
BobAxelrod33 | Joined since 2022-12-29

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2023-02-07 12:58 | Report Abuse

Yup, he's running away again with tail between legs.............scumbag!


2023-02-07 12:57 | Report Abuse

Clearly exposed by Phoebe end last year.....he scooted away after challenging for face to face too.............what a dimwit.


2023-02-07 12:55 | Report Abuse

The liar's usual response when he is exposed is to call for face to face and his gangs...........what a waste of time and bullying tactics. Collecting subscriptions and then giving false tips is his MO......and his slutty character is well know by many, many, many i3 members.


2023-02-07 12:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyaah.....still at it..........what to do....gatal la.


2023-02-07 12:38 | Report Abuse

Telling everyone to ignore but keep on typing away. If cannot zip it up just tie your fingers with rubber wonder labeled gatal ke?

Most important person to IGNORE is the snake.....everyday and every morning 8-10 postings to draw the crowds.......................nothing better to do ke?.... Go talk to trees.


2023-02-07 12:34 | Report Abuse

Luring and telling lies at all the counters that moves up and then collect subscriptions at Telegrams..............beggars and sluts!!


2023-02-07 12:33 | Report Abuse

Tut tut deserves all the losses after lying so much at Bintai and Solutions 2019-2020.......God is Great!


2023-02-07 12:32 | Report Abuse

Maybe?? ............and maybe the DAP would become the ruling party in Msia and the Chairman becomes the PM?? Japanese whore is just picking up rubbish as the days goes by and throw whatever leftovers to sweeten Dx for the slaughter.


2023-01-13 08:49 | Report Abuse

Did they owe it to you??? haiyoh, correct?


2023-01-13 08:47 | Report Abuse

JoyEast promoter from Bintai and Solution of 2019-2020, did you not oppose the view that the Directors' Personal Guarantee to the Put Option is VALID and legally ACCOUNTABLE?? You mentioned there was still life in SD????

When Smart investors feel fishy given all the negative signs,they start to dump fast to cut losses rather than keep denying and be delusional as if everything was going to be alright.


2023-01-13 08:42 | Report Abuse

Truly it is......Serba 2016 - 2023 R.I.P.

Wake is to be held at the soon-to-be-auctioned HQ building. All Pak Kam are not recommended as it would eventually be siphoned to someone else's account in Dubai.

Serbadk is back. 2023 year is Serbadk year


2023-01-12 20:07 | Report Abuse

This is a Financial and Industrial case and not a CRIMINAL case for High Courts.

You don't pay your mortgages and the Bank has OBTAINED JUDGEMENT to peruse any course of action they wished. The bank has now chosen to Auction your property and you go and make an Appeal to fight again in Court of Appeal????

And these group of Creditors have Petitioned to Wind up............. you can Appeal on WHAT BASIS????

If you are not educated to a certain level, please STF_Up


2023-01-11 11:22 | Report Abuse

LOL!........Sslee, and you allow us to assume you to be so naive?????


2023-01-11 09:34 | Report Abuse

The system to manipulate share price has ended, no doubt, but the story is far, far from over.....Directors' personal Guarantees and probes, forensic auditing........

To assume that they are now starting to think of washing funds is very amateurish..... the plan from A-Z was hatched years the dot with money landing precisely where they should be............not just the thing to think about at this juncture.


2023-01-11 07:54 | Report Abuse

Take a good look at the Sam Bankman-Fried crypto fraud case just last month in America. He was arrested and bail set at USD250 million, the highest in American court history. He could face life imprisonment and all his wealth confiscated.

And not to mention Madoff's ponzi schemes which not only destroyed his family, but his eldest son committed Suicide due to unbearable shame and mental stress......

Here in Malaysia, RM3 million and you walk free as a bird.................


2023-01-11 07:39 | Report Abuse

The case was "opened and closed" since last year with the AGC opting to fine the offense and even involved in changing several top management of SC........YET SOME NEWCOMERS to this party are now yelling for JUSTICE from AG and SC????????


2023-01-11 07:36 | Report Abuse

The losers here are not only confined to the shareholders nor those involved as employees, suppliers, creditors or financial supporters and bankers, BUT REACHES AND AFFECTS EVERY SINGLE INVESTING PUBLIC OF MALAYSIA. The tarnished image and ill reputation spilled from the laughable penalty and punishment passed seems like just a RM3 million parking ticket as compared to the enormity and unimaginable misused/missing funds.

Tell me, which other would not be tempted or even seduced to such despicable proposal, laundered and enriched themselves and only pay some pocket shillings as Fines???? That person/s must have his head examined should he abstain from taking such a proposition.


2023-01-10 22:13 | Report Abuse

Pasti ke kamu, ia memerlukan masa lama lama??


2023-01-10 21:21 | Report Abuse

Looks like Speak_up needs to Speak out much louder............point to the issues where The Edge left unspoken.


2023-01-10 21:16 |

Post removed.Why?


2023-01-10 21:05 | Report Abuse


Someone mention ...The End..?? Is it truly the end or just the beginning of life threatening ending???? The story is far, far from over........

In passing Summary Judgement and the salient points expressly mentioned, one could not but observed that there were certainly CRIMINAL and FOUL plays right from INTENTIONS and execution into scams. As such, the Winding up Petition was ALLOWED beyond DOUBTS.

If there were manipulations, intentions and cooking of most devious plans, would that not surmounting to CHEATING of the 1st Degree???? Suiyee Auditor has loosen his grasp on the Audit trails which could easily have exposed the plans and the evaporated UNACCOUNTABLE funds that amounting to hundreds of millions if not Billions????

Malaysia now has been made a 2nd National Embarrassment headline and on world financial spotlights FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS!!! Foreign Direct Investments would take a look at the Pariah loose rules of Engagement in financial and stocks wars for profits and shake their heads in disgust!! Imagine the RM3 million FINES (per pax) for a PLC which could if and under forensic auditing finds humongous amount of funds missing????

Not only has the minorities shareholders of Serba but the ENTIRE investing citizens of Malaysia had been shortchanged by this shameful case. The investing Malaysians have been INDIRECTLY harmed, damaged by the lack of Integrity, Transparency, Trustworthiness and Professionalism, and not only in this counter, but generally on BURSA Malaysia as a whole from the view points of every foreign Funds. That is perhaps why KLCI is unable to sustain 1500. Volume is uninteresting and buying is unseen.

As an investing Malaysian, the TRUTH to the debacle MUST be truly and fully exposed and the culprit/s be made to face Capital Punishment by bullet in head or in lieu 500 years prison (5 lifetime confinement without chance of Parole) THE DAMAGE DONE BY THEM TO THIS COUNTRY IS BEYOND REPAIR and the punishment meted must deter others from following.

PS : above opinion is personal and WITHOUT PERJUDICE.


2023-01-10 14:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2023-01-09 19:14 | Report Abuse

Scrolling back, could see that Toyota_Proton had disposed some holdings at losses....that's beautiful music to my ears.

Perhaps, now he has also disposed of his Toyota and switched to a 15 year old Proton??? Or is he riding around on a bicycle like a circus monyet??


2023-01-09 19:12 | Report Abuse

It gives me such sheer utmost and unimaginable pleasure to see these fools, grouping with Grandpa David losing all their fortunes on Dx........hahahaha...........made my day so much sweeter.


2023-01-09 19:10 | Report Abuse

A person who can thinks that a "customer is the same as an investor" would surely be doomed to fail in life for certain!


2023-01-09 14:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2023-01-09 08:24 | Report Abuse

Told ya from last month, Hibby would not and should not cross and stay above 1.10...not even until end of January 2023.

Back to 1.00 by last week of January 2023.


2023-01-09 08:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh....Jamal Jamban still kok talking ah???

Fact #1 : the dismal of just one Malay lady Director would not make any difference to the overall condition and position Dx is in now......understand??

Fact # 2 : Investors are not CUSTOMERS of Dx....they are the lice and fleas riding on the back of this animal.....bloodsuckers! not think Dx owes you any obligations to make you rich.


2022-12-30 10:01 | Report Abuse

Already 1501....any difference???? Maybe you have different eyes sights..........Now I understand, you could talk to trees and see them walk around in slow motion too.....same action with Bursa stocks???

Can list the great jump in price for any stock as window dressing??????

Really ka kee kong, ka kee song!


2022-12-30 09:54 | Report Abuse

1499 is window dressing????? Please get your eyes checked.... kok talking.........ka kee kong, ka kee song.

Which are the stocks have gone up in price????


2022-12-29 18:36 |

Post removed.Why?