
doitanyway | Joined since 2013-08-18

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2016-02-16 15:38 | Report Abuse

Glad to see few sifus talking yesterday and today. Much much pleasant isn't it sharing views?. As for the others please refrain from wishing bad things to happen to others and it will be less stressful too. Lets help each other to make a little money and if not perhaps lose less money.!


2016-02-15 10:03 | Report Abuse

For the past week there had been lots of communication in this Vivocom forum both good and not so good. Can we do a better job to make this forum a better one? Lets have a truce ok?


2016-02-04 15:57 | Report Abuse

By the way, this forum seemed to be much quieter and peaceful. I am most thankful for the restraint from all ( I apologise for all the above while you all restrained yourselves) . Thank you very much for exercising such patience and lets all hope we can all look forward to better and more rewarding time and experience in this Vivacom forum.

Most thankful to all parties. You all have done a great job Well done all.

Again I apologise for any strong words which I may have uttered in the past.

Happy trading, investing and towards a Happy Chinese New Year.


2016-02-04 15:44 | Report Abuse

Some people " See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil " and similarly like an ostrich which buries its head under the sand. And want to be a responsible forumer ? Calling oneself adult. ?
By keeping quiet and hoping for the thing to get away and not Creating Any Value to help others?
Do continue to do what you think is right. Keep quiet please and please do not respond to me okay ? Because when you bark at me , I might bark back at you and you do not want ppl to look at you like you are crazy not the dog.!


2016-02-04 13:41 | Report Abuse

dividendenshark, ask yourself what you did to help those newbies who just came and joined this forum? Plenty or just an arm chair critic???? I am not an angel and I do not always do the right thing. However my intentions is just to help out so that innocent makes better decisions and not get be greatly influenced by calls of sell sell , crash crash , etc. Now you said the end result is all of your doing. Thank you very much for finally coming out and tell your piece !

By keeping quiet you think all will turn out well ?? You may be right ?

However to pass the buck and blame others and ask people to keep quiet, I beg to differ. Its getting out of hand here and you want us to keep quiet. So may I ask why you choose to voice out now? You should be walking the talk . Keep quiet please ! Very sorry I choose to be blunt now!


2016-02-04 11:44 | Report Abuse

Hello, enough is enough. Please take note that there are lesser comments now in this forum. A lot of people have chosen to be silent. Silence does not mean it is golden. You are out in the open in this forum saying this and that with some curses thrown in. Do you know what the others are doing quietly??? I personally do not and I pray everyone is doing good.

So I suggest that the time has come for you to refrain from doing what you are doing. Putting a curse on others is definitely not good in my opinion. I believe you do not wish for people to put a
curse on you right?

"Do not do to others what you do not want others to do unto you ."



2016-02-04 09:19 | Report Abuse

Hi to whoever is the person spewing out filth and curses in this forum. You can see people are starting to retaliate in some form and perhaps this include me. Just want you to know that I believe many of us do not appreciate reading it and what more with the CNY coming, Lets spread goodwill around during these festive season and perhaps give it an auspicious start for the coming Chinese New Year, Whether you wish to make money from the share price going up North or South, let it be and all I am wishing for is to have some peace and happiness for everyone in this forum. Tqvm.

News & Blogs

2016-02-03 16:59 | Report Abuse

Mr.Koon, thank you once again for taking the time to share. Much appreciated.

News & Blogs

2016-02-03 16:58 | Report Abuse

Someone once said, Happiness is learning to appreciate what we already have rather than wanting what we do not have.


2016-02-03 16:32 | Report Abuse

Well as the price of Vivacom is going nowhere, a "little" joke here and there can perhaps lighten our mood a little. Lets not overdo it ok? while some waiting for the price to come down and others waiting for the price to go up.


2016-02-03 16:20 | Report Abuse

Happyone, you have made my day ! "I ask s____ to fark spider '!!!!! ha ha.


2016-02-03 09:29 | Report Abuse

weewee22, thank you very much for the update. Much appreciated.


2016-02-02 15:24 | Report Abuse

kingkongg33, thank you very much for your "kind" comments. ! Better becareful.You may do and say what you like. However it may not be wise for you to drag buddha into this forum. ok? One day you may not know what hit you and then it will be too late. By the way buddha did not tell me this, so do not bother to ask me ok? bye and happy trading.


2016-02-02 15:02 | Report Abuse

Hi, Just becos you think you are making 10 k, easily there is no good reason to go round trumpeting your success and taunting others! Just only show what type of people you are. TIN KOSONG !


2016-02-01 16:56 | Report Abuse

Hi , do you honestly believe that you derive pleasure out of simply cursing people here in this forum with all the vulgar words ? If you want to make money from Vivacom do it ethically and you might even gain some followers. As it is now do you have any admirers? I urge you to put your education to good use. I believe your teachers, parents and loved ones will be proud of you. As it is now I am not too sure..... Do good my friend and may you win more followers.!


2016-02-01 15:14 | Report Abuse

Hi myview and all other sifus, I personally have had enough of the antics from the so called skunk/skunks. Whether we like it or not, the skunk will be here to stay. What if each time this skunk appear and makes his or so called signature comments we do not argue back and instead just say Comments noted and Thank you very much?. If we can all agree to come out with this or some other agreed comments , I am sure the skunk will get very Pissed and upset. The more we retaliate the stronger the skunk becomes. Perhaps we do the opposite and the skunk will be so bored and hopefully he will leave this forum. What do you all think?


2016-01-28 14:14 | Report Abuse

TQVM tcking and demotedloveangel for sharing.


2016-01-28 09:29 | Report Abuse

Hello skunks, you guys are just sick ! Just like you are wishing Vivocom to crash, are you also wishing that you will fall sick every day???? Why are you spewing filth in this forum? If you want to be a trader, it is your right and we respect that . But to simply spread rubbish whether correct or not in the hope that it will cause people to sell so that you can buy and perhaps make half, one or two cents is simply unethical ! Believe in Karma my friend. One day you will regret your antics ! People will not respect you and you think you are smart ! Very sorry I am being blunt.!


2016-01-24 10:37 | Report Abuse

Successful people ask better questions and as a result they get better results/outcome. When there is a will there is a way. Lets wish Instacom and its team all the best in this New Year which will be full of challenges. When the going gets tough the tough gets going.


2016-01-20 17:23 | Report Abuse

Thank you rongguailin! Good news needed in this market !


2016-01-19 19:30 | Report Abuse

Just want to tell the person/persons concerned to show some respect to the others who may differ in your views. Why issue challenges and involve family members in your post.? You believe people will think you are clever and respect you more? You may be right occasionally and you will never be right all the time. Would appreciate if you could tone down your post. Thank you. Lets have peace here in this forum. Be constructive and you will surely gain more followers.Just my one cent!


2016-01-18 15:06 | Report Abuse

sorry should be stoop down


2016-01-18 15:05 | Report Abuse

Those distractors out there , please respect yourself at least . Why do you have to steep down so low to give bad comments on others.?? If you are so good why waste time here. You should
be out there earning/making big bucks rather than wasting your time here.


2016-01-15 09:31 | Report Abuse

ktsk88, tq for your link. Much appreciated. aceofspade, lets hope that Instacom is the Ace of Stocks in 2016 !


2016-01-14 11:46 | Report Abuse

Hi bunnypro, better not try to smell the skunk ! What you say may come true and all hell will break loose ! ha ha.


2016-01-14 11:05 | Report Abuse

MyView and HL_i3investor, very true! Still holding Instaco and now this forum much more peaceful and which is good and helps a lot.


2016-01-14 10:08 | Report Abuse

Thank you MyView and all the other sifus for your views, posts and advise to people like us to have patience and holding power for successful investment. Buying is easy, its the waiting patiently which is tough. I have this problem and thanks for the constant reminders to be patient.


2016-01-13 18:00 | Report Abuse

Aceofspade, yes we have lost two rock icons ! They will be missed and like you say may peace be with them.


2016-01-13 12:18 | Report Abuse

Hi, aceofspade, link for you.

Very sorry to the others here., Nothing to do with Instacom, but dying to ask .


2016-01-08 09:16 | Report Abuse

Chosen the wrong user name. Not making anything better ! So agree with Myview better stay out...


2016-01-08 09:12 | Report Abuse

Hi makeitgood. May I suggest that if you have nothing constructive to add to this forum, then just lie low and you will not be missed. The world market is already very turbulent and some people may be under stress now, so your comments will not do any good to help ! Very sorry I make this comment, though I recognise that you are entitled to give your comments at any time.


2016-01-06 17:05 | Report Abuse

Happy today is a great and awesome day for all Instaco investors!


2016-01-06 13:21 | Report Abuse

Let's hope for the best. Maybe not good time to blow the trumpet to those who wished for Instaco to crash?. Once they start to appear in this forum all hell will break loose. We had been having some peace of late and hope it remains like this as long as possible.

Hopefully Instaco remain positive and we have something to cheer at the end of the day and to reward our patience.

News & Blogs

2016-01-05 11:23 | Report Abuse

Mr.Koon,your kind intentions and noble deeds will always be appreciated by people who like you say knows and understand what gratitude is.There are always "takers" and these type of people will not appreciate anything in life. They simply cannot understand that we are not GOD and sometimes we can make mistakes and overlook certain issues. They will never be satisfied!

You have our utmost respect !


2016-01-05 11:11 | Report Abuse

aceofspade. I think your comments make sense!


2016-01-04 13:27 | Report Abuse

To the person who is creating so many new accounts only to be banned or have their posts removed, please take note that you are really wasting your time and at the end of the day you would not have achieved your goal. You might have heartache and probably gastric or stomach ulcer as the people here have seen through your game plan. Why don't you use your talent to do something more constructive and beneficial to mankind or people in this forum.


2016-01-04 09:28 | Report Abuse

Yes, happy happy new year everybody.


2016-01-04 09:19 | Report Abuse

Instaco seemed to be moving !


2016-01-03 12:01 | Report Abuse

doitenyway, just want to tell you that I really feel sorry for you. If you care to read properly, No one in this forum, called themselves sifu! They call others sifu BUT not themselves . Go read the past posts and you will know who is telling the truth. Also the majority do not condemn others say bad things about people's family. Also to wish ham kah chan to other peoples' family and call people moron. Also resorting to imitating other people's usernames by just changing one or two letters to make it sound the same.! If you really feel nice doing such things then keep on doing and in the long run reflect again and see what you have gained ok?

By the way just in case I want to wish you doitenyway, Happy New Year 2016.


2016-01-03 00:23 | Report Abuse

myview, cheers. will try my best to help make this forum a better and more rewarding place for all , like what you and the other sifus are doing.


2016-01-02 20:19 | Report Abuse

It really is amazing why some people can come out condemning this and that.! Do they ever respect the employees who are working hard in those companies they are condemning? Also saying the projects are FAKED. ??? If you have proof please furnish it and if not please make sure you have proof in case you get sued by the companies concerned.!


2015-12-31 17:10 | Report Abuse

Dear all Instacom forum members. Wishing you and all your loved ones a Healthy and Happy 2016.

May we also take this opportunity to wish all the management and staff in Instacom too a Happy 2016 and may you all lead Instaco to a better year in 2016, We wish you all well and have the strength to face all the challenges and achieve greater results and success in the coming year.

Thank you too, to all the sifus who had contributed with your knowledge and guidance to make this forum a place to look forward to, each and every day.


2015-12-31 11:05 | Report Abuse

zbaikitree2. Thank you and my best wishes to you and your family too for 2016.


2015-12-31 10:53 | Report Abuse

Welcome back zbaikitree2 !


2015-12-30 09:30 | Report Abuse

olangolang, I must thank and salute you. Terima kasih. You must either be thinking or dreaming of me the whole night and cannot sleep that you wake up so early and at 5,56 am this morning write about me. I am so impressed and flattered. Thank you, tq, tq. Never in my life have I got such a secret admirer or fan.! By the way wishing you a Happy 2016 with Instaco. By the way my cost is not 30 ! Good try. Still have not sold yet and I am not shivering at the moment.

I believe 2016 will be a better year for Instaco . Happy New Year 2016 to all in this forum..


2015-12-29 10:25 | Report Abuse

Myview, I believe Instaco has lots of potential and chances to make money from it is pretty good. Lets hope for the best for all in this Instaco forum.


2015-12-29 10:00 | Report Abuse

Myview, agree with your thoughts and action. Very soon people in this forum will wise up to their intentions.


2015-12-29 09:21 | Report Abuse

Hi hajilokman, this is a public forum and though you are free to voice out your thoughts and comments, please be aware that what you post will be a reflection of you. You may of course think you are smart and funny. Why waste your time here to showcase your talents here.

Anyone giving comments on selling family members is plain crude and revolting.