
BlackHawk | Joined since 2020-08-07

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2020-08-19 10:10 | Report Abuse

@random random - don't watch every minute. It goes up and down. Today I hope no limit up. Just nice 20% gain. Friday will continue to climb up passing RM5.

Hold guys. For your own sake, don't sell! Make more money!

Just start kissing, u wana pancut dy. Wth! Don't la premature ejaculation! Lol.


2020-08-19 07:31 | Report Abuse

@ chopsticks - looks like. You deleted your previous msg. Hahaha. What u meant by day dream in previous comment?


2020-08-19 01:01 | Report Abuse

Kory1310 - just hold bro. It won't dip anymore I guess. It has done its massive correction. Previously was the same when it was rm2+, layan that range then shot up to 5.83 to the peak. This time I think sure pass more than 6 easily. Some sifu say here even higher TP9 - 10.

Those who don't have ticket now, better BUY NOW!! Rm4+ now.. Now sure shoot up kaw kaw!

Don't itchy go sell then buy at RM7 or 8!!

Hold hold hold!!


2020-08-18 20:56 | Report Abuse

@foongkitmun - imagine coming 3rd QR!!

Upp upp uppp!!


2020-08-18 18:29 | Report Abuse

We need more good news from the company. Bonus issue, dividends or whatever good news!! It will be great to address those who believed, stayed and still staying with careplus.


2020-08-18 18:28 | Report Abuse

Nonetheless, a huge thank you for all the Sifus on board. Contradex, HNW, thetruthorachle and many more. Let's keep strong and sail this up north!

Mr. Inteligent, what you said is happening. Just hold. Better days are coming and with great rewards for those who hold!


2020-08-18 18:19 | Report Abuse

Reach my TP9, I'm gona have those sour grapes as wine.


2020-08-18 18:18 | Report Abuse

TTD1990 - me too. I didn't see much yesterday. Tuesday told what got show. This show beats Thailand shows. Haha.

Was nice to wake up see this green green huaaat!! Let's hold tight. Tomorrow another limit up maybe!


2020-08-18 18:15 | Report Abuse

Based on past practices, however, windfall tax would typically be imposed on commodity-related products or the natural resources segment, and not the manufacturing sector.

"If windfall tax were to be imposed on the manufacturing sector, this may result in local manufacturers moving to other countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and other countries where more attractive tax incentives are being offered.

"For example, our corporate tax rate is 24% compared with Thailand's, which is 20%," Lim said.

Who is making money for Malaysia now? Banks? Oil? Gold? U think government will do something as stupid as that imposing windfall tax and put bursa in further loses?


2020-08-18 18:08 | Report Abuse

TTD1990 - and the rest of careplus comrades, how are you brothers?

Haha man.. Today is the day we waited! Beginning of greater greener days! Fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals!

Like it or not, the next QR for careplus gona be super awesome!! Top glove's bombastic QR will keep the rally going! I'm thinking TG will be around 1B!

Patience is virtue and will always pay off. To the rest, we have been here during the tough times. Good Times are ahead and we will still be holding our hands together and be with careplus. Join us and hold! Just hold until TP9!

U think hard to achieve? Question yourself again. Some have cut loss. I think RM4 is still a cheap price to buy. Look at the prospect. Compare with your TP. Worth it not? All wana make money right. Buy Buy Buy now. And don't be kukubird gatal go sell with 20cents profit when u can make 100% profit!!


2020-08-18 17:02 | Report Abuse

Good one brothers!! Don't sell! We need to go TP9!!!

Hold hold hold!!

All the trapped emotions, stress, sleepless nights are gone! Time to see all green all the way to TP9!!!


2020-08-18 16:05 | Report Abuse

Come on careplus!!!! Limit up please!!


2020-08-18 10:51 | Report Abuse

Hello Tuesday. The beginning of greater days!

Well done to those who went against the urge to sell. We are holding. Let's hit a brand new all time high! Higher than previous 5.83!!

All gloves green!!


2020-08-16 18:16 | Report Abuse

@ Kory1310 - brother. I am not a sifu. I'm just a taufu in this. Haha. Well, tbh I feel uneasy too. I bet all of us feel that lil bit because it is our own money.

Fundamentally the company is good and they will be better for coming quarters, that's for sure. Right now during this pandemic, what is/are needed by the world? No brainer, medical equipments, gloves etc. Careplus has registered in FDA as well. If this one counter doesn't perform then irs something wrong. All glove counters are pulled down together. Reason? Some news on vaccines, GDP.. But are the pharmaceutical counters going up? Nope. Like anyone's guess.. Someone is pushing the pricess down for their benefit.

Pandemic is not over nor decreasing in numbers. It is just getting stronger in many forms. Mutation etc. Even if vaccines are working, how long will it take to produce that much and how long will it it take to vaccinate everyone? Will it work for everyone? If something goes wrong in 1 country due to vaccination, everything might be stopped to reevaluate if the side effects affect a huge mass of ppl. Basically gloves are and will be needed.

Supermax and kossan's inclusion in mcis is a huge plus point for gloves...

Problems we will face are.. IBs, panic sellers and news/rumours.

Just resist the temptation to sell. Remember, if u sell its game over! Its not even half time yet. Remember what Mr intelligent said. I think action starts on Tuesday.

Maybe sifu Calvintaneng or other people can say more abt this.


2020-08-16 14:35 | Report Abuse

Why would all these gloves guns would be buying extra land, factories, dividends, bonus, giving their workers a better living conditions if they don't foresee or have a strong future plan?

If we can think this much, u think they won't have their set of professionals to advice them on the risks and HUGEEEE prospects for gloves? The revenue that they can generate.

If there is no future in this, why would they go full force into this? They would have done their thorough homework.


2020-08-16 14:05 | Report Abuse

Real number of covid19 cases in Malaysia is definitely not the same as being reported everyday. I think the people in medical field would agree with me.


2020-08-16 12:14 | Report Abuse

Highly-infectious D614G Covid-19 mutation detected in Malaysia

By New Straits Times
August 16, 2020 @ 10:33am

The Institute of Medical Research (IMR) has detected a D614G-type mutation of Covid-19 in the culture tests of samples taken from three cases linked to the Sivagangga cluster, and one from the Ulu Tiram Cluster. - NSTP/AMRAN HAMID
The Institute of Medical Research (IMR) has detected a D614G-type mutation of Covid-19 in the culture tests of samples taken from three cases linked to the Sivagangga cluster, and one from the Ulu Tiram Cluster. - NSTP/AMRAN HAMID
KUALA LUMPUR: The Institute of Medical Research (IMR) has detected a D614G-type mutation of Covid-19 in the culture tests of samples taken from three cases linked to the Sivagangga cluster, and one from the Ulu Tiram Cluster.

In a Facebook post, Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the D614G mutation was first detected in July, and studies would likely reveal that any existing vaccine is ineffective against the mutation.

"It was found to be 10 times likely to infect other individuals and easier to spread by super spreader individuals.

"So far, these two clusters are under control due to various public health controls in the field.

"Nonetheless, the public must stay vigilant and careful as Covid-19 with the D614G mutation has been detected in Malaysia.

"Continue to take preventive measures and adhere to the standard operating procedures as stipulated, such as physical distancing, self-hygiene practices, and wear a mask when in public places," he said.

He added that the test by IMR was preliminary, and that there are several follow-up tests being conducted on other cases, including index cases of the two clusters.

Dr Noor Hisham stressed that the Covid-19 situation in the country is under control and that the Health Ministry, along with other agencies, are still making efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

"Cooperation from the public is very much needed, so that we can jointly curb the transmission of Covid-19 infection from all types of mutations," he added.


2020-08-15 20:38 | Report Abuse

Something to discuss -

The news of contra play to be banned. We don't know how true or to what extend this will be implemented. But for sure some will go and sell the shares tomorrow (as usual).

What would be the consequences of introducing this contra play ban? How will it affect glove shares? good and bad.

What are your opinion guys? Tq


2020-08-15 19:30 | Report Abuse

It is a file. Not a Web page.


2020-08-15 17:25 | Report Abuse

@Newtothis - that's right bro. The need for gloves will not die anytime soon. The market is killed by panic sellers. Rumours and negative sentiments has been shitty and made the market very volatile.

Should bounce from Tuesday onwards.. Slowly up. Let's be strong!


2020-08-15 17:04 | Report Abuse

@ gemfinder - OK sorry, I meant to say the Russian vaccine stupid news. Its damn frustrating man, what damage it has done.

And yes, they still use soyuz to travel to ISS. Pretty cool.


2020-08-15 16:56 | Report Abuse

If there wasn't this stupid Russian news, it won't be as bad as this I guess.


2020-08-15 16:55 | Report Abuse

@ Newtothis - as I see, the support is at 3. And it bounced back twice. We have been in that roller coaster ride twice. Scary. I hope someone who is more experienced at predicting can comment.

As I see it, all the glove counters are heavily relient on sentiments. One bad news, everything jumps down. One good news, everything goes up.


2020-08-15 16:47 | Report Abuse

@ vespa - what would be your take on the price of this stock? Thanks in advance.


2020-08-14 20:23 | Report Abuse

@Australiapharmacist - That's right. Infact 'they' know this too. The need for gloves will not decline even though if a vaccine has been discovered.

I don't even go to places where people don't wear masks. What more presenting myself to a doc that is going to vaccinate me WITHOUT gloves. Haha.


2020-08-14 19:09 | Report Abuse

Patience is virtue.
Good things come to those who wait.

Cant repeat enough. Look at the company's fundamentals. Future plans etc.

1) You'd rather go through this roller-coaster and come out as a winner after all this tough road??

2) Orrrrrrr you wana make easy money without learning and just dumping money and hoping for big returns in shortest time?

I choose (1). As the saying goes, what comes easy won't last long and what lasts long won't come easy. U have to go through the learning process so that your future decisions will be better. Don't follow emotions.

U wana f*ck today and tomorrow u want your kid to go to school means, good luck. Hahaha

Even though I don't like what is going on now, I choose to hold and add when I can. I believe in what I have invested in.

Paper loss is there. U only lose when u sell it off. When u quit the battle. For the naysayers, like it or not careplus and other gloves shares will go up again and we all will make a profit from it! And you guys can target some other forum to do what u have being doing. We will form a tabung for yall and give Best Awards with suitable names for yall. Haha.

Monday will be slightly slow. Tuesday its time to rock on!

Happy weekend brothers!


2020-08-14 14:36 | Report Abuse

I believe the amount of careplus investors are probably less than 1% over here. Many are probably not even checking every minute like yall do. Living their normal lives. Uncle aunty chilling with their grandkids or in a coffee shop. Or planning for weekend early morning exercise. While u trollers here are busy fingering yourselves here. Lol.


2020-08-14 14:34 | Report Abuse

Im trying to understand something.

Those clowns who say sell, red, dark red, limit down and all that shit - what is the purpose of you to coming here and being so caring and worried for MY MONEY. We are strangers here, u guys seem to have more love and care than my own parents, yall are there for me with advices to sell every 10 mins. Haha why so much love?

You don't even own Careplus shares. If u do, u won't come here and FORCE us to sell.

You guys seem to copy paste same shit everywhere every 5 mins. Why? No other better work to do? Haha I'd rather take a shit in the toilet. You guys are seriously funny. Don't have a day job? Haha


2020-08-14 11:29 | Report Abuse

Switch off your phones and do your work or go play with your cat and dog.


2020-08-14 11:27 | Report Abuse

Guys.. This is expected. Can yall just effing chill.

Sit here and keep crying red red red shit. All the counters are red. Just chill.the GDP results are expected. No brainer. We are so lucky our country produce gloves. It will pick up next week..


2020-08-14 00:22 | Report Abuse

@ Inteligent - Thank you brother for the wise words and reassuring the small players like us to keep calm and hold. Everyone's huge mistake is getting affected by nonsense news and letting their emotions crush them. Thank you again and wish you a blessed weekend ahead.

I think if it is not too much to ask, many of us would like to have you around here, giving tips, advices etc.. God bless.


2020-08-13 09:42 | Report Abuse

Morning brothers!

Today all gloves are green! Up we go!

It rained this morning, so be prepared for the naysayers mushrooms to pop out of no where!

As bro Alvaro said, just ignore them!


2020-08-12 18:12 | Report Abuse

My park brake is On! Hold geng!


2020-08-12 16:07 | Report Abuse

@dingdonghuat - agreed bro. Easily 3 - 4.

I stick to my TP6 by end of August.

All it needs it, a headline saying 'Russian Vaccine may not work'. People won't even read the content and start sharing left right centre!

Hold brothers. Just hold!


2020-08-12 15:07 | Report Abuse

@NewToThis - 76 people tested, bro.. to be precise based on THEIR claims.

I just Googled this - *145,934,462* is Russia's population.

The company that did this test says can only produce 1.5m vaccination per annum. Ofcourse others may JV or whatever. No need calculator. Simple logic, how long will it take to even cover Russia??

And is every country gona be taking this with 100% trust and faith? Sorry to say poor country but poor countries like Philippines doesn't have a choice but gamble on this if at all is goes through final approval.

Will USA acknowledge this vaccination? How about China. Let me tell you, their egos are bigger than lives that matter. They rather go to war than admitting defeat.

So while all this is being administered, what will the doctors wear? Paper bag? Socks? Doesn't take that much to think for a logic answer for the time frame needed. Recovery rate. And will it even be compatible for ppl that are from different corners of the world. With different immune system. And don't forget, winter is approaching soon. Ppls immune system become weaker.


2020-08-12 14:56 | Report Abuse

@tuapuikia - yes bro. People think it is like taking vitamin C tablets or panadol.

People may die or develope something else if it goes all wrong!! Imagine the consequences! Russia risk losing their face and underwear! Putin will need a puting!


2020-08-12 14:52 | Report Abuse

@ninjavan1 - look at the article itself, it's so fake.

Barely anything written. Like a kindergarten copy paste. And a direct message to people to jump from glove counters to pharmaceutical counters. Who even does that?

Please don't reply on this crap and make a hasty decision and sell and lose your head.

Just hold bro. Probably in a few days time another news might come out saying no confirmed vaccines yet. Then everyone gona go ladygaga again!


2020-08-12 11:52 | Report Abuse

TP6 by end of August 2020. Atleast.


2020-08-12 11:32 | Report Abuse

Back to basics and fundamentals of the company. Trust is earned.

Regret not buying more earlier. Damn it!! Damn geram!!


2020-08-12 10:45 | Report Abuse

Tested on 76 people.

When it fails, u will see everything will shoot up!

Have a gut feeling, it will rebounce stronger today.


2020-08-11 20:47 | Report Abuse

In a way.. Its good that @attaaaaack exists here.

Everyone can see how fake and unreliable whatever he says/shares. Sounding very desperate.

Thank you bro @TTD1990, bro Alvaro and the rest for sharing contents with proof and correct information.

The rest, keep holding. Add more when the time is on your side. Slowly but surely!


2020-08-11 20:22 | Report Abuse

@ attaaaaaaaack - The way you claim all this is like trying so hard to convince something against someone's will to sell something and u secretly hope to get it for a cheaper deal through a backdoor.


2020-08-11 20:19 | Report Abuse

@TTD1990 - bradder, now we know. Something as simple as a date of an article can be overlooked by Mr.Attaaaaaack.

Google a key word/phrase 'do we need gloves to administer a vaccination'. Copy and paste here.

@Mr.Attaaaaaaaaaaaaaack - thank you for alerting us. But constantly spewing negativity and inaccurate information doesn't seem like the intentions are to help us. Come on man, don't stoop so low.


2020-08-11 19:58 | Report Abuse

Bro @attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack - what are you trying to say. U are spewing negativity and constantly trying to create fear to some who might fall prey to your calls.

U just appeared today at this forum. I even wonder if u have any shares in careplus. Don't get me wrong, it is so obvious what your intentions are. There was this guy before.. MasterPoda doing this and few others. Now you, attaaaaack.. Next maybe breeze, fabuloso, harpic, and god knows what else.


2020-08-11 19:20 | Report Abuse

Those who are so much into this so called Russian new vaccines must be living under a shell.

The way Russia do things are totally different compared to the rest of the world.

Simple question to the ones who are sharing and glorifying the Russian vaccine, without WHO 's approval.. Would YOU even volunteer or have the guts to inject it into your body if you are infected?? And pls ask the doctor not to wear gloves.

This is a question of what u preach abt the effectiveness of the vaccinations and advertising here. Without completing all the stages of testings and being approved, would u put it into you?