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2021-02-17 11:34 | Report Abuse

eye on htpadu,.......got show,.........


2021-12-24 09:35 | Report Abuse

oiooo,........ this black wild horse behave like donkey today,......need to feed more,.......


2021-12-24 09:27 | Report Abuse

genetec truly napoleon`s black horse,........ run for thousand miles,............conqueror of the world,.......are you dare to ride on it?..............


2021-12-22 23:54 | Report Abuse

TAN SRI is a very smart guy compare to us,........ super genius guy,.........malaysia need more people like him,..........


2021-12-24 11:17 | Report Abuse

i think TAN SRI is very happy for you all to push top glove share price low-low, cheap-cheap,......so he can take up the private placement cheap-cheap as well,..........both ways, he is the winner,.......i think TAN SRI have rm1.5bil. cash in hand,..........cash is king,..........he won`t buy big at current price,...........he is waiting for the right time & right price as well,............


2022-02-24 11:22 | Report Abuse

will top glove bottom out at rm2.15,..........glove industry at the moment have not bargain power,........it is buyer market,.......not the seller market,.........


2021-12-24 11:51 | Report Abuse

top glove`s hong kong ipo, TAN SRI want to price at rm2.8 per share ..............foreign fund want it at rm1.5 per share,...........come to middle price at rm 2.15 per share,..........fair to both parties,.......acceptable or not ?,...........or cancelled the ipo?,..............


2021-12-22 13:54 | Report Abuse

young wild horse, .......too scare to ride on it,......scare being kicked down,........,people say it can run million miles,.....belief it or not ?


2021-02-28 17:34 | Report Abuse

bob,.......... karim is a crook,....... if you don`t do it this way,.......you can forget about getting your hard earn money back,..........smilling,.....bye -bye to you


2021-12-22 11:39 | Report Abuse

catch karim children,.........asking karim to return all money belong to serba,........this is the way,.......who is willing to do it?..........


2021-12-21 14:12 | Report Abuse

the only way you can recover your losses ,.......catch karim children,..........ask karim to fix serba problem,...........


2021-12-07 08:45 | Report Abuse

real messy thing happening in serba,.....all want their money back,........i don`t think karim can handle this crisis,........he will walk the back door out,........really sad!


2021-12-21 11:32 | Report Abuse

pull it to the left,.....pull it to the right,........more fat boy come in to joint the game on 1 januari,......TAN SRI teams exhausted already,.........already lost 2/3 of value,........another pull will take top glove into longkang.


2021-12-21 09:47 | Report Abuse

who dare to short genetec on 1 januari,........... sarang tebuan,........... tak boleh jolok ..........boleh kena gigit loh!


2021-12-20 21:15 | Report Abuse

shorting PNB control companies,......... shorting maybank,.....umw,.... simedarby, .........they are sleeping,.......wake them up,.........they are hoarding the people money,............


2021-12-20 20:58 | Report Abuse

bursa market is dying,......no energy,.......it need booster,..........need to short it,.........wake up the big shots to buy,........they are hoarding the company fund, not willing to spend,.........


2021-12-20 16:59 | Report Abuse

not enough wind,......... ship can`t sail,......suddenly sky turning dark,..........get ready for rough ride,.........


2021-12-20 16:20 | Report Abuse

hungry wolfs are waiting for 1,januari,2020 to attack, be prepare,........


2021-12-20 15:33 | Report Abuse

top glove have too much share(8.2bil),.........i wonder TAN SRI will do share consolidation during bad time,..........is he prepare for the day to come,..........10 to1,............inject 1bil. into top glove.


2021-12-20 15:09 | Report Abuse

after such a long marathon,................ time to rest for a while,


2021-12-20 14:30 | Report Abuse

rubber glove can`t be keep for a long time,.......... you have to sell it before expire date,........otherwise scrape it.


2021-12-20 14:19 | Report Abuse

rubber glove price keep falling to 10 cent each,......... may go down further to 0.5 cent each,.......over supply!


2021-12-20 13:29 | Report Abuse

depleting cash in hand at top glove tell you ,.......need to raise money,........issue new shares,...........share price will go south.


2021-12-20 13:09 | Report Abuse

start from 1st. januari,2022............. all can do day short on top glove, ...........don`t miss the opportunity, ............ make money,........reward cheap new share at hong kong ipo,.........


2021-12-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

malaysia really bad,.......... thief steal bag, you arrest him, put him into jail,........but business man steal billions is okay,......nobody border,.....minority watchdog also keep their mouth shut,......too bad,.......


2021-12-19 21:33 | Report Abuse

who is gentlement,......who is kiasu,........will reveal soon........


2021-12-19 21:26 | Report Abuse

ARM WRESTLING,.......who have more power,........who have more money will win,.......are TAN SRI willing to give up the power?


2021-12-19 20:52 | Report Abuse

push it up, sell new shares at high price,............or,............ sell it down, buy new shares at low price,.......bid it...........which ways, give comment,...........


2021-12-19 20:32 | Report Abuse

very interesting games in top glove,....... got two teams,............ who will be the final winner?..... very interesting to watch the games,.......


2021-12-19 20:23 | Report Abuse

if karim did siphoned company fund into his private company,....... very likely, he will let serba to go broke,............closed the book,..........everything will be covered up,.........he can walk away from being investigated,..........don`t need to face serba shareholders,.........EPF are useless in handling this fraud matter,.....their eye wide shut,....<.apa boleh buat >attitute ...........karim will survive, filthy rich too.


2021-12-19 15:23 | Report Abuse

top glove could be the stock that kill you........ slowly,.....softly,........you are not even notice,.......just because you love it so much !...........


2021-12-19 11:02 | Report Abuse

karim`s oil&gas, construction business is not profitable,......just compare to oil&gas peers like dayang and sapnrg ,............he has to cook the book , ...........so that serba making few hundred million per year,..........serba can borrow billions ringgit from banks,..............share price go up to few ringgit,..........he look super wealthy,.........at the end ,he is cheating everybody, cheating himself,......but we don`t know he has siphon some money out from serba,........we know he sold shares at average 80 cent per share.


2021-12-19 09:42 | Report Abuse

top grove have another 50% to go south,...... wake up guy!,.......wake up!


2021-12-19 09:35 | Report Abuse

you all can forget about growth business in rubber glove industry,....... it is sunset business,.......no more killing profit,.........invest in growth business,......company like microsoft, google, apple,oracle,facebook, adobe are more promising,.......... software is the future, limited competition, good profit margin.


2021-12-18 22:19 | Report Abuse

the future challenge will be who can last the longer dry season, ....they will win,.......who can afford to lose money for many years,......they will survive.


2021-12-18 22:09 | Report Abuse

glove price will go down from current 30cent to 20cent each,.......worst day for glove sector is getting closer,.........selling at loss,....many company will continue production, .......just want to keep the company running ,......keep their employee,.......keep their customers.


2021-12-18 21:51 | Report Abuse

natsuko, ....not easy to short genetec,........company tightly control,......price still very strong,........big shot are very rich,........


2021-12-18 16:25 | Report Abuse

you can become slave to them !,.......be cautious!........


2021-12-18 16:22 | Report Abuse

capital mining activity was rampant in bursa market,..........the big shot abuse the small one,.......from fintech companies to gpacket,......... hopefully not become the victim,.......you can become poorer,...... big shot getting richer.


2021-12-18 14:06 | Report Abuse

what can you do now if you stuck here ?...........sell, forget the company,.............buy more to average down,..........or not doing anything.


2021-12-18 11:05 | Report Abuse

ccpuan is a smart guy,............ first he sell gpacket down,....... later buy 40% cheap-cheap gpacket at 20% below market price,.........you all being fool by him,........he is not smart enough to make gpacket profitable,.........no wonder people call him cebye puan......


2021-12-18 09:53 | Report Abuse

talak cukup untung lagi kah?......... mau duit banyak-banyak,........ anak , cucu tak ada kaki ...tangan kah ?.........


2021-12-18 09:40 | Report Abuse

apa lagi mau buat?.........mau duit banyak -banyak,..........anak cucu tak ada kaki ,tangan kah?


2021-12-18 09:33 | Report Abuse

kasi perah kuat kuat,..........tambah air,.........perah sekali lagi,....... kasi minum semua jus,........buang sisa-sisa..........


2021-12-18 09:25 | Report Abuse

kasi compress,........ tambah air,.......compress sekali lagi,......bagi semua santan keluar,..........buang sisa


2021-12-18 09:19 | Report Abuse

supermax want to build a factory in US not a smart move,.......... it will end up a failure one,........ losing billions ringgit,............. the production cost in US is too high ,......... HOW TO MAKE CHEAP GLOVE,........ intel chip also made in malaysia........


2021-12-18 08:59 | Report Abuse

the big shot will continue with this kind of fund mining to make them richer,........ pump the water in, collect the gold,......... flushing the water out again,......... it will keep going on & on ............like mussel feeding the algae,..........


2021-12-18 08:30 | Report Abuse

if you don`t have the latest data & insider information information, are you dare to short?......blindly short...........


2021-12-17 22:56 | Report Abuse

very easy to play short in this company,......the player have the up to date wholesales asp price index to refer,..... buy up or short down are base on that,.............


2021-12-17 22:37 | Report Abuse

soon will be rm500mil. revenue company,..........big shot still treat it like a junk stock ,..........very shameful.