
Ehl1964 | Joined since 2016-10-20 14:05:16

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2017-04-27 12:29 | Report Abuse

Last month turbine vibration high, this month tube leakage, breakdown frequency too high, a bit worry about the quality of equipments.


2017-04-27 10:18 | Report Abuse

India cea daily generation report.


2017-04-27 09:55 | Report Abuse

Be careful, Unit1 outage since 22nd April because of economiser tube leakage.


2017-04-24 19:50 | Report Abuse

Of course. Don't you worry. Go back to DBE, OK.


2017-04-21 21:42 | Report Abuse

You're right. Tuesday try to buy back, still can make some contra gain. Thanks.


2017-04-21 19:55 | Report Abuse

sell all. T+3 buy back.


2017-04-20 16:27 | Report Abuse

profit or loss depends on how much is the expenses. This calculation based on FY2016 annual report data, only estimation not actual result.


2017-04-20 16:21 | Report Abuse



2017-04-20 16:15 | Report Abuse

if not mistaken, Jan-Mar revenue for Emir-oil over Rm70mil.


2017-04-19 22:07 | Report Abuse

look at the volume n price now, I think very soon.


2017-04-19 21:43 | Report Abuse

Pworth, Kgroup n mrcb all fly high after pp. Be confident n trust your instincts.


2017-04-19 20:30 | Report Abuse

I'm very sure you have no chance to buy at 0.035.


2017-04-17 19:44 | Report Abuse

Yeah, DBE sure drop to 2.5sen but not SMTRACK, go back to your DBE man man wait. Ask ppl buy at 4.5sen own self cut loss at 4.0sen. You are really good. Hahahahaha.....


2017-04-17 17:01 | Report Abuse

sharing is caring. Anyway you have to thank yourself for the right decision based on the information I provided. Fight n HUAT together.


2017-04-16 15:22 | Report Abuse

Anyway buy or sell or hold on your own risk .Above informations for your reference to make better decisions only.


2017-04-16 15:01 | Report Abuse

If interest reduce every year then the overall expenses (rm508mil in 2016) will reduce every year n profit keep increasing every year.
If this company is hopeless, Mr. Wee Teck Man not only sell 20k on 5th April n others substantial shareholders like dataran Sentral, Mulpha n Fairfax still holding without any move.
Be calm n be careful when you make decisions otherwise you will lose everything to the no good intentions groups.


2017-04-16 14:28 | Report Abuse

don't forget rm508mil expenses including depreciation, that means actual cash flow for RKM POWERGEN is net profit plus depreciation amount , it would be more than rm450mil per year. This amount enough for funding unit3n4 .

According to the latest annual report, asset for RKM POWERGEN PLANTS is about rm7.5bil and total cost for 4 units is rm8.4bil, short of Rm900mil only, so internal funding should be no problem plus recently India government provide low interest loan to help power plants to complete their projects, this benefiting rkm POWERGEN a lot.

If rkm POWERGEN use the depreciation amount to pay the pricinpal loan, then interest charge to them will reduce every year.


2017-04-16 13:37 | Report Abuse

Mudajya already made provision as much as Rm98mil for Manjung power plant dispute n claimed to Marcipex still ongoing. So current price already factored in the disputed.If Mudajya success claim back some portion then the amount will be write back as gain.


2017-04-16 13:07 | Report Abuse

Actually now only unit1 running at 268.3MW already can make profit n I believe UTTAR PRADESH need more electricity n total deliver will excess 350MW for sure. Unit 1n2 can make even more profit if UTTAR PRADESH requested for more than 268.3MW+150MW because RKM still have balance capacity.


2017-04-16 12:57 | Report Abuse

someone tried to scare retailers to create panic selling tomorrow so they can buy cheap.

Now India power plants already started selling power n generate profit n cash flow . Syndicates will use all dirty methods to scare retailers to sell cheap to them.

The worst is over for mudajya. Rm1. 05 is too cheap to ignore. Hold tight don't panic. Unit1n2 already can make profit more than rm66 per annum. If unit3n4 complete, total profit for 4 units will over rm100mil.

Don't forget India President Mr Modi want to supply power to all houses in India by 2025. Don't cheated by heartless syndicates, they want your shares to get rich.


2017-04-16 12:39 | Report Abuse

Syndicates are geng up to press down the share price so they can cheat retailer to sell cheap. James Wong actions is abnormal n we should lodge complain to Bursa take actions against him because insiders n the edge workers already know the news before retailer.


2017-04-16 12:30 | Report Abuse

I'm not sure the data you provide can believe or not because James Wong should report all details to Bursa first b4 he interviewed by edge weekly, sc will take action against him because of manipulation of stock.

Why James Wong not mentioned about RKM POWERGEN selling 268.3MW to UTTAR PRADESH on
12th April 2017???
Something very fishy behind this.

268.3MW means UTTAR PRADESH requested to deliver more electricity because they need the power badly. 34% huger than 200MW.

Even the tariff is revised down to 4.35Inr(not sure because not annouced to Bursa), mudajya still can get profit as calculate below:


revenue for 268.3MW= 268.3*24hr*365day*0.297=rm 698mil

let say tarrif data for next 150MW is Inr3. 5:


coal usage = 150MW*4500ton*US30*RM4.41=RM89.3MIL

revenue for 150MW =150MW*24*365*0.24=rm315mil

TOTAL REVENUE for 268.3MW+150MW= 698+315=rm1013mil

Total coal usage=(268.3+150)4500*us30*rm4.4=rm249mil

Total expenses (included depreciation, interest, labour cost, etc as mentioned in latest annual report )=rm508mil

so profit for 268.3MW+150MW=1013-249-508=RM256MIL

26% stake = RM66. 56MIL

at least mudajya still can get rm66.56mil net profit from India every year.

Pls teach me if I make mistakes.


2017-04-16 09:54 | Report Abuse

Mudajya cost rm8.4 BIL for 1440MW (latest annual report), jaks cost rm8.2bil for 1200MW. That means jaks project cost higher than Mudajaya at planning stage.
tariff for mudajya is inr5. 088(refer PPA) =rm0.348( latest exchange rate)
tariff for jaks is us0.07 = rm0.309
coal price for mudajya = us30
coal price for jaks = >us40
Mudajaya started selling power on 2nd April 2017
when jaks can sell power only God can decide.


2017-04-16 09:34 | Report Abuse

what is the purpose kyy gave fake data if jaks so good?
what is the purpose heave123 give fake data? Why he stay here if he looks bad mudajya???


2017-04-16 09:24 | Report Abuse

Someone sell all his mudajya share n plan to buy back below 1.00 so make use of kyy to scare investor to sell cheap to him.

The data I used for my calculations all based on PPA n latest annual report not like kyy simply said tariff for Vietnam power plants is rm0. 50 ( actual is us0. 07=rm0.308) to lure investors to push up share price. Someone dare not to point out kyy mistake but gave fake data to scare ppl to sell cheap to him.


2017-04-15 11:02 | Report Abuse

Don't forget India President Mr. Modi want to let power supply to all houses by 2025 n this is benefiting RKM POWERGEN N MUDAJAYA.


2017-04-15 10:50 | Report Abuse

beside india power plants, 49MW solar power plants in Perak , 10mw solar power plants in Pahang , 2X7MW Power plants in Indonesia, plenty of projects like Pan Borneo highway, mrt n lrt n 800mil Penang road will contribute positively to financial year 2017 onwards.


2017-04-15 10:41 | Report Abuse

Don't give up, huge reward and good day ahead, let's fight n HUAT together.


2017-04-15 10:33 | Report Abuse

2016 is a disaster year for Mudajaya, one write off, one impairment n loss contributed from India power plants. Write off n impairment loss might be write back in future, India power plants loss mostly caused by depreciation which was paper loss but actual asset still there, it still able to generate electricity for 25years n make profit started in 2nd April 2017. The worst is over for Mudajaya, management try to clear all the bad things in 2016 so they can make sure 2017 is a profitable financial year tru the following ways :

1. claim to marcipex still in progress, there is possible of write back.

2. claim to insurance company still ongoing, there is possible of write back.

3. cash on hand increase from 6xx MIL to 3xxxmil.

4. This is the game changing point, after waiting for 10 years India power plants finally started selling power to UTTAR PRADESH at 5.088rs or rm0.34 per kwhr on 2nd April 2017.Many ppl claimed that India projects overran n become unprofitable, let me show you that is not true.

original plants cost = rm5.0bil
Actual cost = rm8. 4bil for 1440MW ( Vietnam 1200MW cost 8.2bil)
cost overran = (8.4-5)/5*100= 68%

Old tarrif = 2.7rs
revised tariff =5.088rs
revenue increase =(5.088-2.7)/2.7=88%

Old coal cost = us25
new coal cost = us30
coal cost increase =(30-25)/25*100=20%

so the most important thing is new tariff up 88%, India power plants actually contributed more profit margin because power plants is one off cost n the overran % less 20% compared with tarrif increase %. If compare coal cost and new tariff, profit margin increase 68%.

let me show the calculations as below :

latest annual report shows that rkm POWERGEN loss rm508mil in 2016 because of depreciation,
loan interest , labour cost, etc .

cea daily generation report dated 12th April 2017 show that 6.44MU sold to UTTAR PRADESH equal to rm2,189,600

Revenue per annum for 6.44MU daily Or 268.3MW per hour= 6.44*0.34*365=rm799.2mil

Coal cost = 4500ton*268.3*us30*rm4.4=rm159.4mil

Profit at 268.3MW level = 799.2mil-508mil-159.4mil=rm131.8mil

268.3MW is 34% higher than first 200MW agreed by UTTAR PRADESH, this show that Mudajaya can supply 34% more than 350MW once the new transmission testing done within days.

Anyway, I will calculate based on 350MW as per PPA signed last year :

Revenue per annum for 350MW = 350MW*24hrs*365days*rm0.34=rm1.042bil=1042mil

Coal cost = 4500ton*350MW*US30*rm4.4=207.9mil

profit per annum for 350MW = 1042-508-207.9=rm328.5mil

26% stake profit = rm85mil per annum contribute from India power plants

Now we can see that no more bleeding from India power plants, but huge profits is generated everyday from India power plants. When all 4 units starts operation, you can imagine how much profit Mudajaya can get from RKM POWERGEN.

here, I would like to thanks kyy because I learn the coal usage formula from him.


2017-04-15 08:19 | Report Abuse

We are here to share information n make money together, you are free to give your opinions, so do I. If you stop dirty words come out from your mouth when you not agree with me, I will respect you n your mother, OK.


2017-04-15 08:13 | Report Abuse

you are the one disgrace your mother with your world dirtiest mouth.


2017-04-15 08:06 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-04-15 08:05 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-04-14 21:35 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-04-14 19:22 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-04-14 17:43 | Report Abuse

next week rebound. Let's see.


2017-04-14 17:35 | Report Abuse

hell123, you can't escape, you will go to jail. Good luck. May God n karma bless you.


2017-04-14 17:06 | Report Abuse

Hell1234 is one of the samseng insider, whenever he mad here share price will rebound within days.


2017-04-14 17:02 | Report Abuse

Next Week can achieve 350MW n generate mire than rm3mil


2017-04-14 16:59 | Report Abuse

according to cea daily generation report dated 12th April 2017, total program for unit1 n Unit2 is. 5MU, actual output is 6.44MU =RM 2,189,600 /day=268.33MW


2017-04-14 15:29 | Report Abuse

when hell123 mad at me means is a good timing to buy cheap now. Don't miss this golden opportunity.


2017-04-14 15:26 | Report Abuse

you cursed me because I asked ppl to buy cheap n spoiled your plans .Am I right?


2017-04-14 15:22 | Report Abuse

you cursed me lier, conman, binatang, pondan etc. AmI right, hell123.?


2017-04-14 15:19 | Report Abuse

refer back to your comments how you cursed me first when I asked retailers to buy below 0.9.


2017-04-14 15:15 | Report Abuse

last time he did threatened me n made some noise outside my house during midnight. This is the second time he threatens me just because I try to stop retailers sell cheap to him. Anyway this time I will report to police to catch him.


2017-04-14 15:10 | Report Abuse

heaven123 is a shameless lier n beast try to make use of kyy to scare investors to sell cheap to him .


2017-04-14 15:03 | Report Abuse

police will handle you, hell123.


2017-04-14 15:01 | Report Abuse

Hopeless beast.


2017-04-14 14:55 | Report Abuse

Yistock, pls be the first analyst to cover Mudajaya in 2017.


2017-04-14 14:47 | Report Abuse

Heaven123, if kyy think that an investor should not consider the age of the biggest shareholder, especially at the age of 84, I will apologize to him. Satisfy now??? Hopeless idiot.