
CharlesT | Joined since 2016-09-27

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2024-05-05 12:00 | Report Abuse


FYE 2024 Yinson Production Operations results overview (YoY)
Revenue PAT

YTD Q4 FYE 2023
(RM’ mil)
YTD Q4FYE 2024
(RM’ mil)
Variance (RM’ mil)
Revenue 1,631: 2,279 : 648
Gross Profit 951: 1,480: 529
EBITDA 1,162: 1,643: 481
PAT 576 :776: 200
PATAMI 498: 628 :130

The PAT margin is 776/2279 about 34%

We come from 2 different planet ah??


2024-05-05 11:52 | Report Abuse

Heavy capital intensive high risk biz

Net profit margin of 10% seems not justifiable to me lah

SSLee U as a palm oil Industry man, dont u think palm oil plantation biz is much much better than this biz?


2024-05-05 11:29 | Report Abuse

Why u like Yinson?

Coz u like to have dreams? U love Wawasan 2026 or 2036 or 2046? U like to do their profit projections?


2024-05-05 11:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > 22 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Building a new FPSO costs approximately US$ 2.5 Bn to US$ 3 Bn. However, the cost of conversion of an oil tanker is approximately between US$ 1.5 Bn and US$ 2 Bn.

One screw up in any of their FPSO their ass will be very painful


2024-05-05 11:23 | Report Abuse

What's their net profit margin like?

From Yinson's past years' records it seems their net profit margin is like 10%+/-...

I would say not really that convincing, in view of the heavy investment involved and the high risk

Oil palm plantation is much much better.....relatively high profit margin , consistent positive cashflow n div records....n potential land appreciation over the years

So SSLee, why are u in Yinson????


2024-05-05 08:21 | Report Abuse

If u also holds a small position in Yinson like Sifu then no worry lah......sup sup water only...considered it as donation to beggar loh at worst scenario


2024-05-05 08:19 | Report Abuse

Sifu is also willing to sing left 3 years right 3 years in Yinson.....though he always claim he is TA comes first man


2024-05-05 08:16 | Report Abuse

Most likely will end up like JAK's Wawasan 2020

Always see good revenue good paper profit very low PE looks very yummy at the same time very ugly negative cash flow endless rights issue PP issuance of Bonds...

Why why why tell me why?

SS Lee knows the answer but again he refuses to accept the fact...till he has to admit his mistake few years later


2024-04-30 09:27 | Report Abuse

RM300K div a year?

If u have capital RM4M with DY 7.5% a year can kaotim oredi

Some Reits can help u so


2024-04-29 10:05 | Report Abuse

Or to save / help waterfish from being eaten by sharks


2024-04-29 10:02 | Report Abuse

The ultimate goal in stock mkt is to make money

Not to help poor idxots/ waterfish to make money


2024-04-29 09:51 | Report Abuse

Important thing now is with your wealth n experience/knowledge in stock mkt, what can u achieve in the coming years


2024-04-29 09:50 | Report Abuse

Or u could have caught burnt during 1997/1998 financial crisis.....who knows


2024-04-29 09:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

I struggle almost all my whole life just to survive and raise my family. I only have spare money and accumulate my wealth during the last 10 years.

Imagine if I have the curent earning power when I am much younger, I will be a very happy man.

Difficult to tell....U could have bought more Xinquan n got burnt more badly


2024-04-22 10:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > 31 seconds ago | Report Abuse

Suddenly this reminded me of Xinquan n Old Koon's case

Old Koon n some loves to see the beautiful net cash (RM1.50+ I think) of Xinquan in their bank acs in China

Ops I think SSlee is one of them also


2024-04-22 10:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

This time round if got profit just take profit, not going to speculate/calculate on earning forecast of YTLPower data center.

After all I am not a Sifu, I only care how much I can make from Bursa as a trader or as an investor

Senior u have evolved fast n furious.... Geng....


2024-04-22 10:40 | Report Abuse

The main concern is HUMAN


2024-04-22 10:38 | Report Abuse

At current price of RM0.30+, my entry level could be 20% to 30% lower than Sifu....seems a better deal than earning 7.95% annual coupon rate....

At least not so heart pain lah

But below RM0.30 will be even better loh


2024-04-22 10:35 | Report Abuse

Place yr bet pls

My bet is on chicken rice money from Yinson-WA....c got chance or not


2024-04-22 10:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > 24 seconds ago | Report Abuse

No need to feel heart pain lah. Just collect some Yinson and hope by 2025 it will move north.

As long as it will not become Jaks's Wawasan 2020 will do loh


2024-04-22 10:32 | Report Abuse

Or higher......


2024-04-22 10:31 | Report Abuse

Sifu's cost of Yinson-Wa should be 0.40+


2024-04-22 10:30 | Report Abuse

Maybe later i manage to buy Yinson-WA lower than Sifu and then sell few cents higher to make more than 7.95% in few days time leh

Who knows


2024-04-22 10:28 | Report Abuse

Sifu, do I interpret your sentence correctly?


2024-04-22 10:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by OTB > 15 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Yinson issued a sukuk of RM 640 million in Malaysia before Chinese New Year 2024, the coupon rate is 7.95%.
The take up rate of this sukuk is so demanding, all RM 640 million sukuk was taken up within 20 minutes.
Anyone here is not so knowledgeable as institutional fund manager, they just buy up all sukuk of Yinson within 20 minutes.
This sukuk is rated as A3/Stable (RAM).

I will stop my comment on Yinson, no point to cause more pain to all poor investors here

So only those knowledgeable one (like Fund Managers n Sifu etc) can have the access to all these good deals....

All other stupxd poor investors here (I guess I m one of them as I dont have the chance to subscribe such a good high yield bonds) can only feel very heart pain loh.....


2024-04-22 09:48 | Report Abuse

If u are drafting any long love letter/ email to Yinson's Boss ask them so....why they dont want to issue Bond at 8% to Sifu n many others.....

Instead they chosed to pay higher to Angmao....... Sad


2024-04-22 09:45 | Report Abuse

So US Bankers foresee this to happen (very big fat income from 2025 onwards) n they know Yinson needs money badly now so they fix a cut throat rate of 9.675% on their bond ah?


2024-04-22 09:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > 23 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Interest espenses is tax deductable (taxable income will be less) hence Yinson did not mind paying high interest.

My question is why not RI of 5 years RPS (9 % interest) with free warrants to benefit the shareholders?

Hmmm.....someone learned the monkey tricks of Kok Kee and tasted the sweetness of goreng WAs


2024-04-22 09:17 | Report Abuse

Second is why they are willing to accept so...

Why dont they issue more bonds locally at 7.95% or 8%....I believe Sifu n many others will happily subscribe so...

Or there is a capping limit locally?


2024-04-22 09:10 | Report Abuse


Interest espenses is tax deductable (taxable income will be less) hence Yinson did not mind paying high interest.

My question is why not RI of 5 years RPS (9 % interest) with free warrants to benefit the shareholders?

13 minutes ago

The question is why US Bankers rated their bond as good as junk bond grade with coupon rate more than double than average mkt rate


2024-04-22 09:07 | Report Abuse

So SSlee also believe in their Wawasan 2027 ah?


2024-04-21 13:16 | Report Abuse

If Sifu is big heart enough he should see and appreciate my constructive bitter advice to him.....

Unless he isn't lah


2024-04-21 13:14 | Report Abuse

Though Sifu helped me to make good money from Glove during 2020 n I am very grateful with him for that

Still, a Holland buy call is a Holland buy call... there is no conflict of it


2024-04-21 13:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by OTB > 57 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse

9.625% Bond doesnt sound any alarm to Sifu n others ah?
Still die die believe their Wawasan 2027 ah?
I have a small holding on this stock only.
I invest is to make money.
I believe the share price is low enough. I can afford to lose on this investment.
Not interested to buy in a big way until TA showed a buy signal.
Thank you.

Jaga jaga oh


2024-04-21 13:03 | Report Abuse

Good to get yr FA Guru KC to do some cash flow analysis on the Co for the past 5 years


2024-04-21 12:58 | Report Abuse

What Is a Junk Bond?

Junk bonds are bonds that carry a higher risk of default than most bonds issued by corporations and governments. A bond is a debt or promise to pay investors interest payments along with the return of invested principal in exchange for buying the bond. Junk bonds represent bonds issued by companies that are financially struggling and have a high risk of defaulting or not paying their interest payments or repaying the principal to investors.

Junk bonds are also called high-yield bonds since the higher yield is needed to help offset any risk of default.


2024-04-21 12:58 | Report Abuse

Not sure how they catergorize a 9.625% Bond in US......


2024-04-21 12:49 | Report Abuse

The bond risk premium is the additional return that an investor expects to receive for taking on the risk of holding a bond that has a higher likelihood of default or other credit-related issues compared to a risk-free bond.

22 Nov 2023


2024-04-21 12:43 | Report Abuse


Someone need to ask Yinson CFO why paying more than double the US 5 Year Treasury Rate of 4.68%?

Is Yinson cannot get a normal USD loan from bank with lower interest rate than 9.625% to refinance the matured borrowing?

Mayb the bankers in US dont undertand the "facts" or they dont believe the "facts"?

Maybe they have to pay RM1K to sifu to learn more abt Yinson??


2024-04-21 12:41 | Report Abuse

Not easy to understand Sifu or Master's mentality...

Thats y they are sifu/master while u are waterfish


2024-04-21 12:39 | Report Abuse

I am very confident with Stock A I promote it 99 last 2 years...

I only have small holding of 1 lot

Apa macam ini....tak boleh paham


2024-04-21 12:37 | Report Abuse


Posted by CharlesT > 23 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Though Sifu only has a small holding on Yinson n Wa but his love is 100%...non stop promotion of Yinson n Wa in I3 n also to his RM1k clients for the past 2 years
No more promotion until TA is bullish.
I just talk about facts only.
Thank you.

3 minutes ago

If u are so confident with yr "facts" then should sailang or sialang lah or invest more lah....why so shy to have a small holding only....


2024-04-21 12:36 | Report Abuse


I am also lucky, managed to get my Yinson sukuk at 7.95%.
Thank you.

20 minutes ago

Lucky or not has to wait for few years time till the maturity....

Maybe lucky to receive high coupon rate of 7.95% for 2 or 3 years but than not so lucky before the bond matures

Who knows....nowadays difficult to tell

Mamakthir also never expect himself to live so long to see his Wawasan 2020 to become a laughing stock


2024-04-21 12:30 | Report Abuse

Though Sifu only has a small holding on Yinson n Wa but his love is 100%...non stop promotion of Yinson n Wa in I3 n also to his RM1k clients for the past 2 years


2024-04-21 11:52 | Report Abuse

9.625% Bond doesnt sound any alarm to Sifu n others ah?

Still die die believe their Wawasan 2027 ah?


2024-04-21 09:12 | Report Abuse

In short, another Holland buy call of Sifu


2024-04-21 09:08 | Report Abuse

Anyway, can always trade Yinson-WA for chicken rice meals

No conflicts


2024-04-21 09:06 | Report Abuse

I met Yinson management to talk about debt matter.
According to the management, all debts of FPSO will be settled after 7 years.
On the 8th year, the profit is a clean profit with no debt.
Yinson will perform well in a longer term.
Debt will reduced drastically after FY 2027.
I believe Yinson will be qualified to be a component stock of FBMKLCI after 2027.

I would rather believe in Wawasan 2020 ghost story


2024-04-19 10:32 | Report Abuse

OTB's earlier buy calls on both Genm n Genting really puzzles me....

Seems Sifu doesnt undesrtand Lim Kok Thai n his Cos' shares price pattern at all.....