
BlackDiamond | Joined since 2023-06-22

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2023-11-29 15:04 | Report Abuse

Looks like next dividend will be in March/ April next year. Patience man patience! Ha! Ha! Ha!


2023-11-21 12:47 | Report Abuse

PBB Sometimes declare 3 dividend a year and sometimes 2. We have to wait and see this year.


2023-11-14 13:43 | Report Abuse

Mr 3iii! Or rather 5iiiii- Integrity, intelligent, industrious, informative and irreplaceable! Well Spoken!


2023-11-07 07:05 | Report Abuse

As far as prise is concerned agreed that EPF may be playing their usual games. This is possible! Of course it’s excellent buy at 4 or even lower. Actually anything can happen! Good Luck Investors! But my advise is not to borrow and buy as you may get bombed!


2023-11-07 06:50 | Report Abuse

Mr Dividend you have your points and it’s worth noting! Thanhks!


2023-11-06 17:16 | Report Abuse

PBB will touch 4.70 by the next 1/4 of 2024 before next dividend! NOTE


2023-11-06 14:57 | Report Abuse

Remember you guys, l predicted that it be unlikely that it fall. It has all the qualities of a good counter. You will never go wrong if you go long term. But at the same time l will have to stress that its dividends are essential. This reminds the advise given by head master in his 80s. He started buying PBB in the early 60s when he was a young teacher.He worked as teacher in school and followed by tuitions everyday. He accumulated as frequently as he could. In the process he educated 3 of his children abroad. Today he has a comfortable home, a good car, 3 highly educated kids and lots of PBB shares at his disposal. His advise, keep buying and only sell on essential duties like education, health or parental assistance. He still buyes! So long term investors will never go wrong but also expect good dividends not only to boost their morals but also to keep reinvesting. Good Day! Sorry to bore you guys with old grandfathers stories.


2023-11-01 12:51 | Report Abuse

Anytime from December to March next year !


2023-10-31 16:51 | Report Abuse

Nothing is certain at the moment! Our currency is down and is currently disastrous to take money out. Dividend is a few cents gain if you are a small time investor. If you put big money in, the dividend is no longer small or a few cents. Looking overall l still feel PBB and MBB are still good investments at the moment. On the whole with the global problems and our ailing political situation the outlook for everything is very bad which ever way you go.


2023-10-27 20:14 | Report Abuse

Typo when the share price is low.


2023-10-27 20:13 | Report Abuse

Dividend may be higher! PBB is supposed to be the second biggest after MBB and are making tons of profit so likewise PBBs dividends should be second highest after MBB otherwise it doesn’t make sense. Just watch PBBs dividend will surprise you.Also it’s only wise to reward investors especially when the share. PBB IS A EXCELLENT INVESTMENT ON LONG TERMS.


2023-10-26 17:09 | Report Abuse

Note KTan: Get ready to collect a good dividend again!


2023-10-23 09:37 | Report Abuse

NOTE: BlackDiamond is not always accurate, but at least 85! Ha! Ha! Ha! Recollect as l always stress on 1 . LONG TERM INVESTMENT 2 RETURNS OR BONUS ISSUES!


2023-10-23 09:30 | Report Abuse

Buy another dividend coming either end of the year or first quarter of 2024. Mark my words, it will be a good one. Long term investors keep smiling!


2023-10-23 09:28 | Report Abuse

Note Fredashaver: Agreed this yield curve is applicable to the market generally, but there are exceptions. Rules and regulations sadly are not meant for everyone. I have been following PBB for the past 25 years and l have seen its pattern during the good and bad times. Of course there will be minor fluctuations for PBB but on the whole it is solid like a rock because of its financial strength and good management. Investors fear not, as you will never go wrong. Don’t sell and buy more if have the means. Don’t be carried away by all those making rigid rules. Good Luck!


2023-10-12 13:41 | Report Abuse

Just BUY if you have money sitting around!


2023-10-12 13:39 | Report Abuse

4.19! PBB is a very good long time investment plan as it also have come up with attractive dividens. This minor prise flunctuations should not be any worry to long time investors. As long as its dividens are good and the bank management is sound and a strong financial foundation is all that matters. No comments for speculative investors!


2023-10-11 12:13 | Report Abuse

4.15! Below 4 very difficult. Keep Waiting!


2023-10-10 13:12 | Report Abuse

There are 2 reasons for a share to drop: 1. General Global Downtrend. 2.A companies having financial difficulties or poor management. In our case PBB is very well managed and financially very strong. So instead of keeping cash in FD or eleswhere may as well invest in this share its dividends are also very good. Think a about it carefully.


2023-10-10 11:55 | Report Abuse

No Wories! PBB will rebound! Just Wait!


2023-10-08 14:00 | Report Abuse

IT WILL REBOUND! No chance below 3.80!


2023-10-01 17:52 | Report Abuse

Malaysian RM is 4.70 to US dollars! This will encourage foreign funds to flow in the market esp stocks like PBB. Just hold and if can afford buy more if it falls further. It will recover and it’s a matter of time. Patience!


2023-09-27 16:39 | Report Abuse

This is a good time to buy. I don’t think it will fall below 4.10 this time.


2023-09-22 13:31 | Report Abuse

Dividen banked in! Bravos! Now waiting for the next one in December! Long live PBB!


2023-09-21 13:42 | Report Abuse

4.22! Brillant! Agreed! As long as PBB keeps giving us constant good dividen than can have a long term view.


2023-09-13 12:48 | Report Abuse

Cheeseburger l fully agree with you. Well Said! It all depends on individuals depending on their financial situation and also their life span. Keeping shares for the next generation is the most outdated concept nowadays. A good education is all what they need and after so should and after this they should take control of their lives and make their oun decisions. Eyeing for their parents money is the last thing that should strike them.


2023-09-12 13:17 | Report Abuse

Please think before you write. Thousands are reading!


2023-09-12 13:15 | Report Abuse

Ask Grandpa to buy and keep for a few hundred yrs and spend in HELL.


2023-09-07 12:56 | Report Abuse

There is no difference bet digital and conventional banks. The conventional banks will partly digital. They will adjust! Don’t worry Mr Nat as no ones profits are going to drop and do not fear but by all means go digital. As they say PBB is the wise old mans bank and old man ain’t fools. So relax you oldies!


2023-09-06 20:38 | Report Abuse

You are happy and everyone is happy as long as PBB keeps giving us the happy news that is a good dividend! This is what most of the long time, faithful and non-speculative investots are looking for. Long live PBB!


2023-09-06 15:24 | Report Abuse

Of Course there will be a prize adjacent on 19 September! It’s normal! If the price hovers around 4.60 to 5 by December and the dividend is good by December than l feel we should be happy. Times are bad so we have to adjudst!


2023-09-05 16:41 | Report Abuse

Of Course a good dividend December end!


2023-09-04 20:01 | Report Abuse

4.28 plus a good dividen and excellent capital appreciation. There was a write up in the MSN news that PBB is one of the top stocks of 2023! Brilliant!


2023-09-04 19:55 | Report Abuse

Hi Mr Godo alias 007 James Bond! How accurate is your prediction of SASBADI because you seem so confident. Anyway thanks for sharing this information! It may be a coincidence but my grandpa’s motorbike had number plate of 5252. So even if l dont buy this share l will definitely buy 4D 5252 and pau. Thanks Mr Bond!


2023-09-01 17:04 | Report Abuse

You are back Mr topoGAYguy! Ha Ha Ha! In fact l have been on your lookout!
Let me explain! My principle is simple: You perform well you get my praises otherwise you get shit thrown on your head. Always remember these banks or inistuitions are built on pillars and WE are the pillars and with out pillars you collapse. Remember what happened to Barclays Bank in early 70s! Also when we voice our greivenceses the people at the get the message and the feelings of small investors like and many others so any sensible organization will react. No boasting but possibily you got a good dividen because of all the noise l made with a few others. So Brother Gay, l hope l made my point clear. I dont really care if you call me fair weathered as long as everyone else benefits fr my actions. Bro today is Saturday so to nice pub and down a couple of tigers during its happy hours. Enjoy your earnings as life is too short! From: Fair Weathered Black Diamond! Bye!


2023-09-01 13:00 | Report Abuse

Yes Sir the dividen is good and growth has been predicted in the next quater. Analyst have predicted the prize to about 5. 20 in the near future. So keep buying if you have the funds and also more foreign funds are expected. Happy September!


2023-09-01 09:30 | Report Abuse

Mr Lurker you are getting emotional and dramatic! Maybe you should in Hollywood stock!


2023-08-31 08:44 | Report Abuse



2023-08-30 16:04 | Report Abuse

Hi ATC! Control, control! Breath in, breath out as these are the traits of anger managemnt! CHILDISH! I think l will visit Genting Theme Park and some games there.
Anyway Bro on the PBB front, l think we are all on the right path as you said. Actually we should stop comparing and be happy old conservative chinamans bank. Actually l think we should give a new name: YOUNG AGGRESIVE CHINAMANS BANK! Sorry Bro l just cannot stop giving names. He! He! He!


2023-08-30 11:33 | Report Abuse

Congratulations PBB! Yes l must say that you have given us, your investors, a fairly good news. This was what we have been waiting for a long time. Keep it up!
Thanks also to ACTSLIN for showing us the way to Genting. Bro ACT also stands for: ACTING CHILDISH TERRIBLY! Let me remind you that we are all entitled to our opinion and so are you. We express ourselves freely so that the management can hear the greivences of poor shareholders who have invested our hard earned money. For your information we are not punters and looking for a quick buck.
Anyway Bro cool down and lets enjoy our profits. Today is saturday or SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER so down a few tigers and chill! Once again l should say that PBB has done well despite the Fact the the banking sector is having a difficult time globally. Once again congrats!


2023-08-29 11:09 | Report Abuse

There are many trillion dollars companies which have a very good future for investors especially the younger generation. These companies are run by brilliant people like Mark Zuckerberg, Jenson Huang, Lisa Su, Tim Cook, Sundar Pichay and Satya N. They are international, and are trillion dollars companies. So don’t let these small ikan billis or small flies here disappoint you. If you feel dissatisfied move away to the international arena.


2023-08-29 10:50 | Report Abuse

Just imagine if you had bought yesterday after my advise you would have made a fortune


2023-08-29 10:48 | Report Abuse

Yes Jenson Huang fr Taiwan is the CEO of Nvidia. I mean originally fr Taiwan. Yesterday both Nvidia n Broadcom went up more than 9 dollars US.


2023-08-28 20:41 | Report Abuse

Satya Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft and is Asian fr Bombay!


2023-08-28 20:36 | Report Abuse

AMD is also a good one and its CEO Lisa Su is also brilliant. She is a Hongke settled in US. Of the rest of the CEOs are mainly fr India like Google, Meta, and many others All brilliant people. Meta is Facebook


2023-08-28 20:28 | Report Abuse

Another One is Broadcom! The CEO is formerly fr Penang, TAN HOCK ENG! He is a brilliant Malaysian Chinaman settled in US! Education: Harward University


2023-08-28 19:48 | Report Abuse

TakeProfits l agree that stocks here have been dull indeed! Well if are fed up here just like most of you can consider something very interesting like the AI stocks fr US. Of course they are pretty high now so wait for some correction. Some of the very good counters are: Nividia, Apple, Meta,Google and AMD. But wait till it settles a bit! You will never go wrong. The moment the next I phone is launched Apple will be up. And when the Apple car is launched by the end of next year it will SKYROC!


2023-08-28 16:40 | Report Abuse

Happy buying, true boring and prise not moving! But anyway my advise to you is not to sell if you are loosing money and wait for the dividen annoucement. I’m sure the management team know what is going on in investors mind and there may be some good news coming. Otherwise move your cash elsewhere as there are several other counters which are promising as well.


2023-08-26 15:46 | Report Abuse

True TakeProfits! PBB has not been doing well inspite of its so called reputation. Something is not right! Pity those guys who entered at 4.50 and above putting in their hard earned money in this so called chinaman conservative reputable organization. Now if they dont compensate by giving a handsome dividen than may as well move to Alliance or even MBB. Even Pacific Bank once upon time was reputable and it screwed up their investors by spteading a false rumour of a merger with a Singapore Bank. Bullshit! People got carried away and invested heavily and lost badly. Very Sad!


2023-08-25 16:30 | Report Abuse

Genting Malaysia just declared of 6 sen yesterday!