
DavidKhoo118 | Joined since 2020-02-17

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in bear market rally,like now, Buy on correction at key supports & Sell into strength at strong resistance,could b safer way to profit.not buy n hold. Where is the support or resistance ? Good qn. !





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2020-05-14 13:17 | Report Abuse

FoolsGold Posted by FoolsGold > May 13, 2020 11:11 PM | Report Abuse X

@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...



14/05/2020 1:09 PM


2020-05-14 13:17 | Report Abuse

FoolsGold Posted by FoolsGold > May 13, 2020 11:11 PM | Report Abuse X

@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...



14/05/2020 1:09 PM


2020-05-14 06:12 | Report Abuse

@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...




2020-05-14 06:11 | Report Abuse

@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...
@Tan2435 tq for ur deep sharing, from the depth of ur heart, All have benefited...




2020-05-12 22:40 | Report Abuse

yummy,yummy,yummy...sedap betul, masakan gerai sini...terima kasih,semoga busness gerai ini kian Maju Jaya...

O ya, member tu tak dpt singgah hari ini, BOSS xfer semua lain tempat hari ini...minta smpai pesan, Jumpa lagi jika umur panjang ye...

Padahal dia ini ada singgah senyap-senyap, malu-malu kuching kut...

Ini olang pelik betul, dah lama tak ambil daging beef dah...smlm tiba-tiba ber tahu, ada niat tak nak ambil semua jenis daging pulak...
Saya cepat-cepat ukur suhu badan,ok jia..37C...
Cuba nasihat dia,slow,slow lah, bole ambil ikan,hasil lautan sementara...
pada saya, telur & susu pun tak ada hal, sbb telur macam bud bunga betina buah, yg tak di pollinated, akan gugur bud tulpas brap ahri. susu yg d ambil lembu tu, tak jejas nyawa lembu kan ?, hanya pendapat saya)


2020-05-01 09:32 | Report Abuse

hello ? u byk panlai, when is the right time to buy/sell ? cakap lah ! we one to go to the new forum alrdy tdy, more happening than this Naim here, at least dont c any 3+1 mahjong table setups , kakaka


2020-04-27 21:57 | Report Abuse

A truely,simply,astonishingly,Amazing event bloom in the non-happening quiet Naim forum, when two forumers had a hilarious & presumably memorable time, in a case of mistaken identities,

when one thought he saw a Wuhan agent from China hiding in the forum and the other assumed the other party , was a US agent, trying to sniff him out.

Both proved resourceful, and managed to bridge the East-West Chasm of different languages,cultures by communicate using the animal languages known to both East n West.

Perhaps, prolong MCO start to take a toll on us, n imagination come to our rescue ?

Or was it the Gods play a joke on us, bcause They care for our wellbeings and saw us start to falter in Good Cheer, Hope & Energy n just spiced things up a bit for us ?

Anyway, thanks for the good memories Guys ! v sure our families n children at home got a Good laugh...kakakaka...

Guess these two enjoy the experience n come back to relish it again....kakakaka


2020-04-25 13:29 | Report Abuse

got anything for 6 days ar? trust u lah, dont trust myself, what happen to me in 6 mths le..


2020-04-24 14:26 | Report Abuse

stklearner why is energy index turn frm -0.8% to up +0.5% n refuse to go down ? Can some experts shed some light, a bit confused..
24/04/2020 12:16 PM

i no expert, but read somewhere tht 'why' will only get u entangled into analysis paralysis.
U only want to get a meal or two here, not stay for supper as well isnt it ? kakaka

maybe, try 1) What is the near-term trend ? ,
2a) if up, what is a safe entry pt, 0.17 c maybe, exit 18.5-19.5 ?
2b) if down, do nothing,look elsewhere lor


2020-04-23 18:41 | Report Abuse

Confused now, lucky dare not buy


2020-04-23 11:42 | Report Abuse

恭喜大哥,您 找到了一個值得爭吵對手, kakaka


2020-04-22 15:13 | Report Abuse

U r a humble but v profitable man, kakaka...


2020-04-22 13:17 | Report Abuse

lets focus on how to make money here, no pt being armchair experts ...kakaka


2020-04-22 13:16 | Report Abuse

bojed Sold everything at 1.12 for ~RM16k profit and swooped in one solid block at 1.09.

This is so unprecedented of me in my 8 years of history as an investor. Recycling the same counter for the fourth time in a row in a span of two months, let alone one year.
22/04/2020 11:17 AM

tq bojed for show us how to dive deep n get treasure in "red sea" , U r good !


2020-04-21 20:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by Lucky81 > Apr 21, 2020 8:24 PM | Report Abuse

Meow really became dead cat now.

Meow got 9 lives le...kakaka


2020-04-21 11:56 | Report Abuse

lucky, i was not too greedy..


2020-04-20 21:13 | Report Abuse

也許,需要問大哥 Zhen0000

我認為是Aug. 2007, 購買的,買了45%。


2020-04-20 20:00 | Report Abuse

Vinc3ntT 想想问Naim持有Dayang几多的股份?

如果沒有錯, 26.42% of Dayang, or 280.3m shares


2020-04-20 19:43 | Report Abuse

kasrim wow.. back to rm1.. pengsan ambe!
20/04/2020 3:10 PM

notice tdy afternoon session, all drop back to sq 1, maybe spooked by Bloomberg news on low,low WTI Oil price n US futures

hope , Naim can retest the lows nxt 2 days, get chance for best buy...


2020-04-20 19:34 | Report Abuse



2020-04-20 11:14 | Report Abuse

lucky, get to cabut...phew...


2020-04-20 10:57 | Report Abuse

any idea where to ??


2020-04-20 10:55 | Report Abuse

lucky, bgt a bit only...


2020-04-20 10:44 | Report Abuse

lucky, got last min. buy...


2020-04-19 21:27 | Report Abuse

wah, so sure, okok, will watch closely...


2020-04-19 19:10 | Report Abuse

will monitor n c can get lower nxt week, tq in advance


2020-04-19 19:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by EviltigerXD > Apr 19, 2020 6:03 PM | Report Abuse

Hi...newbie here...dayang and perdana which 1 be better? If i wish hold it for 1 year

that is a tough Qn, leave it to the experts here, just say tht, pls keep spare bullets, to add at the lows, as there will be Up n Down in the price, in response to +ve/-ve news flow, whc over the longer period, shd be Up...


2020-04-18 16:54 | Report Abuse

JBond007 Having sleepless nights after Uncle KYY revealed that he has sold off his Dayang shares last Friday night. Decided to sell all my Dayang shares on Monday morning & diverted all the money to gloves counters as per Uncle KYY Sat article.
The funny thing happen was all the money loss in Dayang was recovered back in Glove counters, really don't know what to say to Uncle KYY.
18/04/2020 12:10 PM

Good to know U recouped losses in Dayang, by follow Uncle KYY trail to gloves !
actually, it was no need to endure the sleepness nights, if u look at the drone level view :

prospects for O&G sector,esp. Dayang to outperform Gloves/Healthcare sector is v high, going forward.

Heathcare sector closed up +0.77% compared to 1.09% for Energy this week.

the Healthcare index of 1407.37 is an all-time high for 2020, n may see profit-take correction soon, as all the +ves already factor in.

O&G has done well to recover 41% of losses since 19/3/20, index at 726.79 now.
Potential to gain over 45% to recover to feb28 level of 1058.84.

Despite all the gloom n doom on O&G stks now, u see that they r holding their ground n creeping steady up.
It may indicate that the major stakeholders n big funds r die-die hold, so who can sell it down ?

O&G sector is so critical to Msian economy, it is no brainer to assume, the govt will do their best to make sure, it will survive n thrive.
Oil is still relevant to the world economy for the near future, as electric vehicles still not ready to take over yet.

Uncle KYY may now ponder the fact that his huge Sale of Dayang was well absorbed by savvy funds, and hardly dented Dayang price, whc close at 1.28 this week. (compare to 1.30, the week, Uncle KYY sold).

So, dont be surpised, he will come back soon, as US & Europe covid19 fears, seems abating now, hahaha...


2020-04-18 15:34 | Report Abuse

looks like a valuable gem here


2020-04-18 15:30 | Report Abuse

lucky, i did not buy.


2020-04-18 15:14 | Report Abuse

can Naim really have show time, if related Dayang does not dance along ?


2020-04-17 16:18 | Report Abuse

Naim looked stabilised at 60-60.5c support level, waiting for signal frm buddy Dayang to scale higher, like ekovest-iwcity pair.


2020-04-17 12:13 | Report Abuse

looks like the goreng-goreng on penny stks, before short-selling comes back in May, huat ar !

News & Blogs

2020-04-16 22:32 | Report Abuse

hahaha..i no expert, just guess, that's why, "by June.."

News & Blogs

2020-04-16 22:08 | Report Abuse

Tough times are ahead for every country & everyone, make hay while the Sun shine, as this bear market rally may not last long. The Bear could resume by June, when QR results for 1 st Qtr r out.

- IMF Sees Great Lockdown Recession as Worst Since Depression

More than 5 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week, bringing the total in the month since the coronavirus pandemic throttled the U.S. economy to 22 million and effectively erasing a decade worth of job creation.


2020-04-16 15:28 | Report Abuse

aiyaa, shd have waited at 10c as tht Foolgold guy,..lucky got cabut...


2020-04-16 14:51 | Report Abuse

Miz Raya Bloom sharing https://whims2016.wordpress.com/
04/04/2020 6:33 PM

Tq , Miz raya Bloom, ...lucky got BUY !

News & Blogs

2020-04-15 21:56 | Report Abuse

thks ! i feel v safe now, since the baddie has been identify,charged ,judged by all , found guilty n scorn kaw kaw.
all good guys left here...


2020-04-15 21:53 | Report Abuse

lucky, cabut yesterday...

News & Blogs

2020-04-15 13:54 | Report Abuse

anyway, i feel v safe now, since the baddie has been identify,charged ,judged by all , found guilty n scorn kaw kaw.
all good guys left here...

News & Blogs

2020-04-15 13:49 | Report Abuse

i feel v honoured to be amongs the rich retailers here, they easily rival KYY old fox wealth
guess u got sharp eyes, saw the fox's tail...kakakaka

News & Blogs

2020-04-15 09:19 | Report Abuse

the thing is, if we buy/sell based on what someone got vested interest in the share says, its already, our mistake la.
nobody will say bad abt their shares,always good outlook, that is basic la, we must take responsibility for our mistake, not other ppl mistake/fault, then got chance to progress..

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2020-04-15 09:02 | Report Abuse

when made money follow koon, say i'm smart, cabut earlier, when lose, say koon is a conman..


2020-04-15 08:56 | Report Abuse

Ameera Me too stupid.. stuck at 0.43.. hoping this counter to go higher..cheers!!
13/04/2020 12:42 PM

maybe u too trusting n nice to your remisier ? now going up , can av. maa, easier to escape...

anyway, i think, u r v rich, seem to get stuck every stk one,...kakakaka (not being rude la)


2020-04-12 10:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by supertrader888 > Apr 11, 2020 9:57 PM | Report Abuse

Next week minetec will hit 30c !!! Got good news coming !!! Buy and keep !

thks ! supertrader888, always give chun chun call to c.a.b.u.t.. kakaka


2020-04-10 16:01 | Report Abuse

good thing Lucky81 is here, no worries...kakaka


2020-04-10 09:39 | Report Abuse

lucky took profit yesterday