
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2014-08-10 14:55 | Report Abuse

You can guarantee 100% that your prophecy will turn out correct ah, ThinkBig ... LOL


2014-08-10 14:49 | Report Abuse

OptimusX8 now, is he? He was OptimusPrime some time back, if my hunch is right ...

Well, I'd give him a wide berth if it's the same dude ... Bad news ... LOL


2014-08-10 14:45 | Report Abuse

YOLO? Ummm, like, what on God's earth is that ... LOL


2014-08-10 14:43 | Report Abuse

I'm not sure where the phrase actually originated from, could hv been Japan itself, but that was the first time I heard it said ...


2014-08-10 14:36 | Report Abuse

Conn, we were in Tokyo for some short Japan-sponsored course ... about 7 years ago, and one of our Japanese hosts was going on about the frequent occurrences of 'karoshi' i.e. sudden death from severe overwork among Japanese office workers ...

So my boss just casually quipped, in his usual casual, humorous way, that the reason for that was that those guys who died were overly serious types, and that they did not participate often enough in karaoke. Whether that observation was accurate or otherwise was something else, though.

Anyway, 'If you karaoke, you're okay', he said, and he got a big laugh from the Japanese ...


2014-08-10 14:26 | Report Abuse

Will make oil price spike up ... therefore also make Suma price spike up ...

That is all Suma investors and players need to know ... We can forget about FBM-KLCI or DJIA ...


2014-08-10 14:19 | Report Abuse

Conn, one of my ex-boss' favourite catch phrases: 'You karaoke, you're okay' ... Good, ain't it?


2014-08-10 14:09 | Report Abuse

You tried joining in with the screaming, wailing crowd, Conn ... Like the man said, if you can't beat em, join em ...

Would be good exercise for your lungs ... in addition to temporarily indulging your singer fantasies ... your NB or Francis Yip fantasies ... LOL


2014-08-10 14:04 | Report Abuse

Ya lor, 99Kandar ... bukannya kita nak tunjuk lagak ka, nak tunjuk hebat ka ...

Sebabnya simple aja, klu ada negative story atau rumour spread wild and uncontrolled, then cause price drop of 1 sen, gua dapat RM10k paper loss ... klu 5 sen, RM50k paper loss ... Mana boleh tiam-tiam tutuk punya ini macam ...

Klu actual market forces tu tak pa la, yg itu kita tak boleh buat apa kan ...


2014-08-10 13:58 | Report Abuse

Corr, blimey ... I thought shares were monotonous ... LOL


2014-08-10 13:53 | Report Abuse

Conn, seriously ... you never been in one? Go on, you're just havin me on ... just pullin my leg now ...


2014-08-10 13:36 | Report Abuse

Gua gang Halim Saad geh ... Wow ... Whoa ...

Klu itu macam gua boleh hantam kurang 50,000 big lots of Suma Mother la ... instead of a meagre, miserly 1,000 big lots of WB ...


2014-08-10 13:25 | Report Abuse

Waaahhh, banyak pandai cakap lu ah ... Ada sudah berapa orang mati gua tembak geh ... Ada 30 orang ka ... atau 50 orang ka ...

Lu mari masuk Suma room la ...


2014-08-10 13:23 | Report Abuse

Big joker of the day ah ... What about you ... taiko's son disguised as smart short term trader ...


2014-08-10 13:20 | Report Abuse

Not so absurd ... Not at all ...


2014-08-10 13:19 | Report Abuse

Well, HS has the O&G close contacts, the wider industry networking, the financial muscle, and not a little political-corporate support on his side ...

So, such an idea might not be absurd, after all ...


2014-08-10 13:14 | Report Abuse

They got a UMA query oredy? Oh dear ...


2014-08-10 13:12 | Report Abuse

Could be an ombak ... could be just a small ripple ... or could be a vast tsunami ...

Pick your guess ...


2014-08-10 13:07 | Report Abuse

Anyone wants more rumour?

How about ... ummmmm, uhhhhh, ohhhhh, welllll, ehemmm ... HS buying out Mokhzani's 14% stake in SKPetro ...

Naaaaahhh ... wouldn't make sense ....

Ummmmm ... wait ... would it?


2014-08-10 12:56 | Report Abuse

Woi, TomTom, lu ata tengar itu SHJF punya nacihat geh ... Lu tengar butut-butut ah ... Manyak bagus kaw kaw punya nacihat itu wor ... LOL


2014-08-10 12:45 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-10 12:33 | Report Abuse

Kasi sama itu TomTom la ... dia yg banyak takut sama PN17 ... LOL


2014-08-10 12:29 | Report Abuse

Lu kasi advise sama siapa tu, SHJF ... Make sure you don't give it to the wrong man ... LOL


2014-08-10 12:27 | Report Abuse

Like I said, whether PN17 exit happens fast or not so fast is no big deal ...

The big deal is that the rumour stays strong ... THAT is actually what drives the market and the price, and keeps them moving ...


2014-08-10 12:22 | Report Abuse

Bila announce tu ... as long as it's not out on paper, it is rumour ...

and positive rumour is good ... better than fact ....


2014-08-10 12:14 | Report Abuse

Exactly, Nooraini ...

If PN17 lifting happens in Spetember, we could get a spike of 10 or 15 sen in a week, and then nothing for a long while ... simply becoz rumour has now become FACT ...

But if it is delayed, we might continue to get average 2 sen a week for 20 or 30 weeks ... becoz in stock investing rumour is more powerful than fact ...

And which would be the better outcome? Well, just do the maths ...

Well, this is not an impossible scenario ...


2014-08-10 12:01 | Report Abuse

Whether Suma's PN17 is lifted in September, or December, or March or June, what difference does it make ... Absolutely no difference to Suma's long term business turnaround planning ...

Suma can still proceed with Borneo Energy acquistion, with oil production expansion in Raku Shechnoye O&G field in Kazakhstan, with anything else ...

So, what's the big deal about not exitting in September ...

On the contrary, if PN17 lifting does not happen, RUMOUR of lifting will remain for a while longer, continuing to feed and sustain the interest of investors and players ... who are mostly driven by rumour, NOT fact ...


2014-08-10 11:40 | Report Abuse

'1 THE CFO sold all 20 m.of Suma.'

So? Big deal ...

She sold 20 mil shares @30.8. So she got RM6,160,000. If I had 20 mil shares, and I waited to sell at 50, I get RM10,000,000.

So, did she make a smart move? Well, you tell me, my friend ...


2014-08-10 11:31 | Report Abuse

Like it or not, as a Suma investor, I hv to correct someone's inaccurate stand on Suma, becaue it directly impacts on my investment ...

1 sen drop means 10k paper loss for me, and you'd be surprised, negative opinion or rumour can spread unbelievably fast ...

So, there ya go ...


2014-08-10 11:27 | Report Abuse

'hunter .... be it politics, religion or share market, each individual has different stance, perspective and interpretation. one cannot force an issue on others simply because we must have due regard for the standpoint of others yes ? therefore if your fellow investors / traders are not in favour of sumatec for some reasons, you have to accept and respect ! betul tak sayang ? cannot start giving lecture that those do not know how to play shares can we ?'

Sayang? Whoa! Okay, sayang, nanti petang boleh belanja I minum kat karaoke, ah ... LOL

Bukan lecture or impose. I kasi sikit info sama dia ma, sebab dia kurang tau itu hal ma. Banyak serious punya lecture ah, itu post. Klu banyak serious, gua pakai pelat Jinjang punya Chinaman leh ... LOL

Come on ...


2014-08-10 11:15 | Report Abuse

'Y your alway promotes pdz?
Your no believe sumatec liow?'

All my cash is in Suma right now. I can't touch PDZ even if I want to. And by current trends, Suma is looking a better long term bet ...

But if I hv some more cash, I might look at PDZ also, why not. Especially if it feels like a worthwhile and reasonable short term play. That would not mean that I no more believe in Suma. It is called DIVERSIFICATION.

Many people play more than one stock, you know.


2014-08-10 11:09 | Report Abuse

Who is promoting PDZ, dude ... Maybe you hv difficulty in understanding some simple words and sentences ... LOL


2014-08-10 11:07 | Report Abuse

If you ask Datuk AT whe he is in PDZ room, he'd prolly advise ya to buy PDZ ...

If you ask Datuk AT when he is in Suma room, he'd prolly advise ya to buy Suma ...

There ya go ...


2014-08-10 11:05 | Report Abuse

Afata, just my humble tuppence now ...

If one asks in PDZ room, whether one should sell Suma and buy PDZ, the likely answer by PDZ folks would probably be 'YES' ...

If one asks in Suma room, whether one should sell PDZ and buy Suma, the likely answer by Suma dudes would probably be 'YES' too ...

Would depend quite a bit on in which room one does the asking ...



2014-08-10 10:59 | Report Abuse

'HS to inject O&G biz into PDZ and turn PDZ to merge with another BIG O&G player....'

Any link on this? Pls share ...


2014-08-10 10:56 | Report Abuse

'My pick is PDZ....still have plenty of "air" to shine higher......the other Suma still risky PN17....anytime can 'U-turn" if Bursa reject regularization plan.......'

Apparently you have not heart of the 'buy on rumour, sell on fact' investment doctrine ...

If Bursa rejects PN17 exit for Suma, then rumour of impending exit will remain and continue, which might not be such a bad thing at all for Suma's price trennd ...

But if exit is approved by Bursa, then there is no more rumour, it has become fact, maybe price spikes for a few days, after that no more ... becoz no more rumour to feed and excite investors' and players' imaginations ......


2014-08-10 10:50 | Report Abuse

'DH, not 2 promote PDZ...just 2 get idea frm whoever 1 to .. thanks anyway. I never hv even single share in PDZ.I just hold my Suma tide @ this moment. Tunggu..... like all of u here...cheers'

Good to hear that ... Stay cool

'Hi everyboday...should i sell some of my SUMA share, buy PDZ then...cheap & got more unit! Isn.t it...Just need advice here'

He he he ... Stay cool ...


2014-08-10 10:25 | Report Abuse

Cakap cerita hantu, banyak senang punya ... Tapi orang mau betul-betul rescue comapny yg sakit, bukan senang punya kerja, sokong la dia sikit, jangan terus condemn dan ketawa sama dia aja ...

Nak bikin joke, bikin joke yg steady sikit la ... jangan bikin joke murah at somebody's expense la ...

Dulu awal-awal dulu pun, banyak orang cakap Suma PN17 la, syarikat cabuk tak da harapan punya la, counter goreng la, corporate conman la, boardroom trickster la, apa hantu la, apa pontianak la ... tak habis-habis, tau condemn & denigrate orang punya good faith efforts aja ...

Sekarang Suma lagi syarikat goreng geh ... Goreng apa tu, goreng kacang putih punya geh ...


2014-08-10 10:18 | Report Abuse

'Adui! Sumatec itu ship repair & maintenance dulu buat lugi, tarak biz...TSHS mahu masuk balik...I cabut lor....'

Klu butut-butut itu HS ada masuk ah ... Dia misti ada brilliant vision punya ma ...

PN17 company pun dia boleh turn around successfully, non-PN17 company dia tak boleh kasi baik and improve leh ...


2014-08-10 10:06 | Report Abuse

Focus cuci baju ah ... Ai, hantar laundry aja lah ... Suma dah naik banyak, lagi mau sendiri cuci ah ... Apa macam ushawan IKS nak idup ini macam ... LOL


2014-08-10 10:02 | Report Abuse

Lu selalu panggil orang ayam ah, Eric, nanti satu hari lu dapat jodoh sama itu macam punya pompuan, apa macam ...

Ha, klu sudah jodoh, lu mana boleh lawan punya ... Lu sudah tangkap cintan sama dia, apa macam ...


2014-08-10 09:59 | Report Abuse

So, mau kasi naik to RM1.20 around end 2014, HS mau kasi lagi 7 - 8 interview la, kurang-kurang ...


2014-08-10 09:50 | Report Abuse

Companion lor, Eric ... Panggil dia Lady pun boleh ... Lu panggil dia Lady, ada bikin rosak sama lu geh ...

Tak baik hina sama orang ma ... Panggil dia nama tak da baik punya ... nama rendah-rendah punya ... Apa pasal mau bikin ini macam leh ...

Lu panggil orang nama rendah-rendah punya, ada bikin lu naik tinggi geh ...


2014-08-10 09:45 | Report Abuse

Lagi sikt hari Halim Saad ada kasi interview, keluar newspaper atau magazine, lagi 10 sen naik ... manyak sinang punya sikalang main Suma wor ...


2014-08-10 09:41 | Report Abuse

Bukan ayam lor ... Mari yalan-yalan makan angin punya lor ...


2014-08-10 09:40 | Report Abuse

VictorValdez, but you still know the standard ship/shilbuilding terms la, surely ...

Like hull, prow, mast, stern, deck, outrigger, caulking etc. ...


2014-08-10 09:33 | Report Abuse

'Learn to be the chef because foods always delight the lady.

Learn to be the masseuse because touching is incomparably sensuous and orgasmic.

Learn to master art of seduction so that when the darkness comes, your lady will taste the euphoria of life..'

I'm pretty handy in all three already ...

Massage: can massage a woman pretty well, especially a hot sexy woman, but NOT a man, oh NOOOOOOO ...

Food: can do nasi goreng and some simple curries ... my specialty is ikan kembong goreng dulu, pas tu masak pedas lemak taruk plum tomato dalam tin punya ... similar recipe can be used for minced meat, to eat with spaghetti ...

Seduction: quite okay, still improving all the time, but still, one can't just seduce just any woman ... she has to be interested in one too, for one to be able to seduce her ... LOL


2014-08-10 09:23 | Report Abuse

Victor Valdez, lu keleja in shipbuilding geh ... itu hari lu ada cakap pasal kapal, macam lu ada familiar juga ...

Gua mau research pasal ships and shipbuilding sikit ... Bukan pasal modern ship and shipbuilding ... Tapi pasal ancient ship and ship building, especially ancient Malay (or Indonesian, or other SEAn) ship and shipbuilding ... Klu ada good link lu kasi sama gua ...


2014-08-10 09:17 | Report Abuse

Tak pa la, MyMosmi, kasi can la sama Eric kawan kita tu ... Dia dah beli PDZ masa murah, sekarang ada fly sikit, tak pa la, kita tumpang happy sama dia juga kan ...

Dia ikut gua punya fatwa juga tu ... Tangkap burung masa dia tidur atau rehat ... Jangan tunggu mau kejar burung yang sudah terbang ...


2014-08-10 09:07 | Report Abuse

Thanks for your prayers, MyMosmi ... If I do marry her, I won't forget to send you an invite ... LOL