Por Soon Keong

823582709 | Joined since 2013-03-10

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2013-11-22 13:36 | Report Abuse

Wait for below 0.20 to consider again. If you bull now, you might fall into the trap. Look at the transaction. If more like a trap. Beware guys.


2013-11-22 11:47 | Report Abuse

I admit I'm not sincere as well. But I am not captain of Instaco.


2013-11-22 11:28 | Report Abuse

But the director is not sincere


2013-11-22 11:15 | Report Abuse

Let me ask you, if the directors don't disposed their share and warrant, will Instaco back to old house. Of course Instaco stay at new house which is bigger and nicer.


2013-11-22 11:13 | Report Abuse

Do you think the price will back to 0.32 or 0.35 in short term such as 1 or 2 month??? Unless they award few hundred million jobs then different Drama. If mother drop do you think son will not follow??


2013-11-22 11:04 | Report Abuse

Yup Fast_5 but at least i can make profit more than Instaco which is not sincere in doing business. Imagine with current price of AsiaBio, how many share i can collect of it drop to the price i que.


2013-11-22 11:02 | Report Abuse

It will grew in future i knew that, but once it starting to grow, the director will sell the stock again. Other director will follow Ngu and AK footstep coz they know if i sell high ppl still support after that.


2013-11-22 10:59 | Report Abuse

That mean she is no confident to get the project. If she confident can share a pie, why she wanna sell her warrant in the hurry. Both of them knew something is terrible wrong in the future. Really not transparent and sincere at all. NVM, i take my fund to Que at AsiaBio better.


2013-11-22 10:57 | Report Abuse

Coz of Yesterday's Drama. The director is too fake!!! Make me really upset to invest and holding for more than 6 months. AT the end, spoil by the Dick Head directors. Only take care of own pocket.


2013-11-22 10:54 | Report Abuse

Oh he is the guy giving fake rumours?? Then you words mean nothing!!! Fxxk off Friendship.


2013-11-22 10:53 | Report Abuse

DOn't be a fool Friendship. WHy don;t the Directors (Dick Heads) sell their stock on higher price if they have good news to announce?? I suggest you sell your stock so don't have nightmare like me. Think about it!!!


2013-11-22 10:49 | Report Abuse

I had sold all my stock on hand. Bye bye to Sohai Captain. How about you NRobert??


2013-11-22 10:45 | Report Abuse

IF you confident with your investment why would you fear Friendship??? Unless you are doubt with the company as well. This is open forum, i can express my opinion. Take it easy my friend.


2013-11-22 10:34 | Report Abuse

Maybe the company business no good. EBITDA in negative. SO the CEO need to dispose share to pay Salary?? Is it possible???


2013-11-22 10:23 | Report Abuse

Yesterday was a Drama. Sorry to inform that, i have to abandon this ship. I rather floating on the middle of ocean to wait for rescue. Sorry guy!!!! Good luck!!!!


2013-11-22 10:10 | Report Abuse

This counter reputation really gone. Price can't sustain at 0.265. Warrant should trade at 0.09 actually. Not 0.12.


2013-11-21 22:05 | Report Abuse

No point if the price hit above 0.30 but the director will sell his stake again. Take note there are 2 substantial share holder with 40% of share (around 280M) if they practice like Ngu. I can't imagine. And they give you very very solid reason coz they got other investment to look for.


2013-11-21 21:51 | Report Abuse

Ya keep on averaging untill like Patimas and Octagon Tapao soon.


2013-11-21 21:34 | Report Abuse

Totally agreed with u cytew


2013-11-21 21:26 | Report Abuse

For me if the director stop dispose their share for few months then definitely investor will be love this counter again.


2013-11-21 21:17 | Report Abuse

Look at today transaction. Most of the transactions are 5000lot continuouesly. What doesn't it means? Very rare can see small investor buying such as 100lot to 300lot. We will anticipate it may drop back to .240 if no volume support for next few days. Today transaction more like a Drama to me. I will close monitor everyday untill i can sence investors confidence is back again.


2013-11-21 20:04 | Report Abuse

Of course Ngu will not throw now the price so low to him. He will throw at his target price which is 0.275 and above like last time on September.


2013-11-21 15:40 | Report Abuse

YiStock: How about AsiaBio which is bought by Golden Sanchez and Deutsche bank?? Are the institution Fund??


2013-11-21 14:35 | Report Abuse

Still holding and Queuing at 0.10. Hopefully can get today!!


2013-11-21 14:13 | Report Abuse

Like i said before, if the director never come out to public to clear doubt, i will sell all. Fortunately they came out yesterday. So, i will hold.


2013-11-21 12:01 | Report Abuse

If you knew their character, we can make small profit here. But here is not gamble place. So, episode 2 is now showing!!!! Episode one was a bad ending with bleeding all the street. Sure the director will give a nice shown on Episode 2, so ppl will chasing for Episode 3!!!


2013-11-21 11:45 | Report Abuse

NRobert. Such dick heads only take care of their own pocket. That's the motive distributing warrant for free coz they need money. When they need money again, how to get??? By pushing down the price and create panic situation buy from the bottom. So, this kind of drama will repeat repeat and repeat again. If you buy share, will you feel secure??? On the other word: we are the bullet for the both dick heads director!!! After shot, throw.


2013-11-21 11:30 | Report Abuse

The clarification make it even worst for their credibility. Why they don't give an explanation when asked by RHB. For me, they are manipulating the stock price. RHB and Borneo Post are their weapon to manipulate the price. So, this company no longer worth to invest. They still will practice the same when the price going up again. If you buy now, how much you expect to return? in short term or longer term? I can seen small fish almost all gone, who ever buy now is newbie, or contra player who saw sudden spike want to make fast profit. The group who ate all the ticket past few days, now it is the time for them to make short money. IS TOTALLY CONTROL BY SYNDICATE STOCK.


2013-11-21 11:03 | Report Abuse

Don't know the price can stabilize till Q3 result or not??


2013-11-21 00:30 | Report Abuse

NRobert have you disposed all your share already?


2013-11-21 00:29 | Report Abuse

NRobert it was my nightmare as well. Lost a D SEGMENT Car for it. Stevecheahsw RTO is reverse take over


2013-11-21 00:02 | Report Abuse

Right NRobert. This Drama will be very excited. Burnt so many innocent player. This counter is worst than SAAG.


2013-11-20 23:59 | Report Abuse

ruleNo1, have to extra monitor on Barakah since Barakah also RTO.


2013-11-20 23:57 | Report Abuse

The company is not transparent. Settle down or not i dont think they will publish. If we want to buy back the share, must wait until it stable for a month with no disposal from the directors then can enter with extra precausion.


2013-11-20 23:44 | Report Abuse

ruleno1, its too late to share now. No is collaterally damaged situation. U should share on Sep13 when Ngu first disposed his share.


2013-11-20 23:10 | Report Abuse

The solution is not Q3 result. It an explanation and clarification of the directors intention. By transparent to the investor. If these 2 can be solved, it also need time to pick up. Don't think it can go back to .350 within a month or 2 unless it secured another 300M job. If there few days can drop til breaking the resistance of 0.220. Haha is time to bye bye to instacom untill it manage to transfer to the main board then be back to join the boat again with hesitation.


2013-11-20 21:27 | Report Abuse

Previous reference mother .260 son .09. But today mother .255 but son stay at .115. Son looks strong maybe director no more share to dispose. Or mother will drop slower than son tomorrow??


2013-11-20 21:00 | Report Abuse

Anyone of you guys have confident to buy Instaco share on tomorrow? Any of you yet to dispose are u prepare to dispose?


2013-11-20 19:30 | Report Abuse

And the same research house condem own research WTF.


2013-11-20 19:17 | Report Abuse

Sincere is very important to gain trust. Look at Sersol and Sumatec. The price like roller coaster but they company dealing with sincere. The chances of rebound for Sersol and Sumatec are higher than Instaco at this moment. i'm curious why they director yet to step out to clear the doubt and why bursa never issue UMA?


2013-11-20 18:52 | Report Abuse

Will you buy a product if you doubt on the quality of the product?


2013-11-20 17:59 | Report Abuse

Maybe worst, perhaps they can't submit the quater result on time, so bursa will suspend it. What will be the price during that moment?


2013-11-20 17:07 | Report Abuse

Yistock, what i worried is if Ngu want to dispose his 53M = 54000 x 100lot. Each 10K x 100lot represent 0.5cent. There is at 3 cents drop. If + panic investor, the result could be x2 = another 6 cents drop like i predict it will drop till 20cents with few trading days. if mother 20cents, how about son?? 6cents???


2013-11-20 17:03 | Report Abuse

NRobert, got Captain Bolehland. Kalau Tak Suka, Jangan melabur!!! Just kidding, don't be mad. I am also one of the passenger.


2013-11-20 16:58 | Report Abuse

If Ngu resign is truth. He will dispose all his stocks by then what will be the price after another 53M share inn the market with no ppl want to buy coz no confident. Any of the movie scripts also in the negative site!!! Is the time for the management to think how to cover now. Wait for this few days, if still no response from the management, i have to disposed all my shares. No point dealing with non sincere company!!!!


2013-11-20 16:46 | Report Abuse

You are right NRobert. Give u a Like. That's why Sarawak presented her an Award....Grammy Award!!!


2013-11-20 16:36 | Report Abuse

NRobert. Perhaps they sell the share and warrant to buy the award??? But they forget to pay fee to RHB fellow. So he write bad about the company. Cheers!!! The world is not end yet. Very important rule: When you invest in stock, be prepare to lose all you capital.


2013-11-20 16:28 | Report Abuse

Confident level suddenly vanish for Instaco. Can't predict what will happen if the result can't meet the expectation or any bad news coming out in period of time. Never met this scenario before. So Bad!!!


2013-11-20 14:57 | Report Abuse

If the director don't turn out to clarify. I think the price will continue slide for next few days. Like i said now, probably will drop below than 20cents once support level is broken. The major concern here is ppl selling volume is higher than buying volume. Once ppl confidence jeopardize, this company is over!!!!!


2013-11-20 11:39 | Report Abuse

Maybe they are really in trouble??? Like bolehland politician BUAT TAK TAU!!!