
Ambz | Joined since 2014-02-05

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2014-09-04 23:26 | Report Abuse

Petronas hv been around the world since HM was the CEO. He should know abt kazaks and other part of the world that hv big oil reserved. Since HM was a BFF of HS, could HM show HS the way to acquire more oil concession? If this is true then this two gentleman combination is the best so far compare to those in SPAC BOD


2014-09-04 23:07 | Report Abuse

Eager to know who is the buyer at 45. Since Hassan Merican is the one who introduced kazaks oil to HS as Petronas was not interested on brown field project. Only lately Petronas created vertigo to do jv for brown field in Malaysia as a starting point.


2014-09-04 22:54 | Report Abuse

Yeap. Like what happened to scomi. They r now drilling 5 gas testing well, If all the well positively producing gas n being certified by the third party of the total reserved sure HS wl keep or increase his share. Only HS n CD hv the firsthand info on this and today frm bursa stmt CD keep his Esos tightly. Look like someone collecting cheap at 45. My 2 cents


2014-09-04 22:37 | Report Abuse

I wondering why suddently HS want to increase his portion to nearly 33%? Maybe he smell something out there that there is an interested party going to take his jewel frm him after exiting frm PN17? Maybe he learnt it frm SP Setia thats why he wl top-up until 32% but who is the friendly party that hold another 1-2% to safeguard him in case this happened?


2014-09-04 22:18 | Report Abuse

@ring, dont recycle abt the directors selling the shares. That story was last year when HS want to takeover sumatec. They sell because HS gv them new toy to play CNAsia. Both of them buying that company. HS tookover sumatec. they sold to allow HS to be a majority shareholder. Now when they saw potential in suma, they came back to get the RI. Thats how I look at it. Look at the date of this directors n TM sold. Latest date they bot back last friday


2014-09-04 20:27 | Report Abuse

Rich, when the directors sold?


2014-09-04 20:25 | Report Abuse

Siputlatip, nko dah baca buku 'Belalang dengan Biolanya' (Grasshopper with violin)..? Kakaka


2014-09-03 08:24 | Report Abuse

fatdatlo .

Meanwhile, Russian president Vladimir Putin questioned statehood of Kazakhstan...

Good try fatdatio, to change the word ukraine to kazakstan.... What more after this? As HS himself hv come fwd to explained.....nampak gaya 'no hope' for you to get 40 for suma shares...sob...sob


2014-09-03 08:18 | Report Abuse

No wonder capt looiks said last week, this week wl be PR week for suma....tq capt, plse gv us more hint.....kikiki


2014-09-03 07:51 | Report Abuse

Refering to Randomtalk article, he did mention negatively abt his sceptical on selling action by TM and few directors which happened last year when the price hovering at below 30. Now with TM and CYP start accumulating at 45, can randomtalk still be negatively looking at this counter or just keep quite abt it and randomtalk quitely follow accumulating as well? So if this 'shark' eating at 45, do we small fish like me trying to outsmart him by eating below 45? Think abt it while having yr breakfast..... not a buy or sell call....kikiki


2014-09-03 07:38 | Report Abuse

He got fund maa... Not like us, talk only....kikiki


2014-09-03 07:30 | Report Abuse

Follow the HS but not until you 'drunk'.......kikiki


2014-09-03 05:40 | Report Abuse

@ACADI, just tell us that u want to buy cheap.

Another example of 'self centered' person that looking to buy at below 50
There are 2 level of safety net to prevent price drop below 45.

1. Price wl drop to .23-.36? then why PP at .38 and directors buying at .45?
2. Price limit up to 50.5? Thats because big boys not here yet.

Hidden agenda by ACADI, So invest btwn 45-50 wl be the best price to enter.....kikiki


2014-09-02 22:10 | Report Abuse

better sleep well today. hv set my position in suma, wl look back after few weeks. Lucky get out glotec at 12.5 now back to 10 cent....chiao good night...


2014-09-02 22:04 | Report Abuse

no need to jump la rina, slowly 2-3 cents per day was good enuf already


2014-09-02 22:01 | Report Abuse

HC Lee, that randomtalk was siputlatip favourite article lor...sudah pusing sini forum more than 10 times....kikiki


2014-09-02 21:50 | Report Abuse

suma director hv been given the clue.on suma price direction....kikiki


2014-09-02 21:38 | Report Abuse

read the suma website as well...kikiki


2014-09-02 21:36 | Report Abuse

s123445, Is siput inclusive?.....kikiki


2014-09-02 21:34 | Report Abuse

ok lorr..HC Lee..


2014-09-02 21:30 | Report Abuse

rina, need to do some homework before investing....kikiki


2014-09-02 21:22 | Report Abuse

@HC Lee, then you no need to invest lorr...


2014-09-02 21:16 | Report Abuse

@irumisan, siputlatip said suma can go to 40 cent..


2014-09-02 21:08 | Report Abuse

knowledge plus info on bursa is a good way to make a sound judgement on yr investment


2014-09-02 20:58 | Report Abuse

'owhh..' kata semut..
lalu semut bertanya kepada siputlatip... 'Pernah dengar cerita belalang dengan biola?'..
Siputlatip jawab...'tak payah la, buang duit beli buku tu. aku punya duit, aku punya pasal la'..
Kata Semut ...'Eloklah baca supaya jadi pengajaran yg berguna'..
Siputlatip jawab 'Aku sibuk bagi nasihat kat orang ni'..


2014-09-02 20:52 | Report Abuse

rinapua, investment need patience like growing tree...kikiki


2014-09-02 20:48 | Report Abuse

aku rasa semut lalu kat sebelah siputlatip pon ketawa, 'awat slow sgt' kata semut....kikiki


2014-09-02 20:42 | Report Abuse

itu kura-kura memang menang tp nko siputlatip. tapi nak buat camne dah sendiri punya duit, sendiri pikir la. Aku pun tawakal je..mudah-mudahan apa logik yg ada kat sini betul buat kali kedua.


2014-09-02 20:25 | Report Abuse

biar la vv, duit diaorg. janji kita dah masuk. Duit sendiri sendiri. Aku yakin dengan harga below 50 ni. Kalau diaorg masuk at 50 pun takkan nak bagitau kita. Diakan Siputlatip, slow la sket....kikiki


2014-09-02 19:54 | Report Abuse

Tu aku nasihat masuk sekarang sebab 40 sen tu kalau masa time 27-30 dulu ada orang kau yg suruh tunggu beli bila harga drop 15 la 20 la 25la last last harga meletup to 60. At 40 baru nak masuk. Aku suruh sebab harga dah sesuai dan TM pon dah masuk at 45, takkan nak pegi 40? Hati-hati pun ada limitnya macam nak seberang sungai. Kalau tak konfident sampai mlm la duduk kat seberang....kikiki


2014-09-02 19:48 | Report Abuse

TP 2.00 was too much la..that TP for 'drunk' people not me....kikiki


2014-09-02 19:45 | Report Abuse

mana ada PC, tipoo tu


2014-09-02 19:40 | Report Abuse

@ring, agreed wth u. If CMY could trust HS, why should I trust naysayers in this forum?....kikiki


2014-09-02 19:39 | Report Abuse

Btul tu VV, siputlatip sesuai benar sebab slow to take action bila market reverse sbb sibuk bagi advice to others konon...kikiki


2014-09-02 19:36 | Report Abuse

aku kan dah kata aku dah lama kat sini. Aku beli masa 27-28 dulu byk lot aku beli n aku dah jual separuh kat nko at 60 sen. Ada lg separuh aku simpan utk RI, duit utk RI pun dah ada hasil untung dari glotec. Lebih aku dah masuk balik. Nasib baik TM keluar statement dia support at 45. So aku tak perlu risau sgt. Lagi pun bkn duit modal. Dut modal dah selamat dlm bank utk RI...jgn mara..aku pon bukan pandai main share ni tapi alhamdulilah tak susahkan orang still untung..kikiki


2014-09-02 19:30 | Report Abuse

tq iplay, let them talk then we analyse whether they are sincere or 'self centered' person. Most forumers here are as smart as them. Not easy type to be manipulated by others ..kikiki


2014-09-02 19:19 | Report Abuse

I'm confident the speculative wl changed his nickname and staying low after this....wakaka


2014-09-02 19:16 | Report Abuse

bukan nak mengalahkan tuhan spec, kita ni berusaha, cari info dan tak tau tanya orang dalam forum ni then bila apa yg kita dah cari dan apa yg diberitahu dalam forum ni, kita yakin la n confident yg ni bukan cerita palsu macam yg nko try to manipulate ikan bilis dalam ni. Ini yg dinamakan tawakal setelah berusaha bkn nak jatuhkan atau ambil kesempatan dari kesusahan orang lain utk buat untung. Haram tu hasilnya. Bayangkan nko yang 'kiasu' ni cuba nak beli dan takutkan pelabur kecil ikan bilis. Dia baru beli sehari dua 10-20 lot hasil titik peluh nak main share, nko takut takutkan sampai jatuh harga sikit dan ikan bilis ni jual rugi dan nko beli lepas tu esok untung nko jual duit belanja anak bini makan...sanggup nko makan duit tu..kalau aku tak sanggup nak buat cara tu..biar ikhlas, hasil berkat....kikiki


2014-09-02 19:07 | Report Abuse

speculative Whatever.. this forum not say you wrong or im wrong.. please open mind and make your own decision..

02/09/2014 18:54
Now changed tune already, all this morning you said all those buying below 50 are stupid and wrong. Now after everybody in this forum knew that you hd bought at 60 and try to make people selling until price down to 40 so you could average yr loses to 50 which is the good price to buy. Now asking people to make their own decision?..I think you hv too much speculating in yr life, go and hv a good sleep but dont forget that now everybody knew that you hold yr position at 60 and try to use us to cover yr losses. .......anyway I gv you 'AAA' rated for that biz plan....kikiki


2014-09-02 18:58 | Report Abuse

vv nama pon speculative...nko maap kan je la mamat ni...nama tu siapa nak percaya, lain kali tukar la to realtalk ke, random random tak nak...goodadvice ker baru la orang percaya sikit..macamana nak advice sedang yg tukang advice nak jahanamkan orang utk kepentingan sendiri....wakaka


2014-09-02 18:54 | Report Abuse

vv kita kena kesian kat dia..ntah-ntah dia pun beli nko punya share masa jual kat 59 tu..kejap lagi dia recycle balik posting dari random. Nama pun 'random', ntah-ntah dia yg tulis article tu kot vv......bukan main promote lg article tu....kikiki


2014-09-02 18:50 | Report Abuse

I hd read that article and this is not once u post it here. The lessson to be learnt. When they enter, we also enter but dont hold yr shares until u 'drunk'. Thats why I enter at below 50 because TM wl hold at 45. Sure they also wanted to increase their holding by RI and free warrant. We should following their steps. Our capital is just a small fraction than them but dont hold the glass until u drunk like our friend spec which just had a sip at 60 suddently police make a raid..Party over...kkikiki


2014-09-02 18:40 | Report Abuse

true s123445, below 50 is a good buy, thats why all naysayer try their best to tell people not to buy below 50 but sooner or later other big boys coming, we wl be covered


2014-09-02 18:38 | Report Abuse

aku honest la ni, antara nko spec dengan HS, siapa nak trap siapa? apa basis 40 sen nko kalau Tekad Mulia see the value at 45?...HS hv regulation to follow so I'm being protected but people like u talking nonsense because u want to average yr loses is not my or our problem here. BM fail ke tak bukan masalah, yg penting buatttt duit!!.....kikiki


2014-09-02 18:33 | Report Abuse

vv, aku tak sedara dengan budak melaka yg dulu kutuk suma ni. Dia pon dah tobat. sekarang sibuk dia main kat glotec. Cuma dgn spec ni aku berterima kasih banyak dia beli share aku kat 60 sen dulu...itu je..kita ni kena pandai baca niat orang so tak 'terjerat'..sekarang ni siapa jerat siapa nko pon tau la...jatuh dari 60-45 pon bukan sbb suma punya prestasi tapi sebab tamak haloba diaorg ni jugak. nak beli baju tak ukur kat badan sendiri.....bila tokey kedai tak bagi kain..alamat tinggal sepender je la sekarang ni....wakaka


2014-09-02 18:28 | Report Abuse

memang la spec, nko kan pandai beli 60 sekarang 47 mana rugi cuma paper loss je..nko pun tau the best price to buy is below 50 sebab tu nko racun orang kat sini supaya price not jump above 50 but sooner or later pasti nko balik modal at 60. atau mungkin untung kalau ada guts simpan sampai 80-100. Tapi 80-100 tu dah macam bertaubat kat forum ni pulak....wakakaka


2014-09-02 18:25 | Report Abuse

aku dah lama follow n kaji counter ni tapi bukan nak bongkak cuma ada orang nak cuba ambil kesempatan dari kekurangan pengetahuan orang lain. Cuba fikirkan, kita orang luar nak harapkan 40 sen sedangkan orang dalam beli 45 sen. Boleh dapat ke 40 sen. Kalau kita smart/bijak beli lah atas sikit dari tekad mulia. takkan 1-2 sen atas sampai beribu beza lain la kalau beli macam dia orang sampai 5-10 mil lot...


2014-09-02 18:20 | Report Abuse

takpe spec, takde duit aku bole pinjamkan...sekarang semua org kat forum dah tau nko beli at 60 n try to average at 50 by trying to buy at 40...tapi Tekad Mulia yg dulu jual dah beli balik at 45. Duit nko yg beli dari aku kat 60 still aku simpan kat bank baik2 sbb aku tau kau akan perlukan nanti....wakakaka


2014-09-02 18:16 | Report Abuse

Nak beli at 50 duit tak cukup pulak nak average..inilah kenyataan..yang director ni pulak pegi announce beli at 45 buat apa? kacau orang punya plan lar! (mcm ibrahim pendek dlm ali baba bujang lapuk)....kikiki