
BennyWhittman | Joined since 2020-12-26

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2022-02-15 11:48 | Report Abuse

Smooth run jinxed by appearance of that smelly red backside baboon.....take a break at 1.20.


2022-02-15 11:26 | Report Abuse

Don't start!

Don't you know how to wake a sleeping Giant?


2022-02-15 11:11 | Report Abuse

This is THE Real McCoy! Mini Petronas.....sweet.


2022-02-15 10:55 | Report Abuse

Sweet!. Taking down 1.20 roadblock...


2022-02-15 10:47 | Report Abuse

Kiss, show in town!


2022-02-15 10:42 | Report Abuse

Sterling show!......can touch and kiss 1.20?


2022-02-15 10:37 | Report Abuse

Lovely! Petronas shines......


2022-02-15 10:16 | Report Abuse

Cool.....fundamentals and classic.....slow and steady upwards again.


2022-02-15 09:27 | Report Abuse

Hahaha....buying interest dried up...volume so low, dropping off the Board.


2022-02-15 09:07 | Report Abuse

Agreed....not only shameful, it's a total 1.16

Posted by kahhoeng > Feb 14, 2022 11:34 PM | Report Abuse

1.13 for a 93 brent? wordless...


2022-02-15 08:15 | Report Abuse

You're welcome!


2022-02-14 16:33 | Report Abuse

Sudah diam diam....budak kecik!


2022-02-14 16:32 | Report Abuse

Suka cakap orang...but dare not face....worse than a turtle....lost all balls.


2022-02-14 16:30 | Report Abuse

Tada biji, tada batang.....apa dia....ah kua?


2022-02-14 16:29 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-02-14 16:28 | Report Abuse

The higher the better for us....please break 1.16


2022-02-14 16:25 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-02-14 16:19 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-02-14 14:07 | Report Abuse

Well, Congratulations! Your perseverance and faith in Hibiscus paying off handsomely. No more a penny stock.

Matter of time, I presume.

Just wondering why was and is the price value at such low PE?

Any sifu?


2022-02-14 13:47 | Report Abuse

Not much of a Techkie but the previous peak at 1.15, followed by pulling back to 1.07 (some may have taken profits at 1.13 to 1.15)

The second head is formed today at 1.15....which is a double head (1.15) and shoulder at 1.07. Breaking this 1.16 would resume the ascend to a new high.

This is a second wave for those bought-in at 1.07-1.10

Good luck.


2022-02-14 13:32 | Report Abuse

Apologies accepted.....


2022-02-14 12:55 | Report Abuse

Don't start anything if you can't finish....been waiting for you since yesterday.

Don't like what you read about others' posting, just skip. WhoTF are you to criticise without reasons?


2022-02-14 12:49 | Report Abuse

Apparently, since you need to only find work as a "duck" plying the oldest profession, you must not have received must education. And with such low levels of intelligence, unable to form any opinions on Politics, Economic and Investments and selling, averaging and cutting at drop...

Better stay in a corner and shut up. Don't entice others with your quacking......


2022-02-14 12:37 | Report Abuse

Must have been unbearable working as a "Duck' getting shafted every night.

No opinions on Politics, Economics and share investments but just quacking as a duck, with red backside king kong doll dress.

Those whom had bought at 70c would most certainly have taken at least part profits. If you didn't know how to make money, please put your meager earnings under your pillow.

Has the price broken 1.20? Some may wait if they think it would be heading for 1.30 - 1.50. But not taking part profits only comes from "ducks" with coconut water for brains!


2022-02-14 12:09 | Report Abuse

Such a dirty and filthy mouth....only foul words.

How can you fall below your earlier buy-in if below 1.00 and to average 30% upwards now???

This "duck" King Kong red backside baboon doll certainly has coconut water for brains!!!!


2022-02-14 08:50 | Report Abuse

This "Duck" has developed mental illness being shafted every night from shithole to his throat. Now he needs to dress up like a "red backside" King Kong Baboon doll to draw customers.

But still quacking away.....


2022-02-14 08:36 | Report Abuse

Precisely!. Many of us don't need to work anymore but you're still grinding your way as a "Duck" and not a chicken because you don't have a cb.


2022-02-13 18:02 | Report Abuse

Near future? it with the same tone as Moo saying ASAP?...hehehe


2022-02-13 14:05 | Report Abuse

Finance Director, Karen Yap resigned......NI Director resigned....

I would be most surprised if any one of the 2 Chiau brothers is not added to the BOD.


2022-02-13 12:31 | Report Abuse

Most natural and basic diplomacy for Governments to warn their citizens to evacuate and take precautions rather than pay the price later for being silent. Politicians have a way of saving their own skin.

160 US troops been moved to Poland which Putin had said to Biden, "Kindly move out of the way and let me make my decision"


2022-02-13 12:22 | Report Abuse

At least you have a stance. You're bullish on this run.

That one, boh tak check guy is unable to comprehend we are just have small talks on the Russian-Ukraine tensions.

Thinks he uh kong, but actually boh kong...just shiok sendiri...and behaves like a king kong chimpanzee.


2022-02-13 12:12 | Report Abuse

Someone else opened their mouth but nothing was said. No opinion and empty views projects, not even having any brains to form any decision. But claiming others to be quacks!


2022-02-13 12:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh,'ve misunderstood. Post was not meant for you la.


2022-02-13 12:04 | Report Abuse

Warren also mentioned about ignoring fools who opened their mouth but said nothing!

Those whom are blinded to their surroundings are doomed to be eaten alive.

And this particular one certainly has coconut water for brains.


2022-02-13 11:01 | Report Abuse

Under UN Charters and without approval, US or any allies cannot turn Ukraine into a battle field.

Putin has told Biden to continue wearing skirt and play with doll houses.

US had pulled out their 160 troops from Ukraine which is incomparable to the 100,000 Russians at the borders from 3 pongs.

Russia had shooed away a US Defense submarine in the south of Ukraine for being too busy body.

The ball is entirely in Putin's court.


2022-02-13 10:29 | Report Abuse

With the resignation of Ni Director, it might be interesting and an eye opener to see if someone, if any, is added to the BOD.

Stay tuned with eyes wide opened.


2022-02-13 10:24 | Report Abuse

USA together with the rest of the world would not want a direct military conflict with Russia. They would sooner allow Russia to walk into Ukraine and hit them with sanctions and lip services. There will not be WW3.

Direct conflict this round would be the worst to be seen for all mankind.

Russia on the other hand has the option to invade and face the wrath or simmer down and take it as an exercise which they have aptly named this massing of troops. Putin has denied any decision taken to invade YET!

Remembering last year when India and China had cross the heated arguments at Khyber Pass and soldiers where shot and killed on both sides. The conflict could have escalated but cool heads prevailed and both dropped back their stance.

At this juncture, Biden and UK are hoping for a swift decision at Ukraine and to stabilise Oil prices. US is faltering at Treasury Bonds Interest hikes, DJ dropping under stress and recovery from pandemic is not as simple as predicted.


2022-02-13 10:18 | Report Abuse

Another angle to look is that NOSH at 107 million is smallish for further growth and interesting expansion in this area should be explored.


2022-02-13 10:16 | Report Abuse

Theta could be under new ownership since Th had sold 32,500,000 shares to Acardia, whom in return had also disposed a substantial quantity.

The unknown owners could come from a "friendly" of Acardia and the the first step forward is the award and acceptance of that RM154 million Contract. This project is only for 9 months and earnings should be respectable in size.

There should be more in store as it's not as simple as just a take-over without fueling the expansion further.

Any more pull back is an opportunity to amass and hold since Contract is mid term and Theta might not be the same as before.

Trade at your own risks.


2022-02-13 09:29 | Report Abuse

@kaki,..of course US would not be sending thousands of troops into Ukraine at this moment in time. That would be costly and tantamount to political warmongering. The alliance are pulling out troops to Poland since they are grossly out-numbered by Russian at 100,000 to just a few thousand (few hundreds of USA)

Biden is fanning the Russian flames to invade and make the mistake of contradicting diplomacy from NATO. US spoke of sissy econ sanctions from the rest of the world but don't think Putin cares a hoot.

Russian hopes to prolong the tension and hold Oil prices at high levels to cause a greater dent in US financials and econ derailments.


2022-02-12 16:09 | Report Abuse

Final question....did Bush "free" Iraq without the permission and approval of UN????


2022-02-12 16:05 | Report Abuse

Since the advancement of modern times and standard of living, mankind is evasive of wars. From the time Kennedy almost press the Nuke button, countries abstain from conflicts and loss of lives.

Every Government would be blasted to be sending their young men into war.

So is the trigger happy fingers to Nukes which could escalate world wide.


2022-02-12 16:01 | Report Abuse

For the simple fact that we learned history. There has never been a successful single dictator country invading and over-run another country only to face the Alliance, even in small conflicts and not necessarily WW.

When was the last battle or war Russian went to against US/UK and the rest of the world. Would you think Putin is about to end his reign?

This invasion would only be successful if the Alliance backed out of their words and not defend Ukraine as promised. Russian can just waltz in.

The Commies, China included, have always wished to Eco bombing of US financial. Oil is US biggest threat and in this winter storm seasons. Spiking to $100 and above would cripple US productions and cost of heating.

It's all a show of massing troops and to heighten the threat of war. If they had would last less than 3 days to take over Ukraine. The arsenal and might of Russian's fire power is of Super standard...matched only by China and US

Believe that?


2022-02-12 13:09 | Report Abuse

F Me!...I thought you were seriously squirting at me too.


2022-02-12 12:10 | Report Abuse

Screw me?....please take a number. So many fakers and losers are getting in line because I called their lies, just as you are now.


2022-02-12 11:55 | Report Abuse

When I called out your lies, there are no 2 ways about it.

You have lied.


2022-02-12 11:21 | Report Abuse

Do not pretend to have seen the cup and cradle to cover your losses. Do not obfuscate.


2022-02-12 11:20 | Report Abuse

Correct English...not how fooled you are but how FOOLISH you are.

To teach me English, please attain Oxford's levels.


2022-02-12 11:18 | Report Abuse

Kid, today is not your day. There was no cup and cradle and you have been hallucinating. The price slipping down means you have lost the fight.

Tomorrow when price moves up again you may come back to claim victory BUT it would be our 2nd wave upwards for profits...hahahaha