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2020-07-23 18:23 | Report Abuse

wey boolshhitting sochai 3i

your padini rm2.17 going to breach rm2 support

you so called 'stock god' still don't want to warn your loyal supporters & worshippers to cut loss kah

you want them all to padini keep sayang sayang padini like you even until 50 sen kah


2020-07-22 20:39 | Report Abuse

exactly ycbang

we brave strong fearless NetX warriors are all going to hit big paydirt soon

while them non-stop bittching whining griping whingeing boolshhitting sochai naysayers can hv their great fun just watching us go grinning & laughing all the way to the bank


2020-07-22 20:30 | Report Abuse

usual longwinded boolshhitting answer from boolshhitting sochai 3i


complete total absolute ubiquitous comprehensive fail!!!


2020-07-22 20:25 | Report Abuse

knapa x nangis keriau, "wey knapa duit aku dulu 1 sen skrg dah jadi 50 sen aku x suka la ini macam jangan mcm ni la aku nak itu 1 sen juga la"


2020-07-22 20:20 | Report Abuse

unit banyak jd sikit nangis keriau manjang2 x habis2

tapi harga kcik jd bsar x da pulak nangis keriau langsung skt habuk


2020-07-22 20:17 | Report Abuse

faizal kau ni knapa x habis nangis keriau pasal itu 50 unit jd 1 unit?

tapi pasal itu 1 sen jd 50 sen x da pulak kau nangis keriau manjang2 pun


2020-07-22 20:04 | Report Abuse

boolshhitting sochai 3i

what was market cap of padini when price rm6 & what is market cap of padini today

what was market cap of dlady when price was rm66 & what is market cap of dlady today


2020-07-22 19:56 | Report Abuse

correction boolshhitting sochai 3i

your padini dived down to rm2.24 today


2020-07-22 19:48 | Report Abuse

okay la boolshhitting sochai 3i

i pose to you this simple question

if you had had the ability to peek into the future with a crystal ball or travel into the future with a time machine, and you could see that your padini was going to dive down to rm23 something today & your dlady was going to sink to rm40.70 today ...

and you could also know that xox was going to fly to 15.5 sen ...

would you or would you not hv sold your padini at rm6 & your dlady at rm66 to buy xox at 1.5 sen?

just give a simple direct honest truthful answer

none of your usual boolshhitting please


2020-07-22 12:13 | Report Abuse

boolshhitting sochai 3i

OMG you hv made so many mistakes dude

so you should be ashamed of all the bloddy time pratting around bursa i3 posing as some kind of know-all stock god


2020-07-22 12:07 | Report Abuse

boolshhitting sochai 3i

I will respect your opinion more if you you say, "I made a mistake in:

1. still blowing padini when it was rm6 & not selling it quickly that time;
2. still blowing dlady at rm66 & not selling it quickly that time;
3. not buying supermax when it was only rm2.25
4. not buying topglove when it was only rm4
5. not buying xox when it was only 1.5 - 2 sen instead of only dissing & criticising it all the bloddy time


2020-07-22 11:56 | Report Abuse


... xenze & other independent minded guys who do NOT agree with what you say ...


2020-07-22 11:53 | Report Abuse

boolshhitting sochai 3i

why are you hastling & hustling & hounding xenze & other independent minded guys who do agree with what you say & continue with their interest in NetX?

are you a cyber thug, a cyber dictator or a cyber tyrant?

this is a kind of cyber psychological bullying

he should not be suffering any psychological pressure from you to submit to & be subjugated by your own personal psychological dominance

he should be completely free to pursue his own interest whether this way or that

you have zero right to attempt to control his mind


2020-07-21 17:27 | Report Abuse

okay la faizal kau boleh rehat dulu jangan bikin kapala sakit lebih lebih


2020-07-21 17:26 | Report Abuse

faizal mana boleh officially cakap itu post-RI punya hrga sbb itu market yg decide bukan company yg control maah

tp klu kita mau estimate kita kena buat calculation sendiri la


2020-07-21 17:21 | Report Abuse

boolshhitting sochai 3i

can you tell why your padini has dived down to rm2.26 from rm6 & your dlady sunk to rm41.20 from rm66, from that time you were blowing them until now?


2020-07-21 17:14 | Report Abuse

faizal klu lepas RI memang la itu price drop sbb RI is intended only to benefit RI participants by expanding itu share spread volume & reducing their average cost

consol got no effect on your money

klu kau sudah beli 50,000 unit at 1 sen per unit klu consol 50-1 jadi 1,000 unit at 50 sen per unit your money still the same

what happens afterward only depends on market mood so whether got consol or no consol pun sama aja


2020-07-21 17:06 | Report Abuse

impiana is in property & hotels

property memang sudah lama tidor

skrg sudah kena covid lagi kuat itu tidor la


2020-07-21 17:04 | Report Abuse

bonia is in consumer goods sector

ini sector punya stock skrg semua hancur becos of covid


2020-07-21 17:01 | Report Abuse


itu scomies weighed down by massive hutang & high gearing

then came O&G price crash on top

what company can live & prosper with that

NetX is debt free startup compan

okay if you so scared you can go

nobody is holding you at gunpoint to make you stay at NetX


2020-07-21 16:56 | Report Abuse

boolshhitting sochai 3i

now i ask you another simple question

if that time when xox was still trading 1 - 2 sen, and you had had the ability to time travel to the future to see that it would be trading 15 - 16 sen today, would you still hv so steadfastly stubbornly refused to take it at 1 - 2 sen?

just give a straight honest answer

no boolshhitting no beating around the bush please


2020-07-21 16:50 | Report Abuse

boolshhitting sochai 3i
now i ask you a simple question

that time when you were blowing padini at rm6 & dlady at rm66, if you hsd the ability to do time travel to the future to see that your padini was going to dive down to rm2.26 & your dlady was going to sink to rm41.20 today, would you hv still clung tight like fukk to your padini & your dlady?

just give a straight answer dude

no boolshhitting please


2020-07-21 16:40 | Report Abuse

itu boolshhitting sochai 3i is a proven lifetime career boolshhitter

anyone want to follow an iddiot dikkhedd who was blowing padini at rm6 & dlady at rm66 go ahead be my guest


2020-07-20 00:32 | Report Abuse

so if you're really a smart experienced wise opportunistic investor, you do not really go around looking for a big perfect rosy hunky dory rock solid stable company.

on the complete contrary, you go seeking for a sick troubled small firm just on the verge of turning around.


2020-07-20 00:21 | Report Abuse


if everything is perfect rosy hunky dory then there won't be much opportunity for making money

you need a certain degree of uncertainty & volatility of course

I once bought several big lots of dialogue at around 3.20 - 3.25 level after studying it for a good while

I held it for like 8 months & it was still playing around the same level

I waited for just 20 sen profit & left it for good

It was a strong like rock kind of company but completely hopeless & useless for an investor looking to make substantial gains


it was just too rock solid stable


2020-07-20 00:09 | Report Abuse

luigee ha ha ha

only now you're talking more like an optimistic investor

that's more like it dude

good lad :-D


2020-07-19 23:39 | Report Abuse

wey boolshitting sochai 3i

lu ni x habis ingat perasan yg you are the cleverest dude on bursa i3

lu ingat juga lu perasan juga

profound delusions of grandeur

it's something profoundly difficult to cure too

you'll still be holding on tight like fukk to your padini at rm12.50 & your dlady at rm25

but I'll be cutting win with my supermax at rm50

hmm or maybe rm75 why not

don't love your stock, it does not know you, love your money only

don't be overconfident, but be humble always


2020-07-19 23:27 | Report Abuse

luigee you have never ever been really keen on NetX

your style just the same as all other naysayers here is typical conman naysaying bittching boolshhitting style desperate to drag down & buy at cheap


2020-07-19 23:24 | Report Abuse

and both mother Fintec & daughter NetX got bn big gun sitting on their bod


2020-07-19 23:21 | Report Abuse

luigee current govt will definitely not be maintained

pkr amanah rocket party coalition is now in complete tatters

while ppbm is going to scatter to the four winds as soon as parliament us dissolved

what is coming back is bn-led govt in close intimate alliance with pas


1 day ago | Report Abuse

aah boolshhitting sochai 3i

only your forum responding is so fast but your stock investing skill is so slow

yes you can stop speaking about your being so 'humble' every body on bursa i3 knows very well already by now what a 'superhumble' man you are

nope you got it wrong again

it's not about being a genius at all no matter how much you yourself might be constantly trying to persuade yourself (& others as well) that you are one

it's 's much more about being effective & scoring with every opportunity just like being a football striker on the field


2020-07-19 23:03 | Report Abuse

naysaying gang suddenly so scared & worried

so scared & worried about them going to miss the boat again


2020-07-19 22:47 | Report Abuse

itu boolshhitting sochai 3i took 18 years to grow his dlady from 3.80 to 40

I took only 3 months to griw my supermax from 2.25 to now nearly 18

what a slow coach he is


2020-07-19 01:24 | Report Abuse

except for the occasional small hiccup


2020-07-19 01:23 | Report Abuse

but it just doesn't seem to stop rising


2020-07-19 01:22 | Report Abuse

still waiting for a cool price to cut win


2020-07-19 00:41 | Report Abuse

so boolshhitting sochai 3i

you waited 18 years for your dlady to grow from 3.85 to 40


what a patient man you are

I only waited for 3 months for my supermax to grow from 2.25 to 17 & going to cross 20 soon

well I'm a patient man too maybe at least equally as patient as you

but investing is about efficiency just like playing football as a striker

you do not always wait 85 minutes every game for you to score a goal

when a reasonable scoring chance comes your way in 2 minutes you grab that chance & try your darnedest best to score too

just saying


2020-07-19 00:32 | Report Abuse

wey boolshhitting sochai 3i

don't be confident

be humble

are you really practising what you are constantly preaching ad nauseum?

nope doesn't look like it all dude



2020-07-18 14:37 | Report Abuse

for RI participants will be okay becos their average cost per unit will be reduced


2020-07-18 14:36 | Report Abuse

RI only suitable for committed believers

the uncommitted and/or wavering and/or unbelieving for them more advisable to withdraw early from the game (either before or as soon as RI confirmed) so no need for them to be blaming others afterward when price drops post-RI


2020-07-17 10:30 | Report Abuse

is it true that itu boolshhitting sochai 3i lost a lot of money in padini & dlady?


everybody in NetX knows about this famous cases of big investing losses

becos he was still blowing padini at rm6 & dlady at rm66

now gone down so low that he cannot even blow anymore

so he now every day come boolshhitting & busybodying at NetX to escape his stress at padini & dlady


2020-07-17 10:07 | Report Abuse

wey boolshhitting sochai 3i

lu bikin averaging down on lu punya padini & dlady la

now so cheap already ohh

lu dulu lagi still blowing padini at rm6 & dlady at rm66 juga kan


2020-07-17 10:04 | Report Abuse


itu boolshhitting sochai 3i looking so frantic & frenzied today

wonder why

he now so desperate to get NetX at cheap kah

becos he now sensing that NetX moving up soon la


2020-07-16 15:27 | Report Abuse

and they missed the boat at cheap fare also

becos they boddoh stuppid iddiot dikkhedd only know to spend & waste all their time complaining


2020-07-16 15:25 | Report Abuse

only sore arse sour grape unhappy jealous envious boolshhitting sochai still whining bittching griping groaning complaining


2020-07-16 15:23 | Report Abuse

still beautiful


2020-07-16 15:23 | Report Abuse

still pretty


2020-07-16 15:23 | Report Abuse

still cun


2020-07-16 15:22 | Report Abuse

still holding


2020-07-16 15:05 | Report Abuse

now so many boolshhiting sochai naysayers like sochai 3i spreading pessimism & scepticism in NetX

so now is the right time to buy NetX