
Asengkianjoo | Joined since 2023-01-07

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2023-01-10 22:36 | Report Abuse

when a human does not behave like a human then there is no different from animal


2023-01-10 19:10 | Report Abuse


theses 2 monkeys can't even talk a good story but still want to challenge the dragon .

Posted by curiousq > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

some sifu good in talking only .... ha ha


2023-01-10 18:58 | Report Abuse

firehawk & valueinvestor888

if I will you , i will talk about Jaks more than Aseng
both of you are still not at the level to challenge Aseng

do not make yourselves the pigs in the wrestling ring .
nobody bother or that foolish to attend to you because scare of getting dirty

see ?

I don't think so
I hate to tell the truth that both of you are still too for far from the level to comprehend the wisdon in my word .

REPENT!!!!!! be a good man

who is a good man ?
the one who is willing to turn over new leaf



2023-01-10 18:51 | Report Abuse

firehawk and valueinvestor888,
look at the mirror everytime you talk

repent!!!!!! before it is too late


2023-01-10 18:48 | Report Abuse

the best present of 2023 for both of you is a piece mirror
the best word to describe for both of you is FAKE-SIFU

only fake sifu will spend most of the time proving others wrong , a real sifu has no time to do so

do you see,

so far in your attack on me
is there any concurring response other than the monkey of the same kind

there are too many fake-sifu in i3 that can not affor to see others can be better than them

no wonder , nowsaday this plateform has no more true knowledge and information to learn

what a pity for a newcomer ?


2023-01-10 17:11 | Report Abuse

the more you prove other more inferior to you
the more foolish you look

which investment carries guaranteed success
which sifu has no failure

failure is no hopeless
it is most hopeless if you refuse to accept the fact and put the blame of others .


2023-01-10 16:46 | Report Abuse

做人没本事, 没关系。
拿的起, 放的下


2023-01-10 16:22 | Report Abuse



2023-01-10 16:20 | Report Abuse

you father ask you to keep quiet.


2023-01-10 10:30 | Report Abuse

I can't save you if both of you continue to behave like a small child crying non stop proving his father wrong . I am so sorry to know that my sincere and genorous sharing of the best I know about Jaks and life had made you lose your pant .
anyhow I do hope to see both of you have grown up wiser and more matured when you come back here again to talk about Jaks . not crying over a spilled milk. your pant already lost . it is already a fact . it is better to accept the fact than to blame others.


2023-01-09 18:22 | Report Abuse

I believe you must be one of the poor investor who had lost his pant after reading my wonderful story 2 years ago .
if not , no right thinking man can explain your queer behavior.

REPENT !!!! in front of your grandmother , before it is too late.



2023-01-09 14:27 | Report Abuse

if you have no better to talk, then keep quiet
if you can not resist not to talk, then talk what you know about Jaks

if you can not talk to invite good karma , then keep quiet
because ,
keep quiet is very much better than you talk anything that will bring you bad lucks .



2023-01-09 14:15 | Report Abuse


lost their pants many times ?
have you lost your pant?
if not, why should anyone here had lost his pant?
my sincere sharing is accompanied with an exit plan
my sincere sharing was made when the price was beaten down
I never had shared anything when the price is high and risky
my exit plan will mature in August after the release of the second quarter result
why you lost your pant before the story has ended

isn't it the power plant not a cash generating machine ?
isn't it the fact that that the additional 10% equity acquisition a strong catalyst to push the price higher ?
isn't it when the local business turn profitable a good news to move the price
why a beaustifu picture in my eyes can look so ugly to you ?

you mustn't the one chosen by god to win Jaks money

you must have talked too much rubbish to stop a sincere heart to share all the true fact and data and misled the public

are you aware it is a sin , a bad karma !!!!

in every investment there is an element of lucks
do you have the good luck that will bring you success

REPENT !!!!!!!!
Beforeit is too late. !!!!!!


2023-01-07 15:21 | Report Abuse


still struggling to prove who is right or wrong

a wise man or a successful man will have no time for that

to bring down a person doesn't make you look taller .
but, you need it to satisfy your own low ego


2023-01-07 15:15 | Report Abuse

my dear friend ,

my exit plan matured in August 2023 after the release of the second quarter result .
but I do not know where to park my extra cash then , so I may extend the mature period until i see no hope of the better income revision.

shares trading is a battle of who has extra cash . that is why WB is successful in his trading . no worry of no money for a better buy

now you see , some of the sifu here had made themselves looked so no brain when they tried to prove me wrong with their xxxxx mentality


Aseng exit plan is TP 1.50 or 2 year from COD whichever is earlier.
Another month time to 2 year from COD, what has happen?

3 days ago


2023-01-07 14:37 | Report Abuse

. Jaks investment is certainly not an easy play , it needs more lucks than skills but no doubt a right investment because we can see the additional 10% equity subscription in the cash generating power plant and the local property business breakeven are indeed a strong catalyst to see our begone big paper gain comes back. we must have faith in what we believe like a suffering christian's belief in Christ. I choose to keep quiet because I have nothing new or good to share. do you feel better if I were to tell you how my rubber , durian and oil palm grow taller ?

currently Jaks is already at its historical low unlikely to go further low . the prospect of seeing the local business breakeven is getting brighter and brighter . the time for the additional 10% power plant equity subscription of is getting closer and closer. in reality earning improvement or company performance has more say than the trustworthiness of the directors .You witnessed it yourselves, when SB share price is hot , nobody care Kalim is trustworthy or not trustworthy. I am getting my bullet ready to pratice the wisdom : when other are fearful , we must be greedy . how about you ?


2023-01-07 14:37 | Report Abuse

but Jaks is different, after the PP ALP still has the full say but no say in the shares price if the other partner do not see any profit after a period of time . so.... Is PP good ? for the business it is certainly a good thing . if not ,no directors of a company is that no brain to pay a high expenses to do so and had his sharesholding diluted and more pressure from the close partner.


2023-01-07 14:35 | Report Abuse

. I am an agriculture man , I had planted rubber , durian and now most of my plantation are planted with matured oil palm. none of the businesses or investment that I had involved , do not need borrowing from banks and a long haul waiting . my business does not allow me to do PP because It create more problems than assistances. so financial cost is the prize I got to pay if I do not want others to have a say in my business.