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2019-11-18 19:08 | Report Abuse

Prince4, before CCB mouth say something out, READ.


2019-11-18 19:07 | Report Abuse

prince4, use your bird lc brain and read the announcement. still don’t know HOW TO READ, then u not qualify trade.

The above Netx is another IT company and also a ACE bursa listed company. Recently, there are many penny stocks are doing PP to 3rd party vendors.

PUC have been announcing that they r going into gov-credit facilities earlier this year. So, Netx is like Agent and given commissions to help facilitate the progress of the credit application thru Presto.

What NETX do.
To identify and facilitate the registration and on-boarding of Presto
Users/Subscribers; and
To provide a revolving of funds for the initial and subsequent
disbursement of the micro-finance into the accounts of Presto
Users/Subscribers in the form of PrestoPay Credits.

Invest 50,000,000 into PUC ( I think Netx borrow money to PUClah)


1. To secure all relevant authority licenses for the Initiative;

(b) to secure all relevant contracts with the partners and collaborators for
the commissioning of the Initiative;
(c) to provide the PrestoPay Credits and the digital platform facilities via
the Application to the Presto Users/Subscribers;
(d) to provide and/or support the advertising, marketing and promotions of
the products and services sold on the platform catered for Presto
(e) to provide the framework for the registration and on-boarding of Presto
Users/Subscribers; and
(f) to appoint NetX Digital as a PrestoPay Credits resel to appoint NetX Digital as a PrestoPay Credits reseller to promote, sell and fulfill subsequent PrestoPay Credits top-ups.


2019-11-18 13:09 | Report Abuse

what is your TP for PUC ler


2019-11-18 13:02 | Report Abuse

hey folks, this is Netx forum. Go to PUC forum lah


2019-11-18 12:31 | Report Abuse

Some people really look down on Fintec. They think this company is good-for-nothing kind.


2019-11-18 12:27 | Report Abuse

emil, loss your head.


2019-11-18 11:50 | Report Abuse

In fact, PUC need to learn to come out with niche products. Don't always stick to those competitive products which already looming in the market


2019-11-18 11:32 | Report Abuse

For blue chips have their own set of risk too.


2019-11-18 11:31 | Report Abuse

You are right FKI13.


2019-11-17 19:59 | Report Abuse

This is one of the uptrend stock which is really in direction with gov digitisation year 2020. Can get project pie from gov?


2019-11-17 19:26 | Report Abuse

Dam82, still holding ?


2019-11-17 19:25 | Report Abuse

What a conincident Today I’m online most of the time and saw some HK news. Sampai using arrow to shoot police. Meaning these group of people are waiting for blood sheds.


2019-11-17 19:00 | Report Abuse

A mistake done by management. The PP too low


2019-11-17 18:59 | Report Abuse

Talking about EAH, 3iii, it's zero debts. Qr start to see earning. And it will continues. Lol


2019-11-17 18:57 | Report Abuse

To be brighter star, need turnaround and project.


2019-11-17 18:07 | Report Abuse

Thanks Hunter8888. Solar is part of energy conservation plan under gov. 0


2019-11-17 17:51 | Report Abuse

MahaTheGaru, 0.05? Wah. Lol


2019-11-17 16:32 | Report Abuse

Fintec is feasible. It can move from one stock to another for profits and investment. Rather than being tied up.


2019-11-17 16:31 | Report Abuse

For time being, I have to be frank, I don't see any prospect of Netx into the 50.3bil.


2019-11-17 16:30 | Report Abuse

@sammij, learn how chanky50 explain himself. Good English!


2019-11-17 16:29 | Report Abuse

chanky50, tumb up!


2019-11-17 16:28 | Report Abuse

sammj101286 Calvin
I can see

You are more solidly behind on NETX than in fintec, mlab and over all others.
17/11/2019 3:33 PM

what do you mean solidly behind Netx than fintec and mlab?

Use proper englishlah. Calvin just invest in Netx. haha


2019-11-17 15:20 | Report Abuse

NSK, why so fast top up? Profit from the construction is only 2020 n 2021. I don't see any significant.


2019-11-17 14:38 | Report Abuse

Acritaz Holdings Sdn Bhd is a direct sub of FINTEC/ ASIA BIO.
Still holding onto Fintec and also sub shareholder.
Holding at 6.25%


2019-11-17 14:34 | Report Abuse

CPE CAPI GROWTH are holding shares more than 10 cents.


2019-11-17 14:20 | Report Abuse

Calvin, you can consider to park into Fintec.


2019-11-17 14:18 | Report Abuse

I will never called another person the Great Fool of Investing. Irony, when u called someone a fool, it only means u are a bigger fool YOURSELF!


2019-11-17 14:06 | Report Abuse



2019-11-17 14:01 | Report Abuse

3iii, what are the contents? Any summary u can provide ?


2019-11-17 14:01 | Report Abuse

FoosGold, oklah, you can say what u want. Indeed open Forum here!


2019-11-17 13:59 | Report Abuse

Only hope gov don't fk up


2019-11-17 12:00 | Report Abuse

Let's see the movement but I'm still with FINTEC!

I haven't get pass the earning from NETX.

NO PROJECTS from NETX too. The latest MOUS only benefiting PUC. SO will wait abit for NETX at 1.5!!!!


2019-11-17 11:49 | Report Abuse

Prince4, most capital injection is to Asia countries. Foresee Vietnam, Filipines , Indonesia be target by Investors because of cheaper labor and lesser interference by gov. Geographical is good. cheaper currency tariff and tax. Political is ok.

IF MALAYSIA economy climate can be like other neighbors... only IF.....

MALAYSIA will ride thru the development of Asian PROVIDED government is STABLE.

We have to accept that Malaysian are no longer labor oriented country. Many Malaysian risen to be entrepreneur. With technology we will see more new breeds progress thru digital commerce platform.

NETX, FINTEC, MLAB, DGB will NEED TO START YOUR ENGINE. Mgt need to-do great work to garner the market audience.


2019-11-17 11:20 | Report Abuse

Fintec will be a success story of as an Incubator.

These days, many companies trying to move away the alternative of borrowing money from the banks. The interest is becoming a huge drag.


2019-11-17 11:13 | Report Abuse

Adamas Equity is based in HK. It has been more than 5 months since the Protest have not had signs of cooling down. It is jeopardizing the economic of China and HK and evident in HSI.

I believed they are focusing their funds to Malaysia.


2019-11-17 11:08 | Report Abuse

NETX cannot see the past.

U cannot buy based on what existed in the past history of NETX.

U can only buy because of the future value of NETX.


2019-11-17 11:01 | Report Abuse

Calvintaneg buy and promote and if you not interested just go other place. Why try to break other people's bowl?


2019-11-17 11:00 | Report Abuse

why are you cat lim and Foolsgold here to trouble shoot Netx all the time? So free ah?


2019-11-16 22:47 | Report Abuse

Calvin, wait lah 1.5 cents


2019-11-16 19:06 | Report Abuse

Cash rich NETX invest 50mil to PUC when. Cash eq is around 32mil. Where the cash comes from?


2019-11-16 18:59 | Report Abuse

Good one, chanky50 and kkl123

U see, corrected taken place last Dec 2018, and that was approx.ly 1 year ago and many stocks have dived to at least 10 years lowest. For example, GAMUDA, dived to 2.03 and look at it today. When it dived, many investors sell it off so quickly and vow never return to the market. Last 2 days, I was having a gathering with friends. Some friends are selling off their stocks because seeing the losses that they find it hard to bare. But I’m not one of these people that will do that. I stay patient.

Warren Buffet said, be fearful when people are greedy.

For FINTEC, should you be fearful ? OR SHOULD YOU BE GREEDY?

not many people see the true value of FINTEC at this present time because according to TA, it’s a complete at KOYAK trend,

So, now it takes time for people like u who are here, still juggling whether or not what I am saying is true.

When at 4 cents, those who hold were butt hurt. Saying they bought at such lousy counter. No prospects and it’s a Goreng company.

At 5.5 cents earlier, people like Johnchew came and caught a stir and twist and blame saying I am punter.

At 6.5 cents, people like Chan kuan long said later will be like vsolar , trick people to buy and later they sell.

At 7 to 7.5 cents,there are people started saying umtooi and aiyoh , why did I sell...

So all these is because u guys wanna sell for small profits!!!


KEEP ACCUMULATING WHILE U CAN. 10 AND 14 is very close soon!!!


2019-11-16 15:22 | Report Abuse

no sign of flying lah


2019-11-16 14:51 | Report Abuse

Tan Sek Eik is also the shareholders of Fintec.


2019-11-16 14:51 | Report Abuse

chanky50, look at the last quarter of Fintec. Yes, the result will be announced this coming Nov.

This applies to Mlab too. Yesterday Mlab have started skyrocketing which Tan Sek Eek is the MD of Mlab.


2019-11-16 14:39 | Report Abuse

I would say, PUC have better revenues, but poor cash flows.

Netx have cash piles.

They teamed up to execute the credit facility.

Market is very illiqud. I think many people are opting for credit facility due to poorer market conditions.

Therefore PUC should see a progress on their Presto app for credit financing by earning interest and Netx will get commissions from subscibers.

Instead of increasing borrowing thru bankers, PUC use PP as a vehicle.


2019-11-16 14:35 | Report Abuse

Netx is another IT company and also a ACE bursa listed company. Recently, there are many penny stocks are doing PP to 3rd party vendors.

PUC have been announcing that they r going into gov-credit facilities earlier this year. So, Netx is like Agent and given commissions to help facilitate the progress of the credit application thru Presto.

What NETX do.
To identify and facilitate the registration and on-boarding of Presto
Users/Subscribers; and
To provide a revolving of funds for the initial and subsequent
disbursement of the micro-finance into the accounts of Presto
Users/Subscribers in the form of PrestoPay Credits.

Invest 50,000,000 into PUC ( I think Netx borrow money to PUClah)


1. To secure all relevant authority licenses for the Initiative;

(b) to secure all relevant contracts with the partners and collaborators for
the commissioning of the Initiative;
(c) to provide the PrestoPay Credits and the digital platform facilities via
the Application to the Presto Users/Subscribers;
(d) to provide and/or support the advertising, marketing and promotions of
the products and services sold on the platform catered for Presto
(e) to provide the framework for the registration and on-boarding of Presto
Users/Subscribers; and
(f) to appoint NetX Digital as a PrestoPay Credits resel to appoint NetX Digital as a PrestoPay Credits reseller to promote, sell and fulfill subsequent PrestoPay Credits top-ups.


2019-11-16 13:59 | Report Abuse

How much does Fintec bought Seacera share price?


2019-11-15 20:29 | Report Abuse

The volumes are incredibly high today. I am caught off guard by the sudden surge and it matched my queue.


2019-11-15 12:59 | Report Abuse

Wonderful Mlab! Good news coming out ?;)


2019-11-15 10:19 | Report Abuse

When u missed the boat and later claim u loss money it's becoz u buy high!