
Daim4u | Joined since 2017-05-23 22:48:39

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2020-09-06 17:21 | Report Abuse

Protasco Chong Ket Pen 30 June, 2020 Q report:
Profit/(Loss) after taxation attributable to:

Owners of the Company (means "you" if you have Protasco shares) - RM1.735 mil.

Non-controlling Interests RM2.792 mil.

Meaning Chong Ket Pen cause Protasco Bhd to "take your money" at the "loss" of Protasco Bhd, to pay outsider (Chong Ket Pen nominee) as a "profit".

That is on top of Chong Ket Pen and Sons fat salaries and fake dividend over year 2014-2020 in "hundred million Ringgit".

Also means Chong Ket Pen siphone cash to pay outside, tp cause outside gain and you loose, for every JKR profit margin made. Remember Protasco is taking crony money from JKR road maintenance work, so if you are not Protasco Bhd shareholder but a Malaysian, the funny money siphoning is also "your money".

Bursa and SC, maybe MACC should confiscate and put this old money looting crock behind bar.

EPF and other smart investors saw this, trash share price ahead of PN17 and close shop.


2020-03-20 08:40 | Report Abuse

Here is an interesting post right from Hong Leong research desk:

Ever since Hong Leong Research saw Chong Ket Pen's wrong doing and illegal money looting scheme right from the beginning of Chong's illegal power gain in year 2015, HL given Protasco Bhd share TP of RM0.18 back in August 2019.


December 2019, CKP in order to polish his son Kenny Chong Ther Nen's promotion as the "Managing Director" of Protasco, Chong manipulated Protasco share price to reach RM0.43 to greet the dimwit. The appointment of Chong junior signifies the end of Protasco JKR Road maintenance monopoly, and the beginning of EPF, PDRM, MACC and Securities Commission probe on Chong and Sons ill-gotten money, sending Protasco right into bankruptcy destiny.

Today Protasco is traded at RM0.11, and once again as predicted, Chong Ket Pen uses "ill-gotten" money taken from Protasco to buy Protasco shares.

To recall, Chong's JKR skimming program is cheating and stealing the money from every single Malaysian. When the probe found out the trails of power abuse and wrong doing by Chong, Chong and sons shareholding in Protasco as well as their ill-gotten money shall be confiscated by government of Malaysia.

As for the obvious suspected fake PPA!M housing scam to cheat bank loans, Chong created a man-made pandemic to send Protasco towards -ve NTA (AKA bankruptcy) when the cover up broke out and the truth shoot up the roof.

Watch out the Chong-19 virus and the up coming outbreak. Already 4 out of 7 Chong's confederate died or fled during the pathogenic period. Who is next casualty before the prime evil got his turn? Ask these people* still sitting on Protasco board and senior management.

Chong's suspected joint criminal enterprise line up:

* Chong Ket Pen (suspect zero, prime evil)
Hadenan Abdul Jalil (died)
Ho Chun Fuat (died)
Lim Yew Ting (resigned)
Mohd Hanif (resigned)
* Kenny Chong Ther Nen (prime evil's son)
* Tan Yee Boon
* Tan Heng Kui

Some research references to trace the suspected criminals post inside Protasco Bhd:

News & Blogs

2020-03-19 13:57 | Report Abuse

Sep 26, 2019 9:56 AM | Report Abuse

OMG! CHAIRMAN Tan Sri Hadenan Abdul Jalil is dead. Earlier was Ho Chun Fuat. Both witness and scapegoat for Chong Ket Pen suspected crime died?

Ever since Hong Leong Research saw Chong Ket Pen's wrong doing and illegal money looting scheme, given Protasco Bhd share TP of RM0.18. That was August 2019.

December 2019, CKP in order to polish his son Kenny Chong Ther Nen promotion as the "Managing Director" of Protasco manipulated share price to reach RM0.40. The appointment of Chong junior signifies the end of Protasco JKR Road maintenance monopoly, and the beginning of EPF, PDRM, MACC and Securities Commission probe on Chong and Sons, heading right into bankruptcy destiny.

Today Protasco is traded at RM0.11, and once again as predicted, Chong Ket Pen uses "ill-gotten" money taken from Protasco buying Protasco shares. When the probe found out the truth and trails of power abuse by Chong, Chong and sons shareholding in Protasco as well as their ill-gotten money, shall be main target to be confiscated by government of Malaysia.

As for the obvious "suspected" fake PPA!M housing scam to cheat banks, that is a possible man-made pandemic to send Protasco NTA to -ve. Watch out the Chong-19 virus, as government probe will always after an outbreak.


2019-09-26 09:56 | Report Abuse

OMG! CHAIRMAN Tan Sri Hadenan Abdul Jalil is dead. Earlier was Ho Chun Fuat. Both witness and scapegoat for Chong Ket Pen suspected crime died?


2019-04-02 01:05 | Report Abuse

Now the focus is the real criminal chong ket pen. If evidence not good enough, can ask him in AGM where the RM300 million protasco debt gone? How CKP and 3 sons got RM200 million into their pocket. How more swindle of RM48mil going to vomid back RM200 million already swindled?

Only sin that this Tey Por Yee did as proven from the evidence is he saved this crook called Chong Ket Pen and yet to send him behind bar. Thousands of Protasco investors got rob by Chong when Tey released the beast. We lost our job in Protasco because of this idiot. That’s stupid and sinful if Tey did not catch Chong to vomid out Chong’s RM200milliok swindled.

Evidence of debt vs CKP swindled wealth:

Where Chong Ket Pen and 3 retard sons swindled Protasco money:

News & Blogs

2019-04-02 00:56 | Report Abuse

Lol. “Also cheat”. Your father chong ket pen criminal just go to jail. Don’t need to paint other people bad to make excuse for his crime. Just answer to the prosecutor where Protasco money goes. Did he took RM4.2 mill salary, and use protasco bought 3 sports car for 3 retard sons. Where his money comes from and buy more protasco shares. If started with illegal money, all his shares and money are illegal.

Life sentence is too light. 3 sons all go behind bar.

CKP belongs to Kwong Tong Cemetery. There is no Hakka Cemetery to fit the Hakka crook heavy bags of stolen money and 3 illgotten sports cars.

News & Blogs

2019-04-02 00:46 | Report Abuse

While business hopefully can be saved, which is hopeless for Protasco, Chong Ket Pen and sons are busy focus cheating Protasco money. Protasco PN17 already CKP still wanted to cheat RM48 million some more. Criminal announce a RPT taking RM48 million cash from protasco is pathetic. Thief declares a theft doesn’t mean legalise the crime. Some people here must be retarted like the corrupted The Edge liepapers to self explain this in covering up their boss Chong Ket Pen. This crook if gets away, Malaysia better go bankcrupt instead of breeding parasites like the chongs.


News & Blogs

2019-04-02 00:36 | Report Abuse

Congrad. Be justice to self reveal. Finally. The crook chong ket pen is going to jail. Life sentence also not enough to repay Malaysian 31 million people’s money stolen by this criminal. https://klse.i3investor.com/m/blog/chongketpencharged/200266.jsp

News & Blogs

2019-03-11 08:34 | Report Abuse

Gone case


2019-03-02 21:06 | Report Abuse

Expert criminal so what? Behind bar soon. Siphone so much money also cannot bring together 6 feets under. Lame robber.

News & Blogs

2019-03-02 21:03 | Report Abuse

Means more siphoning money buying more protasco shares using nominees. Really criminal disregard the law. Matter of time behind bar.


2019-02-28 10:48 | Report Abuse

Holly sheeep.

富达公司兵败如山倒,季度亏损4千4百万,内情揭秘。Losses widen. Protasco Bhd (5070) loss -RM44mil in 4Q, QoQ -5,473.91%, YoY -614.54%. What is Exceptional items?Truth unveil.



2019-02-25 14:17 | Report Abuse

Chong ket pen langgar semua orang. Dia ingat sendiri pandai, lupa lihat cermin.

News & Blogs

2019-02-25 14:16 | Report Abuse

Chong Ket Pen langgar semua orang. Ingat dia sangat pandai. Sendiri belum lihat cermin muka katak sendiri.


2018-12-13 16:39 | Report Abuse

CKP illegal shopping list.
RM70mil surface. Bought him 28% protasco shares. Confiscated.
RM10mil cars and toys for his 3 sons.
RM20mil in Australia few properties.
Half dozen expensive stuff for his mistress.
RM40mil paid His staff and hadenan cover the mouth shut. All frozen. Dreaming. Lol.

Dont dream because CKP ran away instead going jail. Stuborn character maybe he sit waiting for jail term.

What u think?


2018-12-06 22:03 | Report Abuse

CKP greed will force his itchy hand to buy more shares using ill-gotten money. Just watch.


2018-12-05 19:12 | Report Abuse

Finally CKP captured. Too late since he taken all Protasco cash left over debt and many lawsuits coming its way. Pity the small shareholders cheated by this old crook.

News & Blogs

2018-12-04 16:21 | Report Abuse

CKP is going to go in like any other corrupted. There's a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone.

News & Blogs

2018-12-03 15:53 | Report Abuse

Bad enough already, should buy more stocks push up price a bit. Melacca securities said 52cents TP.

News & Blogs

2018-12-03 15:52 | Report Abuse

Did anyone mention Chong Ket Pen or Protasco Bhd? Look and sounds familiar.


2018-12-03 15:46 | Report Abuse

Time to buy average down. Melacca securities said 52 cents.


2018-11-20 23:21 | Report Abuse

Fundamentally zero. But criminal wise CKP has to keep buying. So buy lor keep average down till zero. Lol


2018-11-20 23:20 | Report Abuse

Opps. Go take 6 months accounting class and learn to read proof from within protasco balance sheet.

You bet can do better decision than EPF boys. EPf being cheated by Chong Ket Pen. You smarter we know. Lol.

News & Blogs

2018-11-19 01:02 | Report Abuse

Interesting write up.

Nkk. How you know CKP not investigated? Ask EPF, your money manager toying with your retirement money. Lol

CKP is just a greedy crook, comparable to cockroaches. Maybe Taib’s gardener rank. When time comes it’ll be lock up for good, not just a charge. If you love to charge go buy extra iphone and double charge every night. Apple stock falls so much because lack of lunatic following. Lol


2018-11-08 17:50 | Report Abuse

Or ask EPF. Why EPF voted against CKP in AGM. Trust the big boy. Not old crook.


2018-11-08 17:49 | Report Abuse

CKP finally smoked out of his rat hole. How he made excuse using Protasco also helpless. Question remained why he did not declares he signed some 3 November 2012 personal guarantee agreement to protasco board. He took entire protasco worth billion Ringgit asset through a conspiracy, so CKP took hundred million Ringgit siphoned to CKp own pocket is no surprise. Trust the numbers. No one else.


2018-10-27 18:33 | Report Abuse

Most cash already taken and CKP cannot stop until he burns Protasco together with him. The liar liar train went too fast and too far.

So CKP will keep buying shares using money he took from Protasco. What a smart merry go round plan. Thumbs up and out for the cliff.


2018-10-17 23:35 | Report Abuse

New newbie.
Ckp has no choice. He did too much crime and cbt taken so much money he has to keep buying afraid other people buy and goes into protasco send him to jail 1,000 years. Ckp and 4 sons one shell. His brothers of crime another shell.

Why shell not cell? Because ckp so shameful he has to hide his neck inside the shell.

KHONG326 newbie here,
my opinion.....
if this company is making losses, (ckp) can know n won't keep buying.
17/10/2018 21:32


2018-10-05 10:13 | Report Abuse

Ckp keep taking money from protasco to buy protasco. What an easy stealing fun fair bursa cannot do anything. Lol. Sure goes up. Buy!

Daim4u Told u all ckp will buy. He got so much questionable money. High salary paid by protasco. TP 55, profit 8sen.
19/07/2018 20:08


2018-09-07 23:04 | Report Abuse

The sohai who being cheated by CKP real sohai. So low still selling. Which sohai buy lower than me, I am already sohai, still got more real sohai. EPF? Your money in there? Lolol

Buy 50 weeks ago also can go down some more. This CKP cheated EPF or EPF cheated by CKP? Protasco emptied so fast ruin by CKP just 4 years robbery?

Support a bit lah. Stolen so much money. Really empty until 20sen ke?


2018-08-03 15:06 | Report Abuse

Buy TP 55. EPF sold a lot, sure buy back average down. CKP king of betray. Sure betray Najib lick Pakatan back side. Mother also sell, sure goes up.

News & Blogs

2018-08-01 20:28 | Report Abuse

Old story. Just getting clearer and more accurate, like 1mdb. Now billion Ringgit already the hole inside. Why not just send him behind bar? Small investors stuck at high price and the virus still inside Protasco.


2018-07-19 20:08 | Report Abuse

Told u all ckp will buy. He got so much questionable money. High salary paid by protasco. TP 55, profit 8sen.


2018-07-12 21:29 | Report Abuse

50 below just buy. CKP die die also will average down before he choke to his last breath. TP 55 according to melacca fortune teller.


2018-07-05 10:37 | Report Abuse

Lol. You are right, so supid all the rubbish got monkey watching. Lololol

Buy now cheap. Average down. CKP sure use his illegal money to buy. Like Some people likes to buy cincin. Lol


2018-07-04 19:05 | Report Abuse

Angry because its truth. Can’t find any points which is not right.

Finally authorities caught up with Chong and kaki. Thumbs up.

If those jokers simply made up story and want to buy cheap, then good for everyone. Go buy more. CKP can buy cheaper so happy what!?


2018-06-27 22:21 | Report Abuse

Everyone in Protasco agree. Procecute CKP, the rest are OK. Like the ex country leader. Else protasco is gone, eaten by CKP. Like the country. Lol

News & Blogs

2018-06-20 09:56 | Report Abuse

Bursa and SC uselss punya anjing. Gigit tulang yang di kasi Chong sahaja, apa lagi tahu. Chong curi banyak wang masuk saku sendiri, boleh bayar polis, bank, surat khabar, JKR dan orang Najib rasuah dan dapat RM4.2 billion JKR contract. Bila di periksa sprm boleh buat “donation” kasi tutup mata Mahathir. Ada banyak saksi JKR tapi bayar sahaja agent Bursa dan SC, kempen makan wang Protasco dilanjutkan sampai habis. 1.50 jatuh sampai 0.50 masih tinggi. Kalau Chong masih belum masuk, jadi kosong je.

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2018-06-11 11:05 | Report Abuse

Freedom of speech can bring down Najib government. Can i3 bring down protasco cronyism and corruption? Nasib baik ada baca i3 jual protasco dulu. Sudah 70% turun, dividen 10 tahun pun tak boleh ganti rugi.

News & Blogs

2018-06-09 20:05 | Report Abuse

Angry because its truth. Can’t find any points which is not right.
Finally authorities caught up with Chong and kaki. Thumbs up.


2018-06-04 12:41 | Report Abuse

Protasco worst than MyEG. MyEG small fly banding Protasco billion billion kontrak. Cari gaji Polis pun billion billion. http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/concernedcronyism/159407.jsp

News & Blogs

2018-06-04 12:36 | Report Abuse

Worst than myEG. MYEG is small fly compare to billions of people money paid "through" Protasco Bhd. Let SPRM finish investigate and return illegal money back to people of Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2018-06-04 12:32 | Report Abuse

Protasco worst than MyEG. Ambil wang rakyat jalan raya umum, sekarang wang anggota polis. "approved" Najib.


2018-06-04 12:28 | Report Abuse

WORST THAN myEG kalau betul ini protasco makan wang polis. Ini SPRM kena cepat sebelum gaji polis di hisap masuk skim cepat kaya protasco.

News & Blogs

2018-06-04 12:23 | Report Abuse

Protasco tak ada beri mana boleh dapat kontrak dari najib? sudah dapat mesti mahu tunjuk sokongan sebelum PRU-14. Betul atau salah tunggu laporan SPRM. Kalau Polis ambil bermakna kongsi sama Chong Ket Pen dan Najib lah. Kalau tidak ambil, pergi cari Chong dan Najib, jangan kacau Polis.


2018-05-31 16:35 | Report Abuse

The son is Chong Ket Pen purposely slot in to take salary. Cost centre.

Problem is like the Barisan Nasional. 1 person only.

Protasco's problem is Chong Ket Pen, and his cronies not gone or captured, no hope. Gone case.

Paid so much to get close to Najib now betray Najib so fast? Traitor.
Your UMNO people still inside Protasco. Resigned?
Cannot go to Tun. Traitor, die faster if go close.
Anwar also hate traitors. Get closer and its suicide.
Go to PAS Kelantan and good luck. Migrate Kelantan please.

Habis cerita, tutup kedai soon.
