, or even new players planning to enter this juicy business at Covic-19-hype period.
sooner or later down the raod, you will see tough competition amongst all the glove players, suppy will out pace demand ... profit margin drops.... inventories pile up ..... just an oridnary cycle for any business !

In fact most glove companies might already reach their fair value or even over value for those unproven small glove company !

2. Many investors still ignorant of the fact that at glove's hand former sector, there is little competition out there, only Big2 in Malaysia, Ice Cream is the Tai Koh, another 2nd Bro Ceremtec is not listed.
Ice Cream in hand former sector is just like Top Glove in glove sector, the biggest Tai Koh !
If all glove companies over optimistic to expand, their glove hand formers will surely fall into these big 2 , and they will enjoy the least competition in their sector as no other big players can carry out big orders !
.... bearing in mind , they have yet to be "hyped up", enjoying the least and minimal publicity, thus has the potential to explode once they announce their propsect in their coming QR !

Do you choose to invest in a over-hyped-glove-theme in which the glove players are facing tough competition soon or hand former players they are enjoying duo-poly sharing of the cake and still be ignored by investors ??


2020-05-23 18:29 | Report Abuse

According to recent QR announcement by 2nd Bro (Harta), 3rd Bro (Kossan), 4th Bro (Supermax) of Bursa glove companies , they are all planning (or already opening out) their new factories, production lines !!
Tai Koh Bro (Top Glove) will announce QR next week , and expected to sing the same song in order not to lose out to others !!

With BIG 4 brothers all rushing to expand, LITTLE 4 brothers (comfort, rubbrex, careplus, adventa) will definitely follow soon, even using your backside to think you also know those expansion will SOLELY BENEFIT the only ice-cream licking baby brother who make glove's hand former in bursa !!


2020-05-20 20:19 | Report Abuse

Kmwong8711. Supermax ceo is a good friend / business associate to ice cream s CEO ! If Superman want to expand , tonnes of hand former orders will surely be placed to ice cream !
Another good news for ice cream !!


2020-05-20 16:05 | Report Abuse

That's how i understand malaysia Bursa's small caps are being played with ! LOL !


2020-05-20 16:03 | Report Abuse

kmwong8711 , depends on how good this stock is to be pormoted !
short term might be up-down 0.36 - 0.45 (for traders)
medium term (1/2 - 1 year) can be 0.40 - 0.60 if CEO quiet and no publicity.

If one day the CEO starts talking to the press, analyst starts covering this stock, any of this malaysian stock gods KYY, cold eyes or famous i3 bloggers OTB, KC Chong , Icon8888 etc recommend it, TP is easily RM1 or above !!

Don't forget, so far CEO hasn't talking to the press for 2 years d ! (last press release is 2018 AGM)
only a few investors or traders bought this counters due to Chun Chun Call Clavin Tan's write up !
Without Chun Chun Call 's chun chun call, I almost forgotten this hidden jewel !
The potential EXPLOSION is there !!


2020-05-20 12:16 | Report Abuse

Today is the t\show time for all glove big 4, small 4, second-liners !
Ice cream is the most under value among all those glove companies !


2020-05-20 12:07 | Report Abuse

Ice cream is the biggest glove's hand former maker in the world and the only one listed in Bursa !
Almost no or little competition to their business !!
Balance sheet & P&L is pretty !
Plan to be transfered listing status to Main Board soon !

Any other good reasons for you not to lick and suck Ice cream ??


2020-05-20 12:01 | Report Abuse

"This time it is “healthcare.” Companies are queuing up to make facemasks, PPEs and other goods currently in demand during the Covid-19 crisis. Can they make it? No one knows now but investors have to be aware of a few facts.
Most pharmacies and convenience stores are now well-stocked with facemasks and hand sanitisers. There is no shortage and that means supply is abundant.
Then there is an export ban on face masks that is still in place. Those wanting to make face masks will have to sell in an increasingly saturated domestic market.
China has ramped up production of facemasks by 450% in February and it made half of the world’s supply in 2019.
China is not the only country making PPEs and facemasks. All over the world, production has increased. "

I have been reading this kind of news nowadays, other PPEs & facemasks can be easily produced all over the world ! or even aunties at home in India can produce facemask !

Not for gloves ... but we have big 4, small 4 or (tiny many more ?) glove companies and I have yet to read any news that other players involving in "glove hand formers" ! .... sounds like monopoly or oligopoly business ?? "economic moat" ?


2020-05-20 11:44 | Report Abuse

Most glove , health care counters (good or bad, profit or loss one) already sprinting but ice cream is still just warming up !