***quote***The financial institutions will give evidence that they didn’t know Chong Ket Pen and sons are instructing trades in the accounts, according to the prosecution. ***Unquote***typical malaysia style when a scandal disclosed...TAK TAU.....auditors, bursa, SC, board of directors, main media stream all TAK TAU lei. wakaka
Lol. “Also cheat”. Your father chong ket pen criminal just go to jail. Don’t need to paint other people bad to make excuse for his crime. Just answer to the prosecutor where Protasco money goes. Did he took RM4.2 mill salary, and use protasco bought 3 sports car for 3 retard sons. Where his money comes from and buy more protasco shares. If started with illegal money, all his shares and money are illegal.
Life sentence is too light. 3 sons all go behind bar.
CKP belongs to Kwong Tong Cemetery. There is no Hakka Cemetery to fit the Hakka crook heavy bags of stolen money and 3 illgotten sports cars.
Ask Hadenan Abdul Jalil Chong Ket Pen curi RM4 juta gaji tipu satu tahun betul ke? Board approve Chong Ket Pen curi lagi RM48 juta beli tanah sampah Chong Ket Pen di Tampin ke? Chong Ket Pen guna Protasco bayar gaji buta 3 anak sendiri dalam Protasco ke?
Wang PPAM ada pinjam banyak dari bank ke? Lapor rugi kenapa masih mahu jalan?
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
3,331 posts
Posted by chinaman > 2019-03-31 11:30 | Report Abuse
***quote***The financial institutions will give evidence that they didn’t know Chong Ket Pen and sons are instructing trades in the accounts, according to the prosecution. ***Unquote***typical malaysia style when a scandal disclosed...TAK TAU.....auditors, bursa, SC, board of directors, main media stream all TAK TAU lei. wakaka