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2021-06-26 21:24 | Report Abuse

invest_malaysia I see people say in telegram group that the petition works well because got 800+ people sign in just one day. There you go. Now you understand why people losing in share market. Simple logic also don’t know.

That part I agree..self hallucination.. syok sendiri


2021-06-26 21:23 | Report Abuse

invest_malaysia While Genting shareholders are happily celebrating the opening of RSLV. Glove shareholders are hallucinating and syok sendiri. Lose until cannot tahan already then came out with petition to ban RSS. Lol. Told you all to buy Genting at RM4 don’t want. Instead go chase topglove at RM6.5. Bunch of stupxd people.
26/06/2021 6:53 PM

Sure ma.. happily celebrating.. gen m also not yet celebrating.. gohtong restaurant all waiting u to go n support them leh


2021-06-26 20:04 | Report Abuse

Haha.. for now... The concern of each and every company is how to maintain cash flow.. no cash no talk..

Until now our backdoor government still silent about extending MCO or not.. because they have no idea already..

To extend means the economic sector will blame them.. to end it means it will be the same like previously.. overloading frontliner.. and the number will go up even faster


2021-06-26 18:16 | Report Abuse

Lawyer shafee notorious in running away tho


2021-06-26 17:50 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 OrlandoOilSemiconIoT Huang

U silly

If SC already has d hard IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE tis case would hv ended before it started

Case closed by now

Whew... luckily the market doesnt think like you.. everyone is normal except you.

Market cap drop from 6B to less than 2B.. and you think everyone else is wrong.. haha
26/06/2021 5:48 PM

Wah dun play market cap leh.. topglove market cap also diarrhea huhu


2021-06-26 17:49 | Report Abuse

Alex™ Now 40sen scare buy d?
26/06/2021 5:45 PM

Scared buy and no money buy is 2 different thing lol


2021-06-26 17:48 | Report Abuse

i3lurker sslee

no white knight will appear
coz will need to pump in minimum RM3 Billion or maybe up to RM5 Billion to rescue Serba

=> no point, waste of money

just buy those white bones will only cost less than RM500 million from Liquidators of Serba
26/06/2021 5:45 PM

Depends on how much asset serbadk has lo.. liability and asset.. just like football club..


2021-06-26 17:45 | Report Abuse

DickyMe "
josephn All this also can be solve if operator don't simply limit down SD price without valid proof of fraud and treat scib and kpower as separate entity as there are nothing to do with Serba
26/06/2021 5:16 PM"


So you saying that they don't have to be transparent, open, honest and fair ??

Why blame operator?
26/06/2021 5:42 PM

Kpower admirer very pain lo now.. from rm8 split and now become less than 3.. don't provoke them later they jump off from building


2021-06-26 17:43 | Report Abuse

That's assuming serbadk go bankrupt.. just worried u bankrupt he also haven't bankrupt lol

i3lurker sslee

its a moot lawsuit

after Serba goes bankrupt,
Serba will be placed in Liquidation

and the Liquidators will decide whether to continue to sue KPMG or not.
Current BOD of Serba will have no say once Liquidators of Serba are appointed
26/06/2021 5:39 PM


2021-06-26 17:40 | Report Abuse

I suggest all retailer to stand aside watch movie... Let kwsp LD like first day trading.. and see who will appear and accept kwsp shares


2021-06-26 17:38 | Report Abuse

Its same like sue LGE... Hahaha.. continue movie la.. very exciting leh... Very good entertainment during mco time


2021-06-26 17:26 | Report Abuse

brian3381 I oredi said since last year. Enforce xompulsory vacine la. But so many naive gloves atack me
26/06/2021 4:59 PM

Compulsory vaccine and things will change? Watch Israel and Hungary then


2021-06-26 17:25 | Report Abuse

Haha.. the petition Is funny...

One moment said long term invest not worried

Another moment said share price drop very pain

Human nature


2021-06-26 15:48 | Report Abuse

Fong Chin-bok hope DS Tengku Zafrul hears us to bar the RSS and order shorties to return all the tickets immediately
26/06/2021 2:58 PM

Moratorium also takde.. ni nak stop RSS.. mimpi sedapppp


2021-06-26 15:47 | Report Abuse

Save It is shameful to have petition of stopping RSS temporary . RSS is needed as a process of check and balance. RSS can prevent retail investors from buying overvalued. However, slightly undervalued glove counters should be due for a strong technical rebound soon
26/06/2021 11:43 AM

True.. lol.. if no money then go far far.. things become cheap because of RSS.. why wanna kick them away


2021-06-26 15:41 | Report Abuse

invest_malaysia Bunch stupxd people in telegram group
26/06/2021 2:52 PM

Agreed.. haha


2021-06-26 15:30 | Report Abuse

Haha.. so what's now.. quit investing in bursa rant? Until change government?


2021-06-26 13:54 | Report Abuse

CharlesT Right now the most critical concern is the continuous selling pressure fm EPF n other big boys...

EPF still got 7%+ left
26/06/2021 1:46 PM

Correct.. so what we should be observing is sell down... Prominent LD..


2021-06-26 13:51 | Report Abuse

All I see was Serba positioned themselves as employer, & treated KPMG as employee.

Let’s court decide la.

Er... U mean I'm paying u 100k and I'm ur employee?


2021-06-26 13:47 | Report Abuse

i3lurker no need to be polite

Dr Leno says

//////If u see a rotten carcass in the middle of the road, u don't need to call doctor or veterinary to check anymore. JUST USE YOUR FAKKING BRAIN !!/////

Stock Kingdom

DON’T YOU THINK SOMETHING FISHY? All you need is use your little brain to think.

Correct if u seen a carcasses then u no need to call Dr... But they still refer to Dr initially asking for opinion.. means they are still doubting if its carcases or should they perform CPR.. simple..

It's just like CBP saying topglove violate this n that even before they revisit them.. simple..

If I just simply say something about u or ur family.. u will sue me for defamation or not? Lolxx


2021-06-26 13:27 | Report Abuse

sunnyleong Judge by urself, who is right or wrong?
26/06/2021 1:22 PM

Right? Wrong? Grey area? Both right? Both wrong?


2021-06-26 13:26 | Report Abuse

AlsvinChangan EPF
2 June - 681,300 9.925% BUYERs sapu 681,300 shares from EPF
3 June - 273,900 9.917% BUYERs sapu 273,900 shares from EPF
4 June - 481,000 9.904% BUYERs sapu 481,000 shares from EPF
8 June - 617,800 9.888% BUYERs sapu 617,800 shares from EPF
15 June - 15,061,000 9.482% BUYERs sapu 15,061,000 shares from EPF
17 June - 3,444,400 9.389% BUYERs sapu 3,444,400 shares from EPF
18 June - 20,599,200 8.833% BUYERs sapu 20,599,200 shares from EPF
21 June - 9,910,800 8.566% BUYERs sapu 9,910,800 shares from EPF
22 June - 34,659,000 7.632% BUYERs sapu 34,659,000 shares from EPF

Total: 85,727,500 shares BUYERs sapu 85,727,500 shares from EPF

1 June - 26,032,200 BUYERs sapu 26,032,200 shares from KWAP

Dato Awang Daud
9 June - 8,500,500 1.8% BUYERs sapu 8,500,500 shares from Dato Awang Daud
10 June - 4,300,000 1.685% BUYERs sapu 4,300,000 shares from Dato Awang Daud
14 June - 2,100,000 BUYERs sapu 2,100,000 shares from Dato Awang Daud

So berani.. or u mean EPF and retailer trading together? Hahaha


2021-06-26 13:23 | Report Abuse

leno Let's say we start with I got 1 ball only and Abu got RM 10 only

i sell my ball to abu at RM 10
Abu sell back to me at RM 9
and i sell back to Abu at RM 8
and Abu sell back to me at RM 7
Then i sell to abu at RM 5
and quee to buy 5 balls at RM 1 each.

Bursa transaction will state : 5 ball have been sold today with total value of RM 39
How can 1 ball become 5 balls ?
And RM 10 become RM 39 ?

Do u get what i mean ?

And u will notice now i can afford to quee buy 5 BALLS !!
26/06/2021 1:02 PM

I think ur talking from trading aspect.. but what's concerning is who took all EPF shares.. interesting


2021-06-26 13:21 | Report Abuse

pharker my friend , previously got trapped, finally returned my call, and with a relief, he told me he got out d, some more with a profit.

What? I said, no way la.

But this is what he did, as informed. For simplicity, the numbers below are just example, not actual

Example :-
Buy 1000 @ 0.6
Price went down, cut at 0.57. Loss 30

Go in again 2000 @ 0.53
Price went down, cut at 0.5. Loss 60

Go in again 4000 @ 0.42
Price rebounded , took profit at 0.45. profit 120

Net profit 30 ( 120-60-30)

After that he went to temple ( outside since mco) to give thanks, and pledged to donate 100% of the profit once temple opened.

I listened also cold sweat, what if his timing not good, always fail to catch the rebound, he said keep doubling down lo,

( Cold sweat, cold sweat, anyway that guy got deep pocket, rich man son)

The above is just for sharing story only, no recommendation of any sorts.
26/06/2021 1:09 PM

Ur fren is rr88??


2021-06-26 13:16 | Report Abuse

Alex™ auditor also want sue, then who dares to audit account next time?
26/06/2021 1:08 PM

Haha.. if ur not wrong... Why scared.. sue for reputation la lolxx..


2021-06-26 13:05 | Report Abuse

Privatise lo.. like MMC.. yummy.. no need share holder... Continue watch drama


2021-06-26 12:46 | Report Abuse

leno No big investor lar ... price so cheap, will be easily trigger 5% threshold to declared mar.
All small ikan bilis niah.

U see, ikan bilis Team A buy at 50 sen from Team B
Team B ikan bilis sell 45 sen back to Team A
Then Team A sell 40 sen back again to Team B

So, these keep repeating all the way downward between team a and team b
These ikan bilis are different individual who dunno they are acting like a team.
Herd psychology, lemming jumping off the cliff, etc.

That is why no 5% threshold breached.
This is BASIC investment Calculus.


26/06/2021 12:38 PM

Haha.. so many ikan bilis willing to catch dropping knife.. interesting.. funny thing is it will even rebound..


2021-06-26 12:42 | Report Abuse

Why wanna take KPMG again?

If I'm a boss and I don't like KPMG attitude.. I prefer to hire another company with similar credentials

If u don't like umno u join DAP/Pas.. takkan u go n join MAP


2021-06-26 12:34 | Report Abuse

SincereStock can't imagine the nasib of all serba's employee at current pandemic hard time, anyone care for them?
26/06/2021 12:33 PM

1000 plus workers only.. join grab ja


2021-06-26 12:33 | Report Abuse

There is no correct price.. there Is no buy call or sell call.. it's up to ur own capability..

For me why worried of serbadk when covid and mco still around..

Why not worried of ur own self whether u can put food on table if this continues another year hahaha


2021-06-26 12:19 | Report Abuse

Wait and watch lor.. haha.. all ikan bilis here..


2021-06-26 12:17 | Report Abuse

U mean like tajuddin? He said got other job offer.. no issue..

Earn 20-50k a month.. sap sap sui


2021-06-26 12:14 | Report Abuse

freddiehero how come so many resign? still got body working in office ka? better call office and asking where still got body working in the office or not..
26/06/2021 12:12 PM

Not mco meh.. still got ppl call office?


2021-06-26 12:12 | Report Abuse

Jeffreyteck Most probably some buyers are actually the sellers just to avoid sharp price fall.
26/06/2021 11:57 AM

So rich account ar.. so much money playing with EPF.. EPF has 1 trillion at disposal leh


2021-06-26 12:08 | Report Abuse

Watch movie nia.. so many ppl appeared since fraud was suspected.. last time I only see these in glove counter.. now all come here d..

Topglove they keep shouting 3.5.. now serbadk they shout delist and pn17..

I wanna see after 6 months did their dreams come true..


2021-06-26 11:49 | Report Abuse

Wah wanna lie sumore when people already investigating u..

Wanna dig own grave Liao lo


2021-06-26 11:47 | Report Abuse

So stockraider and mikecyc.. if its a draw how?


2021-06-26 11:46 | Report Abuse

Woot.. Karim going to jail soon.. scib and kpower delist together


2021-06-26 11:41 | Report Abuse

Stock Kingdom Why want to divert attention saying how bad is KPMG? Does it matter now?

Compared to what the management did since May, should it make you more worry for the things may have been hidden?

We know in this kind of business, always some grey areas. Go ask those working in senior management of big construction firms, it’s norm.

But to manipulating accounts is totally different thing. WHAT IF IT IS REAL?

For high profile people like Karim who is also very good in publicity, should he NOT know the consequences of his actions so far? Why he still did it?

NEVER THOUGHT OF IT? Or newbies choose to ignore?

Who is worrying here... Worrying EPF cutting lose using ur money? Or what eh haha

Now the game is between EPF and secret buyer.. the identity of secret buyer still not known.. but definitely not a small player.. who is actually sapuing EPF millions of shares


2021-06-26 11:35 | Report Abuse

Mikecyc ok lah .. Zhulian vs Insas ...

Personal show

Between mikecyc and stockraider.. who is willing to be the judge? Haha


2021-06-26 11:34 | Report Abuse

alenac Consultant, the question should not be the price, it should be when to buy?
26/06/2021 11:32 AM

Haha but u mention price.. not today... After 1 month.. after 1 year


2021-06-26 11:31 | Report Abuse

DJThong Almost all the INEDs have resigned
No new auditors were announced yesterday. QR is unaudited
Still can limit up on Monday ?

Better not.. the movie not that short.. 6 months at least


2021-06-26 11:29 | Report Abuse

alenac What is the correct price? 5 sen, 10 sen, 15 sen, 20 sen..........

Posted by trum > Jun 26, 2021 11:26 AM | Report Abuse

Brother this stock can make money if you buy it at the correct price.
26/06/2021 11:28 AM

0.05 sen is correct price lol


2021-06-26 11:28 | Report Abuse

pinnaclegrade Once trust is broken, it would be difficult to regain confidence ever again..
26/06/2021 11:25 AM

So U trust who... Broker? Banker? Politician? KPMG? Hahah


2021-06-26 11:25 | Report Abuse

TedTock You’re all acting like kpmg is the enemy
26/06/2021 11:17 AM

KPMG is ur mother ar.. for me everyone has their own agenda ongoing..

KPMG from don't want to quit become rage quit hahaha


2021-06-26 11:23 | Report Abuse

Topglove also don't see retailer going in leh


2021-06-26 11:23 | Report Abuse

Stockisnotfun SC should improve their speed of investigation. Everyday Serbadk top volume means got retailers heavily loaded on low. So sc quick report the status and don't let Serbadk keep doing clown show to lure retailers and buy in.

Wah.. retailer so berani ar hahaha


2021-06-26 10:36 | Report Abuse

Ok movie till December then..