
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2015-08-19 14:44 | Report Abuse

One wud rather beware the sort who's always trying to bring something down ...


2015-08-19 13:55 | Report Abuse

It all depends on the timing, the value of the stock, the business prospects, luck etc. ...


2015-08-19 13:54 | Report Abuse

Depends on how one plays with one's loan, Mr. Tah. There is no such thing as a 'One shoe fits all' approach ...

I took a loan of 150k, then topped with own money 50k to make 200k ... Within 10 months 200k had become 565k ... Playing warrants ... Yes, that's right, WARRANTS ...


2015-08-19 13:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Aug 19, 2015 11:06 AM | Report Abuse

As long as the country have profound geniuses like DreamConqueror,

Then it will always be all right ... For sure ...


2015-08-08 01:32 | Report Abuse

Derrick dude, tell me what pattern/colour shirt & what pattern/colour pants you will be wearing for your next BoeullShhit Rally, then I can arrange for you to be among da first special group of VIPs to be given a special 2-week free-food & free-board retreat at a very cool, nice resort soon afterward ...


2015-08-07 23:29 | Report Abuse

It's all due to that kontuik idiot dikkhead eggspurt-posing-as-expert BollocksBilis ... He has brought severe suey to this room, with all his daily non-stop bollocksy analyses & predictions ...

IFCA has been in constant downtrending ever since he showed up here ...


2015-08-07 23:22 | Report Abuse

You are well advised to pray for your own, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ... So that you don't ever get hauled up for slander, defamation, incitement & sedition ...


2015-08-07 23:15 | Report Abuse

Aik, looks like Afata's prayers beibg fulfiled ah ... ki ki ki


2015-08-07 23:12 | Report Abuse

Tu la, 20 - 21 pinya jam pun gua sulah selalu kasi cukup banyak subtle hints ... Lagi tak mau pick up itu subtle hints leihh ...


2015-08-07 21:50 | Report Abuse

FifiJalal, how about we go together, you & I, to some cool club some time, we hv some cool drinks & listen to some cool music ... Then we can discuss some cool things, like what stocks are cool, who owns the country etc. etc. ...


2015-08-06 15:51 | Report Abuse

Ya lor, pay GST RM10 in one year, then scream & shout like his grandfather owns the country ...


2015-08-06 15:47 | Report Abuse

If a hyper-rich Saudi multi-billionaire - or a group of hyper-rich Saudi multi-billionaires - wants to donate RM2.6 bil to Ah Jib in his capacity as prez of UMNO & BN, is there ANYTHING wrong with that? ... NOTHING ...


2015-08-06 15:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by TomyamGong > Aug 6, 2015 03:11 PM | Report Abuse

DreamConqueror : as a malaysian, we all knows what is going on to our political of the ways how they handling the country. unproven allegations ? If that is really the case, why don't he sue WSJ ? :)

You make the allegation, you provide the proof of guilt ... It is not Ah Jib who has to prove his innocence ... Or maybe you still hv not understood this principle yet ...

Sue or not sue, that is up to him & his lawyers ... If there is a chance for them to win, why not ...

But you must also remember, WSJ is a powerful WallStreet-backed US organisation ... What if they countersue? ... And which court is going to make the judgement? ... So what if a Malaysian court declares WSJ guilty? ... Who will be going to New York to arrest WSJ's CEO? ... Malaysian Police can ah? ...

One has to take account of these things also, and not simply be screaming & shouting from thinkin with one's arse or dikkhead only ...


2015-08-06 15:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by TomyamGong > Aug 6, 2015 02:58 PM | Report Abuse

Thanks to our pm. Making market crashing.

It's not ah jib who made da market crash ... It was doing fine until early June ...

It's those critics relentlessly attacking him with WILD & UNPROVEN allegations, including CHE DET, & including dudes like YOU, who hv caused da market to crash ...


2015-08-06 15:00 | Report Abuse

Pandai-pandai aja condemn orang, SuperNova & HalimIsBack ni ... Kau orang tu apa contribution to Malaysia ah ...


2015-08-06 14:46 | Report Abuse

Terror tu tak la terror, tapi much more proven than lu la, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ... Klu cakap pun at least boleh backing with proven results & experiences ... tak da la macam kau tu, asyik palu tin kosong aja ...


2015-08-06 13:56 | Report Abuse

KellySGK, with all due respect, you sound like someone comparatively new to the investing world ... If that is really the case, then I would suggest that you take your time to learn the ropes gradually, rather than trying to make a fast buck while risking your precious capital with relatively high risk stocks, including cheap penny stocks ...

I would rather advise you to go through your learning curve with relatively safer & more solid stocks, like at least mid caps or third liners, e.g. stocks like Sunway, IJM, Gamuda, CIMB etc. ... Stocks that even if you get hit with them, you do not get hit too badly ...

Penny stocks are cheap, I admit, and they can even gv excellent returns sometimes, especially if you hit good luck, but they are relatively higher risk, and they are more suitable for the more experienced investor ...

But then again, of course, your money is your money, it is for you to judge & decide ...


2015-08-06 13:24 | Report Abuse

Hi KellySGK ... If you want me to gv you iron-clad 100% guarantee, then I cannot ... But I was playing off around the 20 - 21 range, taking 0.5 - 1 sen profit every time, around the period mid April through to end May, and did manage to make some substantial gains ... Becos I was playing like 800+ big lots ... In fact, my very first round of transaction with Nova gave me 4 sen profit, becos I bought @19.5 and sold @23.5, around late April - early May ...

But my last buy is sangkut sikit la now, beginning from the time market started crashing when che det started attacking ah jib over 1mdb ...

But, personally, I remain positive about Nova, after having been observing its play as an outsider & then actually playing it since early April ...


2015-08-06 10:19 | Report Abuse

As long as one does not take one's remisier's word as God's absolute gospel truth ...


2015-08-06 10:16 | Report Abuse

I live & play in da real world, DerrickDude ... So, I hv to go with da flow, as how it is actually happening in da real world ...

I cannot force the world crude oil price to shoot up, I cannot make the USD go weak, I cannot pacify the China bourse if it wants to descend into anarchy ...

Dat is why I am in Nova for now, while Suma will hv to wait for me to return again later ...


2015-08-06 10:09 | Report Abuse

But if you do sell, KellySGK, you might want to consider putting some of your then newly available cap in NovaMSC ... It looks like holding pretty strongly at around the 14.5 level, and one reckons 20 - 21 is a reasonably easily achieveable target once da market recovers ...


2015-08-06 10:04 | Report Abuse

Oh yeah, da market will listen to yer begging, KellySGK ...


2015-08-06 10:02 | Report Abuse

Speaking of pump & dump, the pumpers are more & more losing ammo ... While the dumpers keep getting fresh bullets, like low oil price, strengthening USD, China stock market chaos etc. etc. ...


2015-08-06 09:55 | Report Abuse

And you think beautiful babe like only crispy clean goody-two-shoes boy ah ... No la ... She prefer sweaty, grimy, strong, robust gangsta man ...


2015-08-06 09:49 | Report Abuse

Ya lor ... You clean like angel la hor ... But if like angel cannot be pm leihhh, you know or not ...


2015-08-06 09:06 | Report Abuse

A hot enchantress ... She could make you blissfully happy ... Or she could burn you & give you sorry sorrow ... Better get the Goddess of Fortune on your side first, if you wanna jump in into da love boat with her ...


2015-08-06 08:58 | Report Abuse

Uh uh, not so fast, dude ...

If you mean playing index futures using margin facility, better forget it ... It would kill ya completely after 3 - 4 rounds of heavy forced selling ... Someone talking from bitter real life experience here ...


2015-08-06 08:35 | Report Abuse

Conquer, how to run ... Dia orang ni klu kena ikat dgn tali, boleh hurai itu tali & then run ... Tapi dia orang ni sudah terikat emotionally & mentally, so cannot hurai itu bond & run, wely wely difficult one ...

ki ki ki


2015-08-05 21:45 | Report Abuse

Especially bollocksy, wimpy-weedy, cowardly, kontuik-idiot, eggspurt-posing-as-expert, dikkhead-jackarse spinners like BollocksBilis ...


2015-08-05 21:39 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-08-05 21:37 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-08-05 21:23 | Report Abuse

That's why la, kontuik dikhead DickyMe ... Until you hv managed to learn the mature, gentlemanly ability to chill & inspire your mind, soul & spirit with the sights & sounds of cool, beautiful, elegant women, then you are not ever going to get very far in anything in life ... including in stock investing ...


2015-08-05 21:08 | Report Abuse

Lu mana faham in hal, kontuik idiot dikkhead greenhorn newbie DickyMe ...Cakap lebih juga ...

Orang main penny stock bukan main 20 lot serupa lu, woi ... Kurang-kurang pun 1,000 big lots ... Baru la ada hasil yg berbaloi ... Klu half sen pun sudah dapat 5k ... Klu satu minggu dapat 1 kali pun, sudah okay, satu bulan sudah 20k ... Tu macam la orang cool-steady punya main, April aja dapat 32k, May pulak dapat 15k, Jun - July sangkut sikit 1mdb & chedet punya pasal pun okay la, sudah bikin profit in advance lagi ... Lu apa tau ...

Klu lu pulak, apa jadi dekat Suma, sangkut without having made any profit at all ... Ha, whose game play is better then, dude ... Mana boleh main satu style aja, woi ... Kena constantly vary & tukar-tukar tactics & strategies to suit the situation & optimise the results, woi, lu mana tau apa-apa ... Kontuik idiot dikkhead juga ...

Lu kokak kichit mayong punya small time trader mana tau main ini macam ... Hati tu pulak penakut kontuik macam tikus, mana la nak jadi apa-apa pun, serabut kepala juga lebih ... Cakap aja besar, cakap aja lebih , macam la dia tu pandai sangat ...

Lagi hari-hari tunggu orang kasi dikky sama dia juga ...


2015-08-05 19:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Aug 5, 2015 04:49 PM | Report Abuse

richkid : you are hitting on the million-dollars question that is on everybody mind now viz, "whether there is still a "significant "push come August "good" result? or whether game over?

I think the most important factor come in the push-arrangement between the owner and his hired agent (the CROOK)

----- if the arrangement is off,then your 0.675 scenario will be likely even tbeng 0.60 azrin 790/535 all become possible.....the price will keep DRIFTING lower and lower for the next 6 moths....

BUT if the push-arrangement is still on--which by today's price behaviour around 0.87 +/- 0.05 the CROOK still there booking the sellers ask bids--

i think this 0.87 +/- 0.02 (today/now ) is very significant as i posted yesterday below.......

The usual bollocks analysis from a bollocksy analyst ... Lagi bikin suey sama ini IFCA ever since he started visiting this IFCA room & messin his kontuik idiot dikkhead arse about in it ...

So, BollocksBilis, when are we gonna hv our man to man contest then ... You hv already backed out of a physical contest at the gym, with your tail between your legs and trying hard to get into hiding in your stinkin kontuik dikhead arse ... You wimpy weedy cowardly kontuik idiot eggspurt-posing-as-expert dikkhead jackarse ...

So now you can keep searching for another type of contest that you can struggle with against me ... But you are still gonna get beat ... And get beat big time too ... Dude


2015-08-05 19:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Aug 5, 2015 04:07 PM | Report Abuse

wat for sapu mmc corp? I want ppl donate me also RM2.6 million... no need billion :D

You can be pm ah ... How you can ... You where got talent one ... Every day only know to whine whine, moan moan, groan groan only, about everything under the frekkin sun ...

Only always mention this problem la, dat problem la, but never can offer any viable & constructive solution ... How to be pm like this one ...


2015-08-05 11:42 | Report Abuse

Tu la, DS, klu itu hari lu lingat gua pinya subtle hints ah, lu sulah juai @21 leihh ... Now lu bili balik @ 16.5 ah, sulah net gain 4.5 sen leihh ...


2015-08-05 10:56 | Report Abuse

If I was so rigid about these kind of things, DS, I would hv ended up not selling my Suma WB @17.5 when it spiked in early April, which in fact enabled me to buy back @13.5 when it dropped again, then to sell again @14.5 ... Then I migrated to Nova and made quite a handsome sum with Nova in April & May ...

Whereas, if I had only held on passively & defensively to Suma WB, it would be worth only 9.5 - 10 today ...

Gotta start learning to play a more flexible, more agile game, DS ... Like Manchester United, Chelsea, Real Madrid & Barcelona ...


2015-08-05 10:50 | Report Abuse

PE is only for general guidance la, DS ... But short term price actions are not dictated by PE ratio, but by preferences of traders & investors ... And these keep changing & varying all the time ...


2015-08-05 10:03 | Report Abuse

Come buy Nova also la, DS ... Buy Nova @14.5, then sell @15.5 ... Then come back buy Suma @16.5, later sell @ 17.5 ...

Then repeat again ... And again & again ...

Like this play leihhh ... baru la boleh pigi enjoy KFC hari-hari ...


2015-08-05 09:52 | Report Abuse

Too many cold fish investors like Leo218, how to make volume ...


2015-08-05 09:48 | Report Abuse

Ha! Sulah naik half sen leih ... Awal-awal pagi lagi sulah naik leihh ... Itu hot babe vids pinya pasat lor ... Lia kasi ong lor ..


2015-08-05 09:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamConqueror > Aug 5, 2015 09:15 AM | Report Abuse X

Yes, he is a funny-nutty kontuik dikkhead idiot who sometimes thinks that he is smarter than Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein ... Maybe he is good for your entertainment, I guess ...


2015-08-05 08:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by ikanbilisbilis > Aug 5, 2015 07:03 AM | Report Abuse

DreamCon: You are such a low class animal that exposed your true nature,it's not even fit to waste time on....
r u bilisbilis?

Do you know how to read & understand a forum post? ... No, I am NOT BollocksBilis ... I am DreamConqueror ...

The low class animal eggspurt posing as expert - who like to call any other dude who disputes whatever bollocks he says in all his bollocksy analyses & predictions as a 'low class animal' - is BollocksBilis ...


2015-08-05 08:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by leo218 > Aug 5, 2015 05:06 AM | Report Abuse

Some people are jus can't control themselve n keep posting disgusting video here. Dead fish go f yr self la.

Why disgusting ... These are excellently suitable material for gentlemanly investors who wanna chill from time to time ...

I dead fish ah ... No la, you dead fish la, see hot babe vids also got no effect one ... There's a special name actually, for someone like this ... Cold Fish ...

It describes someone like you perfectly ... Look it up in the dictionary some time ...


2015-08-04 23:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Aug 3, 2015 04:26 AM | Report Abuse

You are such a shaming disgrace to your community ,your culture and your civilisation.... so low in in Emotional Maturity that you forgot this is an internet forum for exchange of ideas and intellegence, not a sakai era or sakai in jungle where you have to use any brain you have as a result of any TRUE EDUCATION you gone through at the expense of the government and the country....

You are such a low class animal that exposed your true nature,it's not even fit to waste time on....

And your grammar is all topsy turvy too ... Where did you learn it, one wonders ... In some dinghy second hand old apek kopitiam in Jinjang, could be ...


2015-08-04 23:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 31, 2015 02:53 PM | Report Abuse

baca ini kalao lagi tak faham....bila suda faham saya panngil DATUKKONG kasi tip orang orang kampung sumatec ..ok? :

He's becoming PARANOID now ... Descending into PARANOIA .. Oh yesss ...

While his bollocksy stock analysis & predictions hv gone all the more chaotic & topsy turvy ... Not that it ever had any much credibility & integrity in the first place, anyway ...

He's beginning to think that every bad post directed at him by God knows who is from me now ... Ha ha ... All signs & symptoms of early stage dementia & mental collapse now, that kontuik dikkhead dude ...

Now we'll all wait & see him progress into the next stage in the Land of Loon, shall we? ...

Now, kontuik dikkhead BollocksBilis, allow me to quote your favourite quote back at you: 'Those whom God wants to destroy, He first makes mad' ... Ha ha, God is workin his work on you now, dude ...


2015-08-04 23:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-08-04 23:05 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-08-04 22:53 |

Post removed.Why?