
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2014-08-16 12:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by sumatecidol > Aug 16, 2014 12:06 PM | Report Abuse


The writer described Suma a 'debt-laden' company ... Apparently she has not done her homework well enough ... Suma is now DEBT FREE ... It is NO MORE a 'debt-laden' company ...


2014-08-16 12:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by AyamTua > Aug 16, 2014 11:23 AM | Report Abuse

doji = doggy = hapless hen (Dato Sri DH theory) hihihiihihihihihhiihi.. doggy I LIKEEEEE ! kakakaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

'hapless' = 'luckless', 'unfortunate' ... The pretty young hen was not that 'hapless', actually ... coz she wanted it too, she enjoyed it too ... It's just the way of nature ... Otherwise, there would be no procreation ... LOL


2014-08-16 11:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by AyamTua > Aug 16, 2014 11:39 AM | Report Abuse

@DreamHunter : I may look joking but really.. cannot tahan.. sometime I read forum do decision making ... kalau orang KURANG YAKIN.. anyone who read shit, will BELIEVE SHIT.. so BETTER BELIEVE POSITIVE no matter how BAD FUNDAMENTAL... amin!

Gua tengok ini macam saja, Datuk AT ... Kita nak promote stock ni pun tak jauh beza drpd nak promote nasi lemak, klu kita berniaga nasi lemak la kan, buat mithalan aja ...

Klu kita menjual nasi lemak, kita kena kata itu nasi lemak sedap ka, atau kita condemn dia, kata dia tak sedap? ...

The answer would hv been obvious ... Kita kena kata dia sedap la, dia cun melecun la, ada banyak vitamin & minerals la, baik untuk kesihatan la, bikin kulit cantik la, bikin rambut hitam la, bikin mata terang la, bikin telinga tajam la, boleh kasi extra power la, boleh kasi awet muda la, blah blah blah ... cam tu la lebih kurang kan ... buat mithalan aja tu ...

Tapi klu asyik duk kata dia 'tak da la sedap sangat' la, 'setakat buat alas perut aja boleh la' la, 'cepat basi' la, 'tak boleh simpan lama' la 'kadang-kadang bikin sakit perut' la, 'kasi naik BP sebab tinggi kolesterol' la, blah blah blah ... klu cam ni, banyak ramai orang mau mari beli ka ... Tak da banyak ramai la kan ....

Ha, itu macam saja lor ...


2014-08-16 11:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by AyamTua > Aug 16, 2014 11:37 AM | Report Abuse

going to cabut from SEACERA and HENTAM SUMATEC ini macam.... at least ada orang sini CAKAP BAGUS ... tiap tiap hari down la, cakap down la.. aiyo.. BEY TAHAN INI JIWA.... kikikiki

Looks like Seacera's loss will be Suma's gain ... LOL


2014-08-16 11:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by AyamTua > Aug 16, 2014 11:31 AM | Report Abuse

i hate seacera forum .. manyak faith lack... hihiihi sudah naik RM1.00 masih complaint like shit...

Some folks just hv to whine ... and you know what happens to bad WHINE ... gets worse with age ...


2014-08-16 11:20 | Report Abuse

Costing will be no sweat ... HS is a veteran accountant ...


2014-08-16 11:18 | Report Abuse

The other small wells hv now become just 'warming up' and 'appetiser' prior to the 'main course', which for sure is gonna be BE ...


2014-08-16 11:14 | Report Abuse

The main thing is to ensure that BE acquisition stays well on track, and perhaps to start designing the systems and infrastructure to actualise and realise the vast potential of BE ...


2014-08-16 11:05 | Report Abuse

Why worry about the small ones, when one now has a vast one ... Borneo Energy is the big deal now ... the rest has become miniscule in comparison ...

BE is what has been driving Suma's price to 56 ...


2014-08-16 10:57 | Report Abuse

Ring, Borneo Energy ... making 30,000 barrels per day (bpd) production, RM1 bil per year profit, for Suma, in 2018 ...


2014-08-16 10:49 | Report Abuse

Just a personal opinion, but I do not believe that PN17 lifting is that critical to Suma's price development the way things are going right now ...

If PN17 exit happens, then all well and good ... But if it does not, it won't hurt Suma's price progress at all ... OTOH, the rumour about impending PN17 lifting will remain rather than transforming into fact, thereby continuing to fuel interest in Suma among investors ...

In the investing world, rumour is in fact more powerful than fact (excuse the word play) ... just do not forget that ...


2014-08-16 10:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by Victor Valdez > Aug 16, 2014 02:33 AM | Report Abuse

Kak Noraini..Of coz..since im in the shipping industry..will guide you to choose the best yachts for us ;-)

Hola Senor Dreamhunter..Perdona mis castellanol. Hablo un poco de castellano espanol.

Victor, cud you translate the Spanish parts into English please .. I only know that 'hola' = 'hello', and 'Senor' is 'Mister', 'espanol' = 'Spanish' ... other than that, perhaps 'como esta?' = 'how are you?' ...


2014-08-16 02:26 | Report Abuse

Hittin the sack again ... Later skater, alligator ...


2014-08-16 02:24 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-15 23:55 | Report Abuse

Datuk AT dah siap siaga nak training ngan pump tu ... LOL


2014-08-15 23:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by SANG-JERO > Aug 15, 2014 11:43 PM | Report Abuse

Eden dah konfirm kayo jadi cucu angkat Noraini.....ha...ha...ha...

Ekau jadi cucu angkat ajo, apo ekau boleh buat ... Eden jadi grandson-in-law, kawin samo Nooraini punyo cucu ... Ha, jauh lain cito tu ... LOL


2014-08-15 23:44 | Report Abuse

Talk to your remisier about post-RI dilution, Ozzie, and understand it ...

When you understand it, then you'll know better what the best thing to to do is ... otherwise you could be just like a fish out of water when it's impact hits you ...


2014-08-15 23:39 | Report Abuse

Expert siut wor ... from 500k become 10 mil wor ...


2014-08-15 23:38 | Report Abuse

'about @6 drn' = 'about 26 sen'



2014-08-15 23:37 | Report Abuse

Post-RI, the price of Suma as it came back on stream and became tradeable again was initially about @6 drn, IIRC, so I was on 2 sen loss initially ... But that was now all history ... Mother is now 56, and WB is 50, taking peak prices ...


2014-08-15 23:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by ozzie75 > Aug 15, 2014 11:17 PM | Report Abuse

I have not subscribed to any rights previously. Are they transferable? Read much about post right dilution effect, but if it is in excess of my unit cost, it should not be a bother to me.

A Rights share is something you qualify for on the basis of existing shares that you hold ...

For example, in the previous Suma RI, 10 existing shares one holds entitles one to 41 Rights Shares, which one can apply for and then buy at a special privileged price.

In my case that time, I had 100 big lots of ordinary Suma shares (average cost price 73 sen per unit), which entitled me to 410 big lots of new Suma Rights shares, which was then offered at 17.5 sen per unit ... Then I also applied for a further 40 big lots of Excess Rights shares, also at 17.5 sen ...

So I ended up owning 590 big lots of Suma Mother, which brought my average cost down to about 28 sen ... which then qualified me to about 133 big lots of free newly issued WB Warrants, which came on stream at about 14 sen, IIRC ...


2014-08-15 23:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Aug 15, 2014 11:19 PM | Report Abuse

siapa kata Rm2.50? RM10 la bro.... Oil deposit in Borneo aset is gigantic.... Gali sampai tak boleh habis....

Ai, Derrick, lu ni kejap cakap cam confident gila ... kejap lagi cam nak nangis aja ... LOL


2014-08-15 23:21 | Report Abuse

No disrespect to charts and waves, but I never ever used one in all of my investing life ... LOL

They're only relevant to short term traders I believe ...


2014-08-15 23:16 | Report Abuse

Sacrificing something small to gain something much bigger is always in good order ...


2014-08-15 23:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by Slick > Aug 15, 2014 11:11 PM | Report Abuse

I totally agree, I liquidated and sold all my SONA and picked up Suma.
Also liquidated my gold investment at a loss for the same investment.
It was risky, but it w as the right call!

Yes, dude ... As an investor, sometimes we hv to make this kind of tough, brave decisions ...


2014-08-15 23:14 | Report Abuse

Bro Strategisst dah lewat nar dah ... Klu nak jugak kena tunggu cicit besar dulu la kut ... heh heh heh ...


2014-08-15 23:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Aug 15, 2014 10:59 PM | Report Abuse

DH ...... After lifting PN17 you might want to consider convert your daughter to mother.....
In future mother will then start giving dividend, bonus.......nanti dapat tengok aje....

My current game plan is to exit completely from my WB at around the best maximum price after PN17 exit, maybe around a month or so before deadline for accepting new RI (IF it's confirmed) ... If can get RM1 or more that time would be great ...

Then I'll wait until RI exercise is completed, and buy back in into new warrants (maybe WC?), soon after new RI shares come on stream and become tradeable ...

Dividends and bonuses, I consider them negligible compared to stock appreciation, so I don't wanna worry about them ...


2014-08-15 23:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Aug 15, 2014 10:49 PM | Report Abuse

SJero ......you jadi cucu angkat pulak lah......hi hi hi
DH .... TP 1.50 cukup lah for me ...... I dah plan dgn Victor Valdez nak beli Yacht kat Spain.....
jgn marah.......

Aik, tak tau pulak VictorValdez orang Spain ... dia orang Portugis Melaka dari Alor Gajah ja kut ... LOL


2014-08-15 22:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by Slick > Aug 15, 2014 10:29 PM | Report Abuse

DH, about making maximum profit...
I mean how forte does an opportunity like this come along, right?

Once in a lifetime, perhaps?

Well, one could get lucky and come across several at the same time, even right now ...

I mean, I bought EAH at 12 about 5 weeks ago, and sold it back at 11 to get back into Suma WB at 27.5 (which I had sold earlier at 24) that time, becoz Suma was then surging up fast ...

And today EAH peaked at 18 (50% rise from 12) ...

Fortunately for me, Suma WB has also risen to peak of 50 (81% rise from 27.5) ...

Point is, news and happenings about EAH is not as prevalent or as abundant as about Suma, so for me it's more difficult to make a long term decision on EAH than on Suma, for instance ...


2014-08-15 22:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Aug 15, 2014 10:30 PM | Report Abuse

DH ....x payah lah confirm benda macam ni ......nanti orang bilang kita riak pulak........
the main thing ....work harder to be my future cucu in law........hi hi hi

Okay, gua faham la tu ... maksud tersirat dalam cakap berlapik tu ...

Gua tak anggap sebagai riak, tapi lebih sebagai motivation and encouragement ... Dalam bidang wealth building & wealth managment, tak timbul isu riak atau megah sombong ... kita sekadar menimba ilmu ...


2014-08-15 22:50 | Report Abuse

Once in a lifetime, perhaps?

Well, one could get lucky and come across several at the same time, even right now ...

I mean, I bought EAH at 12 about 5 weeks ago, and sold it back at 11 to get back into Suma WB at 27.5 (which I had sold earlier at 24) that time, becoz Suma was then surging up fast ...

And today EAH peaked at 18 (50% rise from 12) ...

Fortunately for me, Suma WB has also risen to peak of 50 (81% rise from 27.5) ...

Point is, news and happenings about EAH is not as prevalent or as abundant as about Suma, so for me it's more difficult to make a long term decision on EAH than on Suma, for instance ...


2014-08-15 22:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by Victor Valdez > Aug 15, 2014 10:13 PM | Report Abuse

Kata mau pecah wall 0.60c kena la pekik yo...hahahha

Klu setakat jerit tempik ja tak boleh pecah wall, Victor ... Kena shoulder charge ataupun libas ekor ngan GODZILLA baru la dia pecah ...


2014-08-15 22:23 | Report Abuse

Noorani masih tak nak officially confirm lagi tu ... 500k becomes RM10 mil punya cita tu ...


2014-08-15 22:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by AyamTua > Aug 15, 2014 10:11 PM | Report Abuse

... holding the hapless hen down with its beak and claws ...

Paruh dia patuk and pegang hen punya kepala, dan tekan ke bawah ... dia punya claws pulak clutching hen punya wing limbs on both sides, hampir dekat shoulder region ... Tu la caranya secara terperinci ...

Tapi orang yg tak pernah bela ayam dia punya bayangan tu samar-samar aja kan ...

Ni betul authentic cockerel punya style ni ... jangan cakap gua bikin satire sindir humans pulak ... LOL


2014-08-15 22:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-15 22:08 | Report Abuse

So, confirm la, Nooraini kan ... From 500k become RM10 mil ... kan? ...


2014-08-15 22:05 | Report Abuse

Datuk AT cam confident nar boleh handle tu ... Tapi dia pulak dah cam tak berapa kuat ja ... dah kena rely on viagra ngan pump tu, cam na pulak tu ...


2014-08-15 22:02 | Report Abuse

Tapi Datuk AT pulak jadi mertua tiri gua ... kena panggil dia 'bapak' la pulak klu cam tu ... LOL


2014-08-15 22:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by Marl Boro Man > Aug 15, 2014 09:56 PM | Report Abuse

AT got sugar mummy
DH get sugar nenek
hahaha.... just kidding guys

Sudah la dapat kawin sama 21 year old girl ... Lagi dapat RM1 mil utk tambah gua punya investment in WB ... kaw kaw punya arrangement tu ... LOL


2014-08-15 21:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by AyamTua > Aug 15, 2014 09:50 PM | Report Abuse

did I hear 10m correctly ??? oh my lovely simu... i want you to be my sugar mummy... me - all style can.. fullfils all desires.. ha..ha..ha..

But you're too late now, dude ... Gua oredy first in line to marry Nooraini's cucu, when she turns 21 ... LOL


2014-08-15 21:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Aug 15, 2014 09:39 PM | Report Abuse

DH.....Trust Fund....is the fund I place in Cimb Invesment to trade in bursa.....
My capital Rm 500k.....I do not hold stocks more than this amount......over the years .made capital gains & profits but left this in Cimb Inv as a buffer for my intraday ........ so I do intraday based on the trust fund available......

So, okay lemme get this clear ... So, with this 500k Trust Fund in CIMB as a kind of collateral, you play 500k intraday regularly on Bursa, and you've already made accumulated profits of RM10 mil, right? ...


2014-08-15 21:39 | Report Abuse

I memang tak da pakai margin, Nooraini ... Tanya ja, kut-kut la ada orang yg skilful sampai boleh pakai margin dan tak kena sebat ...


2014-08-15 21:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by Marl Boro Man > Aug 15, 2014 09:25 PM | Report Abuse

Yeah DH... thx.... the writer dare not give any predictions like our Sang Jero, YK John and others... hehe. But at least its good for those who have no idea on sumatec or those who still have negative perception on the new suma...

Well, for those newbies who are easily impressed by pretty lookin charts, perhaps ...

And he probably still does not know all that much about Suma and HS' detailed game plans ... unlike us ... LOL


2014-08-15 21:24 | Report Abuse

'trust fund' meaning 'unit trust' ka ...


2014-08-15 21:20 | Report Abuse

'30,000 per day production' = '30,000 barrels per day (bpd) production' ...



2014-08-15 21:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Aug 15, 2014 09:13 PM | Report Abuse

Rooney......my TP 1.50 June 2015............baru I defrost Suma bot during right issue October 2013... .... Meantime I syiok2 je try my skill on intraday.....

Lu tak mau tunggu 2018 geh, Nooraini ... My TP RM7.50 for 2018 ... with 30,000 per day production and RM1 bil per year profit ... with Borneo Energy in the Suma bag ...


2014-08-15 21:14 | Report Abuse

Lu main intraday pakai margin geh, Nooraini ...


2014-08-15 21:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by Marl Boro Man > Aug 15, 2014 09:04 PM | Report Abuse

Any comment on this? Going for uncharted teritory? http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/RandomTrading/57681.jsp hehe

Well, to be completely honest, and with all due respect, that dude is not really saying anything new ... What he wrote, we have all been discussing here every hour, every day ...

But he definitely is a HS admirer and Suma believer, just like the majority of us Suma regulars here in this Suma room ...


2014-08-15 20:59 | Report Abuse

Mana itu VictorValdez ... lagi belum kasi dia punya thrash metal tune ... Cakap saja dia fan of thrash metal, tapi tak mau kasi kita cuba dengar ... LOL